Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Model Rules, 2016
Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Model Rules, 2016[1]
September, 2016]
In exercise of the powers
conferred by the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 110 of the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (2 of 2016), the Central
Government hereby makes the following model rules, namely:—
Rule - 1. Short title and commencement.
(1) These rules may be called
the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Model Rules, 2016.
(2) They shall come into force
on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
Rule - 2. Definitions.
(1) In these model rules,
unless the context otherwise requires,—
(i) “Act” means the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (2 of 2016);
(ii) “Authority” means the
Central Adoption Resource Authority constituted under Section 68 of the Act;
(iii) “Case Worker” means a
representative from a registered voluntary or non-governmental organisation who
shall accompany the child to the Board or the Committee and may perform such
tasks as may be assigned to him by the Board or the Committee;
(iv) [2][* * *]
(v) “Child Study Report” means
the report which contains details about the child, such as his date of birth
and social background;
(vi) “community service” means
service rendered by children in conflict with law who are above the age of
fourteen years and includes activities like maintaining a park, serving the
elderly, helping at a local hospital or nursing home, serving disabled
children, serving as traffic volunteers etc.
[3][(via) “conflict of
interest” means “a situation in which a person has a private or personal
interest sufficient to appear to influence the objective exercise of his or her
official duties and where such person shall be ineligible to be associated with
any statutory structure defined under the Act;]
(vii) “Form” means the forms
annexed to these rules;
(viii) “Home Study Report” means a
report containing details of prospective adoptive parents or foster parents,
and shall include social and economic status, family background, description of
home and atmosphere, and health status;
(ix) “individual care plan” is a
comprehensive development plan for a child based on age and gender specific
needs and case history of the child, prepared in consultation with the child,
in order to restore the child's self-esteem, dignity and self-worth and nurture
him into a responsible citizen and accordingly the plan shall address the
following, including but not limited to, needs of a child, namely:—
(a) health and nutrition needs,
including any special needs;
(b) emotional and psychological
(c) educational and training
(d) leisure, creativity and
(e) protection from all kinds
of abuse, neglect and maltreatment;
[4][(f) rescue, restoration
and follow up;]
[5][(g) social mainstreaming
and rehabilitation;]
life skill training.
(x) “in country adoption” means
adoption of a child by a citizen of India residing in India;
(xi) “Medical Examination
Report” means the report of a child given by a duly licensed physician;
[6][(xii) “Person-in-charge or
Superintendent” means a person appointed for the control and management of the
Child Care Institution;]
“POCSO” means the Protection of Children
from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 (32 of 2012);
“rehabilitation-cum-placement officer” means an officer [7][designated
for every] Child Care Institution for the purpose of rehabilitation of
“Selection Committee” means a committee
constituted by the State Government under Rule 87 of these rules;
“social background report” means the report of a child in conflict with law
containing the background of the child prepared by the Child Welfare Police
“social investigation report” means the report of a child containing detailed
information pertaining to the circumstances of the child, the situation of the
child on economic, social, psycho-social and other relevant factors, and the
recommendation thereon;
“Social worker” means a person with post graduate degree in Social Work or
Sociology or Psychology or Child Development or [8][a
graduate with minimum three years of experience in matters relating to child
education and development] or protection issues, who is engaged by a Child Care
Institution or authorised by District Child Protection Unit or State Child
Protection Society or State Adoption Resource Agency or Central Adoption
Resource Authority for preparing social investigation report or individual care
plan of the child, child study report, home study report of prospective
adoptive parent or foster parents, rendering post-adoption services, and
performing any other functions as assigned to such person [9][under
the Act or the rules made thereunder];
Explanation: For the
purposes of [10][this
clause, it is hereby clarified] the qualifications of the social worker member
of the Board shall be as under Section 4 of the Act.
“special educator” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in the
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Rules, 2012;
“State Child Protection Society” means a
society constituted under Section 106 of the Act;
(2) All words and expressions
defined in the Act and used, but not defined in these rules, shall have the
same meaning as assigned to them in the Act.
Rule - 3. Board.
There shall be one or more
Boards in each district to be constituted by the State Government through a
notification in the Official Gazette.
Rule - 4. Composition of the Board.
(1) The Board shall consist of
a Metropolitan Magistrate or a Judicial Magistrate of First Class having at
least three years experience to be designated as the Principal Magistrate of
the Board and two social worker members, of whom one shall be a woman, forming
a Bench.
(2) The social worker members
shall be appointed by the State Government on the recommendations of the
Selection Committee constituted under these rules.
(3) The social worker members
shall not be less than thirty five years of age [11][and
shall not be more than sixty-five years of age on the date of notification] and
shall have at least seven years of experience of working with children in the
field of education, health, or welfare activities, or should be a practicing
professional with a degree in child psychology or psychiatry or sociology or in
the field of law.
(4) As far as possible, the two
social worker members so selected for a Board shall be from different fields.
(5) All members of the Board
including the Principal Magistrate, shall be given induction training and
sensitisation within a period of sixty days from the date of appointment.
Rule - 5. Term of Members of the Board.
(1) The term of the social
worker member of the Board shall not be more than for a period of three years
from the date of appointment.
(2) A social worker member of
the Board shall be eligible for appointment of maximum of two terms, [12][*
* *].
(3) The members may resign at
any time, by giving one month's notice in writing to the State Government.
(4) Any vacancy in the Board
shall be filled by appointment of another person from the panel of names
prepared by the Selection Committee.
[13][(5) If any complaint is
made against a member of the Board, the State Government shall hold necessary
inquiry except in respect of judicial officers; complaints against judicial
officers shall be forwarded to the Registrar of the High Court for action.]
[14][(6) The State Government
shall complete the inquiry within a period of two months and take appropriate
action within one month.]
[15][(7) If a criminal case is
registered against the member concerned, if necessary the State Government may
suspend the member immediately pending inquiry, for such term as appropriate;
or after holding an inquiry and giving an opportunity of being heard in the
Rule - 6. Sittings of the Board.
(1) The Board shall hold its
sittings in the premises of an observation home or at a place in proximity to
the observation home or, at a suitable premise in any Child Care Institution
meant for children in conflict with law run under the Act, and in no
circumstances shall the Board operate from within any court or jail premises.
(2) The Board shall ensure that
no person(s) [16][not
connected with the case shall not remain] present in the room when the case is
in progress.
(3) The Board shall ensure that
only those person(s), in the presence of whom the child feels comfortable, are
allowed to remain present during the sitting.
(4) The Board shall hold its
sittings in a child-friendly premises which shall not look like a court room in
any manner and the sitting arrangement should be such to enable the Board to
interact with the child face to face.
(5) While communicating with
the child, the Board shall use child friendly techniques through its conduct
and shall adopt a child friendly attitude with regard to body language, facial
expression, eye contact, intonation and volume of voice while addressing the
(6) The Board shall not sit on
a raised platform and there shall be no barriers, such as witness boxes or bars
between the Board and the child.
(7) The Board shall sit on all
working days for a minimum of six hours commensurate with the working hours of
a Magistrate Court, unless the case pendency is less in a particular district
and the State Government issues an order in this regard, or the State
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette constitute more than
one Board in a district after giving due consideration to the pendency of the
cases, area or terrain of the district, population density or any other
[17][(7A) The Board may conduct
its sittings through video conferencing, in case there are constraints limiting
physical movement of the child alleged to be in conflict with law, or the Board
Members including the Chairperson:
Provided if the child's
case requires the presence of a doctor or psychiatrist or counsellor or
physical attention, the sitting shall be conducted in the premises as provided
in sub-rule (1) of Rule 6.]
(8) When the Board is not
sitting, a child in conflict with law may be produced before an individual
member of the Board. For the said purpose, one member of the Board shall always
be available or accessible to take cognizance of any matter of emergency and necessary
directions required to deal with the emergency situation shall be given by such
member to the Special Juvenile Police Unit or the local police of the district.
The Principal Magistrate shall draw up a monthly duty roster of the members who
shall be so available and accessible every day, including on Sundays and
holidays. The roster shall be circulated in advance to all the police stations,
the Chief Judicial Magistrate/Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, the District
Judge, the District Magistrate, the Committees, the District Child Protection
Unit and the Special Juvenile Police Unit.
(9) The social worker members
of the Board shall be paid not less than Rs 1500 per sitting which shall
include sitting allowance, travel allowance and any other allowance, as the
State Government may prescribe.
(10) The Board shall be provided
infrastructure and staff by the State Government.
Rule - 7. Functions of the Board.
(1) The Board shall perform the
following additional functions, namely:
(i) whenever necessary, the
Board shall provide a translator or interpreter or special educator who shall
be paid not less than Rs 1500 per day and in case of translator, not exceeding
Rs 100 per page. For the said purpose, the District Child Protection Unit shall
maintain a panel of translators, interpreters and special educators who shall
forward the same to the Board, the qualifications of the translator,
interpreter and special educator shall be as prescribed under the POCSO Act,
2012 and rules framed thereunder;
(ii) wherever required issue
rehabilitation card in Form 14 to the child in conflict with law to monitor the
progress made by the child;
(iii) wherever required, pass
appropriate orders for re-admission or continuation of the child in school
where the child has been disallowed from continuing his education in a school
on account of the pendency of the inquiry or the child having stayed in a Child
Care Institution for any length of time;
(iv) interact with Boards in
other districts to facilitate speedy inquiry and disposal of cases through due
process of law, including sending a child for the purpose of an inquiry or
rehabilitation to a Board in another district or State;
(v) inspect Child Care
Institutions for children in conflict with law, issue directions in cases of
any noticeable lapses, suggest improvements, seek compliance and recommend
suitable action, including against any employee found in dereliction of
duty [18][to
the District Magistrate];
[19][(vi) maintain a suggestion
box or grievance redressal box in the premises of the Board or in the Observation
Home or Special Home or Place of Safety at a prominent place to encourage
inputs from children and adults alike which shall be operated by the nominee of
the Principal Magistrate;]
[20][(via) an online grievance
redressal system shall also be created by the State Government for receipt of
suggestion or grievance which may be accessed by the Board;]
ensure smooth functioning of Children's
Committees in the Child Care Institutions for children in conflict with law,
for realising children's participation in the affairs and management of such
Child Care Institutions;
[21][(viii) review the
Children's Suggestion or Complaint Book during every visit in the Child Care
Institution and also carry out random one to one and group interaction with
children in the Child Care Institutions in absence of the Child Care
Institution staff and Person-in-Charge to understand concerns and issues of
children, to determine their well-being and provide inputs and recommendations
accordingly to such Child Care Institutions:]
ensure that the Legal cum Probation
Officer in the District Child Protection Unit and the State or District Legal
Aid Services Authority extends free legal services to a child; and
deploy, if necessary, the services of
student volunteers or non-governmental organisation volunteers for para-legal
and other tasks such as contacting the parents of child in conflict with law
and collecting relevant social and rehabilitative information about the child.
Rule - 8. Pre-Production action of Police and other Agencies.
(1) No First Information Report
shall be registered except where a heinous offence is alleged to have been
committed by the child, or when such offence is alleged to have been committed
jointly with adults. In all other matters, the Special Juvenile Police Unit or
the Child Welfare Police Officer shall record the information regarding the
offence alleged to have been committed by the child in the general daily diary
followed by a social background report of the child in Form 1 and circumstances
under which the child was apprehended, wherever applicable, and forward it to
the Board before the first hearing:
Provided that the power to
apprehend shall only be exercised with regard to heinous offences, unless it is
in the best interest of the child. For all other cases involving petty and
serious offences and cases where apprehending the child is not necessary in the
interest of the child, the police or Special Juvenile Police Unit or Child
Welfare Police Officer shall forward the information regarding the nature of
offence alleged to be committed by the child along with his social background
report in Form 1 to the Board and intimate the parents or guardian of the child
as to when the child is to be produced for hearing before the Board.
(2) When a child alleged to be
in conflict with law is apprehended by the police, the police officer concerned
shall place the child under the charge of the Special Juvenile Police Unit or
the Child Welfare Police Officer, who shall immediately inform:
(i) the parents or guardian of
the child that the child has been apprehended along with the address of the
Board where the child will be produced and the date and time when the parents
or guardian need to be present before the Board;
(ii) the Probation Officer
concerned, that the child has been apprehended so as to enable him to obtain
information regarding social background of the child and other material
circumstances likely to be of assistance to the Board for conducting the
inquiry; and
(iii) a Child Welfare Officer or
a Case Worker, to accompany the Special Juvenile Police Unit or Child Welfare
Police Officer while producing the child before the Board within twenty-four
hours of his apprehension.
(3) The police officer
apprehending a child alleged to be in conflict with law shall:
(i) not send the child to a
police lock-up and not delay the child being transferred to the Child Welfare
Police Officer from the nearest police station. The police officer may under
sub-section (2) of Section 12 of the Act send the person apprehended to an
observation home only for such period till he is produced before the Board i.e.
within twenty-four hours of his being apprehended and appropriate orders are
obtained as per Rule 9 of these rules;
(ii) not hand-cuff, chain or
otherwise fetter a child and shall not use any coercion or force on the child;
(iii) inform the child promptly
and directly of the charges levelled against him through his parent or guardian
and if a First Information Report is registered, copy of the same shall be made
available to the child or copy of the police report shall be given to the
parent or guardian;
[22][(iiia) also inform the
child and the parent or guardian immediately regarding the rights and
privileges of the child under the Act and rules;]
[23][(iiib) rights of the child
shall also be displayed in every police station and at prominent places in the
Observation Homes, Special Homes, Place of Safety;]
(iv) provide appropriate medical
assistance, assistance of interpreter or a special educator, or any other
assistance which the child may require, as the case may be;
(v) not compel the child to
confess his guilt and he shall be interviewed only at the Special Juvenile
Police Unit or at a child-friendly premises or at a child friendly corner in
the police station, which does not give the feel of a police station or of
being under custodial interrogation. The parent or guardian, may be present
during the interview of the child by the police;
(vi) not ask the child to sign
any statement; and
(vii) inform the District Legal
Services Authority for providing free legal aid to the child.
(4) The Child Welfare Police
Officer shall be in plain clothes and not in uniform.
(5) The Child Welfare Police
Officer shall record the social background of the child and circumstances of
apprehending in every case of alleged involvement of the child in an offence in
Form 1 which shall be forwarded to the Board forthwith. For gathering the best
available information, it shall be necessary upon the Special Juvenile Police
Unit or the Child Welfare Police Officer to contact the parent or guardian of
the child.
(6) A list of all designated
Child Welfare Police Officers, Child Welfare Officers, Probation Officers, Para
Legal Volunteers, District Legal Services Authorities and registered voluntary
and non-governmental organisations in a district, Principal Magistrate and
members of the Board, members of Special Juvenile Police Unit [24][*
* *] with contact details shall be prominently displayed in every police
(7) When the child is released
in a case where apprehending of the child is not warranted, the parents or
guardians or a fit person in whose custody the child alleged to be in conflict
with law is placed in the best interest of the child, shall furnish an
undertaking on a non-judicial paper in Form 2 to ensure their presence on the
dates during inquiry or proceedings before the Board.
(8) The State Government shall
maintain a panel of voluntary or non-governmental organisations or persons who
are in a position to provide the services of probation, counselling, case work
and also associate with the Police or Special Juvenile Police Unit or the Child
Welfare Police Officer, and have the requisite expertise to assist in physical
production of the child before the Board within twenty-four hours and during
pendency of the proceedings and the panel of such voluntary or non-governmental
organisations or persons shall be forwarded to the Board.
(9) The State Government shall
provide funds to the police or Special Juvenile Police Unit or the Child
Welfare Police Officer or Case Worker or person for the safety and protection
of children and provision of food and basic amenities including travel cost and
emergency medical care to the child apprehended or kept under their charge
during the period such children are with them.
Rule - 9. Production of the child alleged to be in conflict with law before the Board.
(1) When the child alleged to
be in conflict with law is apprehended, he shall be produced before the Board
within twenty-four hours of his being apprehended, along with a report
explaining the reasons for the child being apprehended by the police.
(2) On production of the child
before the Board, the Board may pass orders as deemed necessary, including
sending the child to an observation home or a place of safety or a fit facility
or a fit person.
[25][(2A) The Board shall
ensure that the information regarding the child referred to in sub-rule (2) is
uploaded on a portal, as may be specified by the Central Government in this
(3) Where the child produced
before the Board is covered under [26][Section
78 and Section 83] of the Act, including a child who has surrendered, the Board
may, after due inquiry and being satisfied of the circumstances of the child,
transfer the child to the Committee as a child in need of care and protection
for necessary action, and or pass appropriate directions for rehabilitation,
including orders for safe custody and protection of the child and transfer to a
fit facility recognised for the purpose which shall have the capacity to
provide appropriate protection, and consider transferring the child out of the
district or out of the State to another State for the protection and safety of
the child.
(4) Where the child alleged to
be in conflict with law has not been apprehended and the information in this
regard is forwarded by the police or Special Juvenile Police Unit or Child
Welfare Police Officer to the Board, the Board shall require the child to
appear before it at the earliest so that measures for rehabilitation, where
necessary, can be initiated, though the final report may be filed subsequently.
(5) In case the Board is not
sitting, the child alleged to be in conflict with law shall be produced before
a single member of the Board under sub-section (2) of Section 7 of the Act.
(6) In case the child alleged
to be in conflict with law cannot be produced before the Board or even a single
member of the Board due to child being apprehended during odd hours or
distance, the child shall be kept by the Child Welfare Police Officer in the Observation
Home in accordance with Rule 69-D of these rules or in a fit facility and the
child shall be produced before the Board thereafter, within twenty-four hours
of apprehending the child.
(7) When a child is produced
before an individual member of the Board, and an order is obtained, such order
shall be ratified by the Board in its next meeting.
Rule - 10. Post-production processes by the Board.
(1) On production of the child
before the Board, the report containing the social background of the child, circumstances
of apprehending the child and offence alleged to have been committed by the
child as provided by the officers, individuals, agencies producing the child
shall be reviewed by the Board and the Board may pass such orders in relation
to the child as it deems fit, including orders under Sections 17 and 18 of the
Act, namely:
(i) disposing of the case, if
on the consideration of the documents and record submitted at the time of his
first appearance, his being in conflict with law appears to be unfounded or
where the child is alleged to be involved in petty offences;
(ii) referring the child to the
Committee where it appears to the Board that the child is in need of care and
(iii) releasing the child in the
supervision or custody of fit persons or fit institutions or Probation Officers
as the case may be, through an order in Form 3, with a direction to appear or
present a child for an inquiry on the next date; and
(iv) directing the child to be
kept in the Child Care Institution, as appropriate, if necessary, pending
inquiry as per order in Form 4.
(2) In all cases of release
pending inquiry, the Board shall notify the next date of hearing, not later
than fifteen days of the first summary inquiry and also seek social
investigation report from the Probation Officer, or in case a Probation Officer
is not available the Child Welfare Officer or social worker concerned through
an order in Form 5.
(3) When the child alleged to
be in conflict with law, after being admitted to bail, fails to appear before
the Board, on the date fixed for hearing, and no application is moved for
exemption on his behalf or there is not sufficient reason for granting him
exemption, the Board shall, issue to the Child Welfare Police Officer and the
Person-in-charge of the Police Station directions for the production of the
(4) If the Child Welfare Police
Officer fails to produce the child before the Board even after the issuance of
the directions for production of the child, the Board shall instead of issuing
process under Section 82 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 pass orders as
appropriate under Section 26 of the Act.
(5) In cases of heinous
offences alleged to have been committed by a child, who has completed the age
of sixteen years, the Child Welfare Police Officer shall produce the statement
of witnesses recorded by him and other documents prepared during the course of
investigation within a period of one month from the date of first production of
the child before the Board, a copy of which shall also be given to the child or
parent or guardian of the child.
(6) In cases of petty or
serious offences, the final report shall be filed before the Board at the
earliest and in any case not beyond the period of two months from the date of
information to the police, except in those cases where it was not reasonably
known that the person involved in the offence was a child, in which case
extension of time may be granted by the Board for filing the final report.
(7) When witnesses are produced
for examination in an inquiry relating to a child alleged to be in conflict
with law, the Board shall ensure that the inquiry is not conducted in the
spirit of strict adversarial proceedings and it shall use the powers conferred
by Section 165 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872) so as to interrogate
the child and proceed with the presumptions in favour of the child.
(8) While examining a child
alleged to be in conflict with law and recording his statement during the
inquiry under Section 14 of the Act, the Board shall address the child in a
child-friendly manner in order to put the child at ease and to encourage him to
state the facts and circumstances without any fear, not only in respect of the
offence which has been alleged against the child, but also in respect of the
home and social surroundings, and the influence or the offences to which the
child might have been subjected to.
(9) The Board shall take into
account the report containing circumstances of apprehending the child and the
offence alleged to have been committed by him and the social investigation
report in Form 6 prepared by the Probation Officer or the voluntary or
non-governmental organisation, along with the evidence produced by the parties
for arriving at a conclusion.
Rule - 10-A. Preliminary assessment into heinous offences by Board.
(1) The Board shall in the
first instance determine whether the child is of sixteen years of age or above;
if not, it shall proceed as per provisions of Section 14 of the Act.
(2) For the purpose of
conducting a preliminary assessment in case of heinous offences, the Board may
take the assistance of psychologists or psycho-social workers or other experts
who have experience of working with children in difficult circumstances. A
panel of such experts may be made available by the District Child Protection
Unit, whose assistance can be taken by the Board or could be accessed
(3) While making the
preliminary assessment, the child shall be presumed to be innocent unless
proved otherwise.
(4) Where the Board, after
preliminary assessment under Section 15 of the Act, passes an order that there
is a need for trial of the said child as an adult, it shall assign reasons for
the same and the copy of the order shall be provided to the child forthwith.
Rule - 11. Completion of Inquiry.
(1) Where after preliminary
assessment under Section 15 of the Act, in cases of heinous offences allegedly
committed by a child, the Board decides to dispose of the matter, the Board may
pass any of the dispositional orders as specified in Section 18 of the Act.
(2) Before passing an order,
the Board shall obtain a social investigation report in Form 6 prepared by the
Probation Officer or Child Welfare Officer or social worker as ordered, and
take the findings of the report into account.
(3) All dispositional orders
passed by the Board shall necessarily include an individual care plan in Form 7
for the child in conflict with law concerned, prepared by a Probation Officer
or Child Welfare Officer or a recognised voluntary organisation on the basis of
interaction with the child and his family, where possible.
(4) Where the Board is
satisfied that it is neither in the interest of the child himself nor in the
interest of other children to keep a child in the special home, the Board may
order the child to be kept in a place of safety and in a manner considered appropriate
by it.
(5) Where the Board decides to
release the child after advice or admonition or after participation in group
counselling or orders him to perform community service, necessary direction may
also be issued by the Board to the District Child Protection Unit for arranging
such counselling and community service.
(6) Where the Board decides to
release the child in conflict with law on probation and place him under the
care of the parent or the guardian or fit person, the person in whose custody
the child is released may be required to submit a written undertaking in Form 8
for good behaviour and well-being of the child for a maximum period of three
(7) The Board may order the
release of a child in conflict with law on execution of a personal bond without
surety in Form 9.
(8) In the event of placement
of the child in a fit facility or special home, the Board shall consider that
the fit facility or special home is located nearest to the place of residence
of the child's parent or guardian, except where it is not in the best interest
of the child to do so.
(9) The Board, where it
releases a child on probation and places him under the care of parent or
guardian or fit person or where the child is released on probation and placed
under the care of fit facility, it may also order that the child be placed
under the supervision of a Probation Officer who shall submit periodic reports
in Form 10 and the period of such supervision shall be maximum of three years.
(10) Where it appears to the
Board that the child has not complied with the probation conditions, it may
order the child to be produced before it and may send the child to a special
home or place of safety for the remaining period of supervision.
(11) In no case, the period of
stay in the special home or the place of safety shall exceed the maximum period
provided in clause (g) of sub-section (1) of Section 18 of the Act.
Rule - 12. Pendency of Inquiry.
(1) For the purpose of
sub-section (3) of Section 16 of the Act, the Board shall maintain a ‘Case
Monitoring Sheet’ of every case and every child in Form 11. The said Form shall
be kept at the top of each case file and shall be updated from time to time.
The following points shall be considered so far as ‘progress of inquiry’
mentioned in Form 11 is concerned:
(i) time schedule for disposal
of the case shall be fixed on the first date of hearing;
(ii) scheduled date given in
column No. (2) of ‘progress of inquiry’ shall be the outer limit within which
the steps indicated in column (1) are to be completed.
(2) The Board shall submit a
quarterly report in Form 12 about the pendency of the cases, visits to Homes
etc. to the following:
(i) Chief Judicial Magistrate
or Chief Metropolitan Magistrate;
(ii) District Magistrate.
[27][(2A) The District
Magistrate shall on the basis of the quarterly report submitted in sub-rule (2)
examine the reasons for pendency, discrepancies observed during visits to the
Observation Homes and the like and shall make its recommendations to the
authorities like Police, Medical, District Legal Services Authority or any
other concerned authority, for reduction of pendency of cases before the Board
and to take appropriate action against the authorities as deemed fit.]
