let’s understand the general issues lawyers/law aspiring students faces while searching for the facts,issue,decision,Argument related to cases on a virtual platform, and then we will move further to its solution:
- Incomplete information leads to wrong case search: A person who doesn’t have much information about a case, but is simply he/she is familiar with some of the facts of a case may land up with the wrong information online. The person may get diverted to other cases which he/she would have never intended to search for.
- Time consumption while searching for a judgment: By applying different permutations and combinations to search for the exact information may lead you to the right destination but by taxing a lot of time.
- Required information gets hard to be filtered: In the quest of searching the required information, one gets bombarded with a lot of information. Further, it becomes difficult to judge what should be referred and what should be avoided.
- Additional information related to the case becomes hard to find: While searching for the legal information, we may find relevant information, but may miss out additional information related to the case.
What is iSearch?
Legitquest’s iSearch is a premier legal search engine of India. Based on legal taxonomy, this feature helps you get all court judgments with 1 click. It suggests all the documents which are most relevant, be it case laws, regulations, templates and statues. LegitQuest iSearch feature gives the researcher an option to broaden or restrict documents to get the precise outcomes. This online legal research platform helps you ease the process of finding the legal documents with the help of the most advanced technology.Categories of iSearch bar You can search for the cases by browsing via various categories of iSearch bar. There are five available categories – ‘Free text search-All’ ‘Name-Year-Vol-Page-Citation’ ‘Petitioner - respondent-Party Name’ Last name – first name-‘Judge Name’ ‘Act name- Section-Act name’ Bare Act Search-Act Name
- Search through ‘All’ option Suppose you click on the ‘All’ option, then type the term from which you want to search further. For example, you type “Condonation of delay”.
- Dive into the details of a case through iSearch techniques At the middle of the page, the search bar helps find a specific case. Once, you enter “Condonation by delay.”
- Use ‘+’ sign to find multiple search terms related to the given topic - “Condonation of delay.”
- Use ‘-‘sign for omitting some text.
- The symbol ‘w/#’ helps find documents which have terms within a given proximity of each other.
- Use ‘!’- The stemming option allows you to find all the words that contain the root word
- The symbol ‘.’ helps find similar terms with variations on single characters
- The search using The symbol ‘..’ helps you quote for the same phrase search
Sort the search You can further sort the search of “Condonation of delay” by using ‘relevance’, ‘oldest’ and ‘newest’ options, this will help you cut down the result numbers and you get inch closer to what you had intended to search for.
Search within Results Gradually, the search results can become précised if you choose the option ‘search within results.’ You get a space bar to add further keywords. Say with respect to “Condonation of delay.”
Search within case With this option, if you add a related term like “limitations” in the search bar, then you can explore more précised results.
- Narrow down the search with ‘By court’, ‘By bench’, ‘By year’, ‘By dispositions’ and ‘iDRAF' options ‘By court’ allows you to search particularly for “Supreme Court”, “High Court” and “Tribunal.” While ‘By bench’ option gives you the choices like - “1”, “2”and “3.” ‘By year’ showcases different year brackets. ‘By dispositions’ option allows you to search further with “allowed”, “dismissed”, “remit” and “Other.”
- In respect to the term “Condonation of delay” with the research term “limitations”, suppose one clicks on “Supreme Court” in ‘Court’ option, clicks “2000-2009” in year option and “3” in “bench option.” Then, you will land to the final result - ‘M.Thirunavukkarasu V. U.O.I' Now, click ‘M.Thirunavukkarasu V. U.O.I’ to read the details of the case. You can further seek the required information by using the iDRAF option. It provides you the choices - “Argument of petitioner”, “Argument of Respondent'', “Facts”, “Issue”, “Reasoning” and “Decision.”
Advantages of iSearch:
- Saves time: iSearch is an intuitive search engine which helps save time. With intuitive design of Legitquest, you can write the keywords on a LQ’s Search bar and look for the required case. Search for court Judgment by using iSearch of Legitquest. It helps you find the right content in just one click.
- Much research efficiency: Search for court judgment by using iSearch of Legitquest.The much saved time and efforts can be invested into something fruitful or to get acquainted with the hidden knowledge of the legal World.
- Keyword centric results: Here at Legitquest, our team constantly refines the search algorithm by using the latest in AI and Machine learning technology. This ultimately brings out the most relevant and accurate search results. One can read all the latest Supreme Court/High Court Judgments here by using right keywords along with filters.
- Comprehensive Database: Discover all trending Court Judgment with Legitquest. Yes the database of Legitquest is wide and comprehensive. From Act to Party Name to Court Name to Judge Name, search with any information you know and Legitquest’s iSearch database will take you towards your required case.