ACT, 2007
[Act No. 21 of 2007]
[13th August, 2007]
An Act
to provide for the Promotion and Monitoring of Private Medical Establishments
in the State of Karnataka and matters connected therewith or incidental
it is expedient in the public interest to promote quality health care and
monitor by law the running of Private Medical Establishments in the State by
stipulating minimum standards for quality of service in keeping with the
principles of medical ethics;
Be it
enacted by the Karnataka State Legislature in the Fifty-eighth year of the
Republic of India, as follows:-
Section 1 - Short title and commencement
This Act may be called the Karnataka Private
Medical Establishments Act, 2007.
It shall come into force on such date as the
State Government may, by notification, appoint and different dates may be
appointed for different provisions of the Act.
Section 2 - Definitions
this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
?Appellate Authority? means the Appellate
Authority referred to in section 16;
?Appointed day? means the date appointed
under sub-section (2) of section 1;
?Clinical Laboratory? means an establishment
biological (pathological), bacteriological,
radiological, microscopic, chemical or other tests, examinations or analysis;
the preparation of cultures, vaccines, serums
or other biological or bacteriological products in connection with the
diagnosis or treatment of diseases, are or is usually carried out;
?Clinical record? means any paper, film print
out, slide, solution or medium which can be deciphered or used to indicate and
diagnose condition of the human body or a part of it or any material taken out
of it and the course of treatment administered to, or undergone by, the person;
"Department" means the Department
of Health and Family Welfare or the Department of Indian Systems of Medicine
and Homeopathy, Government of Karnataka, as the case may be;
?Family member? means husband or wife or any
son, daughter or any other legal heir or legal guardian irrespective of their
?Hygienic? means a condition congenial for
good health;
?Local Inspection Committee? means Local
Inspection Committee constituted under section 8;
?Manager? in relation to a Private Medical
Establishment means the person, by whatever name or designation called, who is
in charge of, or is entrusted with, the management or running of the Private
Medical Establishment;
?Maternity Home? means an Establishment where
women are usually received or accommodated or both, for the purpose of
confinement and antenatal or post-natal care in connection with child-birth and
includes an establishment where women are received or accommodated for the
purpose of sterilization or medical termination of pregnancy;
?Medical Practitioner? means a medical
practitioner registered under the Homeopathic Practitioners Act, 1961
(Karnataka Act 35 of 1961), Ayurvedic, Naturopathy, Sidda, Unani or Yoga
Practitioners Registration and Medical Practitioners Miscellaneous Provisions
Act, 1961 (Karnataka Act 9 of 1962), Medical Registration Act, 1961 (Karnataka Act
34 of 1961), Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (Central Act 48 of
1970), Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1978 (Central Act 59 of 1973) and
Medical Council Act, 1956 (Central Act 102 of 1956) to practice the system of
medicine which he has studied, qualified and registered and includes a Dentist
registered under the Dentists Act, 1948 (Central Act 16 of 1948);
?Medical treatment? means systematic
diagnosis and treatment for prevention or cure of any disease, or to improve
the condition of health of any person through allopathic or any other
recognised systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Yoga,
Naturopathy and Siddha; and includes Acupuncture and Acupressure treatments;
?Nursing Home? means an establishment where
persons suffering from illness, injury or infirmity (whether of body or mind)
are usually received or accommodated or both for the purpose of treatment of
diseases or infirmity or for improvement of health or for the purposes of
relaxation or for any other purpose whatsoever, whether or not analogous to the
purposes mentioned in clause (1) of this section;
?Private Medical Establishment? means a
hospital or dispensary with beds or without beds, a Nursing Home, Clinical
Laboratory, Diagnostic Centre, Maternity Home, Blood Bank, Radiological Centre,
Scanning Centre, Physiotherapy Centre, Clinic, Polyclinic, Consultation Centre
and such other establishments by whatever name called where investigation,
diagnosis and preventive or curative or rehabilitative medical treatment
facilities are provided to the public and includes Voluntary or Private
Establishments but does not include Medical Establishments run or maintained or
sponsored by,-
the State Government or a Local Authority or
other Statutory body;
the Public Sector undertakings owned or
controlled by the State or Central Government;
autonomous institutions owned or controlled
by the State or Central Government;
a Co-operative Society registered under the
Karnataka Co-operative Societies Act, 1959 in which more than fifty per cent of
shares are held by the State or Central Government or both;
a Society registered under the Karnataka
Societies Registration Act, 1960 and which is owned or controlled by the State
or Central Government;
a trust owned or managed by the State or
Central Government or any Local Authority.