[28][(2B) Where the review by
the District Magistrate discloses the reasons for pendency due to the members
of the Board, then the District Magistrate shall inform the State Child
Protection Society.]
[29][(2C) The State Child
Protection Society shall on the basis of the report submitted by the District
Magistrate recommend for appropriate action to the State Government.]
(3) The District Judge shall
conduct an inspection of the Board once every quarter and appraise the
performance of the members of the Board on the basis of their participation in
the proceedings of the Board and submit a report to [30][the
Registrar of the High Court and a copy shall also be forwarded to the District
Rule - 13. Procedure in relation to Children's Court and Monitoring Authorities.
(1) Upon receipt of preliminary
assessment from the Board the Children's Court may decide whether there is need
for trial of the child as an adult or as a child and pass appropriate orders.
(2) Where an appeal has been
filed under sub-section (1) of Section 101 of the Act against the order of the
Board declaring the age of the child, the Children's Court shall first decide
the said appeal.
(3) Where an appeal has been
filed under sub-section (2) of Section 101 of the Act against the finding of
the preliminary assessment done by the Board, the Children's Court shall first
decide the appeal.
(4) Where the appeal under
sub-section (2) of Section 101 of the Act is disposed of by the Children's
Court on a finding that there is no need for trial of the child as an adult, it
shall dispose of the same as per Section 19 of the Act and these rules.
(5) Where the appeal under sub-section
(2) of Section 101 of the Act is disposed of by the Children's Court on a
finding that the child should be tried as an adult the Children's Court shall
call for the file of the case from the Board and dispose of the matter as per
the provisions of the Act and these rules.
(6) The Children's Court shall
record its reasons while arriving at a conclusion whether the child is to be
treated as an adult or as a child.
(7) Where the Children's Court
decides that there is no need for trial of the child as an adult, and that it
shall decide the matter itself:
(i) It may conduct the inquiry
as if it were functioning as a Board and dispose of the matter in accordance
with the provisions of the Act and these rules.
(ii) The Children's Court, while
conducting the inquiry shall follow the procedure for trial in summons case
under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
(iii) The proceedings shall be
conducted in camera and in a child friendly atmosphere, and there shall be no
joint trial of a child alleged to be in conflict with law, with a person who is
not a child.
(iv) When witnesses are produced
for examination the Children's Court shall ensure that the inquiry is not
conducted in the spirit of strict adversarial proceedings and it shall use the
powers conferred by Section 165 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872).
(v) While examining a child in
conflict with law and recording his statement, the Children's Court shall
address the child in a child-friendly manner in order to put the child at ease
and to encourage him to state the facts and circumstances without any fear, not
only in respect of the offence which is alleged against the child, but also in
respect of the home and social surroundings and the influence to which the
child might have been subjected.
(vi) The dispositional order
passed by the Children's Court shall necessarily include an individual care
plan in Form 7 for the child in conflict with law concerned, prepared by a
Probation Officer or Child Welfare Officer or recognized voluntary organisation
on the basis of interaction with the child and his family, where possible.
(vii) The Children's Court, in
such cases, may pass any orders as provided in sub-sections (1) and (2) of
Section 18 of the Act.
(8) Where the Children's Court
decides that there is a need for trial of the child as an adult:
(i) It shall follow the
procedure prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 of trial by
sessions and maintaining a child friendly atmosphere.
(ii) The final order passed by
the Children's Court shall necessarily include an individual care plan for the
child as per Form 7 prepared by a Probation Officer or Child Welfare Officer or
recognized voluntary organisation on the basis of interaction with the child
and his family, where possible.
(iii) Where the child has been
found to be involved in the offence, the child may be sent to a place of safety
till the age of twenty-one years.
(iv) While the child remains at
the place of safety, there shall be yearly review by the Probation Officer or
the District Child Protection Unit or a social worker in Form 13 to evaluate
the progress of the child and the reports shall be forwarded to the Children's
(v) The Children's Court may
also direct the child to be produced before it periodically and at least once
every three months for the purpose of assessing the progress made by the child
and the facilities provided by the institution for the implementation of the
individual care plan.
(vi) When the child attains the
age of twenty-one years and is yet to complete the term of stay, the Children's
Court shall:
(a) interact with the child in
order to evaluate whether the child has undergone reformative changes and if
the child can be a contributing member of the society.
(b) take into account the
periodic reports of the progress of the child, prepared by the Probation
Officer or the District Child Protection Unit or a social worker, if needed and
further direct that institutional mechanism if inadequate be strengthened.
(c) After making the
evaluation, the Children's Court may decide to:
release the child forthwith;
release the child on execution of a
personal bond with or without sureties for good behaviour;
release the child and issue directions
regarding education, vocational training, apprenticeship, employment,
counselling and other therapeutic interventions with a view to promoting
adaptive and positive behaviour etc.;
release the child and appoint a
monitoring authority for the remainder of the prescribed term of stay. The
monitoring authority, where appointed shall maintain a Rehabilitation Card for
the child in Form 14.
(vii) For the purpose of sub-rule
(vi) (c) (cd) of this rule:
(a) A Probation Officer or Case
Worker or Child Welfare Officer or a fit person may be appointed as a
monitoring authority.
(b) The District Child
Protection Unit shall maintain a list of such persons who can be engaged as
monitoring authorities which shall be sent to the Children's Court along with
bi-annual updates.
(c) The child shall for the
first quarter after release, meet with the monitoring authority on a
fortnightly basis or at such intervals as may be directed by the Children's
Court. The monitoring authority shall fix a time and venue for such meetings in
consultation with the child. The monitoring authority will forward its
observations on the progress of the child on a monthly basis to the Children's
(d) At the end of the first
quarter the monitoring authority shall make recommendations regarding the
further follow up procedure required for the child.
(e) Where the child, after
release is found to be indulging in criminal activities or associating with
people with criminal antecedents, he shall be brought before the Children's
Court for further orders.
(f) If it is found that the
child no longer requires to be monitored, the monitoring authority shall place
the detailed report with recommendations before the Children's Court which
shall issue further directions either terminating the monitoring or for its
(g) After the first quarter,
the child shall meet the monitoring authority at such intervals as may be
directed by the Children's Court based on the recommendations made by the
monitoring authority at the end of the first quarter and the monitoring
authority shall forward its report to the Children's Court which shall review
the same every quarter.
Rule - 14. Destruction of records.
The records of conviction
in respect of a child in conflict with law shall be kept in safe custody till
the expiry of the period of appeal or for a period of seven years, and no
longer, and thereafter be destroyed by the Person-in-charge or Board or
Children's Court, as the case may be:
Provided that in case of a
heinous offence where the child is found to be in conflict with law under clause
(i) of sub-section (1) of Section 19 of the Act, the relevant records of
conviction of such child shall be retained by the Children's Court.
Rule - 15. Composition and Qualifications of Members of the Committee.
(1) There shall be one or more
Committees in each district to be constituted by the State Government through a
notification in the Official Gazette.
(2) The Chairperson and members
of the Committee shall be appointed by the State Government on the
recommendation of the Selection Committee under Rule 87 of these rules.
[31][(3) The Chairperson and
the members shall be above the age of thirty-five years and not more than sixty
five years and shall have a degree in child psychology or psychiatry or law or
social work or sociology or human health or education or human development or
special education for differently abled children and has been actively involved
in health, education or welfare activities pertaining to children for seven
years or is a practicing professional with a degree in child psychology or
psychiatry or law or social work or sociology or human health or education or
human development or special education for differently abled children.]
A member of the Committee shall be
eligible for appointment of maximum of two terms, which shall not be
[32][Provided that nothing
contained in this sub-rule shall be a bar in case of a member being appointed
as Chairperson.]
[33][(4A) The person applying
for the post of the Chairperson or member of the Committee shall submit an
affidavit, as per Form 49, certifying that the applicant is not barred by any
of the conditions laid down in sub-section 4A of Section 27 of the Act. The
appropriate Government shall then verify the same as per norm.]
[34][(4B) A person associated
with an organisation receiving foreign contribution shall not be eligible to be
a Chairperson or member of the Committee.]
[35][(4C) Any person working in
the implementation of the Act in any Non-Government Organisation or any
organisation, performing such functions which may cause conflict of interest in
discharge of their duties as the Chairperson or member of the Committee shall
not be eligible for appointment as the Chairperson and member of the Committee.
Explanation: For the
removal of doubt, it is hereby clarified that, this may include but is not
limited to any of the following situations within the territorial jurisdiction
of the Committee:
(a) any family member is a
member of any non-governmental organisation;
(b) close relation is a member
of any non-governmental organisation ;
(c) cases of non-governmental
organisations or persons working in a district for rescue and rehabilitation;
(d) a person representing a
person who runs a Child Care Institution or member of the Board or Trust of any
non-governmental organisation.]
[36][(4D) If any complaint is
made against a Chairperson or member of the Committee, the State Government
shall hold an inquiry and if necessary, suspend the person immediately pending
inquiry. The inquiry shall be completed within a period of two months and the
State Government may take appropriate action within one month of completion of
the inquiry.]
[37][(4E) No Chairperson or
member of the Committee shall be removed without holding an inquiry by the
State Government and until that person has been given an opportunity of being
heard in the matter.]
[38][(4F) If a criminal case is
registered against the Chairperson or member concerned, if necessary the
Government may suspend the concerned Chairperson or member, immediately pending
inquiry, for such term as appropriate, or after holding an inquiry and giving
an opportunity of being heard in the matter.]
All persons, on selection shall
mandatorily be given training under Rule 89 within a period of sixty days from
the date of appointment.
The Chairperson and the members may
resign at any time by giving one month's notice in writing to the State
Rule - 16. Rules and Procedures of Committee.
(1) The Chairperson and members
of the Committee shall be paid such sitting allowance, travel allowance and any
other allowance, as the State Government may prescribe but not less than Rs
1500 per sitting.
(2) A visit to an existing
Child Care Institution by the Committee shall be considered as a sitting of the
(3) The Committee shall hold
its sittings in the premises of a children's home or, at a place in proximity
to the children's home or, at a suitable premises in any institution run under
the Act for children in need of care and protection.
(4) The Committee shall ensure
that no person(s) [39][not
connected with the case shall not remain] present in the room when the session
is in progress.
(5) The Committee shall ensure
that only those person(s), in the presence of whom the child feels comfortable,
shall be allowed to remain present during the sitting.
(6) At least one member of the
Committee shall always be available or accessible to take cognizance of any
matter of emergency and issue necessary directions to the Special Juvenile
Police Unit or local police of the district. For this purpose the Chairperson
of the Committee shall draw up a monthly duty roster of the Committee members
who shall be available and accessible every day, including on Sundays and
holidays. The roster shall be circulated in advance to all the police stations,
the Chief Judicial Magistrate/Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, the District
Judge, the District Magistrate, the Board, the District Child Protection Unit
and the Special Juvenile Police Unit.
(7) The Committee shall sit on
all working days for a minimum of six hours commensurate with the working hours
of a magistrate court, unless the case pendency is less in a particular
district and the State Government concerned issues an order in this regard:
Provided that the State
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette constitute more than
one Committee in a district after giving due consideration to the pendency of
the cases, area or terrain of the district, population density or any other
(8) On receiving information
about a child or children in need of care and protection, who cannot be
produced before the Committee, the Committee shall reach out to the child or
children and hold its sitting at a place that is convenient for such child or
(9) While communicating with
the child, the Committee members shall use child friendly techniques through
their conduct.
(10) The Committee shall hold
its sittings in a child-friendly premises which shall not look like a court
room in any manner and the sitting arrangement should be such to enable the
Committee to interact with the child face to face.
(11) The Committee shall not sit
on a raised platform and there shall be no barriers, such as witness boxes or
bars between the Committee and the children
(12) The Committee shall be
provided infrastructure and staff by the State Government.
Rule - 17. Additional Functions and Responsibilities of the Committee.
In addition to the
functions and responsibilities of the Committee under Section 30 of the Act,
the Committee shall perform the following functions to achieve the objectives
of the Act, namely:
(i) document and maintain
detailed case record along with a case summary of every case dealt by the
Committee in Form 15;
(ii) maintain a suggestion box
or grievance redressal box at a prominent place in the premises of the
Committee to encourage inputs from children and adults alike which shall be
operated by the District Magistrate or his nominee;
(iii) ensure smooth functioning
of Children's Committees in the Child Care Institutions for children in need of
care and protection within its jurisdiction, for realising children's
participation in the affairs and management of the said Child Care
[40][(iiia) Quarterly reports
of inspection conducted under clause (viii) of Section 30 of the Act shall be
submitted, as and when required, for the purpose of monitoring under Section
109 of the Act;]
[41][(iv) review the Children's
Suggestion or Complaint Book during every visit in the Child Care Institution
and also carry out random one to one and group interaction with children in the
Child Care Institutions in absence of Child Care Institution staff and
Person-in-Charge to understand concerns and issues of children to determine
their well-being and provide inputs and recommendations accordingly to the
Child Care Institutions;]
send quarterly information in Form 16
about children in need of care and protection received by it to the District
Magistrate with all relevant details on nature of disposal of cases, pending
cases and reasons for such pendency;
[42][(va) for the purposes of
sub-section (4) of Section 40 of the Act, the Committee shall submit a
quarterly information in Form 16 regarding restored, dead and runaway children
to the State Government and the District Magistrate;]
wherever required, issue rehabilitation
card in Form 14 to children in need of care and protection to monitor their
maintain the following records in a
(a) entries of the cases listed
in a day and next date and the Committee shall prepare a daily cause list of
the cases before it;
(b) entries and particulars of
children brought before the Committee and details of the Child Care Institution
where the children are placed or the address where the children are sent;
(c) execution of bonds;
(d) movement including visits
to institutions;
(e) children declared legally
free for adoption;
(f) children recommended for or
placed in sponsorship;
(g) children placed in
individual or group foster care;
(h) children transferred to or
received from another Committee;
(i) children for whom follow up
is to be done;
(j) children placed in after
(k) inspection record of the
(l) record of Minutes of the
meetings of the Committee;
(m) correspondence received and
(n) any other record or
register which the Committee may require.
[43][(viia) maintain case
records of at least five years.]
All information listed in clause (vii) of this rule may be digitised and a
software may be developed by the State Government [44][such
that the case records of at least five years are maintained].
[45][(ix) ensure that children
without having a legal guardian irrespective of their age are expeditiously
declared legally free for adoption within the timeline as provided in the Act,
rules and regulations;]
[46][(x) interact with older
children living in the Child Care Institutions having no guardians and also
with such children living in the Child Care Institutions who are not in contact
with their guardians for several years and counsel such children about the
benefit of family based care including foster care and adoption;]
[47][(xi) interact with all
concerned both in physical and virtual modes in case of production of the child
before the Committee, while giving instructions to the District Child
Protection Unit or Specialised Adoption Agency or Child Care Institution, as
the case may be, and in the process of declaring a child legally free for
Rule - 18. Production before the Committee.
(1) Any child in need of care
and protection shall be produced before the Committee during the working hours
at its place of sitting and beyond working hours before the member as per the
duty roster:
Provided that where the
child cannot be produced before the Committee, the Committee shall reach out to
the child where the child is located.
[48][(1A) In extraordinary
situations, when the movement of the Child or the Committee is restricted due
to unforeseen circumstances, the child may be presented before the Committee
through virtual mode and the Committee shall physically interact with the Child
at the first opportunity.]
(2) Whoever produces the child
before the Committee shall make a report in Form 17 containing the particulars
of the child as well as the circumstances in which the child was received or
(3) In case of a child less
than two years of age, who is medically unfit, the person or the organisation
who comes in contact with the child in need of care and protection shall send a
written report along with the photograph of the child to the Committee within
twenty-four hours and produce the child before the Committee as soon as the
child is medically fit along with a medical certificate to that effect.
(4) The Committee after
interaction with the child may issue directions for placing the child with the
parent or guardian or Children's Home, where such Home is available in the
vicinity of the Committee before which the child is produced, and in the
absence of such Home, to direct the placing of the child in safe custody of a
fit person or a fit facility.
(5) The Committee or the member
on duty shall issue the order for placing the child in Children's Home in Form
(6) The Committee or the member
on duty shall order immediate medical examination of the child produced before
the Committee or the member on duty, if such examination is needed.
(7) In the case of abandoned or
lost or orphaned child, the Committee, before passing an order granting interim
custody of the child pending inquiry, shall see that, the information regarding
such child is uploaded on a designated portal.
(8) The Committee may, while
making an order in Form 19 for placing a child under the care of a parent,
guardian or fit person, pending inquiry or at the time of restoration, as the
case may be, direct such parent, guardian or fit person to enter into an
undertaking in Form 20.
(9) Whenever the Committee
orders a child to be kept in an institution, it shall forward to the
Person-incharge of such institution, a copy of the order of short term
placement pending inquiry in Form 18 with particulars of the Child Care
Institution and parents or guardian and previous record. A copy of such order
shall also be forwarded to the District Child Protection Unit.
[49][(10) The Committee shall
ensure that the information regarding the child referred to in this rule is
uploaded on a portal, as may be specified by the Central Government in this
Rule - 19. Procedure for inquiry.
(1) The Committee shall inquire
into the circumstances under which the child is produced and accordingly
declare such child to be a child in need of care and protection.
(2) The Committee shall, prima
facie determine the age of the child in order to ascertain its jurisdiction,
pending further inquiry as per Section 94 of the Act, if need be.
(3) When a child is brought
before the Committee, the Committee shall assign the case to a social worker or
Case Worker or Child Welfare Officer [50][or
designated officer by the District Child Protection Unit] or to any recognised
non-governmental organisation for conducting the social investigation under
sub-section (2) of Section 36 of the Act through an order in Form 21.
[51][(4) In case of placement
of the child in non-institutional care, the Committee shall direct the District
Child Protection Unit concerned to develop an individual care plan in Form 7
and in case of institutional care, shall direct the management of the Child
Care Institution concerned to develop an individual care plan in Form 7, which
includes a rehabilitation plan.
The individual care plan prepared for every child whether in the institutional
care or non-institutional care shall be developed based on the case history,
circumstances and individual needs of the child.
Explanation: For the
purposes of this sub-rule, the expression non-institutional care does not
include adoption.]
The inquiry shall satisfy the basic
principles of natural justice and shall ensure the informed participation of
the child and the parent or guardian. The child shall be given an opportunity
to be heard and his opinion shall be taken into consideration with due regard
to his age and level of maturity. The orders of the Committee shall be in
writing and contain reasons.
The Committee shall interview the child
sensitively and in a child friendly manner and will not use adversarial or
accusatory words or words that adversely impact the dignity or self-esteem of
the child.
The Committee shall satisfy itself
through documents and verification reports, before releasing or restoring the
child, as per Form 19, in the best interest of the child.
[52][(7A) The Committee, while
disposing the case and placing the child in an institution shall ensure that
the institution is a registered Child Care Institution under Section 41 of the
Act or a fit facility declared under Section 51 of the Act.]
The social investigation conducted by a
social worker or Case Worker or Child Welfare Officer [53][or
designated officer by the District Child Protection Unit] of the institution or
any non-governmental organisation shall be as per Form 22 and must provide an
assessment of the family situation of the child in detail, and explain in
writing whether it will be in the best interest of the child to restore him to
his family.
[54][(8A) The District Child
Protection Unit after completing the social investigation within fifteen days
shall submit the report to the Child Welfare Committee.]
Before the Committee releases or
restores the child, both the child as well as the parents or guardians may be
referred to the Counsellor.
The Committee shall maintain proper
records of the children produced before it including medical reports, social
investigation report, any other report(s) and orders passed by the Committee in
regard to the child.
In all cases pending inquiry, the
Committee shall notify the next date of appearance of the child not later than
fifteen days of the previous date and also seek periodic status report from the
social worker or Case Worker or Child Welfare Officer conducting investigation
on each such date.
In all cases pending inquiry, the
Committee shall direct the person or institution with whom the child is placed
to take steps for rehabilitation of the child including education, vocational
training, etc., from the date of first production of the child itself.
Any decision taken by an individual
member, when the Committee is not sitting, shall be ratified by the Committee
in its next sitting.
At the time of final disposal of a case,
there shall be at least three members present including the Chairperson, and in
the absence of Chairperson, a member so nominated by the Chairperson to act as
The Committee shall function cohesively
as a single body and as such shall not form any subcommittees.
Where a child has to be sent or
repatriated to another district or state or country the Committee shall direct
the District Child Protection Unit to take necessary permission as may be
required, such as approaching the Foreigners Regional Registration Offices and
Ministry of External Affairs for a no-objection certificate, contacting the
counterpart Committee, or any other voluntary organisation in the other
district or state or country where the child is to be sent.
At the time of final disposal of the
case, the Committee shall incorporate in the order of disposal, an individual
care plan in Form 7 of such child prepared by the social worker or Case Worker
or Child Welfare Officer [55][or
designated officer by the District Child Protection Unit] of the institution or
any non-governmental organisation, as the case may be.
While finally disposing of the case, the
Committee shall give a date for follow-up of the child not later than one month
from the date of disposal of the case and thereafter once every month for the
period of first six months and thereafter every three months for a minimum of
one year or till such time as the Committee deems fit.
Where the child belongs to a different
district, the Committee shall forward the age declaration, case file and the
individual care plan to the Committee of the district concerned which shall
likewise follow up the individual care plan as if it had passed such disposal
The individual care plan shall be
monitored by means of a rehabilitation card in Form 14 issued for the purpose
by the Committee passing the disposal order and which shall form part of the
record of the Committee which follow up the implementation of the individual
care plan. Such rehabilitation card shall be maintained by the
Rehabilitation-cum-Placement Officer.
All orders passed by the Committee in
respect of a child in need of care and protection shall also be uploaded on the
designated portal with due regard to the confidentiality and privacy of the
When a parent or guardian, wishes to
surrender a child under sub-section (1) of Section 35 of the Act, such parent
or guardian shall make an application to the Committee in Form 23. Where such
parent or guardian is unable to make an application due to illiteracy or any
other reason, the Committee shall facilitate the same through the Legal Aid
Counsel provided by the Legal Services Authority, the deed of surrender shall
be executed as per Form 24.
The inquiry under sub-section 3 of
Section 35 of the Act shall be concluded by the Committee expeditiously and the
Committee shall declare the surrendered child as legally free for adoption
after the expiry of sixty days from the date of surrender.
In case of orphan or abandoned child, the
Committee shall make all efforts for tracing the parents or guardians of the
child and on completion of such inquiry, if it is established that the child is
either an orphan having no one to take care, or abandoned, the Committee shall
declare the child legally free for adoption.
In case an abandoned or orphan child is
received by a Child Care Institution including a Specialised Adoption Agency,
such a child shall be produced before the Committee within twenty-four hours
(excluding the time necessary for the journey) along with a report in Form 17
containing the particulars and photograph of the child as well as the
circumstances in which the child was received by it and a copy of such report
shall also be submitted by the Child Care Institution or a Specialised Adoption
Agency to the local police station within the same period.
The Committee shall issue an order in
Form 18 for short term placement and interim care of the child, pending inquiry
under Section 36 of the Act.
The Committee shall use the designated
portal to ascertain whether the abandoned child or orphan child is a missing
child while causing the details of the orphan or the abandoned child to be
The Committee, after taking into account
the risk factors, and in the best interest of the child, may direct the
publication of the particulars and photograph of an orphan or abandoned child
in national newspapers with wide circulation within seventy two hours from the
time of receiving the child for the purposes of tracing out the biological
parents or the legal guardian(s).
The Committee, after making inquiry as
per the provisions of the Act, shall issue an order in Form 25 declaring the
abandoned or orphan child as legally free for adoption and send the same
information to the Authority.
Where the parents of the child are
traced, the procedure for restoration of the child shall be as per Rule 82 of
these rules.
Rule - 20. Pendency of cases.
(1) The Committee shall
maintain a ‘Case Monitoring Sheet’ of every case and in case there is more than
one child in one case, a separate sheet shall be used for each child. The case
monitoring sheet shall be in Form 26. The said Form shall be kept at the top of
each case file and shall be updated from time to time. The following points
shall be considered so far as ‘progress of inquiry’ mentioned in Form 26 is
(i) time schedule for disposal
of the case should be fixed on the first date of hearing;
(ii) scheduled date given in
column (2) of ‘progress of inquiry’ shall be the outer limit within which the
steps indicated in column (1) is to be completed.
(2) The Committee shall submit
a quarterly report to District Magistrate in Form 16 for review of pendency of
(3) The District Magistrate
shall review the functioning of the Committee including by inspection once
every quarter and also appraise the performance of the Chairperson and the
members of the Committee on the basis of their participation in the proceedings
of the Committee and submit a report to [56][the
State Child Protection Society].
[57][(4) Any grievance arising
out of the functioning of the Committee may be filed by the affected child or
anyone connected with the child before the District Magistrate, who shall
dispose the same within a period of thirty days by passing appropriate orders.]
