The advent of information technology and the blog culture which it has fostered has given a platform for writers to express their thoughts and opinion. This blog culture has impacted almost all sectors such as fashion and food among others, and the legal sector is no exception. Blogs provide a medium for the members of the legal community to write about the current trends in law, its development, criticise the loopholes, and discuss viable solutions with a broad reader base. This is one of the most considerable advantages of blogs over journals, publications, etc. The dialogue between the readers and the writer goes a long way in the development and understanding of the subject.
It is often iterated that the pen is mightier than the sword. The legal profession provides numerous opportunities to practically exhibit this proverb. An excellent example would be the copious number of landmark judgments and case laws which have changed the course of history. These judgments have had an enormous impact on the society at large. For example, the landmark judgment of the Maneka Gandhi case gave a highly varied interpretation of Article 21 of the Constitution which deals with the right to life and personal liberty. Case laws as instruments in development and growth of society, therefore, cannot be undermined. However, to shape such thought-provoking and impactful decisions, the blood and sweat of lawyers as well as the judges are involved, through arduous legal research, lucidly drafted documents, well-crafted arguments, and cogent decision-writing in the form of the judgment.
Writing is an asset to all the members of the legal community, be it lawyers, professors, research scholars, judges or students. The clarity of thought can be gauged by the words written, be it judgments, plaints and petitions, legal research papers or simply examination answers. The proficiency in writing comes with practice, and one of the best ways to inculcate and hone the skill of writing is by starting or writing blogs related to law. The dynamism in law gives an ample opportunity for law students as well as full-fledged lawyers to explore and express their thoughts. The following are some pointers to be kept in mind while writing law blogs:
1. Choosing the Right Topic
One of the fundamentals of writing an article for a blog is choosing the topic. Since law is transient in nature; it provides an array of topics and subjects to select from. However, it is advisable to pick something that the writer is interested in and is relevant to the current scenario.
There are certain advantages to writing on topics related to current affairs with respect to law. It not only expands the knowledge of the writer, but it also attracts more readers who are interested in learning about that particular topic.
2. Research
It is of supreme importance to read and understand the topic thoroughly before expressing an opinion about it in a blog post. Therefore, legal research is of grave significance. In this age where all information is available at the click of a button, the process of research has become more comfortable with regards to access.
Legal research is a multifaceted process. It begins with the generic search of case laws, doctrines, statutes, etc. usually on online portals. Once one has understood the fundamentals of the topic, it becomes easier to build a thought process, one block at a time. However, it is vital to read the reliable material. Otherwise, the understanding would be based on shaky grounds and the writer will not be able to construct a cogent opinion.
Thanks to the internet, legal research has become much easier and hassle-free than it was a decade back. Availability of various reliable research portals and secure internet access has ensured that in a small amount of time, a large quantity of accurate data can be retrieved, stored and studied.
3. Clarity of Thought
Clarity of thought is essential while writing a blog. After reading all the relevant material and before beginning to pen down the article, a writer must be entirely clear about the subject. The way an article is framed, the sequence of arguments and expressions usually indicate the clarity. The more sequential, consistent and articulate the blog post, the more comprehendible and relatable it is to the reader.
4. Language
Once a writer has read enough material to come to a conclusive opinion, the next task is to express it in a lucid, cohesive manner. The language of the blog is an important factor which plays a vital role in determining the success of the blog. It is a futile exercise if the reader is unable to understand what the writer has written.
It is often observed that understanding legal language while researching case laws is a laborious task, especially due to the complexity of the language. Therefore, it is imperative that while summarising the case laws or while referring to them in the blog post, the language is fluid and straightforward. The primary objective of the entire exercise of blog writing is that the reader comprehends what the writer wishes to convey, and that is only possible when the language is lucid.
5. Style of Writing
The style of writing is another important factor contributing to the overall success of the blog. It is of great importance that the writer develops a unique style of writing. The information which is available on the internet is accessible to all. However, application of that information and expressing it in a unique, cogent and comprehensive manner is an art. This skill is also a great asset to lawyers, judges, research scholars and students in the regular course of the profession. Therefore, writing a blog also helps in sharpening one’s lawyering, judgment-writing, thesis-writing and answer-writing skills.
6. Arguments, Suggestions & Conclusion to have a Proper Basis
Writing a law blog is not just mere creative essay writing. It is hard work which requires thorough and comprehensive legal research. One has to go through lengthy judgments and case laws, read research material from different authors, go through statutory provisions and the legal principles etc. A blog post is a short and informative piece of writing which is an amalgamation of all of the above.
It is critical, therefore, to substantiate the argument with proper evidence. This will enhance the overall value of the blog. The article should not be sketchy and puzzling. The articulation should be in such a manner that the reader goes back with more clarity and knowledge about the subject, and not further confused.
7. Case Law Analysis & Discussion
The nature of law is said to be transient because of its interpretation. The statutes are mere skeletons, whereas, the judicial pronouncements provide flesh and blood. Therefore, case laws play a vital role in the development of law, thereby providing great opportunity and a variety of topics for blog writing.
Studying case laws is an integral part of the legal profession. The skill is a valuable asset in the industry. Therefore, writing blogs related to case laws, their analysis with criticisms and suggestions not only enhances the writer’s knowledge but is also beneficial to the reader who wishes to increase his understanding concerning the subject.
8. Place for Feedback & Active Discussions
It is often said that knowledge is enhanced when shared. Therefore, the blog should have friendly and active feedback and discussion section.
Feedback and discussions play a dynamic role in fostering an environment which is viable for sharing knowledge and improving the overall understanding of the subject. It not only contributes to finding the shortcomings and lacunae but also goes a long way in finding solutions. Such healthy discussions probe readers and writer alike to think harder and deeper with regards to the subject at hand, which is an integral part of legal research.
The ultimate objective of writing an article for a blog or starting a law blog is the sharing of knowledge. In a profession where knowledge is the determining factor of success, articulation becomes an indispensable asset, both verbally and on paper. Therefore, writing blogs enhance both these skill sets of knowledge and articulation. The writer reads and knows more, and writes better with time.
Law is a profession which requires an immense amount of passion. Blog writing is one way of moulding that passion into something fruitful. It is a platform to express thoughts and opinions with a large number of people, from different walks of life and across boundaries. The blog is a reflection of the writer’s personality, his perspective with regards to issues and most importantly, it is an expression of his observation as well as comprehension skills which are precious assets in the legal field. Therefore, starting a law blog and developing it could act as a launching pad for the writer’s legal career. The law blog is an excellent platform to explore the avenues of law while sharing the knowledge gained through comprehensive legal research and contributing to the development of law.
A successful blog is one which is consistent, factually correct with firm and well-founded conclusions and is relatable and comprehensible to the readers. The secret to a successful blog is an amalgamation of hard work, perseverance, sound research skills, unique writing style and the unquenchable thirst for knowledge.