The Delimitation of Wards of
Municipalities Rules, 1972
Rule - 1. Short title and commencement.--
(1) These
orders may be called the Delimitation of Wards of Municipalities Rules, 1972.
(2) They
shall come into force at once.
Rule - 2. Definitions.--
In these rules, unless the
context otherwise requires :-
(a) 'Act'
means the Punjab Municipal Act, 1911;
(b) 'associate
member' means a member associated under sub-rule (2) of Rule 3;
(c) 'Board'
means a Delimitation Board constituted under rule 3;
(d) 'Director'
means the Director, Local Government Department, Punjab;
(e) 'Government'
means the Government of the State of Punjab is Local Government Department.
[1] [(f)
"Sub-Divisional Officer" means the Sub- Divisional Officer (Civil) of
the concerned Sub-division,]
Rule - 3. Constitution of Board.--
(1) For the
purposes of carrying out the provisions of these rules, the Government shall
constitute a Delimitation Board for each Municipality consisting of the
following members namely :-
[2] [(i) The
Deputy Commissioner of the District in which the Municipal Council/Nagar
Panchayat is situated or any other Officer nominated by him in this behalf;
member of the Punjab Legislative Assembly representing the concerned
(ii)?? ?Sub-Divisional Officer;
(iii)? ?The
Deputy Director, Local Government of the region concerned;
(iv)? ?The
President or Administrator of the Municipal Council or Nagar Panchayat
concerned; and
(v) ???Executive Officer of the Municipal Council
or Nagar Panchayat concerned.]
[(vi) ?One member nominated by the Government by
[(2) The
Board shall associate with itself for the purpose of assisting it in its day to
day functioning not more than five members of a Municipality having due regard
to the representation of various political parties and groups in the
composition of the Municipality. The names of the associate members shall be
sponsored to the Director by the Executive Officer of the concerned
Municipality in consultation with the concerted Deputy Commissioner. This
provision shall however, not apply in the case of a dissolved Municipality.][5]
Rule - 4. Functions of the Board.--
It shall be the duty of the Board
[6] [(i) to
divide the Municipality into such number of wards as may be necessary having
regard to the number of elected members determined by the State Government, for
the [7]
[Municipality], and the number of seats reserved for members of the Scheduled
Castes, Backward Classes and women.]
(ii)? ?to
re-adjust the wards as and when the limits of the Municipality are altered or
there is increase in population of the Municipality or there is abnormal
variation in population or voting figures of some of the wards of the
Municipality, which requires, such re-adjustment.
Rule - 5. Procedure and Powers of the Board.--
(1) None of
the associate members shall have a right to vote or to sign any decision of the
(2) The
meetings of the Board shall be convened by the Director, after giving notice of
at least [three days][8]
of the date, time and place of the meeting to all of its members.
(3) The
quorum necessary for the transaction of business at a meeting of the Board
shall be [four][9].
(4) All
questions which come before any meeting of the Board shall be decided by a
majority of the votes of the members present and voting. The Chairman of the
meeting, in case of an equality of votes, shall have a second or casting vote.
(5) The Board
shall have power to act notwithstanding the temporary absence of a member, or
an associate member, or of the existence of a vacancy in the Board, and no act
or proceeding of the Board shall be invalid or called in question on the ground
merely of temporary absence of a member or associate member, or of the
existence of such a vacancy.
[10] [(6) The
Sub-Divisional Officer shall be the Chairman of the Board. In his absence, the
members present shall elect One member who shall preside over the meeting of
the Board as its Chairman.]
Rule - 6. Principles for delimitation of wards of Municipality.--
The following principles shall be
observed by the Board in the delimination of wards of a Municipality, namely:-
[11] [(a) All
wards shall as far as practicable, be geographically compact areas, and in
delimiting them due regard shall be had to physical features, existing boundaries
of administrative units, if any, facilities of communication and public
(b)?? ?Each
Municipality shall be divided into wards in such manner that the population of
each ward, as far as practicable, is the same throughout the Municipality, with
a variation upto ten per-cent, above or below the average population figures;
(c)? ?Wards
in which seats are reserved for the Scheduled Castes, shall be located, as far
as practicable, in those areas where the proportion of their population to the
total population of the Municipality is the larges and such seats shall be
allocated by rotation to different wards in the Municipality.]