Rule - 21. [Manner of Registration of Child Care Institutions.
(1) All institutions running
institutional care services for children in need of care and protection or
children in conflict with law, whether run by the Government or voluntary
organisation, shall be registered under sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the
Act, irrespective of being registered or licensed under any other Act for the
time being in force.
(2) All such institutions shall
make an application in Form 27 together with a copy each of rules, bye-laws,
memorandum of association, list of governing body, office bearers, list of
trustees, balance sheet of preceding three years, statement of past record of
social or public service provided by the institution to the State Government,
Darpan Identification from National Institution for Transforming India Aayog
and a declaration from the person or the organisation regarding any previous
conviction record or involvement in any immoral act or in an act of child abuse
or employment of child labour or that it has not been black listed by the State
Government or District Administration;
(3) The State Government shall,
after receipt of the application for registration, send the application to the
District Magistrate within fifteen days of receipt of the application to call
for recommendations of the District Magistrate in Form 46A.
(4) The District Magistrate may
examine the requests vis-a-vis need in the district within thirty days from the
date of receipt of application from the State Government.
(5) The District Magistrate
shall verify credibility, background and previous record of the Child Care
Institution and the agency or individual promoting the institution and make
specific recommendations to the State Government for consideration.
(6) The following shall be
considered by the District Magistrate while making recommendations, namely—
(i) registration of the
organisation under any law for the time being in force;
(ii) details of physical
infrastructure, water and electricity facilities, sanitation and hygiene,
recreation facilities and nutrition plan;
(iii) financial position of the
organisation and maintenance of documents along with audited statement of
accounts for the previous three years;
(iv) resolution of the Governing
Body to run the institution or an open shelter;
(v) plan of action for
providing services for children such as medical, vocational, educational,
counselling, and the like, in case of new applicants and details of such
services provided in case of existing institutions;
(vi) arrangements of safety,
security, transportation and support and access for differently-abled children;
(vii) details of other support
services run by the organisation;
(viii) the institution is near a
school within such area or limits of neighbourhood, as may be prescribed under
the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (35 of 2009);
(ix) details of linkages and
networking with other governmental, non-governmental, corporate and other
community based agencies on providing need-based services to the children;
(x) details of existing staff
with their qualification and experience;
(xi) details of registration
under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (42 of 2010) and funds
available, if any;
(xii) a declaration from the
person or the organisation regarding any previous conviction record or
involvement in any immoral act or in an act of child abuse or employment of
child labour;
(xiii) any other criteria as
prescribed by the State Government.
(xiv) while making the
recommendation, the District Magistrate shall assess the actual requirement of
additional institutions, keeping in mind the occupancy levels of the existing
institutions and the capacity of authorities under Section 54 of the Act so
that they can ensure compliance of the Child Care Institutions with provisions
of the Act; and
(xv) certify to the effect that
the relevant provisions of the Act and rules have been complied with.
(7) The State Government shall
after verifying that provisions exist in the institution for the care and
protection of children, health, education, boarding and lodging facilities,
vocational facilities and rehabilitation as per the Act and the rules, and
taking into account the requirements of the district and recommendation from
the District Magistrate about the applicant institution, may issue a
registration certification to such institutionunder sub-section (1) of Section
41 of the Act in Form 28.
(8) The State Government, while
taking a decision on the application for registration, shall consider the
following namely—
(i) recommendations of the
District Magistrate;
(ii) confirm that all the
eligibility conditions as per the Act are met with;
(iii) any other criteria as
prescribed by the Centre or the State Government has also been followed.
(9) The State Government, shall
not grant provisional registration where adequate facilities do not exist in
the institution applying for registration and the State Government shall issue
an order before the expiry of one month from the date of receipt of the
application that the institution is not entitled for even provisional
(10) The District Magistrate
shall conduct a detailed annual inspection of all the institutions in the
district which have been registered under the Act and such inspection shall be
carried out in the format as provided under Form 46.
(11) If the inspection or the
annual review reveals that there is unsatisfactory compliance with the
standards of care, protection, rehabilitation and reintegration services and
management of the institution as laid down under the Act and the rules or the
facilities are inadequate, the State Government shall, at any time, serve
notice on the management of the institution and after giving an opportunity of
being heard, declare within a period of sixty days from the date of the
detailed inspection or annual review as the case may be, that the registration
of the institution or organisation, shall stand withdrawn or cancelled from a
date specified in the notice and from the said date, the institution shall
cease to be an institution registered under sub-section (1) of Section 41 of
the Act.
(12) When an institution ceases
to be an institution registered under the Act or has failed to apply for
registration within the time frame laid down in the said provision or has not
been granted provisional registration, the said institution shall be managed by
the State Government or the children placed therein shall be transferred by the
order of the Board or the Committee, to some other institution, registered
under sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the Act.
(13) All institutions shall be
bound to seek renewal of registration three months prior to the expiry of the
period of registration and in case of their failure to seek renewal of
registration before the expiry of the period of registration of the
institution, the institution shall cease to be an institution registered under
sub- section (1) of Section 41 of the Act and provisions of sub-rule (8) of
this rule shall apply.
(14) An application for renewal
of registration of an institution shall be disposed of within sixty days from
the date of receipt of application.
(15) The decision on renewal of
registration shall be based on the annual inspection done by the District
Magistrate under Form 46A in the year in which renewal is sought.
(16) The Central Government
shall facilitate developing a model online system for receipt and processing of
applications and grant or cancellation of registration, and in the interim the
systems existing in the States and Union Territories shall continue.][58]
Rule - 21A. [Manner of registration of Group Foster Care.
(1) Every Group Foster Care
shall be registered under the Act in a manner as prescribed under these rules.
(2) All such Foster Families
willing to undertake children under Group Foster Care shall make an application
to the State Government. At the time of application, the Foster Family shall
also make declaration under Form 50 regarding any previous conviction record or
involvement in any immoral act or in an act of child abuse or employment of
child labour or that it has not been black listed by the State Government.
(3) The appropriate Government
shall then verify the declaration form of the Foster Family and if found
otherwise by the State Government, the Foster Family shall be liable for
punitive action and immediate disqualification.
(4) Within a month of receipt
of application for registration of Group Foster Care, the application shall be
referred to the concerned District Magistrate by the State Government, for
conducting inspection of the Group Foster Care and sending its recommendations.
(5) The District Magistrate
shall conduct inspection and send its recommendation as per Form 47 within
thirty days from the date of receipt of call of recommendation from the State
(6) The District Magistrate
while making its recommendations for registration of Group Foster Care shall
examine that the Group Foster Care has the following facilities, namely—
(a) provide adequate food,
clothing and shelter and education;
(b) provide care, support and
treatment for child's overall physical, emotional and mental health;
(c) ensure protection from
exploitation, maltreatment, harm, neglect and abuse;
(d) provide age appropriate
facilities for recreation, extra-curricular activities such as sports, music,
dance, drama, art, and the like;
(e) provide vocational training
according to the interests of the child;
(f) mandatory police
verification of the individuals;
(g) income tax returns of the
individuals for the past three years;
(7) After considering the
recommendations of the District Magistrate and verifying that provisions exist
in the facility for the care and protection of children, health, education,
boarding and lodging facilities, vocational facilities, the State Government
may issue a registration certificate in Form 48.
(8) The District Magistrate
shall conduct a detailed inspection to review annually after registration of
the institution as per Form 47.
(9) As mandated under Section
44 of the Act, the Child Welfare Committee shall conduct monthly inspection of
Group Foster Care as per Form 47.
(10) The inspection reports of
the District Magistrate, the Inspection Committees, and the Child Welfare
Committees shall be shared with the District Child Protection Unit within a
period of fifteen days of inspection for taking corrective action.
(11) Wherever the District
Magistrate or the Inspection Committees or the Child Welfare Committee finds
the Group Foster Care to be in violation of the provisions of the Act and these
rules, the District Magistrate or the Committee shall recommend cancellation of
registration of the facility to the State Government and forthwith shift the
children from the facility by following due process.
Explanation: For the
purpose of this rule, cancellation of registration shall be for a term not less
than five years.][59]
Rule - 22. Open Shelter.
(1) The State Government may establish
open shelters by itself or through voluntary or non-governmental organisations.
(2) All organisations and
persons who wish to establish open shelters or already running open shelters
shall, make an application in Form 27 to the State Government for registration.
(3) The applicants shall submit
a report of the need for opening such open shelters along with a survey on the
status of children indicating the number of children where the open shelter is
proposed to be established. After proper police verification and other inquiry
as deemed necessary, the organisation or person may be selected for running the
open shelter.
(4) The open shelters shall be
registered as provided under sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the Act in Form
(5) The services provided in the
open shelters may include day care and night residential facilities including
food, washing facilities and toilets, and any other facility as the State
Government may deem fit.
(6) The capacity of an open
shelter should be such as to accommodate twenty-five to fifty children at one
time and should include a kitchen, dining facilities, bathrooms and toilets,
lockers and recreational facilities.
(7) In cases where, the agency
in charge of the Open Shelter finds that a child may require more than short
term care and protection exceeding twenty-four hours, such child may be
produced before the Committee for appropriate further steps.
(8) The open shelter shall not
refuse admission to any child in need of care and protection at any time.
(9) Each open shelter shall
send monthly information in Form 29 to the District Child Protection Unit and
the Committee regarding the children availing the services of the open shelter.
Rule - 23. Foster Care.
(1) The State Government may
place children in need of care and protection in foster care including group
foster care through order of the Committee for a short or extended period of
[60][(1A) while placing the
child in foster care, the State Government shall ensure the following in order
of preference, namely—
(i) child is placed in a similar
social cultural milieu;
(ii) first preference shall be
given to the extended family of the child, which does not include child's
biological or adoptive parents:
Provided that any of the
immediate or extended family members are not the alleged accused/perpetrators
of abuse on the child.
(iii) second Preference shall be
given to an unrelated family known to the child.
(iv) third Preference shall be
given to an unrelated foster family.
(v) fourth Preference shall be
given to Group Foster Care.]
(2) The District Child
Protection Unit shall be the nodal authority for implementing the foster care
programme in a district.
(3) All decisions related to
placement of a child in foster care shall be taken by the Committee [61][within
a period of three months]. Children in the age group of six years and above may
be considered for placement in foster care in the circumstances mentioned in
sub-rule (1) of Rule 44 of these rules. Children below six years of age shall
be, as far as possible placed in adoption.
(4) Children in need of care
and protection who are living in community may also be considered for placement
in foster care based on the child study report in Form 31 prepared by the
District Child Protection Unit.
(5) The Committee shall take
into consideration the individual care plan and the opinion of the child before
deciding the nature of foster care with due regard to his age and maturity. The
child shall be informed and prepared throughout the process.
(6) Foster care may be for
short term or long term depending upon the needs of the child. The duration of
short term Foster care shall be for a period of not more than one year.
(7) Long term foster care,
shall be for a period exceeding one year. This can be periodically extended by
the Committee till the child attains eighteen years of age on the basis of
assessment of the compatibility of the child with the foster care parents or in
a group foster care setting.
(8) Recognising that every
child has the right to grow in a family environment, every attempt shall be
made to reunite the child with his biological family, if possible.
(9) The Committee before
placing the child in foster care shall obtain a Home Study Report of the foster
family through the District Child Protection Unit in Form 30.
[62][(9A) The District Child
Protection Unit shall submit the Home Study Report of the Prospective Foster
Care Family to the Committee within thirty days from the day of reference.]
(10) Children with special needs
may be considered either for placement in foster family or group foster care,
provided the Home Study Report of the foster family supports their fitness or
group setting has facilities for care of such children.
[63][(11) The number of
children placed under foster care shall not exceed two children at any given
point of time (with the exception of siblings) excluding biological children of
the foster family and the number of children under group foster care shall not
exceed eight children including biological children of the foster caregiver at
any given point of time.]
The District Child Protection Unit, while selecting foster family shall
consider the following, namely:
(i) both the spouses must be
Indian citizens;
(ii) both the spouses must be
willing to foster the same child;
(iii) both the spouses must be
above the age of thirty-five years and must be in good physical, emotional and
mental health;
(iv) ordinarily the foster
family should have an income with which they are able to meet the needs of the
(v) medical reports of all the
members of the foster family residing in the premises should be obtained including
reports for Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV), Tuberculosis (TB) and
Hepatitis B etc. to determine that they are medically fit; and
(vi) the foster family should
have adequate space and basic facilities.
[64][(13) The District Child
Protection Unit, while selecting Group foster care setting shall consider the
following illustrative criteria, namely—
(i) the Group Foster Care
setting shall be registered under Rule 21A of these rules and the inspections
of the Group Foster Care setting shall be conducted as per provisions laid
under these rules;
(ii) the Group Foster Care
setting having registration under Rule 21A of these rules shall follow the
norms and standards as given under the Act and these rules and the norms and
standards as laid down under these Rules shall be applicable as per children
placed in Group Foster Care, which is a maximum number of eight children
including biological children of the foster caregiver;
(iii) existence of child
protection policy;
(iv) sufficient space and proper
amenities for children;
(v) any facility housing more
than eight children including biological children in Group foster care shall be
registered as a Child Care Institution; and
(vi) medical reports of all the
members of the Group Foster Caregivers residing in the premises shall be obtained
including reports for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Tuberculosis and Hepatitis
B and the like to determine that they are medically fit.]
[65][(14) The Central
Government shall issue Model Guidelines for non-institutional care including
Foster Care and Group foster care, based on which the process for selection of
Foster Care and Group foster care setting shall be notified by the State
The Committee shall pass the final order in Form 32 for placing the child in
foster care, specifying the period for which the child is placed in foster
The foster family or group foster care giver shall sign an undertaking for
foster-care of the child in Form 33.
The District Child Protection Unit shall maintain a record of each child in foster
care in Form 34.
The Committee shall conduct monthly inspection of the foster families or foster
care givers in Form 35 to check the well-being of the child.
The foster family or group foster care giver shall:
(i) provide adequate food,
clothing and shelter and education;
(ii) provide care, support and
treatment for child's overall physical, emotional and mental health;
(iii) ensure protection from
exploitation, maltreatment, harm, neglect and abuse;
(iv) provide age appropriate
facilities for recreation, extra-curricular activities such as sports, music,
dance, drama, art, etc.;
(v) provide vocational training
according to the interests of the child;
(vi) respect the privacy of the
child and his biological family or guardian, and acknowledge that any
information provided about them is confidential and is not to be disclosed to
another party without prior consent;
(vii) provide treatment in
emergent situations and inform the Committee and biological family about the
same which may pass appropriate orders wherever necessary;
(viii) support contact between the
child and his biological family in consultation with the Committee keeping in
view the best interest of the child;
(ix) share and discuss the
information pertaining to the progress of the child periodically with the
Committee and biological family of the child and produce the child before the
Committee as and when directed by the Committee; and
(x) ensure that the child's
whereabouts are known at all times, including reporting any changes of address,
holiday plans and any episodes of running away of the child to the Committee.
[66][(20) The foster family or
group foster care shall be black listed from the foster care programme and
shall also not be eligible to adopt a child under the Act:
(i) if the foster family or
persons in group foster care are convicted of an offence involving moral
turpitude, and such conviction has not been reversed or has not been granted
full pardon in respect of such offence;
(ii) if a complaint, of child
abuse or violation of human rights or child rights, registered against the
foster family or persons in group foster care has been proven by the State
Government, based on an inquiry.
Explanation: For the
purpose of this rule, a blacklisted foster family or group foster family shall
not be eligible to apply for foster care.]
Rule - 24. Sponsorship.
(1) The State Government shall
prepare sponsorship programmes, which may include:
(i) individual to individual
(ii) group sponsorship;
[67][(iii) community or
organisation sponsorship;]
support to families through sponsorship; and
support to Children Homes and Special Homes.
[68][(vi) sponsorship through
institutions, companies or corporations either public or private;
Explanation: For the
purposes of this clause, sponsorship shall be prioritised for providing support
to families for the purpose of restoration of the child to the family or
relative or guardian.]
[69][(2) The District
Magistrate shall draw up a sponsorship plan for the district in consultation
with the stakeholders, generate resources by way of public and private
contributions and ensure that the vulnerable children in the district are
supported either partially or fully, as per their requirement.]
[70][(2A) The District Child
Protection Unit shall prepare a panel of persons or families or organisations
interested in sponsoring a child.]
The panel will list sponsors according
to the area of interest such as education, medical support, nutrition,
vocational training etc., and the nature of sponsorship.
[71][(4) The District Child
Protection Unit shall forward the panel to the Board or the Committee or the
Children's Court, for passing appropriate order for placement of the child
under sponsorship in Form 36.]
[72][(5) The District Child
Protection Unit, in case of individual sponsorship, shall open an account in
the name of the child to be operated preferably by the mother and the money
shall be transferred directly from the bank account of the District Child
Protection Unit to the bank account of the child.]
[73][(6) The duration of
sponsorship should be as per the Individual Care Plan of the child, which may
cover a period up to the age of eighteen years and may also be extended to the
aftercare program of the child.]
[74][(7) The procedure for
sponsorship through institutions, organisations, companies or corporations
either public or private shall be as specified by the State Government.]
Rule - 25. After Care of Children Leaving Institutional Care.
(1) [75][The State Government
through the District Magistrate shall] prepare a programme for children who
have to leave Child Care Institutions on attaining eighteen years of age by
providing for their education, giving them employable skills and placement as
well as providing them places for stay to facilitate their re-integration into
the mainstream of society.
(2) Any child who leaves a
Child Care Institution may be provided after care till the age of twenty-one
years on the order of the Committee or the Board or the Children's Court, as
the case may be, as per Form 37 and in exceptional circumstances, for two more
years on completing twenty-one years of age.
[76][(2A) The District
Magistrate may facilitate scholarships for higher education; loan for education
or starting small business for children leaving the Child Care Institutions and
convergence with the Government schemes or private entrepreneurs may be
explored for the purpose.]
[77][(2B) The District
Magistrate may facilitate campus placements and apprenticeship assignments in
collaboration with the local businesses and industry, subject to the condition
that such business or industry or agency is found suitable for engaging with
the children and prescribes to the Child Protection Policy as mandated under
the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Rules, 2020.]
[78][(2C) The District
Magistrate may maintain oversight on such arrangements with the help of the
Police and other stakeholders to ensure that the interest of children are not
compromised in any manner.]
(3) The District Child
Protection Unit shall prepare and maintain a list of organisations,
institutions and individuals interested in providing after care as per their
area of interest such as education, medical support, nutrition, vocational
training etc. and the same shall be forwarded to the Board or the Committee and
all Child Care Institutions for their record.
(4) The Probation Officer or
the Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker or social worker, shall prepare a post
release plan and submit the same to the Board or the Committee, two months
before the child is due to leave the Child Care Institution, recommending after
care for such child, as per the needs of the child.
(5) The Board or the Committee
or the Children's Court, while monitoring the post release plan will also
examine the effectiveness of the aftercare programme, particularly whether it
is being utilised for the purpose for which it has been granted and the
progress made by the child as a result of such after-care programme.
(6) Children who are placed in
after care programme, shall be provided funds by the State Government for their
essential expenses; such funds shall be transferred directly to their bank
(7) The services provided under
the after-care programme may include:
(i) community group housing on
a temporary basis for groups of six to eight persons;
(ii) provision of stipend during
the course of vocational training or scholarships for higher education and
support till the person gets employment;
(iii) arrangements for skill
training and placement in commercial establishments through coordination with
National Skill Development Programme, Indian Institute for Skill Training and
other such Central or State Government programmes and corporates, etc.;
(iv) provision of a counsellor
to stay in regular contact with such persons to discuss their rehabilitation
(v) provision of creative
outlets for channelising their energy and to tide over the crisis periods in
their lives;
(vi) arrangement of loans and
subsidies for persons in after-care, aspiring to set up entrepreneurial
activities; and
(vii) encouragement to sustain
themselves without State or institutional support.
Rule - 26. Management and Monitoring of Child Care Institutions.
(1) The personnel strength of a
Child Care Institution shall be determined according to the duty, posts, hours
of duty and category of children that the staff is meant to cater to.
(2) The staff of the Child Care
Institution shall be subject to control and overall supervision of the
Person-in-charge who by order, shall determine their specific duties and
responsibilities in keeping with the statutory requirements of the Act and
these rules.
(3) The number of posts in each
category of staff shall be fixed on the basis of capacity of the institution
and shall proportionately increase with the increase in the capacity of the
(4) In case of Child Care
Institutions housing girls, only female Person-in charge and staff shall be
(5) Any person associated with
a Child Care Institution should not have been convicted of an offence or have
been involved in any immoral act or in act of child abuse or employment of
child labour or in an offence involving moral turpitude or hold any office in
any political party during his tenure.
(6) No person shall be
appointed to or work in a Child Care Institution without police verification.
(7) The suggested staffing
pattern for an institution with a capacity of 100 children may be as below:
Sl. No. |
Personnel/Staff |
Number |
1. |
Person-in-charge (Superintendent) |
1 |
2. |
Probation Officer/Child Welfare Officer/Case
Workers (NGOs) A Child Welfare Officer may be designated as
Rehabilitation-cum-Placement Officer |
3 |
3. |
Counselor/Psychologists/mental health expert |
2 |
4. |
House Mother/House Father |
4 |
5. |
Educator/Tutor |
2 (Part time) |
6. |
Medical Officer (Physician) |
1 (on call) |
7. |
Para-medical staff/Staff Nurse/Nursing Orderly |
1 |
8. |
Store Keeper cum Accountant |
1 |
9. |
Art & Craft & activity teacher |
1 (Part time) |
10. |
PT Instructor-cum-Yoga trainer |
1 (Part time) |
11. |
Cook |
2 |
12. |
Helper |
2 |
13. |
House keeping |
2 |
14. |
Driver |
1 |
15. |
Gardener |
1 (Part time) |
(8) In case of institutions
housing infants, provision for ayahs and paramedical staff shall be made as per
(9) The security personnel
shall be deployed as per nature and requirement of the Child Care Institution,
taking into consideration strength of the children, age groups, physical and
mental status, segregation facility based on the nature of offence and
structure of the Institution.
(10) The security personnel to
be engaged or appointed shall be adequately trained and oriented to deal with
the children with sensitivity preferably ex-servicemen or retired para-military
personnel or through Director General of Resettlement.
(11) The security personnel
shall not be with arms or guns but have training and special skills to handle a
crisis situation, control violence and escape of children from the institution,
conduct search and frisking and security surveillance.
Rule - 27. Fit Facility.
(1) The Board or the Committee
shall on an application from any institution or organisation run by Government
or non-governmental organisation, recognise the facility as a fit facility
provided the manager of that facility is willing temporarily to receive a child
for a specific purpose or for group foster care.
(2) An application in Form 38
for recognition shall be accompanied with a copy each of rules, bye-laws,
memorandum of association, list of governing body, office bearers, list of
trustees, balance sheet of the preceding three years, statement of past record
of social or public service provided by the institution or organisation.
(3) Any facility for
recognition as a fit facility shall:
(i) meet the basic standards of
care and protection to the child;
(ii) provide basic services to
any child placed with it;
(iii) prevent child placed with
it to any form of cruelty or exploitation or neglect or abuse of any kind; and
(iv) abide by the orders passed
by the Board or the Committee.
(4) The Board or the Committee,
after proper inspection and inquiry to ensure that provisions exist in the
institution for the care and protection of children with reference to their
health, education, boarding and lodging facilities, vocational facilities and
rehabilitation as per the rules, and consideration of such other material as
may be available, may grant recognition to such institution or organisation as
a fit facility in Form 39:
Provided that any person
associated with such institution or organisation should not have been convicted
of an offence or have been involved in any immoral act or in act of child abuse
or employment of child labour or in an offence involving moral turpitude.
(5) A decision on the
application for recognition of an institution or organisation shall be taken by
the Board or the Committee within a period of fifteen days from the date of
receipt of the application.
(6) The recognition to an
institution or an organisation as a fit facility shall be initially for a
period of three years which may be renewed for a further period of three years
in accordance with sub-rule (4) of this rule.
(7) The Board or the Committee
may, if dissatisfied with the standard of care and protection provided, or
conditions prevailing in the facility, or the management of the institution or
the organisation recognised under the Act or on an adverse report made by an
inspection committee appointed under Section 54 of the Act, or for any other
reason, at any time, by a reasoned order, withdraw the recognition of the
institution or the organisation as a fit facility and from the date specified
in the order of the Board or the Committee, the institution or the organisation
shall cease to be a fit facility recognized under the Act and the rules.
(8) Where the recognition of a
fit facility is withdrawn by the Board or the Committee, intimation of the
same [79][shall
be sent to the District Magistrate, the District Child Protection Unit, the
Children's Court and the Special Juvenile Police Unit] and the children placed
with such an institution or organisation may be placed by the Board or the
Committee or the Children's Court to another fit facility or any other Child
Care Institution.
