Preamble Of Indian Constitution

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What is a Preamble of Indian Constitution?

The Preamble is an introductory statement comprising the purpose, rules, regulations, and philosophy and objectives of the document for the welfare of the Nation. The preamble of Indian Constitution has provided guidelines to guide people of the Nation, to present the principles of the Constitution, and reflect the hopes and aspirations of the people.

Simply put, the Preamble is the soul of the constitution. It states the philosophy of the Constitution. Whenever any doubt arises in the interpretation of the Constitution, the matter is decided in the light of the Preamble.

Who drafted the Preamble of Indian Constitution and when was it adopted?

Primarily based on the ‘Objective resolution’, the Preamble of the Indian Constitution was drafted by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. He had introduced his objective resolution on 13th December, 1946 in the constituent assembly and it was adopted unanimously on 22nd January 1947.

What are the components of Preamble of India?

The Preamble of India includes core values and principles of the Nation. The four components of the Preamble are:

  1. It indicates that the source of authority of the Constitution is held with the people of India.
  2. The Preamble declares India to be a socialist, secular, democratic, and republic Nation.
  3. The objectives secure justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity to maintain unity and integrity of the Nation.
  4. Preamble also mentions the date - 26th November 1949 on which the constitution was adopted.

The Preamble states:

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens.

The Preamble secures justice, liberty, equality to all the citizens of India and also promotes fraternity among countrymen.

Justice: Social, economic and political
Liberty: Thoughts, expression, belief, faith and worship
Equality: Status and opportunity and to promote among them all
Fraternity: Assuring the Dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation

Let’s understand the objectives of Preamble - Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in detail:

  1. Justice: It is important to maintain order in society that is also promised through various provisions of Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy. It comprises three elements, which is social, economic, and political.
  • Social justice: It means that the constitution has to create a society that doesn’t discriminate against people on the grounds of caste, creed, gender, and religion.
  • Economic justice: It states that no discrimination can be done among the people of India on the basis of their wealth, income, and status. Every person will be paid equally for a position and all must get the opportunities to earn for their living.
  • Political justice: It means that all the people have an equal, free, and fair right without any discrimination to participate in the political opportunities.
  1. Equality: The term ‘Equality’ of the Preamble states that no section of society has any special privileges and all the people are given equal opportunities for everything without any discrimination. The law treats everyone equally.
  1. Liberty: The term ‘Liberty’ means that people are free to choose their way of life, have political views, and behavior in society. Liberty does not say that one has the freedom to do anything; a person can do anything but within the limits set by the law.
  1. Fraternity: The term ‘Fraternity’ means a feeling of brotherhood and an emotional attachment to the country and all the people. Fraternity helps to promote dignity and unity in the Nation.

What are the important keywords included in Preamble?

  • We, the people of India: These terms indicate the ultimate sovereignty of the people of India. Sovereignty defines the independent authority of the State, not being subject to the control of any other State or external power.
  • Sovereign: Sovereign means that India has its own independent authority and it is not a dominion of any other external power. In our country, the legislature has the power to make laws which are subject to certain limitations.
  • Socialist: The term - Socialist suggests that the achievement of socialist ends through democratic means. It indicates the importance of mixed economy where both private and public sectors co-exist side by side. This term was added in the Preamble by 42nd Amendment, 1976.
  • Secular: The term ‘Secular’ depicts that all the religions in India deserve equal respect, protection, and support from the state.
  • Democratic: The term ‘democratic’ implies that the Constitution of India gets its authority from the will of the people expressed in an election.
  • Republic: ‘Republic’ indicates that the head of the state is elected by the people. The President of India is the elected head of the state in India.

What are the objectives of Preamble of India?

The basic objectives of Preamble of India are:

  • To see India as ‘independent’, ‘sovereign’ and ‘republic’ country.
  • To convert all the territories of the pre-independent India into united states of post-independent India.
  • To provide social, economic and political equality in terms of opportunity and freedom of thought.
  • To provide adequate safeguards to the tribal, minorities and backward areas.

Amendment of the Preamble

After the judgment of the Kesavanand Bharati Case, Preamble has been declared a part of the Constitution. In this case, a bench of 13 judges concluded that the Preamble is the introductory part of the Constitution.

  • The Constitution is based on the basic elements of the Preamble.
  • As a part of the Constitution, Preamble can be amended under Article 368 of the Constitution. However, the basic structure of the preamble cannot be amended.

Through 42nd Amendment Act 1976, terms ‘Socialist’, ‘Secular’ and ‘Integrity’ were added to the Preamble.

  • ‘Socialist’ and ‘Secular’ were added between ‘Democratic’ and ‘Sovereign’.
  • ‘Unity of the Nation’ was replaced with the ‘Unity and Integrity of the Nation.’


Q1. What is the importance of Preamble in the Constitution?

Ans. The Preamble contains the ideals, objectives and principles of the Constitution which reflect the hopes and aspirations of the people.

Q2. Is Preamble the first page of Indian Constitution?

Ans. Yes! It is the first page of Indian Constitution which is referred to as the preface highlighting the entire constitution.

Q3. What is the meaning of Preamble in the eyes of law?

Ans. The Preamble is a brief introductory statement that sets the principles and guiding principles of the Constitution.

Q4. What does the term ‘Republic’ in Preamble mean?

Ans. The term ‘Republic’ indicates that India has an elected state. The supreme power is held by the people of India to choose their own Government.

Q5. How many preambles are there in the Indian Constitution?

Ans. Only one preamble is there in the Indian Constitution. It includes 22 parts, 12 schedules and 448 articles.

Q6. What is the most important word in the Preamble of India?

Ans. ‘We, the people of India’ is the most important word in the Preamble of India.