(d) ??Seats numbers reserved for women (including
number of seats reserved for women, if any, belonging to Scheduled Castes) by
Government, shall be kept reserved for women and such seats shall be allotted
by rotation to different wards in the Municipality; and
(e) ??One seat reserved for Backward Classes by
Government, shall be kept reserved for the Backward Classes which shall be
located where their population in the Municipality is the larges and such seat
shall be allotted by rotation to different wards in the Municipality.
[12] [(f) In
every municipality, the Delimitation Board, while drafting the scheme for Delimitation
of Wards, shall allot number to all wards having due regard to the principle of
Explanation. - In this rule, the
expression "population" means the population as ascertained locally
through the staff deputed by the Director, by going from door to door in the
Rule - 7. Scheme for delimitation of wards to be sent to State Government.--
The Board shall, as soon as may
be after it has prepared the scheme for the delimitation of wards of the
Municipality, send the same to the State Government for consideration.
Rule - 8. Publication of scheme for delimitation of wards.--
The State Government shall:-
(a) publish
in the official gazette the scheme for the delimitation of wards received by it
under rule 7 for eliciting objections or suggestions from the affected persons
of the Municipality,
(b) specify a
date on or after which the scheme alongwith objections and suggestions, if any,
will be considered by it;
(c) consider
all objections and suggestions which may have been received by it before the
date so specified; and
(d) thereafter,
by order determine the delimitation of wards of the Municipality.
Rule - 9. Publication of final order of State Government.--
The State Government shall cause
its order made in the form of final notification under these rules to be
published in the Official Gazette, and upon such publication every such order
shall have the force of law.
[13] [Provided
that before the start of the election process, the State Government may, for
good and sufficient reasons, to be recorded in writing, review the order made
in the form of final notification after inviting objections or suggestions in
writing from the public through the public notice in two newspaper having
circulation in the locality in respect of all or any of the wards. After
considering such objections or suggestions the State Government may supersede
the previous order made in the form of final notification directly or after
obtaining the opinion of the Board.]
Rule - 10. Correction of printing mistakes in order made by State Government.--
The State Government may, from
time to time, by notification in the Official Gazette, correct any printing
mistake in any of the orders made by it, or any error occurring therein due to
an inadvertent slip or omission.
[1] Inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 38/P.A. 3/11/S.
240/Amd. (3)/96, dated 24th May, 1996.
[2] Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 38/P.A. 3/11/S.
240/Amd. (3)/96, dated 24th May, 1996.
[3] ?Inserted vide
Punjab Govt. Notification No. G.S.R. 28/P.A. 3/11/S. 240/Amd. (4)/97, dated
[4] ?Inserted vide
Punjab Govt. Notification No. G.S.R. 28/P.A. 3/11/S. 240/Amd. (4)/97, dated
[5] ?Substituted vide
Punjab Govt. Notificsition No. G.S.R.,28/P.A.3/11/S.240/Amd.(4)/97, dated
[6] Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 48/P.A.
3/11/S.240/Amd.(2)/95., dated 15th September, 1995.
[7] The word "Committee" shall be substituted
"Municipality" vide Notification No. "G.S.R. 48/P.A. 3/11/S.240/Amd.(2)95.,
dated 15th September, 1995.
[8] Substituted vide Punjab Govt. Gazetted (Extra.)
Notification No. G.S.R. 7/P.A. 42/76/S.8/Amd.(3)/2002 dated 22nd March, 2002
page 67.
[9] Substituted for "three" vide Punjab Govt.
Notification No. G.S.R. 25/P.A. 3/11/S. 240/Amd.(4)/97, dated 13.6.1997.
[10] Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 38/P.A. 3/11/S.
240/Amd. (3)/96, dated 24th May, 1996.
[11] Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 48/P.A.
3/11/S.240/Amd.(2)/95., dated 15th September, 1995.
[12] Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R.
43/P.A.3/11/S.240/Amd. (5)/97., dated 26th September, 1997.
[13] Inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 43/P.A.3/11/S.
240/Amd. (5)/97., dated 26th September, 1997.