(9) A list of fit facilities
approved by the Board or the Committee shall be kept in that office and be sent
to [80][the
District Magistrate, the District Child Protection Unit, the Children's Court,
the Special Juvenile Police Unit and the State Child Protection Society].
(10) An institution or
organisation shall be recognised as a fit facility for purposes which may
(i) short term care;
(ii) medical care treatment and
specialised treatment;
(iii) psychiatric and mental
health care;
(iv) de-addiction and
(v) education;
(vi) vocational training and
skill development;
(vii) witness protection; and
(viii) [81][* * *]
(11) The services to be provided
by the fit facility may include:
(i) food, clothing, water,
sanitation and hygiene;
(ii) mental health interventions
including counselling;
(iii) medical facilities
including first aid and to facilitate specialised treatment;
(iv) formal age appropriate
education including bridge education and continuing education and life skill
education; and
(v) recreation, sports, fine
arts and group work activities.
(12) The placement of a child in
a fit facility shall be for a period as deemed fit by the Board or the
Committee or the Children's Court.
Rule - 28. Fit Person.
(1) Any individual who is fit
to temporarily receive a child for care, protection or treatment, for a period
as may be necessary, may be recognised by the Board or the Committee as a fit
(2) The Board or the Committee
may identify a panel of persons on the basis of their credentials, respectability,
expertise, professional qualifications, experience of dealing with children and
their willingness to receive the child and shall recognise them as fit persons
for the purposes of the Act:
Provided that such a person
should not have been accused of an offence under the Act or have been involved
in any immoral act or in act of child abuse or employment of child labour or in
an offence involving moral turpitude.
(3) The Board or the Committee
may also appoint any person as a fit person on need basis for a child or
children after verifying the credentials of such person, and wherever possible,
after getting police verification done on such a person.
(4) The Board or the Committee
may, if dissatisfied with the standard of care and protection provided or for
any other reason, at any time, by a reasoned order withdraw the recognition of
the person as a fit person from the date specified in the order of the Board or
the Committee.
(5) Where the recognition of a
fit person is withdrawn by the Board or the Committee, intimation of the
same [82][shall
be sent to the District Magistrate, the District Child Protection Unit, the
Children's Court and Special Juvenile Police Unit] and the child placed with
such a fit person may be placed by the Board or the Committee or the Children's
Court to another fit person or with a fit facility or any Child Care
(6) A list of fit persons
recognised by the Board or the Committee shall be kept in the office of the
Board and the Committee and the Children's Court and [83][be
sent to the District Magistrate, District Child Protection Unit, Special
Juvenile Police Unit and the State Child Protection Society].
(7) The Board or the Committee
or the Children's Court may place the child with a fit person in cases wherever
required, including where the child cannot be sent to a Child Care Institution
due to distance and/or odd time.
(8) The fit person shall:
(i) have the capacity and
willingness to receive the child; and
(ii) provide basic services for
care and protection of the child.
(9) The Board or the Committee
or the Children's Court, depending on the need of the child and in consultation
with the fit person shall determine the period for which a child shall remain
with the fit person.
(10) The child shall not be
placed with a fit person for a period exceeding thirty days and in such cases
where the child requires further care, the Committee may consider the placement
of the child in foster care or may consider other rehabilitative alternatives
for the child. The Board or the Children's Court in such cases where the period
of placement of the child may exceed thirty days, refer the matter to the
Committee for further orders in respect of the child.
Rule - 29. Physical infrastructure.
(1) The accommodation in each
institution shall be as per the following criteria, namely:—
(i) Observation Home:
(a) separate observation homes
for girls and boys;
(b) classification and
segregation of children according to their age group preferably 7-11 years,
12-16 years and 16-18 years, giving due consideration to physical and mental
status and the nature of the offence committed.
(ii) Special Home:
(a) separate special homes for
girls above the age of 10 years and boys in the age groups of 11 to 15 and 16
to 18 years;
(b) classification and
segregation of children on the basis of age and nature of offences and their
mental and physical status.
(iii) Place of Safety:
(a) for children in the age
group of 16 to 18 years alleged to have committed heinous offence pending
(b) for children in the age
group of 16 to 18 years found to be involved in heinous offence upon completion
of inquiry;
(c) for persons above 18 years
alleged to have committed offence when they were below the age of 18 years
pending inquiry;
(d) for persons above 18 years
found to be involved in offence upon completion of inquiry;
(e) for children as per the
orders of the Board under clause (g) of sub-section (1) of Section 18 of the
(iv) Children's Home:
(a) while children of both sex
below 10 years may be kept in the same home, separate bathing and sleeping
facilities shall be maintained for boys and girls in the age group of 5-10
(b) separate children's homes
for boys and girls in the age group of 7-11 years and 12-18 years;
(c) separate facilities for
children up to the age of six years with appropriate facilities for infants.
(2) The Child Care Institutions
shall be child-friendly and in no way shall they look like a jail or lock-up.
(3) Every Child Care
Institution shall keep a copy of the Act and the rules framed by the State
Government, for use by both the staff and children residing therein.
(4) Each Child Care Institution
shall have a Management Committee for the management of the institution and
monitoring the progress of every child in the home.
(5) The Child Care Institutions
for children in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection
shall function from separate premises as per the criteria elaborated.
(6) The suggested norms for
building or accommodation in each institution with 50 children may be as under:
(i) 2 Dormitories Each 1000
Sq.ft. for 25 children i.e. 2000 Sq. ft.
(ii) 2 Class rooms 300 Sq.ft.
for 25 children i.e. 600 Sq. ft.
(iii) Sickroom/First aid room 75
Sq.ft. per children for 10 i.e. 750 Sq. ft.
(iv) Kitchen 250 Sq. ft.
(v) Dining hall 800 Sq. ft.
(vi) Store 250 Sq.ft.
(vii) Recreation room 300 Sq.ft.
(viii) Library 500 Sq.ft.
(ix) 5 Bathroom 25 Sq.ft. each
i.e. 125 Sq. ft.
(x) 8 Toilets 25 Sq. ft. i.e.
200 Sq.ft.
(xi) Office rooms (a) 300 Sq.ft.
(b) Person-in-charge room 200 Sq.ft.
(xii) Counselling and Guidance
room 120 Sq.ft.
(xiii) Workshop 1125 Sq. ft. for
15 children @ of 75 Sq.ft. per trainee
(xiv) Residence for
Person-in-charge (a) 2 rooms of 250 Sq.ft. each (b) Kitchen 75 Sq.ft. (b)
bathroom cum toilet 50 Sq ft.
(xv) 2 rooms for Juvenile
Justice Board or Child Welfare Committee 300 Sq. ft each i.e. 600 Sq.ft.
(xvi) Playground Sufficient area
according to total number of children Total 8495 Sq.ft.
(7) The Person-in-charge shall
stay within the institution and be provided with quarters and in case he is not
able to stay in the Child Care Institution for valid reasons, any other senior
staff member of the institution shall stay in the institution and be in a
position to supervise the overall care of the children and take decisions in
the case of any crisis or emergency.
(8) There shall be proper and
non-slippery flooring for preventing accidents.
(9) There shall be adequate
lighting, heating and cooling arrangements, ventilation, safe drinking water,
clean and accessible gender and age appropriate and disabled friendly toilets
and high walls with barbed wire fencing.
(10) All institutions under the
Act shall:
(i) make provision of first-aid
kit, fire extinguishers in kitchen, recreation room, vocational training room,
dormitories, store rooms and counselling room;
(ii) conduct periodic inspection
of electrical installations;
(iii) ensure proper storage and
inspection of articles of food; and
(iv) ensure stand-by
arrangements for water storage and emergency lighting.
(11) Special infrastructural
facilities and necessary equipment shall be provided to differently-abled
children. Such facilities and equipment shall be designed under the guidance of
specialists or experts.
(12) Other logistical and
functional requirements which would be provided may include:
(i) computer sets;
(ii) photocopiers;
(iii) printer, scanner cum fax;
(iv) telephone with internet
(v) web cam;
(vi) furniture for officials,
record keeping cabinets, work stations, wheel chair and stretchers for medical
(vii) chairs and tables for study
and dining hall;
(viii) projector.
Rule - 30. Clothing, Bedding, Toiletries and other Articles.
(1) The clothing and bedding
shall be as per the scale and climatic conditions. The requirements of each
child and the minimum standards for clothing and bedding shall be as under:
Sl. No. |
Article |
Quantity to be provided per child |
1. |
Mattress |
1 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 1 year. |
2. |
Cotton Durry |
2 at the time of admission and subsequently 2
after every 2 years. |
3. |
Cotton bed sheets |
2 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 6 months. |
4. |
Pillow (Cotton stuffed) |
1 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 1 year. |
5. |
Pillow covers |
1 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 1 year. |
6. |
Cotton blankets/Khes |
2 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 2 years. |
7. |
Cotton filled quilt |
1 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 2 years (in cold region in addition to the blankets). |
8. |
Mosquito net |
1 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 6 months. |
9. |
Cotton towels |
2 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 3 months. |
B. Clothing for Girls |
Sl. No. |
Article |
Quantity per child |
1. |
Skirts and Blouse or Salwar Kameez or Half Sari
with Blouse and Petticoat |
5 sets per year for girls depending on age and
regional preferences. |
2. |
Age appropriate undergarments |
3 sets every quarter. |
3. |
Sanitary Towels |
12 packs per year for older girls. |
4. |
Woollen Sweaters (full sleeves) |
2 sweaters yearly. |
5. |
Woollen Sweaters (Half sleeves) |
2 sweaters yearly. |
6. |
Woollen Shawls |
1 per year. |
7. |
Nightwear |
2 sets every 6 months. |
B. Clothing for Boys |
Sl. No. |
Article |
Quantity per child |
1. |
Shirts |
2 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 6 months. |
2. |
Shorts |
2 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 6 months for younger boys. |
3. |
Pants |
2 at the time of admission and subsequently 1
after every 6 months for older boys. |
4. |
Age appropriate undergarments |
3 sets every quarter. |
5. |
Woollen jerseys (full sleeves) |
2 yearly. |
6. |
Woollen jerseys (half sleeves) |
2 yearly. |
7. |
Woollen Caps |
1 in 1 year. |
8. |
Kurta Pyjama for night wear |
2 sets every 6 months. |
C. Miscellaneous Articles |
1. |
Slippers |
1 pair at the time of admission and subsequently
after every 6 months. |
2. |
Sports shoes |
1 pair at the time of admission and subsequently
1 pair after every 1 year. |
3. |
School uniform |
2 sets every six months for children attending
schools. |
4. |
School bag |
1 every year for children attending schools. |
5. |
School shoes |
1 pair at the time of admission in school and
subsequently 1 pair after every 6 months. |
6. |
Handkerchiefs |
2 at the time of admission and subsequently 2
after every 2 months. |
7. |
Socks |
3 pairs every six months. |
8. |
Stationery |
As per need. |
(2) In addition to the clothing
specified above, each child shall be provided, once in three years, with a suit
consisting of one transparent shirt, one pair of shorts or pants, one pair of transparent
canvas shoes and one blazer for use during ceremonial occasions. In the case of
girls it shall be one transparent half sari or one salwar kameez or one transparent skirt
and one transparent blouse, a pair of transparent canvas shoes and a blazer.
(3) In every hospital attached
to the institution where there is provision for in-patient cots, the following
scale has to be followed:
Sl. No. |
Night clothing and bedding |
Scale for supply |
1. |
Mattress |
One per bed per 3 years. |
2. |
Cotton bed sheets |
Four per bed per year. |
3. |
Pillows |
One per bed per two year. |
4. |
Pillow covers |
Four per bed per year. |
5. |
Woollen blankets |
One per bed per 2 years. |
6. |
Pyjamas and loose shirts (hospital type for boys) |
3 pairs per child per year. |
7. |
Skirts and blouses or salwar kameez for girls |
3 pairs per child per year. |
8. |
Cotton durry |
One per bed per three years. |
(4) Toiletry: Every resident of
the Child Care Institution shall be issued oil, soap and other material as per
the following scale:
Sl. No. |
Items |
Quantity to be issued per child |
1. |
Hair Oil for grooming the hair |
100 ml per month. |
2. |
Toilet soap/handwash |
2 bars of 100gm per month. |
3. |
Tooth brush |
1 in every 3 months. |
4. |
Toothpaste |
100gm (a tube) per month. |
5. |
Comb |
1 in every 3 month. |
6. |
Shampoo sachets |
8 in a month (10ml/per sachet). |
7. |
Bathing soap |
2 bars of 125gm per month. |
8. |
Hair clip/band |
2 bands in 3 month. |
9. |
Moisturiser or cold cream (during winters) |
250 ml in a month. |
(5) For washing of clothes and
towels, bed-sheet, etc., the following scale may be followed:
(i) washing soap: 3 soaps for
one month (125 gms) or equivalent washing powder;
(ii) transparentning or bleaching
agent to the extent required only for transparent clothing.
The hospital clothing shall
not be mixed with other clothing at the time of washing and if necessary, the
Superintendent can issue the above items separately for washing of hospital
clothing. The superintendent may get installed washing machines, as required.
(6) The following items shall
be provided for maintaining the Child Care Institutions in a healthy and
sanitary condition:
Sl. No. |
Items |
Scale of Supply |
1. |
Broom stick |
25 to 40 per month depending on the area of the
institution. |
2. |
Pesticide spray |
As per the institution doctor's advice. |
3. |
Effective bugs killing agent |
As required. |
4. |
Phenyl and cleaning acid |
Depending on the area of lavatories to be (daily)
cleaned as per institution doctor's advice. |
5. |
Mosquito repellent machines |
2 per room per month with adequate fillets. |
Rule - 31. Sanitation and Hygiene.
(1) Every Child Care
Institution shall have the following facilities, namely:
(i) sufficient treated drinking
water; water filters or RO shall be installed at multiple locations in the
premises for easy access such as kitchen, dormitory, recreational rooms etc.;
(ii) sufficient water including
hot water for bathing and washing clothes, maintenance and cleanliness of the
(iii) proper drainage system with
regular maintenance;
(iv) arrangements for disposal
of garbage;
(v) protection from mosquitoes
by providing mosquito nets or repellants;
(vi) annual pest control;
(vii) sufficient number of
well-lit and airy toilets with proper fittings in the proportion of at least
one toilet for seven children;
(viii) sufficient number of
well-lit and airy bathrooms with proper fittings in the proportion of at least
one bath room for ten children;
(ix) sufficient space for
washing and drying of clothes;
(x) washing machine wherever
(xi) clean and fly-proof kitchen
and separate area for washing utensils;
(xii) sunning of bedding twice
every month and clothing on regular basis;
(xiii) maintenance of cleanliness
in the Medical Centre;
(xiv) daily sweeping and wiping
of all floors in the home;
(xv) cleaning or washing of the
toilets and bathrooms twice everyday;
(xvi) proper washing of
vegetables and fruits and hygienic manner of preparing food;
(xvii) cleaning of the kitchen
slabs, floor and gas after every meal;
(xviii) clean and pest proof store
for maintaining food articles and other supplies;
(xix) disinfection of the
beddings at least once a year;
(xx) fumigation of a sick room
or isolation room after every discharge in case of contagious or infectious
disease; and
(xxi) cleanliness in medical
Rule - 32. Daily Routine.
(1) Every Child Care
Institution shall have a daily routine for children developed in consultation
with the Children's Committees, which shall be prominently displayed at various
places within the Child Care Institution.
(2) The daily routine may provide,
inter alia, for a regulated and disciplined life, personal hygiene and
cleanliness, physical exercise, yoga, educational classes, vocational training,
organised recreation and games, moral education, group activities, prayer and
community singing and special programmes for Sundays and holidays and national
holidays, festive days, birthdays.
Rule - 33. Nutrition and Diet Scale.
(1) The following nutrition and
diet scale shall be followed by the Child Care Institutions, namely:
(i) the children shall be provided
four meals in a day including breakfast;
(ii) the menu shall be prepared
with the help of a nutritional expert or doctor to ensure balanced diet and
variety in taste as per the minimum nutritional standard and diet scale;
(iii) every Child Care
Institution shall strictly adhere to the minimum nutritional standard and diet
scale suggested as specified below:
Sl. No. |
Name of the articles of diet |
Scale per head per day |
1. |
Rice/Wheat/Ragi/Jowar |
600 gms, (700 gms for 16-18 yrs age) of which at
least 100 gms to be either Wheat or Ragi or Jowar or Rice. |
2. |
Dal/Rajma/Chana |
120 gms. |
3. |
Edible Oil |
25 gms. |
4. |
Onion |
25 gms. |
5. |
Salt |
25 gms. |
6. |
Turmeric |
05 gms. |
7. |
Coriander Seed Powder |
05 gms. |
8. |
Ginger |
05 gms. |
9. |
Garlic |
05 gms. |
10. |
Tamarind/Mango powder |
05 gms. |
11. |
Milk (at breakfast) |
150 ml. |
12. |
Dry Chillies |
05 gms. |
13. |
Vegetables Leafy Non — leafy |
100 gms. 130gms. |
14. |
Curd or Butter Milk |
100 gms/ml. |
15. |
Chicken once a week or Eggs 4 days |
115 gms. |
16. |
Jaggery & Ground Nut Seeds or Paneer
(vegetarian only) |
60 gms each (100 gms for paneer) Once in a week. |
17. |
Sugar |
40 gms. |
18. |
Tea/Coffee |
5gm. |
19. |
Sooji/Poha |
150 gms. |
20. |
Ragi |
150 gms. |
Following items for 50 Children per day |
21. |
Pepper |
25 gms. |
22. |
Jeera Seeds |
25 gms. |
23. |
Black Gram dal |
50 gms. |
24. |
Mustard Seeds |
50 gms. |
25. |
Ajwain Seeds |
50 gms. |
On Chicken Day for 10 Kg. of Chicken |
26. |
Garam Masala |
10 gms. |
27. |
Kopra |
150 gms. |
28. |
KhasKhas |
150 gms. |
29. |
Groundnut Oil |
500 gms. |
For Sick Children |
30. |
Bread |
500 gms. |
31. |
Milk |
500 ml. |
32. |
Khichadi |
300 gms. |
Other Items |
33. |
LP Gas for Cooking only |
(2) Children may be provided
special meals on holidays, festivals, sports and cultural day and celebration
of national festival.
(3) Infants and sick children
shall be provided special diet according to the advice of the doctor on their
dietary requirement.
(4) The requirement of each
child shall also be taken into account including need for iron and folic acid
(5) The menu for the day shall
be prepared in consultation with the Children's Committee and shall be
displayed in the dining hall.
(6) Variation in diet may be as
per seasonal and regional variations, a suggested diet variation is given
(i) varieties of dal e g., Toor
(Arhar), Moong (Green Gram) and Chana (Bengal Gram) may be given alternatively;
(ii) on non-vegetarian days,
vegetarian children shall be issued with either 60 gms of jaggery and 60 gms of
groundnut seeds per head in the shape of laddus or any other sweet dish or 100
gms paneer;
(iii) leafy vegetables such as
Fenugreek (Methi), Spinach (Palak), Sarson (Mustard leaves) Gongura Thotakura
or any other saag etc., may also be issued once in a week. If a kitchen garden
is attached to any institution, leafy vegetables, should be grown and issued
and the Superintendent should try to issue variety of vegetables and see that
the same vegetable is not repeated for at least a period of one week;
(iv) seasonal fruits shall be
provided in a non-repetitive manner in sufficient quantities;
(v) the Person-in-charge may
make temporary alterations in the scale of diet in individual cases when
considered necessary by him, or on the advice of the doctor of the institution
subject to the condition that the scale laid down is not exceeded.
(7) Meal Timing and Menu:
(i) Breakfast — 7.30 a.m. to
8.30 a.m.
(a) upma or chapattis made of
wheat or ragi or any other dish;
(b) chutneys from Gongura or
fresh curry leave or fresh coriander or Coconut and Putnadal etc., dal or
vegetable may be issued as a dish;
(c) milk;
(d) any seasonal fruit in
sufficient quantity.
(ii) Lunch at 12.30 to 1.30 P.M.
and Dinner — 7.00 P.M. — 8.00 P.M.
(a) rice or Chapattis or
combination of both;
(b) vegetable curry;
(c) sambar or dal;
(d) butter milk or curd.
(8) Others:
(i) depending on the season,
the Person-in-charge shall have the discretion to alter the time for distribution
of food;
(ii) on the advice of the
institution's doctor or at the discretion of the Person-in-charge, every sick
child who is prevented from taking regular food, on account of his ill-health,
may be issued with medical diet as per the scale for sick children;
(iii) extra diet for nourishment
like milk, eggs, sugar and fruits shall be issued to the children on the advice
of the institution doctor in addition to the regular diet, to gain weight or
for other health reasons and for the purpose of calculation of the daily
ration, the sick children shall be excluded from the day's strength;
(iv) special lunch or dinner may
be provided to the children at the Child Care Institution at the rate fixed by
the Person-in-charge of the Child Care Institution, from time to time on
national festivals and festival occasions, including:
(a) Republic Day (26th
(b) Independence Day (15th
(c) Mahatma Gandhi's Birth day
(2nd October);
(d) Children's Day (14th
(e) National festivals;
(f) Local festivals;
(g) Annual Day of the Child
Care Institution.
[84][(h) Birthday of any of the
children in the Child Care Institution.]
Rule - 34. Medical Care.
(1) In all Child Care
Institutions, a medical officer shall be made available on call whenever
necessary for regular medical check up and treatment of children.
(2) A nurse or a para medic
shall be available round the clock in all Child Care Institutions.
(3) Every Child Care
Institution may:
(i) arrange for medical
examination of each child admitted in an institution by the Medical Officer
within twenty-four hours of admission and in special cases or medical
emergencies immediately;
(ii) arrange for a medical
examination of child by the Medical Officer at the time of transfer within
twenty four hours before transfer;
(iii) maintain a medical record
of each child on the basis of monthly medical check-up and provide necessary
medical facilities;
(iv) ensure that the medical
record includes weight and height record, any sickness and treatment, and other
physical or mental problems;
(v) have facilities for
quarterly medical check-ups including dental check-up, eye testing and
screening for skin problems and for treatment of children;
[85][(va) periodic medical
health screening of each child to be conducted with the help of the nearest
Government healthcare facilities;]
(vi) every institution to have
first aid kit and all staff be trained in handling first aid;
(vii) make necessary arrangements
for the immunisation of children;
(viii) take preventive measures in
the event of out-break of contagious or infectious diseases;
(ix) keep sick children under
constant medical supervision;
(x) not carry out any surgical
intervention in a hospital on any child without the previous consent of his
parent or guardian, unless the parent or guardian cannot be contacted and the
condition of the child is such that any delay would, in the opinion of the
medical officer, involve unnecessary suffering or injury to the health of the
child or danger to life, or without obtaining a written consent to this effect
from the Person-in-charge of the institution;
(xi) provide or arrange for
regular counselling of every child and ensure specific mental health
interventions for those in need of such services, including separate rooms for
counselling sessions within the premises of the institution and referral to
specialised mental health centres, where necessary; and
(xii) refer such children who
require specialised drug de-addiction and rehabilitation programme, to an
appropriate centre administered by qualified persons [86][or
running under any Government Scheme of the Ministry or Department] where these
programmes shall be adopted to the age, gender and other specifications of the
child concerned.
(4) Baseline investigation of
Complete Blood Count (CBC), Urine Routine, HIV, VDRL, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis
C tests and allergy or addiction to drugs shall be conducted for all children
at the time of entry into the institution as suggested by the doctor after
examining the child.
(5) Test for pregnancy or
diseases for victims of sexual offences shall be conducted, if required by the
order of the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court. In such cases the
District Child Protection Unit shall facilitate following of the procedures
laid down in the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971, if so needed.
(6) [87][The District Magistrate
through the Chief or District Medical Officer] shall make provisions for those
children diagnosed with special problems such as hormonal problems,
immuno-compromised diseases, physical and mental disabilities on the
recommendation of the medical officer. The children shall be kept in special
care homes or hospitals and avail necessary medical/psychiatric and
psychological support or treatment.
[88][(6A) The State Government
may be approached in the event of inadequate facilities in the District and the
concerned State Government shall make necessary arrangements in all such
(7) All girls who have attained
puberty shall undergo health assessment to detect iron deficiency. Necessary
dietary plan and medicines shall be prescribed by the nutritionist and
appointed doctor, if need be.
(8) A psycho-social profile of
every child shall be maintained by the Child Care Institution and updated every
month. Special observations may be recorded, when required. Person-in-charge of
the institution shall ensure that any recommendations made shall be duly
complied with.
Rule - 35. Mental Health.
(1) The environment in an
institution shall be free from abuse, allowing children to cope with their
situation and regain confidence.
(2) All persons involved in
taking care of the children in an institution [89][shall
be provided necessary training or capacity building so as to facilitate] an
enabling environment and work in collaboration with the therapists as needed.