?Physiotherapy establishment? includes an
establishment where massaging, hydro-therapy, remedial gymnastics or similar
work is usually carried on, for the purpose of treatment of diseases or
infirmity or for improvement of health or for the purposes of relaxation or for
any other purpose whatsoever, whether or not analogous to the purposes
mentioned in clause (1) of this section;
?Public Authority? means an Authority established
by or under any law.
?Registration? means registration granted
under section 7;
?Registration Authority? means the
Registration Authority referred to in section 4.
Section 3 - Registration of Private Medical Establishments
On and
after the appointed day, no Private Medical Establishment shall be established,
run or maintained in the State except under and in accordance with the terms
and conditions of registration granted under this Act:
that a Private Medical Establishment in existence immediately prior to the
appointed day shall apply for such registration within ninety days from the
appointed day and pending orders thereon may continue to run or maintain till
the disposal of the application.
Section 4 - Registration Authority
There shall
be a Registration Authority in each district consisting of the following
members, namely:-
(a) The Deputy
Commissioner of the district. |
--- Chairman |
(b) District
Health and Family Welfare Officer |
--- Member |
(c) President/Secretary,
Indian Medical Association of the concerned district |
---- Member |
Section 5 - Application for Registration
Every person desiring to establish, run,
maintain or continue to run and maintain a Private Medical Establishment shall
make an application to the concerned Registration Authority in such form, in
such manner and along with such fees as may be prescribed and different amount
of fees may be prescribed, for different class or classes of Private Medical
Section 6 - Pre-requisites for Registration of Private Medical Establishments
Registration Authority shall before granting the registration consider whether
the following prerequisites for registration of a Private Medical Establishment
are satisfied, namely:-
that the premises housing the Private Medical
Establishment is located in hygienic surroundings and otherwise suitable for
the purpose for which it is established or sought to be established;
that the Private Medical Establishment is
adequately staffed with qualified doctors, qualified and trained para medical
that the Private Medical Establishment has
the necessary buildings with adequate space for performing its various
functions, equipments and other infrastructure facilities;
that the Private Medical Establishment
conforms to the standards referred to in section 9;
such other factors as may be prescribed.
Section 7 - Disposal of applications
On receipt of an application under section 5,
the Registration Authority may having regard to the provisions of section 6 and
after such enquiry as may be necessary, by Local Inspection Committee, either
grant registration subject to such conditions as may be prescribed or reject
the application:
that the Registration Authority shall not reject the application without giving
an opportunity of being heard to the applicant and without recording the
reasons for such rejection.
Every order passed under sub-section (1)
shall be communicated to the applicant forthwith.
Every registration granted under sub-section
(1) shall be valid for a period of five years and may be renewed once in five
years on an application made in such form, in such manner and on payment of
such fees, as may be prescribed.
Section 8 - Local Inspection Committee
The Registration Authority of each district
may constitute one or more Local Inspection Committee for each district
consisting of such persons as it may specify for the purposes specified in
sub-sections (1) of section 7 and sub-section (2) of this section.
The Local Inspection Committee, either with
prior intimation or on receiving a complaint, may at reasonable time, inspect,
a Private Medical Establishment to satisfy itself that the provisions of this
Act and the rules made thereunder and the conditions of registration are being
duly observed.
If any defects or deficiencies are noticed
during inspection, the Local Inspection Committee shall report to the
Registration Authority which may direct the Manager of the Private Medical
Establishment to remedy the same within such reasonable time as may be
specified in the order. Thereupon the Manager shall comply with every such
direction and report the compliance to the Registration Authority within the
time so specified.
The Manager of the Private Medical Establishment
shall provide all reasonable facilities for such inspection.
