

Legitquest launches iGraphics: Where deep technology meets the legal data. You get to see the legal data like never before.

Legitquest’s iGraphics is one of a feature which helps you get into the detailing of relevant cases in Graphical Format .

What is iGraphics?

iGraphics, also known as info Graphics is a case analytical feature developed by Legitquest and powered by Artificial Intelligence. With iGraphics, you get to see various treatments of case laws in Graphical manner. It helps save your valuable research time. It depicts how relevant and important a case is to you by showing future references of the case and also treatment of any case within a case you are looking at. 

How to use iGraphics?

iGraphics is one of the most advanced tools in the World of Legality. In order to understand it’s working let’s take the support of an example – Golaknath v. State Of Punjab, or simply the Golaknath case,

1. Write the party name in the search bar: Suppose you want to know the value and importance of ‘Golaknath case ’ in terms of its future references. Then, simply write it in the search bar and click on the search button. 

2. Check out the descriptive analysis tabs: Right after clicking on the search button, you will get to see the descriptive tabs in the form of referred positive, warning, caution and cited.

Warning - If the case has been overruled in future, we give you warning before opening the case.

Caution - The case has been distinguished in the future cases and you are caution to look at these cases.

Cited - The case has been cited in future.

Referred - The case has been referred in future. 

3. View the detail by clicking on any of the judgements: Further, you can look at the detailing by clicking at any of the judgments. 


4.  View i Graphics of the judgment: Once, you click on the judgment, you get to see an infographic of the judgment in the form of bars. 

You will notice that case law has been ‘cited’ 25 times, ‘distinguished’ 1 time, ‘overruled’ 1 time and referred 18 times. If you would click on ‘overrule’, then you can view the cases which have overruled this judgment. If you click on ‘cited’ for Ex on Ashok Kumar Gupta vs State of UP  Case and then you can look into its further details., then you can see the latest cases, in which this case has been cited,comes in a chronological order. from latest to oldest. 

Last tab in blue - ‘Cases cited in’ shows what all cases have been cited in Ashok Gupta with its treatment. 


iGraphics the innovative legal search tool. It harnesses modern technologies to help lawyers find the graphical representation of case laws. It eases out scrutiny process and gives you relevant details related to case laws in a single click.

Features of iGraphics: 

1. Classify the judgment into analytical terms: Powered by AI, iGraphics has the potential to classify the judgment into analytical terms like - warning, caution, cited, referred and positive instantly which helps us follow the right direction in our research.

2. Graphical Representation: The detailing of the case is shown in the Graphical form like - how many times has it been cited, distinguished, overruled and referred.  

3. Chronological Order:  The latest cases in which the judgment has cited can be seen in the chronological order from the latest to the oldest. 

4. Searches by Court: After entering the party name, you can search the descriptive analysis according to the kinds of judgement. Legitquest database comprises of all the judgments given by Supreme Court, High Court and Tribunal.


Legitquest is one of the advanced legal search engines that help users analyse the particular judgment in a graphical manner. This helps save a lot of time and effort. So, why to wait? Subscribe now to get access iGraphics feature and enhance your legal knowledge in the most hassle free manner.