(3) Milieu based interventions
and individual therapy are must for every child and shall be provided in all
Explanation.—For the
purpose of this sub-rule, “milieu based intervention” is a process of recovery,
which starts through providing an enabling culture and environment in an
institution so as to ensure that each child's abilities are discovered and they
have choices and right to take decisions regarding their life and thus, develop
and identify beyond their negative experiences, such intervention which has a
critical emotional impact on the child.
[90][(4) The facilities available
under the concerned mental health programme at State or District Level under
the Ministry or Department of Health shall be utilised for providing facilities
for mental health to the children.]
Every institution shall have the
services of trained counselors or collaboration with external agencies such as
child guidance centres, psychology and psychiatric departments or similar
Government and non-Governmental agencies, for specialised and regular
individual therapy for the child.
The recommendations of mental health
experts shall be maintained in every case file, as required.
No child shall be administered
medication for mental health problems without a psychological evaluation and
diagnosis by trained mental health professionals.
Medicines should be administered to the
children only by trained medical staff and not by any other staff of the Home.
Rule - 36. Education.
(1) Every institution shall
provide education to all children according to the age and ability, both inside
the institution or outside, as per requirement.
(2) There shall be a range of
educational opportunities including, mainstream inclusive schools, bridge
school, open schooling, non formal education and learning where needed.
(3) Wherever necessary, extra
coaching shall be made available to school going children in the institutions
by encouraging volunteer services or tying up with coaching centres or tutors.
(4) Specialised trainers and
experts shall be appointed to cater to the educational needs of children with
special needs either physical or mental. Learning disorders shall be
identified, assessed and reported in the Individual Care Plan. Further
assistance shall be given to the child by trained professionals.
(5) Regularity of the education
programme and attendance of the children shall be ensured.
(6) Children should be able to
avail scholarships, grants and schemes and sponsorships.
Rule - 37. Vocational Training.
(1) Every Child Care
Institution shall provide gainful vocational training to children according to
their age, aptitude, interest and ability, both inside or outside the Child
Care Institution.
(2) Vocational training shall
include occupational therapy, skill and interest based training, aimed at
suitable placement at the end of the course. The institute, preferably government
recognised, providing vocational training shall give a certificate, on the
completion of the course.
(3) Where vocational training
is offered outside the premises of the Child Care Institution, children shall
be escorted for such programmes with proper security planning and services,
particularly for children who are at risk.
(4) A record shall be
maintained for all children attending the programmes and the progress made by
each child shall be reviewed. The report in that regard shall be submitted
to [91][the
District Magistrate,] the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court, as
the case may be, on a quarterly basis.
[92][(5) The District
Magistrate may ensure convergence with existing Central or State Government
programmes for skilling and vocational training of the children.]
[93][(6) Every child aged
fourteen and above living in a Child Care Institution or under
non-institutional care may be given the option of skill development and
vocational training.]
Rule - 38. Recreational Facilities.
(1) Recreational facilities may
include indoor and outdoor games, yoga and meditation, music, television,
picnic and outings, cultural programmes, gardening and library, etc.
(2) Sufficient space shall be
made available for outdoor sports and games.
(3) Picnic and outings may include
education fair or science fair, museum, planetarium, botanical garden,
zoological garden, etc.
(4) Cultural event or sports
competition shall be held once in a quarter to showcase talent on festivals or
on days of national festivals.
(5) Library shall have child
friendly environment. There shall be books in regional language, newspapers,
children's magazines, puzzle books, picture books, books in braille, audio and
video devices, etc.
(6) Space in the home shall be
made available for gardening with technical input being given by a gardener to
the children.
(7) Music, dance and art
therapy may be included in the list of recreational activities to enhance the
healing process of each child.
(8) Regularity of the
activities shall be maintained with support of institutions and
non-governmental organisation, if needed and a report shall be submitted on
quarterly basis to the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court, as the
case may be.
Rule - 39. Management Committee.
(1) Every Child Care
Institution shall have a Management Committee for the management of the
institution and monitoring the progress of every child.
(2) In order to ensure proper
care and treatment as per the individual care plans, children shall be grouped
on the basis of age, nature of offence or kind of care required, physical and
mental health and length of stay.
(3) The Management Committee
shall comprise of:
Child Protection Officer (District Child Protection Unit) — Chairperson;
— Member-Secretary;
Officer or Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker — Member;
Officer — Member;
or Counsellor — Member;
Supervisor or Vocational Instructor — Member;
— Member;
Worker Member of the Board or the Committee — Member;
child representatives from each of the Children's Committees — Members;
other special invitee with the consent of the Chairperson.
(4) The Management Committee
shall meet at least once every month to consider and review:
in the institution, housing, area of activity and type of supervision or
interventions required;
facilities and treatment;
water, sanitation and hygiene conditions;
health interventions;
problems of children and institutional adjustment;
review of individual care plans;
of legal aid services;
training and opportunities for employment;
and life skills development programmes;
adjustment, recreation, group work activities, guidance and counselling;
adjustment and modification of residential programmes to the needs of the
post-release or post-restoration rehabilitation programme and follow up for a
period of two years in collaboration with after care services, as the case may
or pre-restoration preparation;
or restoration;
release or post-restoration follow-up;
standards of care, including infrastructure and services available;
(xvii) daily routine;
participation and voluntary participation in the residential life of children
such as education, vocational activities, recreation and hobby;
registers as required under the Act and the rules maintained by the
institution, duly stamped and signed and to check and verify the registers in
the monthly review meetings;
concerning Children's Committees; and
other matter which the Person-in-charge may like to bring up.
(5) The Management Committee
shall set up a complaint and redressal mechanism in every institution and a Children's
Suggestion Box shall be installed in every institution at a place easily
accessible to children away from the office set up and closer to the residence
or rooms or dormitories of the children.
(6) The key of the Children's
Suggestion Box shall remain in the custody of the Chairperson of the Management
Committee and shall be checked every week by the Chairperson of the Management
Committee or his representative from District Child Protection Unit, in the
presence of the members of the Children's Committees.
[94][(6A) The District Child
Protection Unit shall compile the recommendations of the Management Committees
and suggestions of the children received from the Suggestion Box from all Child
Care Institutions in the Districts on a monthly basis, action taken on the same
and submit a detailed report to the District Magistrate.]
(7) If there is a problem or
suggestion that requires immediate attention, the Chairperson of the Management
Committee shall call for an emergency meeting of the Management Committee to discuss
and take necessary action.
(8) The quorum for conducting
emergency meetings shall be five members, including two members of Children's
Committees, Chairperson of the Management Committee, Member of the Board or the
Committee, as the case may be, and the Person-in-charge of the Child Care
(9) In the event of a serious
allegation or complaint against the Person-in-charge of the institution, he
shall not be part of the emergency meeting and another available member of the
Management Committee shall be included in his place.
(10) All suggestions received
through the suggestion box and action taken as a result of the decisions made
in the emergency meeting or action required to be taken shall be placed for
discussion and review in the monthly meeting of the Management Committee.
(11) A Children's Suggestion
Book shall be maintained in every institution where the complaints and action
taken by the Management Committee are duly recorded and such action and follow
up shall be communicated to the Children's Committees after every monthly
meeting of the Management Committee.
(12) The Board or Committee
shall review the Children's Suggestion Book at least once a month.
(13) The complaint box shall be
accessible by the Chairperson of the Committee or any other person authorised
by him.
Rule - 40. Children's Committees.
(1) Person-in-charge of every
institution for children shall facilitate the setting up of children's
committees for different age groups of children, that is in the age group of 6
to 10 years, 11 to 15 years and 16 to 18 years and these children's committees
shall be constituted solely by children.
(2) Such children's committee
shall be encouraged to participate in following activities:
of the condition of the institution;
the standards of care being followed;
daily routine and diet scale;
educational, vocational and recreation plans;
each other and supporting each other in managing crisis;
abuse and exploitation by peers and caregivers;
expression of their views through wall papers or newsletters or paintings or
music or theatre;
of institution through the Management Committee.
(3) The Person-in-charge shall
ensure that the children's committees meet every month and maintain a register
for recording their activities and proceedings, and place it before the
Management Committee in their monthly meetings.
(4) The Person-in-charge shall
ensure that the children's committees are provided with essential support and
materials including stationary, space and guidance for effective functioning.
(5) The Person-in-charge may,
as far as feasible, seek assistance from local voluntary organisations or child
participation experts for the setting up and functioning of the children's
(6) The local voluntary
organisation or child participation expert shall support the children's
committees in the following:
their leaders and in devising the procedure to be followed for conducting the
the elections and monthly meetings;
rules for the functioning of children's committees and following it;
records and Children's Suggestion Book and other relevant documents; and
other innovative activity.
(7) The Management Committee
shall seek a report from the Person-in-charge on the setting up and functioning
of the children's committees, review these reports in their monthly meetings
and take necessary action or place the same before the Board or the Committee,
wherever required.
Rule - 41. Inspection.
[95][(1) The State Government
shall constitute the State level inspection committee and the District
Magistrate shall constitute district level inspection committees.]
The State Inspection Committee shall
comprise of a maximum of seven members from among the State Government, namely
the Board or Committee, the State Commission for the Protection of Child
Rights, the State Human Rights Commission, State Adoption Resource Agency,
medical and other experts, voluntary organisations and reputed social workers.
The Member-Secretary, State Child Protection Society shall be the Chairperson
of the State Inspection Committee.
The State Inspection Committee shall
carry out inspections of the Child Care Institutions as defined under
sub-section (21) of Section 2 of the Act housing children in the State in Form
The State Inspection Committee shall
carry out random inspections of the institutions housing children to determine
whether such institution is housing children in need of care and protection.
The State Inspection Committee shall
submit report to the Secretary of the Department implementing the Act.
The State Inspection Committee shall
make recommendations for improvement and development of the Institutions in
accordance with the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder
and [96][shall
forward the same to the District Magistrate and the State Child Protection
Society] for appropriate action.
[97][(6A) The Inspection report
of the State Inspection Committee shall be forwarded to the District Magistrate
within a period of two weeks of the visit.]
The State Inspection Committee shall
interact with the children during visits to the institution to determine their
well-being and to get their feedback.
[98][(7A) Appropriate action
shall be taken within a month by the District Magistrate and a compliance
report for the same shall be submitted to the State Child Protection Society,
in two months period.]
[99][(8) The District
Inspection Committee shall comprise of the following members, namely—
(i) Additional District
Magistrate- Chairperson;
(ii) Member of the Board or the
(iii) District Child Protection
Officer as the Member Secretary;
(iv) one Medical Officer
nominated by the Chief or District Medical Officer of the district;
(v) one member of the civil
society working in the area of child rights, care, protection and welfare, who
is not a part of the management or organisation or has any pecuniary interest
in such organisation of any Child Care Institution
(vi) one mental health expert
who has experience of working with children; and
(vii) any other person of repute
from society not having conflict of interest, deemed appropriate by the
District Magistrate.]
The District Inspection Committee shall
inspect all Child Care Institutions in the district in Form 46.
The inspection of the facilities housing
children in the district shall be carried out at least once every three months.
The District Inspection Committee shall
submit the report of the findings [100][to
the District Magistrate] or the State Government and shall also make
suggestions for improvement and development of the Child Care Institutions in
accordance with the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder.
The District Inspection Committee shall
interact with the children during the visits to the institution to determine
their well-being and to elicit their feedback.
[101][(13) The District
Magistrate shall take necessary action on the report of the District Inspection
Committee and ensure corrective measures are taken in a time bound manner.]
[102][(14) The District
Magistrate shall submit a report on the Child Care Institutions functioning in
the District and measures taken for their improvement once every year to the
State Government.]
Rule - 42. Evaluation.
(1) The evaluation of functioning
of the Board, Committee, special juvenile police units, registered
institutions, or recognised fit facilities and persons under the Act may be
done by the Central Government or the State Government once in three years
through institutions and agencies such as reputed academic institutions,
schools of social work of Universities, Management Institutions,
multidisciplinary Committee especially constituted for the purpose etc.
(2) The findings of the
evaluation as per sub-rule (1) above shall be shared between the Central and
State Governments in order to strengthen and improve the functioning of
different structures.
Rule - 43. Adoption Related Reporting.
(1) The Child Welfare
Committees shall, furnish the data relating to children declared legally free
for adoption and cases pending for decision to the Authority online [103][on
a monthly basis] in the formats provided in the Adoption Regulations and also
to the respective State Adoption Resource Agencies, with the assistance of the
District Child Protection Units.
[104][(2) The information to be
provided in sub-rule (1) shall also be provided to the District Magistrate in
Form 16A].
[105][(3) The District
Magistrate after review of the report submitted by the Child Welfare Committee
in Form 16A shall take necessary measures to expedite the process of adoption
of children declared legally free for adoption.]
Rule - 44. Children who are not being adopted after being declared legally free for adoption may be eligible for Foster Care.
(1) The following categories of
children may be considered for Foster Care in following circumstances:
in the age group of 0 to 6 years who are being considered by the Committee as
legally free for adoption and those who have been declared legally free for adoption
shall not as far as possible be considered for placement in foster care. Such
children shall be provided a permanent family through adoption as per Adoption
[106][(ii) Every child who does
not get a family either in in-country adoption or in inter-country adoption and
is placed under the hard to place category, shall be eligible to be placed in
foster care, by the Committee on the recommendation of the District Child
Protection Unit or the Specialised Adoption Agency.]
(iii) [107][*
* *]
(iv) [108][*
* *]
Where the child has remained with a
foster family for [109][a
minimum of two years] other than in preadoption foster care, the foster family
may apply for adoption and shall be given preference to adopt the child after
the child has been declared legally free for adoption and [110][after
registering in the portal of the Authority] and according to procedures laid
down in Adoption Regulations.
Rule - 45.[Procedure before the District Magistrate][111].
[112][(1) The procedure for
obtaining an Adoption Order from the District Magistrate or the Additional
District Magistrate (authorised by the District Magistrate), as the case may
be, shall be such as provided in Adoption Regulations.]
[113][(2) The District
Magistrate, for the purpose of an application for adoption order, shall follow
the procedure as laid down in the Act and the Adoption Regulations.]
[114][(3) All the cases
pertaining to adoption matters pending before the Court shall stand transferred
to the District Magistrate from the date of commencement of these rules.]
Rule - 46. Period for disposal of applications.
[115][(1) The District
Magistrate or the Additional District Magistrate (authorised by the District
Magistrate), as the case may be, shall dispose of an application for making an
adoption order within a period of two months from the date of filing of the
application, as provided under sub-section (2) of Section 61 of the Act.]
(2) [116][No
information or Adoption order issued by the District Magistrate] regarding
adoption disclosing the identity of the child shall be uploaded on any portal
except as may be stipulated in Adoption Regulations.
Rule - 47. Special provision for protection of adopted children.
Any case of offence
committed against adopted child shall be dealt as per the law applicable to any
other child.
Rule - 48. Linkage of Child Care Institutions to Specialised Adoption Agencies.
Linkage of Child Care
Institutions with Specialized Adoption Agencies for the purpose of adoption
shall be governed by the provisions of Section 66 of the Act and Adoption
Rule - 49. Additional Functions of the Authority.
(1) The Authority shall perform
the following functions, in addition to the functions specified in sub-section
(1) of Section 68 of the Act, namely:
applications of a non-resident Indian or overseas citizen of India or a
foreigner living abroad through authorised adoption agency or Central Authority
or the Government Department concerned or an Indian Diplomatic Mission and
process the same in terms of sub-section (5) of Section 59 of the Act;
and process applications received from a foreigner or an overseas citizen of
India residing in India for one year or more, and who is interested in adopting
a child from India in terms of sub-section (12) of Section 59 of the Act;
no-objection certificate in all cases of inter-country adoptions;
conformity certificate in the inter-country adoption cases under Article 23 of
the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect
of Inter-Country Adoption;
the immigration authorities of India and the receiving country of the child
about the intercountry adoption cases;
Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System for transparency in the
adoption system;
support and guidance to State Adoption Resource Agencies, [117][the
District Magistrate,] District Child Protection Units, Specialised Adoption
Agencies and other stakeholders of adoption and related matters, through
trainings, workshops, exposure visits, consultations, conferences, seminars and
other capacity building programmes;
with [118][State
Governments, the State Adoption Resource Agencies and the District Magistrate,]
and advise them in adoption related matters;
uniform standards and indicators, relating to—
(a) adoption procedure related
to orphan, abandoned and surrendered children and also related to relative
(b) quality child care
standards in specialised adoption agencies [119][*
* *];
(c) monitoring and supervision
of service providers;
(d) standardisation of
documents in cases of adoptions;
(e) safeguards and ethical
practices including online applications for facilitating hassle-free adoptions.
research, documentation and publication on adoption related matters;
[120][(xi) maintain a comprehensive
centralised database and portal relating to children and prospective adoptive
parents for the purpose of adoption;]
maintain a confidential centralised
database relating to children placed in adoption and adoptive parents in the
Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System;
carry out advocacy, awareness and
information, education, and communication activities for promoting adoption
either by itself or through its associated bodies;
enter into bilateral agreements with foreign Central Authorities, wherever
necessary under the Hague Adoption Convention; and
authorise foreign adoption agencies to
process applications of non-resident Indians or overseas citizen of India or
foreign prospective adoptive parents for inter-country adoption of Indian
Rule - 50. Terms and conditions of appointment of Members of the Steering Committee of the Authority.
(1) A person for being selected
or nominated as a member of the Steering Committee of the Authority shall:
an Indian national;
be below the age of twenty-five years and above the age of sixty years, and for
the member who is an adoptee as per clause (e) of sub-section (1) of Section 69
of the Act, the minimum age would be twenty-one years;
have been convicted or sentenced to imprisonment for an offence under any law
for the time being in force; and
have been removed or dismissed from service of the Central or State Government
or a body or corporation owned or controlled by Central or State Government.
(2) The members in clause (d)
of sub-section (1) of Section 69 of the Act, shall be from different zones on
rotation basis.
(3) The zones and the States
covered for the purpose of selection of the members of the Steering Committee
shall be as per the grouping made by Inter-State Council and North-Eastern
Council from time to time. The States not covered in any of the zonal councils
shall be included in the zone having geographical proximity.
(4) The member from the State
Adoption Resource Agency would be selected from the State of the zone under
consideration on the basis of:
of inspections of Specialised Adoption Agencies conducted by the State Adoption
Resource Agency;
in conducting the quarterly meetings of the Specialised Adoption Agencies and
uploading of the minutes of such meetings in [121][the
centralised database and portal relating to children and prospective adoptive
parents for the purpose of adoption];
of data integrity maintained by the State Adoption Resource Agency among the
Specialised Adoption Agencies through the District Child Protection Units
building of stakeholders as well as publicity awareness activities of State
Adoption Resource Agency for the promotion of adoption in the State; and
of coordination with other stakeholders in the State as well as with the
(5) The selected State Adoption
Resource Agency would be represented in the Steering Committee by the Secretary
of the Department of the State Government dealing with adoption or his
representative not below the rank of Deputy Secretary or Joint Director of the
State Government.
(6) The members of the
Specialised Adoption Agencies would be selected as per the following criteria
available in the Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System and as
per the record available with the Authority:
number of children given in adoption;
and data integrity in the Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance
of the progress of children placed in adoption;
keeping and documentation;
care standards; and
proven complaint of malpractice against the agency.
(7) The Specialised Adoption
Agencies shall be represented by their President or Chairperson or General
Secretary or Secretary or Managing Trustee or Director or Manager, as the case
may be.
(8) The selection of the member
from the category of advocate or professor in family law shall be from a
combined panel of four names, with two names from each category, received [122][from
the Department of Legal Affairs and the Legislative Department, Ministry of Law
and Justice.]
(9) The members of the Steering
Committee, under clause (e) and (f) of sub-section (1) of Section 69 of the
Act, shall be selected or nominated by a Committee comprising of:
Ministry of Women and Child Development as the Chairperson;
Secretary or Joint Secretary in-charge of the Authority in the Ministry of
Women and Child Development as member;
external expert in the field of child protection as nominated by the Minister
for Women and Child Development, as member; and
Secretary of the Steering Committee, as the Member-Convener.
(10) The members of the Steering
Committee other than ex-officio members shall be appointed with the approval of
the Minister for Women and Child Development.
(11) The tenure of the members
of the Steering Committee, other than the ex-officio members shall be two years
from the date of appointment, unless the member resigns or is removed or
attains the age of sixty years.
(12) A non-ex-officio member
shall not be eligible for a second term.
(13) In case of any vacancy, a
new member will be nominated or selected for the remaining period of the tenure
from the same State from the same category.
(14) A non-ex-officio member of
the Steering Committee of the Authority shall cease to be a member if:
resigns as a member, or
ceases to hold the position by virtue of which he has been represented as a
member; or
is removed on the following grounds:
(a) on being adjudged as an
insolvent, or
(b) is convicted of a criminal
offence involving moral turpitude, or,
(c) fails to attend three
consecutive meetings of the Steering Committee without the leave of the
Chairperson of the Steering Committee, or
(d) is found working against
the objectives of the adoption programme, the interests of the Authority and is
found to be not following the regulations as applicable, or
(e) is found divulging any
transaction of business or deliberations in the meetings of the Steering
Committee or any document or information circulated to them for the purpose, to
media or any other agency, without the prior approval or authorisation of the
Chairperson, or
(f) is found accepting
benefaction from any source that involves conditions or obligations that are
contrary to the mandates and objectives of the Authority.
(15) A non-ex-officio member
other than State Adoption Resource Agency shall be entitled to a [123][sitting
fee of not less than Rupees Two Thousand per sitting,] for attending a meeting
of the Steering Committee, travelling allowance in economy class air fare,
hotel accommodation and food bill as per the Central Government Rules.
Rule - 51. Transaction of business of the Steering Committee of the Authority.
(1) The Steering Committee of
the Authority shall meet once in a month.
(2) The transaction of business
of the Steering Committee may also be convened [124][by
video conference, through web or] by circulation in case of urgency and such
transaction of business shall have the same effect as if it had been transacted
at a formal meeting.
(3) A meeting of the Steering
Committee shall be convened by the Member-Secretary with the approval of the
(4) The meeting notice shall be
issued by the Member-Secretary at least seven working days before the actual
date of the meeting.
(5) An extra ordinary meeting
of the Steering Committee may be convened by the Chairperson at any time.
(6) Five members of the
Steering Committee shall form the quorum for the meeting.
(7) The meeting shall be
presided over by the Chairperson and in his absence, a member nominated or designated
by the Chairperson.
(8) All decisions in the
Steering Committee shall be taken by majority of the members present excluding
the special invitees, if any.
(9) In case of tie, the
Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
(10) The minutes of the meeting
will be authenticated by the Member-Secretary after obtaining the approval of
the same by the Chairperson.
(11) Any other matter relating
to the transaction of business of the Steering Committee shall be governed by
the procedure adopted by the Steering Committee, whenever required.
Rule - 52. Annual Report of the Authority.
(1) The Chief Executive Officer
or any other officer of the Authority duly authorised by the Chief Executive
Officer in this behalf shall cause to be prepared the annual report of the
Authority under sub-section (1) of Section 71 of the Act on or before the 30th
day of June following the financial year to which that report relates.
(2) The annual report prepared
under sub-rule (1) shall, after approval by the Steering Committee be signed
and authenticated by the Chief Executive Officer.
Rule - 53. Accounts and audit of the Authority.
(1) The annual statement of
accounts of the Authority for every financial year shall be prepared by the
Chief Executive Officer or such officer of the Authority as may be authorised
by the Chief Executive Officer in this behalf.
(2) The Authority shall forward
to the Central Government quarterly reviews of expenditure incurred and the
expenditure likely to be incurred during the remaining part of the financial
(3) The Chief Executive Officer
shall supervise the maintenance of the accounts of the Authority, the
compilation of financial statement and returns and shall also ensure that all
account books, connected vouchers and other documents and papers of the
Authority required by the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General for the
purpose of auditing the accounts of the Authority are placed at the disposal of
that office.
(4) The accounts of the
Authority shall be maintained in the formats prescribed by the office of the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India from time to time.
(5) The annual statement of
accounts shall be signed and authenticated by the Chief Executive Officer.
(6) The annual statement of
accounts of the Authority shall be submitted to the office of the Comptroller
and Auditor General on or before the 30th of June of the following year to
which the accounts relate, which shall audit the accounts of the Authority and
submit the audit report.
(7) The Authority shall, within
thirty days of the receipt of the audit report, remedy any defect or
irregularity pointed out therein, and submit its report to the Central
Government and to the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General about the
action taken by it.
Rule - 54. Procedure in cases of offences against children.
(1) A complaint of an offence against
a child may be made by child, family, guardian, friend or teacher of the
child, [125][*
* *] or any other individual or institutions or organisation concerned.
(2) On receipt of information
in respect of a cognizable offence against a child, the police shall register a
First Information Report (FIR) forthwith.
(3) On receipt of information
of a non-cognizable offence against a child, the police shall make an entry in
the Daily Diary which shall be transmitted to the Magistrate concerned
forthwith who shall direct appropriate action under sub-section (2) of Section
155 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
(4) In all cases of offences
against children, the investigation shall be conducted by the Child Welfare
Police Officer.