Section 9 - Standards
Every Private Medical Establishment shall
conform to the standards laid down in this Act or the rules made thereunder or
any other law for the time being in force concerning the staff and their
qualifications, operation theatre, buildings, space requirements, equipment,
facilities to be provided to the patients and their attendants, maintenance and
other matters.
Different standards may be set for different
class or classes of Private Medical Establishments, in respect of different
areas, as determined by the State Government. Expert Committees may be
constituted by the State Government for suggesting the standards for different
class or classes of Private Medical Establishment for different areas from time
to time. The composition, powers and responsibilities, of the Expert Committees
and the terms and conditions of service of members of the Expert Committee
shall be as may be prescribed.
Section 10 - Schedule of charges to be notified
Every Private Medical Establishment shall for
the information of the patients and general public make available the schedule
of charges payable for different medical treatment and other services, in the
form of brochures or booklets and shall also display such schedule of charges
on the notice board of the private Medical Establishment. A copy of such
brochure or booklet shall be sent to the Registration Authority.
No Private Medical Establishment shall
collect from the patient or his relatives or attendants any amount in excess of
the charges printed in the brochure or booklet, and without issuing proper
receipt for the amount charged and collected.
Section 11 - Obligations of Private Medical Establishments
Private Medical Establishment shall:-
administer necessary first aid and take other
life saving or stabilising emergency measures in all medico-legal or
potentially medico-legal cases such as victims of road accidents, accidental or
induced burns or poisoning or criminal assaults and the like which present
themselves or are brought before it at the establishment;
actively participate in the implementation of
all national and State health programmes in such manner as the State Government
may specify from time to time; and furnish periodical reports thereon to the
concerned authorities;
perform statutory duties in respect of
communicable diseases to prevent the spread of the disease to other persons and
report the same to the concerned public health authorities immediately;
furnish to the Registration Authority such
particulars in respect of such non-communicable diseases as may be notified by
the State Government from time to time.
Section 12 - Maintenance of clinical records
Every Private Medical Establishment shall
maintain clinical records of its activities relating to the patients under its
care in the prescribed manner.
Every clinical record shall be open to
inspection, in due discharge of his duties, by the District Surgeon or any
other officer specifically empowered in this behalf by the State Government.
Every person or his family member shall be
entitled to obtain a copy of the clinical record pertaining to himself on
payment of appropriate charges.
Section 13 - Procedure for obtaining information
Every Private Medical Establishment shall, as
soon as possible, after the purpose for which the person had visited or had
been admitted is over, make available to the person or his family member a copy
of the gist of observation, treatment, test, investigation, advice and
diagnostic opinion pertaining to the person.
A public authority, in due discharge of its
duties or the person himself or any other person specifically authorised by the
person to this effect, or any family member of the person in case there is no
authorization because the person concerned is a minor or is deceased or
incapacitated (permanently or temporarily) may request for copy of clinical
records on payment of necessary charges to the private medical establishment
and on such charges being paid, the private medical establishment shall, within
a period of seven days, make available such copy.
Every Private Medical Establishment shall
display, at a prominent place, the charges for obtaining such information.
Section 14 - Restrictions on furnishing of information
Manager of the Private Medical Establishment may, for reasons to be recorded in
writing, refuse to furnish the information, pertaining to the clinical records
if he is satisfied that,-
the treatment or test or assessment has been
conducted on the direction of a public authority and it has the first right to
receive the information.
the report if made available to the person,
is likely to cause injury to the person or his family members.
Section 15 - Suspension or cancellation of registration
The Registration Authority, on the basis of a
complaint or otherwise if a prima facie case exists about the contravention of
any provisions of this Act or the rules made there under or conditions of
registration may, by order in writing and for the reason to be recorded in
writing suspend or cancel the registration of a Private Medical Establishment:
that no such order shall be made except after giving a reasonable opportunity
of being heard, to the Private Medical Establishment.
Every order made under sub-section (1) shall
contain a direction that the inpatients of the Private Medical Establishment
shall be transferred to such other Private Medical Establishment as may be
specified in that order and it shall also contain such provisions as to the
care and custody of such inpatients pending such transfer.