(5) Where any offence under the
Act is committed by a Child Care Institution including a Specialised Adoption
Agency, the Committee or the Board as the case may be, may pass appropriate
orders for placing the children already placed with the Child Care Institution
or the Specialised Adoption Agency in any other Child Care Institution or
Specialised Adoption Agency and recommending the cancellation of the
registration and withdrawal of recognition of such institution or agency.
[126][(5A) The State Government
shall take appropriate action on the recommendations of the Committee or the
Board, as the case may be.]
[127][(5B) The District Child
Protection Unit shall ensure transfer of children at the earliest, under
intimation to the State Government.]
(6) Where an FIR is registered
against a person working with a Child Care Institution including Specialised
Adoption Agency for any offence under the Act and the rules, such a person
shall be debarred from working directly with the children during the pendency
of the criminal case.
(7) Where a person has been
dismissed from service or is convicted of an offence under the Act and the
rules, he shall stand disqualified from any further appointment.
(8) In no case a child shall be
placed in a police lock-up or lodged in a jail.
(9) The child and his family
shall be provided access to paralegal volunteers under the District Legal
Service Authority.
(10) An immediate need
assessment of the child will be conducted in terms of the need for food,
clothing, emergency medical care, counselling, psychological support and the
same shall be immediately extended to the child at the police station.
(11) Where a child has been
subjected to sexual abuse, the child may be referred to the nearest District
Hospital or One-Stop Crisis Centre, as the case may be, if locally available.
(12) Special children's rooms
may be designated in every Court Complex with facility for separate space for
children waiting and children who are giving their statement or interview;
separate entrances, wherever feasible; video-conferencing facilities for
interacting with children, wherever possible; provision for entertainment for
children such as books, games, etc. Statements and interviews, other than
during trial of children who are, victims, or witnesses, shall be recorded
through child friendly procedure in a children's room.
(13) The statement or the
interview of the victim/witness child shall be conducted while ensuring the
following conditions:
Magistrate shall record the statement of the child under Section 164 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 in the Children's room or, if possible in the
child's place of residence including, home or institution where he or she is
statement shall be recorded verbatim as spoken by the child.
statement may also be recorded by audio-visual means as per the provisions of
sub-section (1) of Section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
child may be accompanied by parent or guardian or social worker.
(14) The Legal Services
Authority may provide a support person or para legal volunteer for pre-trial
counselling and to accompany the child for recording of the statement who shall
also familiarize the child with the Court and Court environment in advance, and
where the child is found to have been disturbed by the experience of coming to
the Court, orders for video-conferencing may be passed by the Court, on an
application moved by the support person or para-legal volunteer or by the Legal
Services Authority, on behalf of the child.
(15) If the child victim or
witness does not belong to the District or State or Country, the statement or
interview or deposition of the child may also be recorded through video
(16) Where video-conferencing is
not possible, all necessary accommodation, travel expenses for the child and a
guardian accompanying the child will be provided as per actuals by the State
Government or Union Territory Administration.
(17) Separate rooms for
vulnerable witnesses may be designated in every Court Complex to record the
evidence of child witnesses.
(18) During a trial involving
children, as far as possible, the following norms may be followed to ensure a
child-friendly atmosphere:
or guardian(s) shall accompany the child at all times (only if it is in the
best interest of the child). If the said person has a conflict of interest,
another person of the child's choice, or fit person, or representative of the
fit institution identified, or psychologist appointed by the Committee or
Court, shall accompany the child at all times, on approval of the Court.
counselling may also be provided to the child wherever necessary.
a situation where parents or guardians may have been involved in the commission
of the crime, or where the child is living in a place where the child is at
risk of further trauma, and the same is brought to the notice of the Court, or
the Court on its own motion shall direct the child to be taken out of the
custody or care, or out of such situation and the child should be immediately
produced before the Committee.
the age determination of the victim, in relation to offences against children
under the Act, the same procedures mandated for the Board and the Committee
under Section 94 of the Act to be followed.
language(s) used to be familiar to the child and if needed translators and
special educators to be made available.
the statement of the child is recorded, the Court to ensure that the child is
capable of making a voluntary statement.
statement of the child to be disregarded as evidence in the trial solely on the
basis of the age of the child.
or statements admissible in the interview of the child not to be detrimental to
the mental or physical well-being of the child.
and questions admissible at the interview not to be taxing and to be suitable
to the attention span of the child.
case of young children, or otherwise incapacitated child, alternative methods
of interaction and evidence collection that is less intimidating to be adopted.
Court to ensure that at no stage during trial, the child comes face to face
with the accused.
permission from school and arrangement for remedial classes for days lost to be
ensured by the school authorities.
(19) The child may be
represented, as the case may be, by:
lawyer of his choice, or,
prosecutor, or,
lawyer designated or empanelled by the Legal Services Authority.
(20) All functionaries of the
Court and others concerned may be sensitised on the special needs of children
and child rights.
(21) After the process of trial:
child or guardian should be informed of the decision of the judicial proceeding
and its implication.
child or guardian should be made aware of his legal options.
Rule - 55. Procedure in case of offence under Section 75 of the Act.
(1) For the purposes of Section
75 of the Act and this rule, giving a child in marriage shall be considered as
cruelty to the child. On receipt of information of risk of a child being given
in marriage, the police or any officer authorised under the Act or under the
Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 (6 of 2007), shall produce the child
before the Committee for appropriate directions and rehabilitative measures.
(2) Where an act of cruelty to
a child takes place in a Child Care Institution, or a school, or in any other
place of care and protection to the child, considering the best interest of the
child, the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court after consultation
with the child and or parents or guardians shall provide alternative
rehabilitation for the child.
(3) A child covered under the
Act requiring immediate medical attention shall be provided with required
medical care and treatment by a hospital or clinic or facility upon a direction
of the Board or the Committee made in this regard, free of cost. A failure to
respond immediately resulting in serious injury, irreversible damage or threat
to life or death shall be deemed to be wilful neglect of the child and shall
tantamount to cruelty under Section 75 of the Act on the direction of the Board
or the Committee after a detailed inquiry.
[128][(4) Relevant sections of
the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (45 of 1860) or any other law for the time being in
force shall be applicable for offences under Section 75 of the Act.]
Rule - 55A. [Procedure in case of offence under Section 76 of the Act.
(1) Whenever a child is found
to be employed or used for the purposes of begging, an immediate investigation
shall be undertaken by the Police in such cases and where an offence is made
out under Section 76 of the Act, a First Information Report shall be registered
(2) In case where the parents
have engaged their children in begging, then an investigation shall be
undertaken under Section 76 of the Act prior to filing of First Information
(3) In case the child engaged
in begging is found to be a victim of trafficking then provisions of the
Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 (104 of 1956) and Section 370 Indian
Penal Code, 1860 (45 of 1860), which are cognizable offences, shall also be
(4) In case the child engaged
in child begging is found to be a victim of child labour then provisions of the
Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 (61 of
1986), which are cognizable offences, shall also be applicable.
(5) In case the child engaged
in begging, is also found to be kidnapped for the purposes of begging then
offences under Sections 359 to 369 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 (45 of 1860),
which is a cognizable offence shall also be applicable.][129]
Rule - 56. Procedure in case of offence under Section 77 of the Act.
(1) Whenever a child is found
to be under the influence of, or in possession of intoxicating liquor or
narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or tobacco products, including for
the purpose of sale, the police shall enquire as to how the child came under
the influence of, or possession of such intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs
or psychotropic substances or tobacco products and shall register an FIR
(2) The child who has been
administered narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or is found under the
influence of the same may be produced either before the Board or the Committee
as the case may be, and the Board or the Committee shall pass appropriate orders
regarding rehabilitation and de-addiction of the child.
(3) In case of a child found to
be addicted to intoxicating liquor or tobacco products, the child shall be
produced before the Committee which shall pass directions for rehabilitation
including de-addiction of the child and transfer the child to a fit facility
identified for the purpose.
(4) In case any child is found
to have been administered intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs or psychotropic
substances or tobacco products in a Child Care Institution, the child shall be
produced immediately before the Board or the Committee, except in such cases
where the child is not in a position to be produced before the Board or the
Committee and requires immediate medical attention.
(5) The Board, shall on its own
or on complaint received from the Committee, issue directions to the police to
register an FIR immediately.
(6) The Board or the Committee
shall also issue appropriate directions for inquiry as to the circumstances in
which such product entered the Child Care Institution and reached the child and
shall recommend appropriate action against the erring officials and the Child
Care Institution.
(7) The Board or the Committee
may also issue directions for transfer of the child to another Child Care
Institution as the case may be.
(8) Any shop selling
intoxicating liquor, tobacco products, must display a message at a prominent
place on their shop that giving or selling intoxicating liquor or tobacco
products to a child is a punishable crime with up to seven years of rigorous
imprisonment and a fine of up to one lakh rupees.
(9) All tobacco products and
intoxicating liquor must display a message that giving or selling intoxicating
liquor or tobacco products to a child is a punishable crime with up to seven
years of rigorous imprisonment and a fine of up to one lakh rupees.
(10) Giving or selling of
intoxicating liquor, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or tobacco
products within 200 meters of a Child Care Institution or any other home
registered or recognised under the Act, or the office of a Committee or a Board
shall be deemed to be an offence under Section 77 of the Act.
Rule - 57. Procedure in case of offence under Section 78 of the Act.
(1) Whenever a child is found
to be vending, carrying, supplying or smuggling an intoxicating liquor,
narcotic drug, or psychotropic substance, the police shall enquire how and from
whom the child came into possession of the intoxicating liquor, narcotic drug,
or psychotropic substance and shall register an FIR forthwith.
(2) A child who is alleged to
have committed an offence under Section 78 of the Act shall be produced before
the Board, which may transfer the child to the Committee, if the child is also
in need of care and protection.
Rule - 57A. [Procedure in case of offence under Section 79 of the Act.
(1) Whenever a child is found
to be employed as a child labour, an immediate investigation shall be
undertaken by the Police in such cases and where an offence is made out under
Section 79 of the Act, a First Information Report shall be registered
(2) In case the child is found
to be a victim of child labour then provisions of the Child and Adolescent
Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 (61 of 1986), which are
cognizable offences, shall also be applicable.
(3) In case the child engaged
as child labour is found be a victim of trafficking then provisions of the
Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 (104 of 1956) and Section 370 of Indian
Penal Code, 1860 (45 of 1860), which are cognizable offences, shall also be
Rule - 58. Procedure in case of offence under Section 80 of the Act.
(1) Where any orphan, abandoned
or surrendered child, is offered or given or received for the purpose of
adoption without following the procedures as provided in the Act and the rules,
the police shall, suo motu, or on receipt of information in that regard
register an FIR forthwith.
(2) A child who has been so
offered, given or received for the purpose of adoption shall be produced before
the Committee forthwith which shall pass appropriate directions for
rehabilitation of the child, including placing such child in a Specialised
Adoption Agency.
(3) Wherever any offence under
Section 80 of the Act is committed by a recognised Specialised Adoption Agency
or by a person associated with such an agency, the Committee may also pass
appropriate orders for placing the other children placed with the Specialised
Adoption Agency in any other Child Care Institution or Specialised Adoption
Rule - 59. Procedure in case of offence under Section 81 of the Act.
(1) On receipt of information
about the selling or buying of a child, the police shall register an FIR
(2) Giving or agreeing to give,
receiving or agreeing to receive any payment or reward in consideration of
adoption, except as permitted under the adoption regulations framed by the
Authority, towards the adoption fees or service charge or child care corpus by
any prospective adoptive parent(s) or parent or guardian of the child or the
Specialised Adoption Agency shall amount to an offence under Section 81 of the
Act and this rule.
(3) A child, who has been
subjected to buying or selling, shall be produced before the Committee
forthwith which shall pass appropriate orders for the rehabilitation of the
(4) Where any offence under
Section 81 of the Act is committed by a parent or a guardian of the child or
any other person having actual charge or custody of the child, the Committee
shall pass appropriate orders for placing the child in a Child Care Institution
or fit institution or with a fit person, as the case may be.
(5) Where any offence under
Section 81 of the Act is committed by a Child Care Institution including
Specialised Adoption Agency or by a hospital or nursing home or maternity home,
or a person associated with such an institution or agency, the Committee may
also pass appropriate orders for placing the other children placed with such
Child Care Institution or Specialised Adoption Agency or hospital or nursing
home or maternity home in any other Child Care Institution or Specialised
Adoption Agency or hospital or nursing home or maternity home, as the case may
[131][(5A) The Committee shall
submit a report regarding such children and action taken regarding their
rehabilitation to the District Magistrate. The District Magistrate shall ensure
action regarding shifting of children to a safe place and closure of the
Institution within seven days and recommend cancellation of registration of the
agency to the State Government.]
(6) [132][The District Magistrate
shall recommend] to the State Government that the registration or recognition
of such agency or institution or the registration or license of such a hospital
or nursing home or maternity home or such associated person under any law for
the time being in force shall also be withdrawn [133][and
the State Government shall take appropriate action within fifteen days].
[134][(7) In case the child that
is sold and is also trafficked, then the provisions of the Immoral Traffic
(Prevention) Act, 1956 (104 of 1956) and Section 370 of the Indian Penal Code,
1960 (45 of 1860) shall also be applicable.]
Rule - 60. Procedure in case of offence under Section 82 of the Act.
(1) A complaint of subjecting a
child to corporal punishment under Section 82 of the Act may be made by the
child or any one on his behalf.
(2) Every Child Care Institution
shall have a complaint box at a prominent place in the building to receive
complaints of corporal punishment.
(3) The complaint box will be
opened in the presence of a representative of the District Child Protection
Unit once a month.
(4) All such complaints shall
be forthwith presented before the Judicial Magistrate of First Class nearest to
the Child Care Institution and copies thereof shall be forwarded to the Board
or the Committee.
(5) The Judicial Magistrate
shall get the case investigated by the Child Welfare Police Officer concerned
and take appropriate measures on receipt of a complaint.
(6) The Board or the Committee
may consider transferring the child to another Child Care Institution in the
best interest of the child who has made the complaint or who has been subjected
to corporal punishment.
(7) Where the Judicial
Magistrate First Class finds that the management of the institution is not
cooperating with the inquiry or complying with the orders of the court under
sub-section (3) of Section 82 of the Act, the Judicial Magistrate First Class
will either take cognizance of the offence himself or direct the registration
of FIR and proceed against the person in-charge of the management of the
(8) Where the Board or the
Committee or the State Government issues any directions to the management of
the institution in respect of any incident of corporal punishment in the child
care institution, the management shall comply with the same.
(9) In the event of
non-compliance, the Board on its own or on the complaint of the Committee
or [135][the
District Magistrate] shall direct the registration of an FIR under sub-section
(3) of Section 82 of the Act.
(10) Where a person has been
dismissed from service or debarred from working directly with children or is
convicted of an offence of subjecting a child to corporal punishment under
sub-section (2) of Section 82 of the Act, he shall stand disqualified from any
further appointment under the Act and the rules.
Rule - 61. Duties of the Person-in-charge of a Child Care Institution.
(1) The primary responsibility
of the Person-in-charge is of maintaining the Child Care Institution and of
providing care and protection to the children.
(2) The Person-in-charge shall
stay within the premises to be readily available as and when required by the
children or the staff and in case where an accommodation is not available in
the premises, he shall stay at a place in close proximity to the Child Care
Institution till such time such accommodation is made available within the
premises of the Child Care Institution.
(3) The general duties and
functions of the Person-in-charge shall include, to:—
compliance with the provisions of the Act and the rules and orders made
compliance with the orders of the Board or the Committee or the Children's
homely and enabling atmosphere of love, affection, care and concern for
for the development and welfare of the children;
and monitor discipline and well-being of the children and the staff;
implement and coordinate all activities, programmes and operations, including
training and treatment programmes or correctional activities as the case may
a child suffering from contagious or infectious diseases on the advice of the
medical officer of the institution;
a child wherever required;
observance and follow-up of daily routine activities;
local and national festivals in the home;
trips or excursions or picnics for children;
a list of children in Form 40 in the Child Care Institution to the Board or the
Committee, as the case may be, every week and bring to the notice of the Board
or the Committee, if no date is given for the production of any child before
the Board or the Committee;
duties to personnel;
standards of care in the Child Care Institution;
proper storage and inspection of food stuffs as well as food served;
the buildings and premises of the Child Care Institution;
(xvii) maintain proper hygiene in
the home;
accident and fire preventive measures, disaster management within the premises
and also keep first aid kit;
stand-by arrangements for water storage, power back-up, inverters, generators;
careful handling of equipment;
appropriate security measures;
(xxii) conduct periodical
inspections, including daily inspection and rounds of the Child Care
prompt action to meet emergencies;
prompt, firm and considerate handling of all disciplinary matters;
(xxv) ensure proper and timely
maintenance of the case files;
all records and registers required under the Act and these rules;
the budget and maintain control over financial matters;
(xxviii) organise the meetings of
the Management Committee set up under Rule 39 of these rules and provide
necessary support;
monthly verification of all records and registers by the Management Committee
set up under Rule 39 of the rules;
(xxx) liaise, co-ordinate and co-operate
with the State Child Protection Society and the District Child Protection Unit
as and when required;
with the legal cum Probation Officer in the District Child Protection Unit or
the District or State Legal Services Authority to ensure that every child is
legally represented and provided free legal aid and other necessary support;
the production of the child before the Board or the Committee or the Children's
Court on the date of such production and to ensure that the dates for the said
purpose are recorded;
[136][(xxxiii) check the
Children's Suggestion or Complaint Book daily and inform the District Child
Protection Unit and the Committee or the Board promptly about urgent
[137][(xxxiv) maintain a record
of complaints received in the Children's Suggestion or Complaint Book and
actions taken thereto.]
(4) The Person-in-charge shall
inspect the Child Care Institution as often as possible but not less than twice
a day. He shall make a record of the timings of his inspection and also note
his observations in a separate book maintained for the purpose, especially with
regard to:
of hygiene and sanitation,
of order,
and quantity of food,
maintenance of food articles and other supplies,
in the medical centre and provisions for medical care,
of the children and staff,
arrangements, and
of files, registers and books.
(5) Anything irregular that
comes to the notice of the Person-in-charge shall be enquired into and resolved
and the date, time and nature of the action taken shall be noted in the book.
(6) Where a problem of urgent
nature has not been resolved within two working days, the Board or the
Committee or the District Child Protection Unit shall be informed.
(7) In case the
Person-in-charge is on leave or otherwise not available, the duties of the
Person-incharge shall be performed by the Child Welfare Officer as designated
by the Person-in-charge.
Rule - 62. Duties of the Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker.
(1) Every Child Welfare Officer
or Case Worker in the Child Care Institution shall carry out all directions
given by the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court.
(2) The Child Welfare Officer
or Case Worker shall establish linkages with voluntary workers and
organisations to facilitate rehabilitation and social re-integration of the
children and to ensure the necessary follow up.
(3) The Child Welfare Officer
or Case Worker available in the Child Care Institution at the time of receiving
a child shall interact with the child received with a view to put the child at
ease and befriend him and shall supervise the process of receiving of the
(4) On receipt of information
from the police or Child Welfare Police Officer or on arrival of a child in the
Child Care Institution, the Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker shall
forthwith conduct social investigation of the child through personal interviews
with the child and his family members, social agencies and other sources,
inquire into antecedents and family history of the child and collect such other
material as may be relevant, and submit the Social Investigation Report to the
Board or the Committee or the Children's Court, within fifteen days.
(5) All the children in the
Child Care Institution shall be assigned to a Child Welfare Officer or Case
Worker and such Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker shall be responsible for
the child assigned to him in all respects viz. care and development of the
child, reporting to the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court about
the child or maintaining the child's record in the Child Care Institution.
(6) Upon assignment of the
child to a Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker, the Child Welfare Officer or
Case Worker shall:
the case file of the child;
the Protective Custody Card;
and maintain the medical record of the child and ensure that the treatment of
the child is not interrupted or neglected;
the child every day to ensure his safety, welfare and development; assist the
child to adjust to the life in the Child Care Institution. A newly received
child shall be met more often than once a day;
information about the child within the initial five days to ascertain the
child's education, vocational status and aptitude and emotional status;
the necessary medical or mental tests, assessments and examinations of the
child conducted;
the reports and prepare in consultation with the child and his family members,
an individual care plan for the child in Form 7 for the period pending inquiry,
to be placed in the case file of the child. The Child Welfare Officer or Case
Worker may consult the counsellor, psychologists or such other person as he
deems fit in this regard;
keeping with the individual care plan, a daily routine shall be developed for
the child and explained to him;
that the child adheres to the routine activities so developed and take timely
reports from the caregivers in this respect;
periodically the implementation and effectiveness of the individual care plan
and if necessary, suitably modify the individual care plan in Form 7 and/or the
routine activities of the child with the approval of the Management Committee;
the problems of the child and deal compassionately with their difficulties in
life in the Home;
in the orientation, monitoring, education, vocational and rehabilitation
programmes in respect of the child and attend parent teacher meetings in
schools in respect of children assigned to them;
proceedings of the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court and furnish
all information and file all reports that may be called for;
receiving the copy of the order of declaration of age, to make the necessary
changes in the record as regards the age of the child if any change is required
and to place the copy of the said order in the case file of the child;
in the pre-release programme and help the child to establish contact which can
provide emotional and social support to the child after the release;
contact with the children after their release and extend help and guidance to
(xvii) Visit regularly the
residence of the child under their supervision and also places of employment or
school attended by such child and submit fortnightly reports or as otherwise
the child wherever possible from the Board or the Committee or the Children's
Court to Child Care Institution as the case may be;
record of the next date of production of the child before the Board or the
Committee or the Children's Court or for medical treatment and ensure the
production of the child before the Board or the Committee or the Children's
Court or for medical treatment on the said date;
the registers as may be specified from time to time;
other duty assigned by the Person-in-charge of the Child Care Institution.
(7) The Child Welfare Officer
or Case Worker who has been assigned the duty of verifying the daily cleaning
in the premises of Child Care Institution shall do so twice a day, one after
the morning cleaning and the other after the evening cleaning. The Child
Welfare Officer or Case Worker shall make a note of the same in the
House-keeping register.
(8) The Child Welfare Officer
or Case Worker who has been assigned the duty of verifying the daily cooking
shall make a note of the same in the Meals Register, in respect of every meal.
Rule - 63. Duties of the House Mother or House Father.
(1) Every house father or house
mother shall abide by the directions of the Person-in-charge.
(2) The general duties,
functions and responsibilities of a house father or house mother shall be as
every child in the Child Care Institution with love and affection;
proper care of the child and ensure his welfare;
each child upon his reception with all necessary supplies like clothing,
toiletries and such other items required for daily usage.;
the provisions or supplies as per scale and need of the child;
discipline among the children;
that the children maintain personal cleanliness and hygiene;
after maintenance, sanitation and maintain hygienic surroundings
the daily routine of every child in an effective manner and ensure the
participation of the children;
after safety and security arrangements in the Child Care Institution;
the children whenever they go out of the Child Care Institution for purposes
other than production before the Board or the Committee or the Children's
to the Person-in-charge and to the Child Welfare Officer about the child
assigned to the Child Welfare Officer;
the registers, relevant to their duties; and
other duty as may be assigned by the Person-in-charge of the Child Care
Rule - 64. Duties of a Probation Officer.
(1) On receipt of information
from the Police or Child Welfare Police Officer under clause (ii) of
sub-section (1) of Section 13 of the Act, without waiting for any formal order
from the Board, the Probation Officer shall inquire into the circumstances of
the child as may have bearing on the inquiry by the Board and submit a social
investigation report in Form 6 to the Board.
(2) The social investigation
report should provide for risk assessment, including aggravating and mitigating
factors highlighting the circumstances which induced vulnerability such as
traffickers or abusers being in the neighbourhood, adult gangs, drug users,
accessibility to weapons and drugs, exposure to age inappropriate behaviours,
information and material.
(3) The Probation Officer shall
carry out the directions given by the Board and shall have the following
duties, functions and responsibilities:
conduct social investigation of the child in Form 6;
attend the proceedings of the Board and the Children's Court and to submit
reports as and when required;
clarify the problems of the child and deal with their difficulties in
institutional life;
participate in the orientation, monitoring, education, vocational and
rehabilitation programmes;
establish co-operation and understanding between the child and the
assist the child to develop contacts with family and also provide assistance to
family members;
participate in the pre-release programme and help the child to establish contacts
which could provide emotional and social support to the child after release;
establish linkages with Probation Officers in other Districts and States for
obtaining social investigation report, supervision and follow-up.
establish linkages with voluntary workers and organisations to facilitate
rehabilitation and social reintegration of children and to ensure the necessary
post release follow-up of the child extending help and guidance, enabling and
facilitating their return to social mainstreaming;
prepare the individual care plan and post release plan for the child;
supervise children placed on probation as per the individual care plan;
make regular visits to the residence of the child under his supervision and
places of employment or school attended by such child and submit periodic
reports as per Form 10;
accompany children where ever possible, from the office of the Board to the
observation home, special home, place of safety or fit facility as the case may
evaluate the progress of the children in place of safety periodically and
prepare the report including psycho-social and forward the same to the
Children's Court;
discharge the functions of a monitoring authority where so appointed by the Children's
(xvii) To maintain a diary or
register to record his day to day activities such as visits made by him, social
investigation reports prepared by him, follow up done by him and supervision
reports prepared by him;
identify alternatives of community services and to establish linkages with
voluntary sector for facilitating rehabilitation and social reintegration of
children; and
other task as may be assigned.
Rule - 65. Rehabilitation-cum-Placement Officer.
(1) A
Rehabilitation-cum-Placement Officer shall be designated in all Child Care
Institutions, including place of safety.
(2) The
Rehabilitation-cum-Placement Officer may have a Masters Degree in Social Work
or Human Resource Management and at least three years experience in the field
of rehabilitation, employment creation and resource mobilisation.
(3) The
Rehabilitation-cum-Placement Officer to perform the following functions:
the skills and aptitude of the children placed in Child Care Institutions
through appropriate mechanism and in consultation with the Child Welfare
Officer, Case Worker, Counsellor and Vocational instructor;
and develop linkages with all such agencies that offer vocational and training
services with job placement at the end of the course;
with persons, corporates, recognised non-governmental organisations and other
funding agencies to mobilise resources for sponsoring training program and
support for self-employment;
and coordinate with agencies, individuals, corporates, recognised non-governmental
organisations and other funding agencies to set up vocational training units or
workshops in Child Care Institutions as per age, aptitude, interest and
voluntary vocational instructors who render services to carry out the training
sessions in the Child Care Institutions;
entrepreneurial skills and facilitate financial and marketing support for
rehabilitation plans keeping in mind the nature of the offence and the
personality traits of the child;
the Rehabilitation Card in Form 14 and monitor the progress made by the child
on regular basis and submit such progress reports to the Management Committee;
the child to get certificates on completion of the education or vocational
training courses;
efforts for ensuring effective placement of each eligible and trained child;
workshops on Rehabilitation programmes and services available under Central and
State Government Schemes, spread awareness and facilitate access to such
schemes and services;
workshops on personality development, life skill development, coping skills and
stress management and other soft skills to encourage the child to become a
productive and responsible citizen; and
regular visits to the agencies where the children are placed to monitor their
progress and provide any other assistance as may be required.
Rule - 66. Staff Discipline.
(1) Any dereliction of duty,
violation of rules and orders shall be viewed seriously and strict disciplinary
action shall be taken or recommended by the Person-in-charge against the erring
(2) No staff of the Child Care
Institution shall be present at an unauthorised location within the Child Care
(3) No staff of the Child Care
Institution shall bring any prohibited article into the Institution.
(4) No staff of the Child Care
Institution shall consume any addictive substances like liquor, bidi,
cigarette, tobacco or any other psychotropic substance within the premises of
the Child Care Institution, whether on duty at the relevant time or not or
shall report for duty under the influence of any intoxicating substance.
(5) No staff of the Child Care
Institution shall sell or let for gain any article to any child or have any
business dealings with such child or his parent or guardian.
(6) No staff of the Child Care
Institution shall use any abusive or vulgar language or discuss age
inappropriate topics or watch pornographic material or read obscene literature
in the premises of the Child Care Institution.
Rule - 67. Security measures.
(1) Adequate number of security
personnel shall be engaged in every Child Care Institution keeping in mind the
category of children housed in the Child Care Institution, age group of
children and the purpose of the Child Care Institution and the risk factor to
and from the child.
(2) While engaging security
personnel, preference shall be given to ex-servicemen recruited through the
Directorate General of Resettlement or agencies recommended by them.
(3) In Child Care Institutions
housing girls, female security guards would be provided for the security inside
the Child Care Institution and male security guards may be engaged for the
security of the Child Care Institution from outside.
(4) Security personnel should
also be available in reserve for any emergency situation.
(5) The Person-in-charge shall
ensure that appropriate security measures are employed at all times, including
the following:
shall be sufficient number of guards at all times in different shifts to be
posted at the points to be identified by the Person-in-charge in consultation
with security in-charge and the Department.
child, who complains of a medical problem or any other problem at night, shall
report to the caregiver concerned. The caregiver shall take such necessary
steps as may be required and in case of emergency shall inform the medical
officer concerned or the Person-in-charge as the need may be, who shall
immediately take appropriate steps.
duty roster shall be prepared and displayed at some prominent place in the
premises of the Child Care Institution by the Person-in-charge.
(6) Every caregiver or other
staff of the Home, if he comes to know of any incident or probability of unrest
amongst the children, shall bring the same to the notice of the
Person-in-charge without any loss of time, who shall take necessary steps as
the situation demands and shall inform the Board or the Committee of such
information or incident as well as the steps taken by him, in writing.
(7) The Person-in-charge shall
make surprise visits to the Child Care Institution during the night as
frequently as possible, but not less than once a week. He shall make a record
of the timings of his visit and also note his observations in the register
maintained by him in that regard.
(8) In a case of disturbance
outside the Child Care Institution, the shift in-charge shall immediately
inform the police station concerned.
(9) In a case of violence or
disturbance inside the Child Care Institution, the shift in-charge shall take
assistance of the police with the permission of the Person-in-charge. The shift
in-charge shall first issue a warning to the children.
(10) In case of a natural
disaster or fire or any such calamity, the shift in-charge shall take suitable
steps for evacuation and safety of the children as per the Disaster Management
Protocol as developed by the State Disaster Management Authority for Child Care
(11) To prepare the officers,
children and guards to follow the above steps, a practice drill shall be held
once a month, without previous notice by the Person-in-charge.
(12) Closed Circuit Television
cameras may be installed at all key points such as all entry and exit points to
the Child Care Institution, reception, corridors, kitchen, pantry or store
room, dormitories, entry and exit points of the washrooms with due regard to
the privacy and dignity of the children.
(13) Adequate number of scanners
and metal detectors may be provided in every Child Care Institution.
Rule - 68. Searches and Seizures.
(1) The Person-in-charge or
other authorised functionary of the Home may conduct searches if required, and
seize prohibited articles, if found.
(2) The procedure in case of
seizures shall be as under:
prohibited article found during the search, shall be seized by the
Person-in-charge and a list of such seizure prepared;
case of arms, weapons, articles capable of being used as weapons or tools for
criminal activities or addictive substances being found from a child or
dormitory, the Person-in-charge shall conduct an inquiry to ascertain the
presence of such articles and the persons responsible for such act;
Person-in-charge shall furnish his report in this respect to the police and
inform the Board or the Committee at the earliest;
Board may initiate appropriate action upon such report or on the report
forwarded by the Committee for disposal of the seized articles;
State Government [138][or
the District Magistrate] shall take appropriate action against the person
responsible, if such person is an officer of the Child Care Institution or
against the agency through whom the said person has been engaged or the Child
Care Institution;
child responsible shall be dealt with in accordance with the Act and the rules
made thereunder.
(3) All the articles seized
shall be destroyed or disposed of having regard to the nature of the articles,
on the orders of the competent court, after being satisfied that the seized
articles are not required in any inquiry or departmental action against any
officer or in any criminal investigation and proceedings.
Rule - 69. Institutional Management of Children.
A. (1) Every child shall
be received by the Person-in-charge of the Child Care Institution or such other
official duly authorised by the Person-in-charge to receive a child, referred
to as the Receiving Officer.
The Receiving Officer shall satisfy
himself as regards the identity of the child and in case of any doubt, the
Receiving Officer shall promptly inform the Person-in-charge who shall
forthwith inform the Board or the Committee and produce the child before the
Board or the Committee without any delay.
B. Types of Stay at the
Child Care Institution.—
(1) In case of children in
conflict with law, there are three types of stay of children at the Child Care
protective stay;
(2) In case of children in need
of care and protection, there are two types of stay of children at the Child
Care Institution:
protective stay;
C. Protective Custody.
(1) A Protective Custody Card
in Form 41 duly signed by the Board or a custody warrant duly signed by the
Children's Court is required for such stay.
(2) Duration of such stay shall
be as directed by the Board or the Children's Court and as extended from time
to time by them.
(3) Such a stay shall be during
the pendency of the inquiry.
D. Overnight Protective
(1) The purpose of the stay is
to provide shelter to the child and prevent his being kept overnight at the
police station or at any other unsuitable place by providing an alternative.
(2) Such stay may be only after
20:00 hrs in the night and till 14:00 hrs on the following day.
(3) A child shall be permitted
to stay at the Child Care Institution for one night on an application seeking
overnight protective stay of the child moved by the Child Welfare Police
Officer in writing to the Receiving Officer. The application shall be
accompanied with a copy of the relevant documents showing the circumstances in
which the child was apprehended or found and the medical condition of the
(4) Upon being satisfied about
the identity of the child, the child may be received by the Receiving Officer
and Form 42 shall be filled in triplicate. One copy of the form shall be
retained as record of the Child Care Institution, one copy shall be handed over
to the Child Welfare Police Officer and the third copy shall be forwarded to
the Board or the Committee concerned for their record.
(5) The child shall be handed
over to the charge of the Child Welfare Police Officer the next day at the time
stated in the form under receipt by the said Child Welfare Police Officer in
the copy of the form.
(6) In case of the Child
Welfare Police Officer not taking the charge of the child at the designated
time, the child shall be produced before the Board concerned or the Committee
by the Person-in-charge of the Child Care Institution with a report stating
such fact.
(7) The particulars of the
child shall be entered in the admission and discharge register, noting that the
child has been received for overnight protective stay.
(8) The child shall be searched
physically and all his personal belongings, if any that are found, shall be
handed over to the Child Welfare Police Officer who has produced the child and
who shall seize the articles and furnish a copy of such seizure to the
Receiving Officer.
(9) The child shall be provided
food to eat and drink, if the child is hungry, irrespective of the time of
receiving such child.
(10) The child shall be placed
for the night in the reception dormitory or the segregation unit as the case
may be.
E. Rehabilitation Stay.
(1) A child may be sent to the
Children's Home by the Committee for such a stay and to the special home or the
place of safety by the Board or the Children's Court.
(2) The child shall be issued
the Rehabilitation Card in Form 14 which shall state the duration of stay of
the child, unless the duration is shortened by a specific order in that respect
by the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court.
F. Procedure to be adopted
at the time of receiving the child.
(1) The Receiving Officer shall
follow the following procedure at the time the child is received:
full personal description of the child shall be entered in the admission and
discharge register. In case of rehabilitation stay, the date of release of the
child shall also be noted;
child shall be searched after explaining the requirements and the process, and
with due regard to decency and dignity and all the personal belongings shall be
dealt with as stated in Rule 72 of these rules. A girl child shall be searched
only by a female member of the staff;
child shall be provided food to eat and drink if the child is hungry,
irrespective of the time of receiving such child;
child shall be provided medical care in case of ill-health, injury, mental
ailment, disease or addiction requiring immediate attention;
child shall be segregated in specially earmarked dormitory or ward or hospital
in case he is suspected to be suffering from contagious or infectious disease
requiring special care and caution;
child shall be asked about any immediate and urgent needs like appearing in an
examination or interview, contacting family members. A note of the same or of
the fact that no such need is present shall be made by the Receiving Officer
and put up before the Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker to whom the child is
assigned. The said note shall be placed in the case file of the child.
(2) Every child received in the
Child Care Institution shall be kept for the first fourteen days of his stay in
the reception dormitory made specifically for the purpose or the segregation
unit, so that the child adjust to the life in the Child Care Institution.
G. Procedure to be adopted
after the child is received.
(1) The following procedure
shall be adopted on the same day or the next day if the child is received in
the night:
of the child shall be taken. One photograph shall be kept in the case file of
the child and another shall be fixed on the index card with the particulars of
the child. A copy shall be kept in an album serially numbered and a copy of the
photograph shall be sent to the Board or the Committee as well as to the
District Child Protection Unit and be uploaded on the designated portal set up
for the purpose;
child may have a bath and be provided fresh clothes. The caregiver shall issue
the child toiletry items, new sets of clothes, bedding and other outfit and
equipment as per Rule 30 of these rules, a list of which shall be kept in his
case file. The provisions will be replenished from time to time as per Rule 30
of these rules;
Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker shall familiarise every newly admitted
child with the Child Care Institution and its functioning, particularly in the
following areas:—
(a) personal health, hygiene
and sanitation;
(b) discipline of the Child
Care Institution and code of behaviour;
(c) daily routine activities
and peer interaction; and
(d) rights, responsibilities
and obligations within the Child Care Institution.
child shall be examined by the medical officer, who shall record the state of
health of the child, and of any wound or mark on his person and any other
observation which the medical officer thinks fit and a copy of which shall be
placed in the medical record of the child;
Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker shall be assigned to the child by the
H. Procedure to be adopted
during the first fourteen days of receiving the child.
(1) The assigned Child Welfare
Officer or Case Worker shall interact with the child as often as possible.
(2) Within two days of the
receipt of the child, if required, he may be examined by a panel of doctors to
understand his physical, medical, psychological state and his state of
addiction, if any, for assessment of his personality and requirements to assist
in the rehabilitation plan to be prepared for him.
(3) The Child Welfare Officer
or Case Worker assigned to the child shall also interact with the family members
of the child, where available. A case history in Form 43 shall be prepared and
maintained in the case file of the child. Information for the same may be
collected through all possible and available sources including the parents or
guardians, home, school, friends, employer and community of the child.
(4) The Child Welfare Officer
or Case Worker shall assess the educational level and vocational aptitude of
the child on the basis of tests and interviews, conducted with the assistance
of other technical staff. Necessary linkages, in this respect, shall be
established with outside specialists and community based welfare agencies,
psychologist, psychiatrist, child guidance clinic, hospital and other
Government and nongovernmental organisations.
I. Procedure to be adopted
on the expiry of the first fourteen days.
(1) The child shall be shifted
to one of the regular dormitories and assigned a specific bed, cabinet and
study table in that dormitory.
(2) Assignment of the dormitory
shall be done on the basis of:
of offence committed by or against the child;
and mental status of the child;
requiring special care, shall be kept in a different dormitory.
(3) An individual care plan in
Form 7 of the child shall be prepared by the Child Welfare Officer or Case
Worker on the basis of the child's case history, education and vocational
aptitude. In case of rehabilitation stay, the care plan shall be formulated for
the complete period of the stay and shall necessarily include any and all
directions given by the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court towards
the rehabilitation including bridge courses, formal, informal or continuing
(4) The Child Welfare Officer
or Case Worker shall review the individual care plan and note his opinion in
the rehabilitation card in Form 14 on the basis of his own observations,
interaction with the child and his teachers or instructors and the feedback
received from the house father or house mother.
(5) The Child Welfare Officer
or Case Worker shall also maintain a record of any difficulty faced by the
child during his stay at the Child Care Institution with a note of the steps
taken to resolve the difficulty.
(6) The Child Welfare Officer
or Case Worker shall similarly keep a record of the complaints made by the
child with regard to the facilities in the Child Care Institution with a note
of the steps taken thereon.
(7) The individual care plan
shall be reviewed every fortnight during the initial three months and
thereafter, every month. A report of its effectiveness or inadequacy shall be
prepared with reasons for such opinion.
J. Procedure to be adopted
after three months.
(1) The progress of the child
shall be examined, with specific reference to the aims and targets noted in the
individual care plan for the child. The progress of the child shall be reviewed
and noted in the rehabilitation card in Form 14.
(2) The quarterly progress
report shall be placed before the Management Committee for perusal and
(3) After deliberation by the
Management Committee, the individual care plan shall be appropriately modified.
The routine of the child and the approach towards rehabilitation of the child
shall also be suitably modified. Record of such modified care plan and daily
routine shall be maintained in the case file of the child. The progress shall
be reviewed and recorded in the rehabilitation card in Form 14.
K. Pre-release planning.
(1) A well-conceived programme
of pre-release planning and follow up of cases discharged from Children's
Homes, special homes and places of safety shall be organised in all
institutions as per the directions of the Board or the Committee or the
Children's Court.
(2) In the event of a child
leaving the Child Care Institution without permission or committing an offence
within the institution, the information shall be sent by the Person-in-charge
to the police and the family, if known; and the detailed report of
circumstances along with the efforts to trace the child if the child is
missing, shall be sent to the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court,
as the case may be.
[139][(3) The children shall be
educated about their rights and the Child Care Institution may encourage the
children and indulge them in education, sports and other extra-curricular
L. Daily Routine in the
Child Care Institution.
(1) Every child shall obey the
order of an officer of the Child Care Institution or house representative and
shall remain under discipline.
(2) Every institution shall
have a daily routine for the children in consultation with the Children's
Committee, which shall be prominently displayed at various places within the
(3) The daily routine shall
include, inter alia, for a regulated and disciplined life, personal hygiene and
cleanliness, physical exercise, yoga, educational classes, vocational training,
organised recreation and games, moral education, group activities, prayer and
community singing and special programmes for Sundays and holidays.
M. Behaviour of the Child.
(1) The children in the Child
Care Institution will be oriented and trained to follow the rules and standards
of good behaviour.
(2) Every unacceptable
behaviour shall be taken note of by the Children's Committee and the child
found in violation of rules may be made to give an explanation. The Children's
Committee may recommend appropriate action to the Person-in-charge. A copy of
the report containing the description of the incident and the action taken
thereupon shall be submitted to the Board or the Committee or the Children's
Court by the Person-in-charge within twenty-four hours. A copy of same shall
also be placed before the Management Committee for planning a long term
strategy for prevention of such incidents.
(3) A copy of the report shall
be kept in the case file of the child concerned.
(4) The Person-in-charge may
deal with the violation appropriately giving due consideration to the
recommendation of the Children's Committee and the safety and dignity of the
(5) The Person-in-charge may
seek the assistance of the counsellor or the Child Welfare Officer or Case
Worker, any non-governmental organisation associated with the Child Care
Institution in dealing with the situation.
(6) A child showing
exceptionally good behaviour shall be considered for appropriate reward or
benefits by the Person-in-charge and note of the same shall be placed in the
case file of the child.
N. Manner of dealing with
unacceptable behaviour.
(1) The action taken shall be
commensurate with the nature and degree of violation and the age of the child
and may be any of the following:
of house-keeping tasks;
writing i.e. writing a number of times that he shall not repeat the behaviour;
of privileges viz. permission to watch television, permission to go for outdoor
activity, sports and recreation and other preferred activity;
(2) No child shall be subject
to corporal punishment or any mental harassment including humiliating behaviour
affecting the dignity of the child.
O. Exceptional Good
The following shall be
considered good behaviour, namely:—
the rules of discipline and adhering to the routine, assessed over a period of
a month;
any other child from indulging in any unacceptable behaviour or preventing
any mishap by raising an alarm, evacuating other children in case of disaster;
any officer of the Child Care Institution in maintaining order. For the House
representatives, in situations that may develop into an emergency, the
behaviour before the sounding of the alarm would be considered;
the Child Welfare Officer of any plan of creating unrest or of escape;
the Person-in-charge about any prohibited article or contraband;
another child to come out of his trauma;
exceptionally well in an examination in continuation of his studies, or
vocational or rehabilitation courses;
and adaptive behaviour;
other good behaviour as found exceptional by the Person-in-charge.
P. Reward or Benefits for
maintaining exceptional behaviour.
The rewards to a child, at
such rates as may be fixed by the management of the institution from time to
time, may be granted by the Person-in-charge as an encouragement for good work
and good behaviour and at the time of release, the reward shall be handed over
after obtaining a receipt from the parent or the guardian, who comes to take
charge of the child or child himself.
Rule - 70. Prohibited Articles.
(1) No person shall bring into
the Child Care Institution the following prohibited articles, namely:—
of any description, psychotropic substances, liquor, ganja, bhang, opium, smack
explosives, poisonous substances, acid and chemicals, whether fluid or solid of
whatever description;
arms, ammunition and weapons, knives and cutting implements of every kind and
articles which are capable of being used as a weapon of whatever description;
obscene matter;
rope, chains and all materials which are capable of being converted into string
or rope or chains, of whatever description;
bamboo, club, stick, ladder, bricks, stones and earth of every description;
cards or other implements for gambling;
items, pan masala or similar item;
that has not been specifically prescribed;
other article specified in this behalf by the State Government by a general or
special order.
(2) All bullion, metal, coin,
jewellery, ornaments, currency notes, securities and articles of value of every
description including electronic items such as mobile phone, digital camera,
i-pad, etc,. shall be deposited in safe custody.
(3) The disposal of the
prohibited articles shall be as per Rule 72 of these rules.
Rule - 71. Articles found on search and inspection.
(1) The Person-in-charge shall
ensure that every child received in the institution is searched, his personal
belongings inspected and money or any valuables found with the child is kept in
the safe custody of the Person-in-charge. In case of search of a female child,
the search shall be carried out by female staff only. In every institution, a
record of money, valuables and other articles found with a child shall be
maintained in the “Personal Belongings Register” which shall contain a
description of the articles.
(2) The entries made in the
Personal Belongings Register, relating to each child, shall be read over to the
child in the presence of a witness, whose signature shall be obtained in token
of the correctness of such entries and it shall be countersigned by the
Rule - 72. Disposal of articles.
(1) The money or valuables belonging
to a child shall be disposed of in the following manner, namely:
receipt of a child in an institution, the Person-in-charge shall deposit the
money belonging to the child in the bank account of the child;
valuables, and other articles, if any, shall be kept in safe custody;
such child is transferred from one institution to another, all his money,
valuables and other articles, shall be transferred along with the child to the
Person-in-charge of the institution to which he has been transferred together
with a full and correct statement of the description thereof;
the time of release of such child, all valuables and other articles kept in
safe custody and the money deposited in the name of the child shall be handed
over to the parent or guardian, as the case may be, with an entry made in this
behalf in the register and signed by the parent or the guardian;
a child in an institution dies, the valuables and other articles left by the
deceased and the money deposited in the name of the child shall be handed over
by the Person-in-charge to the parent or guardian of the child;
receipt shall be obtained from such person for having received such money,
valuables and other articles; and
no claimant appears within a period of six months from the date of death or
escape of a child, the valuables and other articles and money deposited in the
name of the child shall be disposed of as per the decision taken by Management
Committee under Rule 39 of these rules.
Rule - 73. Maintenance of case file.
(1) The case file of each child
maintained in the Child Care Institution in safe custody shall be confidential.
(2) The case file shall be
produced before the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court on every
date of production of the child for perusal of the Board or the Committee or
the Children's Court.
(3) The case file shall contain
the following namely:
of the person or agency who produced the child before the Board or Committee
including the report of the police;
of FIR or DD entry in case of offence committed by or against the child;
ID, if available;
of assignment of the Case Worker or Child Welfare Officer;
history form;
of any urgent need of the child;
of the Person-in-charge, Probation Officer or Child Welfare Officer, counsellor
and caseworker;
case file of the child maintained in any previous institution, if any;
of the initial interaction with the child, information from family members,
relatives, community, friends and miscellaneous information;
of further information about the child, his family etc.;
reports from staff members;
health status reports from Medical Officer, drug de-addiction progress reports,
as the case may be;
profiling, regular counselling reports, any other mental health intervention
report, wherever applicable;
of Intelligence Quotient (I.Q) testing, aptitude testing, cognitive assessment,
educational or vocational tests, if conducted;
regarding training and treatment programme and special precautions to be taken;
of the personal belongings register;
(xvii) copy of order declaring the
age of the child;
and other privileges granted;
progress report;
[140][social investigation
report, order of the Committee, linkage with schemes] individual care plan,
including pre-release programme, post release plan and follow-up plan as
prescribed and modifications therein;
(xxii) fortnightly and monthly
report of the effectiveness of the care plan;
of difficulties faced by the child and their resolution;
of the complaints of the child and action taken on them;
(xxv) feedback given by the
of absence or release under supervision;
about a visitor visiting the child being found to have objectionable or
prohibited articles;
(xxviii) report of the child having
such articles and action taken on the same;
of any unacceptable behaviour and outcome;
(xxx) report of any exceptional
behaviour and outcome;
achievements and violation of rules, if any;
of the rewards or earnings of the child and receipt by the child or his parent
or guardian;
(xxxiii) release or restoration
(xxxiv) escort order, if any;
report of release in case of children under rehabilitation intervention stay;
(xxxvi) report of the child not
being released and compliance report of the directions issued on non-release of
a child;
(xxxix) follow-up report of post
release cases as per the direction of the Board or the Committee or the
Children's Court;
of any other report called by the Board or the Committee or the Children's
Court in respect of the child; and
if any.
(4) The medical record of a
child shall contain all reports and records of the child regarding the status
of his physical and mental health, addiction status and treatment, etc.
(5) It shall be the
responsibility of the Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker concerned to
maintain the case file.
(6) All the case files
maintained by the institutions may be computerised and the State Government may
develop appropriate processes for the same.