Every order made under sub-section (1) shall
take effect,-
where no appeal has been preferred against
such order under section 17, immediately on the expiry of the period specified
for such appeal; and
where such appeal has been preferred and the
same has been dismissed, from the date of order of such dismissal.
Section 16 - Appellate Authority
shall be an Appellate Authority consisting of the following members, namely:-
the Commissioner for Health and Family
Welfare, Karnataka-Chairman
the Director of Health Services, Karnataka ?
the Director, Indian System of Medicine and
Homeopathy - Member
Section 17 - Appeal
A Private Medical Establishment whose
application for registration is rejected under section 7, or whose registration
has been suspended or cancelled under section 15 or is otherwise aggrieved by
any original order made under this Act except an order made under section 24
may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Authority in such manner and on payment
of such fees as may be prescribed.
Every such appeal shall be preferred within
thirty days from the date of receipt of the order appealed against;
The Appellate Authority may, after holding an
enquiry pass such order as it deems fit as far as possible within a period of
sixty days from the date of filling of the appeal.
Section 18 - Private Medical Establishments to report the names of government doctors on their establishments
Private Medical Establishment shall report to the State Government and the
Registration Authority, the names of government doctors and para medical staff,
whose services are utilized in the Private Medical Establishment for
consultations or any other basis whether on payment basis or not.
Section 19 - Penalties
Where any person establishes, runs or
maintains a Private Medical Establishment without registration granted under
section 7 he shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to three years and with fine which may extend upto ten
thousand rupees.
When a person is convicted under sub-section
(1), the Registration Authority shall direct immediate closure of the
un-registered Private Medical Establishment, except where a registration is
cancelled or suspended and an appeal filed against such cancellation or
suspension is pending.
Every order made under sub-section (1) shall
contain a direction that the inpatients of such unregistered Private Medical
Establishment shall be transferred to such other Private Medical Establishment
as may be specified in that order and it shall also contain such other provisions
as to the care and custody of such inpatients pending such transfer.
Where any person runs or maintains a Private
Medical Establishment in contravention of the conditions of registration or
contravenes the provisions of section 12 or 13, or fails to comply with the
direction issued under sub-section (2). he shall, on conviction, be punished
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months and with a fine
which may extend to two thousand rupees and in the case of a second or subsequent
offence with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year and with a
fine which may extend to five thousand rupees.
Where a person contravenes any other
provision of this Act or the rules made thereunder he shall, on conviction, be
punishable with a fine which may extend to five thousand rupees.
Section 20 - Offences by a Company
Where an offence against any of the provisions
of this Act or any rule made thereunder has been committed by a company, every
person who, at the time the offence was committed, was incharge of, and was
responsible to, the Company, for the conduct of business of the company, as
well as the Company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be
liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly:
that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such person liable
to any punishment, provided in this Act if he proves that the offence was
committed without his knowledge or that he had exercised all due diligence to
prevent the commission of such offence.
Notwithstanding anything contained in
sub-section (1) where an offence under this Act has been committed by a company,
and it is proved that the offence was committed with the consent or connivance
of or is attributable to, any neglect on the part of the director, manager,
secretary or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or
other officer of the company, shall also be deemed to be guilty of that offence
and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
For the purposes of this section,-
?a company? means any body corporate and
includes a trust firm, a society or other association of individuals; and
?the director? in relation to:-
a firm means a partner in the firm;
a society, a trust or other association of
individuals means the person who is entrusted under the rules of the society,
trust or other association, with management of the affairs of the society,
trust or other association, as the case may be.
Section 21 - Power of entry, inspection etc.
Subject to such rules as may be prescribed,
the State Government may, specially authorise any officer of the State
Government (hereinafter in this section and section 22 referred to as
authorised officer) to,-
enter, at all reasonable times, and with such
assistants if any, being persons in the service of the State Government as he
thinks fit, any place which is, or which he has reason to believe is being used
as a Private Medical Establishment.
Make such examination of the premises of a
Private Medical Establishment and of any register, record, equipment, article
or document found therein and seize any document or record as he may deem
necessary for the purpose of examination, analysis or investigation and retain
them as long as he thinks it necessary to do so for such purpose, provided the
authorised officer after seizing documents and records shall intimate the
reason for such seizure to the Manager of the Private Medical Establishment as
early as is practicable.
Make such enquiry and take on the spot or
otherwise the statement of any person as he deems necessary:
Exercise such other powers as may be
necessary; for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
that no person shall be required under this sub-section to answer any question
or give any evidence tending to incriminate himself:
further that, no residential accommodation (not being a Private Medical
Establishment-cum-residence) shall be entered into and searched by the
authorised officer except on the authority of a search warrant issued by a
Magistrate having jurisdiction over the area and all searches and seizures
under this section shall so far as may be, made in accordance with the
provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974).
The authorised officer shall make a report to
the Registration Authority regarding the result of the inspection, searches and
seizure made by him under subsection (1), and the Registration Authority shall
take necessary action on the said report under this Act.
Section 22 - Sealing premises of un-registered Private Medical Establishments
Without prejudice to the provisions of
section 19, if on a report made by the authorised officer under sub-section (1)
of section 21 or otherwise the Registration Authority has reason to believe
that any Private Medical Establishment is run or maintained without
registration under section 7, it may order immediate closure of such Private
Medical Establishment and also seal the premises:
that no order under this sub-section shall be made without giving an
opportunity of being heard to the person likely to be affected thereby.
Every order made under sub-section (1) shall
contain a direction that the inpatients of such un-registered Private Medical
Establishment shall be transferred to such other Private Medical Establishment
as may be specified in that order and it shall also contain such provisions as
to the care and custody of such inpatients pending such transfer.
Section 23 - Powers of State Government to give directions to the Registration Authorities
State Government may give such directions to the Registration Authority as are
in its opinion necessary or expedient for carrying out the purposes of this
Act. The State Government shall record the reasons necessitating issuance of
the said directions and it shall be the duty of the Registration Authority to
comply with such directions.
Section 24 - Protection of action taken in good faith
suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against the State
Government or any officer, authority or person in respect of anything which is
in good-faith done or intended to be done in pursuance of the provisions of
this Act, or any rule or order made thereunder.
Section 25 - Removal of difficulties
If any
difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act the State
Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such
provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as appear to it to
be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty:
that no such order shall be made after expiry of a period of two years from the
appointed day.
Section 26 - Power to make rules
The State Government may, by notification and
after previous publication, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this
In particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing provisions such rules may provide for all or any of
the following namely:-
the manner in which an application for
registration shall be made and the fee which shall be accompanied under section
such other factors for registration under
section 6;
manner and payment of fees to be accompanied
for renewal of registration;
Standards to be maintained by every Private
Medical Establishment under section 9;
manner of maintaining clinical records under
section 12;
the manner in which an appeal may be
preferred and fees for such appeal under section 17;
the manner of taking custody of the premises
under section 22;
all matters expressly required or allowed by
this Act to be prescribed or in respect of which this Act makes no provision or
makes insufficient provision and a provision is, in the opinion of the State
Government, necessary for the proper implementation of the Act.
Section 27 - Rules and orders to be placed before the State legislature
order made under section 26 and every rule made under section 27 shall be laid
as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of the State Legislature
while it is in session for a period of thirty days which may be comprised in
one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of
the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions
aforesaid both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or order
both Houses agree that the rule or order should not be made the rule or order
shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as
the case may be; so however, that any such modification or annulment shall be
without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule
or order.
Section 28 - Repeal and Savings
The Karnataka Private Nursing Homes
(Regulation) Act, 1976 (Karnataka Act 75 of 1976) is hereby repealed.
Notwithstanding such repeal,-
anything done or any action taken under the
repealed Act shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding
provisions of this Act;
all applications made under the repealed Act
for registration or renewal prior to the commencement of this Act and pending
consideration on the date of commencement of this Act shall abate and the fee
paid, if any, in respect of such application shall be refunded to the applicant
and such applicants may apply afresh for Registration under the provisions of
this Act.