Rule - 74. Visits to and communication with children.
(1) Every child in the Child
Care Institution may be permitted to have one meeting in a week with his
Provided that in special
cases, where parents or guardians have travelled a long distance from another
State or District, the Person-in-charge may allow the parents or guardians
entry into the premises and a meeting with their children on other days on
confirmation of their identity and they being reported not to have been
involved in subjecting the child to abuse and exploitation.
(2) A newly received child
shall be permitted to meet his parent or guardian or family member on their
first visit on any day.
(3) No meeting shall be
permitted with the parent or guardian or relatives where such visitors have
been found to be involved in subjecting the child to violence, abuse and
exploitation or carrying any prohibited articles, except with the express
permission granted by the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court or
when such meeting has been specifically directed by the counsellor of the
(4) Every child shall be
allowed to write two letters in a week to his parent or guardian or to his relatives.
Necessary stationary and postage for the letters shall be provided by the
(5) The Person-in-charge may
peruse any letter written by or to the child and may for reasons to be noted in
the case file of the child, refuse to deliver or issue the letter. A report of
the same shall be prepared and placed before the Management Committee. A copy
of the report shall be retained on the case file and another copy shall be sent
to the Board or the Children's Court or the Committee.
(6) Every child shall be
allowed to bring any written communication for the purpose of handing over to
the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court, as the case may be, and be
provided stationary, etc. for the same.
(7) The Person-in-charge may
allow a child to speak with his parents or guardians on telephone once a week
under supervision of the Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker or Probation
Officer and record shall be duly maintained of such calls.
(8) Every person desiring to
meet the child shall, before the meeting, disclose his name and address with
proof, which shall be noted in the visitors register and signed by the visitor.
Copy of the photo identity card containing the address and a photograph of the
visitor to be taken before the meeting, shall be retained by the institution.
If the visitor refuses to disclose his particulars, he shall be denied the
(9) The visitor shall, submit
himself for a search at the main gate, female visitors shall be searched by
female staff only.
(10) Every meeting shall take
place in the presence of the Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker or Probation
Officer of the Child Care Institution, who shall be responsible for any
irregularity that occurs and who shall be so placed that he is able to see and
to prevent any objectionable or prohibited article being passed between the
(11) Every child shall be
carefully searched before and after the meeting in the presence of visitor. The
child should not be having anything with him before he goes for the meeting.
(12) If any objectionable or prohibited
article is found in the search conducted before the meeting:
said article shall be seized;
Person-in-charge shall conduct an inquiry to know the identity of the person(s)
responsible for the article reaching the child;
the person(s) responsible are from the staff of the Child Care Institution,
appropriate action will be initiated against them; and
detailed report of the inquiry and its result shall be forwarded to the
Department and the Board or court of competent criminal jurisdiction.
(13) If any objectionable or
prohibited article is found in the search conducted after the meeting:
article shall be seized;
case of any illegal article being found warranting legal action, the article
and the visitor shall be detained and the police informed. The visitor and such
article shall be handed over to the police;
report of such visitor shall be prepared and placed in the case file of the
report of the incident shall be forwarded to the Board or court of competent
criminal jurisdiction; and
of the report shall be placed in the case file of the child.
(14) Any child who abuses the
privilege of meeting shall be denied the same for such period as the
Person-in-charge may direct. A report of the same shall be sent to the Board or
the Committee or the Children's Court and a copy shall be retained in the case
file of the child.
(15) Every child shall be
entitled to communicate with his legal counsel provided that:
rules of search and seizure shall apply to all legal counsels also;
such interview shall take place within the sight of a home official, though at
a safe distance so as to be out of hearing;
person wishing to have an interview with the child in the capacity of his
advocate shall apply in writing, giving his name, address and enrolment number
with a copy of a vakalatnama, duly attested by the Board or the Committee or
the Children's Court;
child who claims to have no counsel shall be permitted to meet the legal aid
counsels who visit the Child Care Institution in the normal course.
Rule - 75. Death of a Child.
(1) On the occurrence of any
case of death or suicide of a child in a Child Care Institution, the procedure
to be adopted shall be as under:
institution must ensure that an inquest and post-mortem examination is held at
the earliest.
case of natural death or death due to illness of a child, the Person-in-charge
shall obtain a report of the Medical Officer stating the cause of death and a
written intimation about the death shall be given immediately to the nearest
Police Station, Board or Committee [141][and
the District Magistrate, National or State Commission for Protection of Child
Rights, as the case may be] and the parents or guardians or relatives of the
information shall be given by the case-worker or Probation Officer or Child
Welfare Officer to the Person-in-charge and the Medical Officer and the
Person-in-charge shall immediately inform the nearest police station, Board or
Committee [142][and
the District Magistrate, the National or State Commission for Protection of
Child Rights, as the case may be] and parents or guardians or relatives of the
deceased child.
a child dies within twenty-four hours of his admission to the Child Care
Institution, the Person-incharge of the Child Care Institution shall report the
matter to the police [143][and
the District Magistrate, National or State Commission for Protection of Child
Rights, as the case may be] and the District Medical Officer or the nearest
Government hospital and the parents or guardians or relatives of such child
without delay.
Person-in-charge and the Medical Officer of the Child Care Institution shall
record the circumstances of the death of the child and send a report to the
concerned Magistrate, the police, the Board or the Committee or the Children's
Court and the District Medical Officer or the nearest Government hospital where
the dead body of the child is sent for examination and determination of the
cause of death and the person-in charge and the Medical Officer shall also
record in writing their views on the cause of death, if any, and submit it to
the concerned Magistrate and to the police.
Person-in-charge and the Medical Officer at the Child Care Institution shall
make themselves available for any inquiry initiated by the police or the
Magistrate regarding the cause of death and other details regarding such child.
soon as the inquest is over, the body of the child shall be handed over to the
parent or guardian or relatives or, in the absence of any claimant, the last
rites shall be performed under the supervision of the Person-in-charge of the
Child Care Institution in accordance with the known religion of the child after
retaining a photograph of the child for future reference.
Rule - 76. Abuse and Exploitation of the Child.
(1) Every institution shall
evolve a system of ensuring that there is no abuse, neglect and maltreatment
and shall include the staff who is aware of what constitutes abuse, neglect and
maltreatment, and their early indication and how to respond to these abuses.
(2) In the event of any
physical, sexual or emotional abuse, including neglect of children in an
institution by those responsible for care and protection, the following action
shall be taken namely:
incidents of abuse and exploitation shall be reported by any staff member of
the institution immediately to the Person-in-charge on receiving such
an allegation of physical, sexual or emotional abuse comes to the knowledge of
the Person-incharge, a report shall be placed before the Board or Committee,
who in turn shall, order for special investigation;
[144][(iia) in the event a case
of sexual abuse is reported, procedure under Section 19 of the Protection of
Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 (32 of 2012), shall be followed;]
Board or Committee shall direct the local police station or Special Juvenile
Police Unit to register a case, take due cognizance of such incidents and
conduct necessary investigation;
Board or Committee shall take necessary steps to ensure completion of inquiry
and provide legal aid as well as counselling to the child victim;
Board or Committee shall transfer such a child to another institution or place
of safety or fit person, as the case may be;
Person-in-charge of the institution shall also inform the Chairperson of the
Management Committee and place a copy of the report of the incident and
subsequent action taken in its next meeting;
the event of any other crime committed in respect of children in institutions,
the Board or Committee shall take cognizance and arrange for necessary
investigation to be carried out by the local police or Special Juvenile Police
Board or Committee may consult Children's Committee setup in each institution
to enquire into the fact of abuse and exploitation as well as seek assistance
from voluntary organisations, child rights experts, mental health experts or
crisis intervention centres in dealing with matters of abuse and exploitation
of children in an institution.
Rule - 77. Maintenance of Registers.
(1) The persons mentioned in
column (3) shall maintain registers and forms under the Act and the rules made
thereunder in column (2) whose custodian shall be the persons mentioned in
column (4) thereof as under:
Sl. No. |
Register and forms |
To be maintained by |
Custodian |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
1. |
Admission and Discharge Register which will
indicate change of nature of custody. |
Child Welfare Officer/Case Worker/Receiving
Officer |
Person-incharge |
2. |
Attendance Registers for staff and children. |
Shift Incharge |
Person-incharge |
3. |
Budget Statement file. |
Person-in-charge |
Person-incharge |
4. |
Case file of each child. |
Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker |
Person-incharge |
5. |
Cash Book. |
Accounts Officer/Cashier |
Person-incharge |
6. |
[145][Children's Suggestion or
Complaint Book]. |
Children's Committee |
Person-incharge |
7. |
Counselling Register. |
Counsellor |
Person-incharge |
8. |
Drug de-addiction programme enrolment and
progress register. |
Child Welfare Officer/Case Worker |
Person-incharge |
9. |
Handing over Charge Register. |
Shift Incharge |
Person-incharge |
10. |
House-keeping and Sanitation Register. |
House Parent |
Person-incharge |
11. |
Inspection Book. |
Person-in-charge |
Person-incharge |
12. |
Legal Services Register. |
Child Welfare Officer/Case Worker |
Person-incharge |
13. |
Library Register. |
Teacher |
Person-incharge |
14. |
Log Book. |
Driver |
Person-incharge |
15. |
Meals Register/Nutrition Diet File. |
House Parent |
Shift Incharge |
16. |
Medical File of each child. |
Staff Nurse |
Person-incharge |
17. |
Meeting Book. |
Child Welfare Officer/Case Worker |
Person-incharge |
18. |
Minutes Register of Children's Committees. |
Child Welfare Officer/Case Worker |
Person-incharge |
19. |
Minutes Register of Management Committee. |
Person-in-charge |
Person-incharge |
20. |
Order Book. |
Person-in-charge |
Person-incharge |
21. |
Personal Belongings Register. |
Child Welfare Officer/Case Worker |
Person-incharge |
22. |
Production Register |
Probation Officer/Child Welfare Officer/Case
Worker |
Person-incharge |
23. |
Staff Movement Register. |
Incharge of Security |
Person-incharge |
24. |
Stock Register. |
Store keeper cum accountant |
Person-incharge |
25. |
Visitor's Book |
Security Guards |
Main Gate's Keeper |
Rule - 78. Openness and Transparency.
(1) All Child Care Institutions
shall be open to visitors with the permission of the Board or the Committee or
the Person-in-charge, who may allow voluntary organisations, social workers,
researchers, doctors, academicians, and such other persons as the Management
Committee may permit or consider appropriate keeping in view the security,
welfare and the interest of the children.
(2) Where permission referred
to in sub-rule(1) is given by the Person-in-charge, he shall make a monthly
report of such permission including the orders received from the Board or the
Committee to the State Child Protection Society and also to the Board or the
Committee, as the case may be.
(3) The Person-in-charge of the
Child Care institution shall encourage active involvement of the local community
and corporates in improving the condition in the institution or support the
(4) The Person-in-charge shall
maintain a visitors’ book to record the remarks of the visitors.
(5) The Person-in-charge shall
take all steps to inform the visitors to maintain the dignity of children.
Rule - 79. Release of a child from a Child Care Institution.
(1) The Person-in-charge of the
Child Care Institution shall maintain a roster of the cases of children to be
released on the expiry of the period of stay as ordered by the Board or the
Committee or the Children's Court.
(2) The timely information of
the release of a child and of the exact date of release shall be given to the
parent or guardian and the parent or guardian shall be called to the Child Care
Institution to take charge of the child on that date and if necessary, the
actual expenses of the parent's or guardian's journey both ways and of the
child's journey from the Child Care Institution shall be paid to the parent or
guardian by the Person-in-charge at the time of the release of the child.
(3) If the parent or guardian,
as the case may be, fails to come and take charge of the child on the appointed
date, the child shall be taken by the escort of the Child Care Institution; and
in case of a girl, she shall be escorted by a female escort who shall hand over
the custody to her parent/guardian.
(4) At the time of release or
discharge, a child may be provided with a set of suitable clothing and
essential toiletries.
(5) When the child attains the
age of eighteen years, he may be placed, if eligible, in an aftercare
programme, subject to the consent of the child and the approval of the Board or
the Committee or the Children's Court.
(6) In case the date of release
falls on a Sunday or a public holiday, the child may be discharged on the
preceding day with an entry to that effect being made in the register of
(7) The Person-in-charge of the
Child Care Institution may in appropriate cases, order the payment of
subsistence money, at such rates as may be fixed from time to time, by the
State Government, and the railway and/or road fares, as the case may be.
(8) Where a [146][*
* *] child [147][under
eighteen years of age] has no place to go after release and requests for stay
in the Child Care Institution after the period of stay is over, the
Person-in-charge may, subject to the approval of the Board or the Committee or
the Children's Court, allow her stay only for a limited period till the time,
some other suitable arrangement is made by her.
[148][(9) Where a girl, above
eighteen years of age, is released from the Child Care Institution and has no
place to go, she shall be provided with accomodation in the Working Women
Hostels, or other such Government facilities, till the time some other suitable
arrangement is made by her.]
Rule - 80. Child suffering from disease requiring prolonged medical treatment in an approved place and transfer of a child who is mentally ill or addicted to alcohol or other drugs.
(1) The Board or the Committee
or the Children's Court may send the child to a fit facility for such period as
may be certified by a medical officer or mental health expert or on the
recommendation of the Person-in-charge or Probation Officer or Child Welfare
Officer or Case Worker, as necessary for proper treatment of the child who is
mentally ill or addicted to alcohol or drugs or any other substance which lead
to behavioural changes in a person for the remainder of the term for which he
has to stay.
(2) When the child is cured of
the disease or physical or mental health problems, the Board or the Committee
or the Children's Court may, order the child to be placed back in the care from
where the child was removed for treatment and if the child no longer requires
to be kept under further care, the Board or the Committee or the Children's
Court may order him to be discharged.
(3) The State Government may
set up separate Integrated Rehabilitation Centres for child addicts on the
basis of appropriate age groups.
Rule - 81. [Transfer or Repatriation of Child][149].
(1) During the inquiry, if it
is found that the child hails from a place outside the jurisdiction of the
Board or the Committee, the Board or the Committee shall order the transfer of
the child and send a copy of the order stating the reasons for and
circumstances of such transfer to the State Government and District Child
Protection Unit.
(2) The District Child
Protection Unit shall accordingly:
the information of transfer to the appropriate Board or the Committee having
jurisdiction over the area where the child is ordered to be transferred by the
Board or Committee; and
a copy of the information to the Person-in-charge of the institution where the
child is to be placed for care and protection at the time of the transfer
(3) The child shall be escorted
at Government expenses to the place or person as specified in the order and a
travelling allowance on a per day basis shall be determined by the Board or the
Committee which shall be paid by the District Child Protection Unit of the
State which has transferred the child.
(4) On such transfer, case file
and records of the child shall be sent along with the child.
[150][(5) Where the child is a
national of another country, on the production of the child before the Board or
the Committee, the Board or the Committee shall inform the District Magistrate
who shall initiate the process for repatriation of the child immediately
through the appropriate Department of the State Government and in consultation
with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of External Affairs, as the
case may be.]
[151][(5A) The District
Magistrate shall prepare a list of children to be repatriated and furnish the
same to the Monitoring Authority (National Commission for Protection of Child
Rights or State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, as the case may be)
as per the protocols.]
[152][(5B) The Monitoring
Authority shall follow up with the concerned Government or Private Agencies for
getting the child repatriated.]
[153][(5C) The Monitoring
Authority shall then submit a status report of the children who are to be
repatriated to the Central Government and the State Government, as the case may
be on a quarterly basis.]
During the period pending the
finalisation of the repatriation, the child shall be kept in a Child Care
The expenses for the repatriation of the
child to another country shall be borne by the State Government concerned.
Rule - 82A. [Restoration and Follow-up for children in conflict with law.
(1) The Board or the Children's
Court may make an order in Form 44 for the release of the child placed in a Child
Care Institution after hearing the child and his parents or guardian, and after
satisfying itself as to the identity of the persons claiming to be the parents
or the guardian.
(2) While passing an order for
restoration of the child, the Board or the Children's Court shall take into
account the reports of the Probation Officer Worker or the designated officer
of the District Child Protection Unit or non-governmental organisation,
including report of a home visit prepared on the direction of the Board or the
Children's Court in appropriate cases, and any other relevant document or
report brought before the Board or the Children's Court.
(3) When a child expresses his
unwillingness to be restored back to the family, the Board or the Children's
Court shall interact with the child to find out the reasons for the same and
record the same and the child shall not be coerced or persuaded to go back to
the family.
(4) The child would also not be
restored back to the family where the parents or guardians refuse to accept the
child back and in all such cases, the Board or the Children's Court shall
provide alternative means for rehabilitation.
(5) The child may not be
restored back to the family where the social investigation report prepared by
the Probation officer or designated officer of the District Child Protection
Unit or the Child Welfare Officer or the nongovernmental organisation
establishes that restoration to family may not be in the interest of the child.
(6) The order of restoration
shall include an individual care plan prepared by the Probation Officer or the
designated officer of the District Child Protection Unit or the
non-governmental organisation.
(7) The Board or the Children's
Court, while directing restoration of the child, may pass order for an escort
in Form 45, where necessary.
(8) Besides police, the Board
may seek collaboration with the District Child Protection Unit to accompany the
child back to the family for restoration.
(9) In case of girls, the child
shall necessarily be accompanied by female escorts.
(10) The copy of the restoration
order along with a copy of the order for escort shall be forwarded by the Board
or the Children's Court to the District Child Protection Unit which shall
provide funds for the restoration of the child, including travel and other incidental
(11) A follow-up plan shall be
prepared as part of the individual care plan by the Child Welfare Officer or
the Case Worker or the social worker or the non-governmental organisation.
(12) The follow-up report shall
state the situation of the child post restoration and the measures necessary in
order to reduce further vulnerability of the child.][154]
Rule - 82B. [Restoration and Follow-up for children in need of care and protection.
(1) The Committee may make an
order in Form 44 for the release of the child placed in a Child Care
Institution after hearing the child and his parents or guardian, and after
satisfying itself as to the identity of the persons claiming to be the parents
or the guardian.
(2) While passing an order for
restoration of the child, the Committee shall take into account the reports of
the social worker or Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker or designated officer
of the District Child Protection Unit or non-governmental organisation,
including report of a home visit prepared on the direction of the Committee in
appropriate cases, and any other relevant document or report brought before the
(3) When a child expresses his
unwillingness to be restored back to the family, the Committee shall interact
with the child to find out the reasons for the same and record the same and the
child shall not be coerced or persuaded to go back to the family.
(4) Where the child refuses to
go back to the family or the family refuses to take back the child due to
reasons of financial constraints, the District Magistrate shall explore all
possibilities of providing all Central and State sponsored schemes including
sponsorship under Section 45 of the Act, Juvenile Justice Fund under Section
105 of the Act, Corporate Social Responsibility funds or any other scheme to
strengthen the family financially in the best interest of the child.
Explanation: For the
purpose of this sub-rule, financial capability of the family may be ascertained
through any income documents such as bank statement of past one year or Income
Tax returns of the past three years or property registration of the family or
income certificate, whichever is available.
(5) The child would also not be
restored back to the family where the parents or guardians refuse to accept the
child back and in all such cases, the Committee may provide alternative means
for rehabilitation.
(6) The child may not be
restored back to the family where the social investigation report prepared by
the Child Welfare Officer or the social worker or the Case Worker or the
non-governmental organisation or designated officer by the District Child
Protection Unit or management of Child Care Institution, as the case may be,
establishes that restoration to family may not be in the interest of the child.
(7) The District Child
Protection Unit shall submit the report regarding restoration plan for eligible
children and its implementation and the District Magistrate may facilitate
restoration of children and intervene wherever required.
(8) The order of restoration
shall include an individual care plan prepared by the social worker or the
Child Welfare Officer or the Case Worker or the non-governmental organisation.
(9) The Committee, while
directing restoration of the child, may pass an order for an escort in Form 45,
where necessary.
(10) Besides police, the
Committee may seek collaboration with the District Child Protection Unit to
accompany the child back to the family for restoration.
(11) In case of girls, the child
shall necessarily be accompanied by female escorts.
(12) The copy of the restoration
order along with a copy of the order for escort shall be forwarded by the
Committee to the District Child Protection Unit which shall provide funds for
the restoration of the child, including travel and other incidental expenses.
(13) Where the child has not
been declared legally free for adoption, all efforts must be made to restore
the child with their guardian or relatives, if they are deemed to be fit by the
(14) The District Magistrate
shall explore all possibilities to provide benefit under all Central and State
sponsored schemes including Sponsorship under Section 45 of the Act and the
Juvenile Justice Fund under Section 105 of the Act.
(15) A follow-up plan shall be
prepared as part of the individual care plan by the Child Welfare Officer or
the Case Worker or the social worker or the non-governmental organisation.
(16) The follow-up report shall
state the situation of the child post restoration and the measures necessary in
order to reduce further vulnerability of the child.][155]
Rule - 83. Juvenile Justice Fund.
(1) The State Government shall
create a fund called the Juvenile Justice Fund for the welfare and
rehabilitation of the children dealt with under the Act and the rules.
(2) The State Government shall
make adequate budgetary allocations towards the Juvenile Justice Fund.
(3) The Juvenile Justice Fund
may receive donations, voluntary contributions, subscriptions or funds under
Corporate Social Responsibility, whether or not for any specific purpose, and
shall be directly credited to the Juvenile Justice Fund.
(4) The Juvenile Justice Fund
may be utilised by the State Government for the following purposes, namely:—
and administration of Child Care Institutions;
innovative programmes for the welfare of the children in the Child Care
of legal assistance and support;
entrepreneurial support, skill development training or vocational training;
lump-sum subsistence support to children leaving Child Care Institution on
attaining the age of eighteen years;
after care facilities and entrepreneurship fund for providing capital and
infrastructure to persons who have crossed the age of eighteen within
institutionalized care, for starting up small businesses to support
reintegration into mainstream life;
support for foster care, sponsorship and after care;
of children in special circumstances including children released from militant
groups and adult groups;
the expenses of travel for trial and restoration of children, including the
expenses of the escorts including police;
child friendly police stations, Boards, courts and Committees;
building for parents and caregivers to understand needs of children;
generation programmes on child rights and offences against children;
community-based child protection programmes to identify and report offences
against children;
specialised professional services, counselors, translators, interpreters,
special educators, social workers, mental health workers, vocational trainers
etc. for the children covered under the Act;
recreational facilities and extra-curricular activities for the children
covered under the Act including those in Child Care Institutions;
care for cancer affected children and stay facilities for their parents; and
(xvii) any other programme or
activity to support the holistic growth, development and well-being of a child
covered under the Act and the rules.
(5) The Juvenile Justice Fund
shall be maintained and administered by Department of the State Government
dealing with the implementation of this Act through the State Child Protection
(6) The State Child Protection
Society, with the approval of the State Government shall adopt financial rules
to govern the utilisation of the Juvenile Justice Fund.
[156][(7) The District
Magistrate may submit proposal to the State for seeking funds from the State
Juvenile Justice Fund for implementing projects for children in the District
regarding any of the activities mentioned under this rule.]
Rule - 84. State Child Protection Society.
(1) The State Child Protection
Society [157][shall
only comprise of the officials from the State Government and] shall perform the
following functions namely:
the implementation of the Act and the rules framed thereunder in the State and
supervision and monitoring of agencies and institutions under the Act;
road-blocks, issues, complaints received regarding care and protection of
that all institutions set up under the Act and the rules are in place and
performing their assigned duties;
reports [158][received
from various District Magistrates] on the functioning of institutions in
various districts and take action to facilitate the protection of children
wherever necessary and monitoring the functioning of the District Child
Protection Units;
programmes for foster care, sponsorship and after-care;
into, seek reports and make recommendations in cases of death or suicide in
Child Care Institutions and under other institutional care;
inter-department coordination and liaising with the relevant departments of the
State and Central Governments and State Child Protection Societies of other
States or Union Territories;
and coordinating with civil society organisations working for the effective
implementation of the Act and the rules;
a state level database of all children in institutional care and family based
non-institutional care and updating it on a quarterly basis;
a database of Child Care Institutions, Specialised Adoption Agencies, open
shelters, fit persons and fit facilities, registered foster parents, sponsors,
after care organisations and other institutions at the State level;
a database of medical and counselling centres, de-addiction centres, hospitals,
open schools, education facilities, apprenticeship and vocational training
programmes and centres, recreational facilities such as performing arts, fine
arts and facilities for children with special needs and other such facilities
at the State level;
and administering the Juvenile Justice Fund set up by the State Government
including disbursal of funds to the District Child Protection Units, Special
Juvenile Police Units and police stations, as the case may be;
separate accounts for all funds received by the State Child Protection Society
such as the Juvenile Justice Fund, funds under Schemes of Central and State
Government and getting the same audited;
awareness among public on various aspects of the Act and the rules made
thereunder specifically the existing institutional framework, rehabilitation
measures, penalties, procedures for better protection of children;
and conduct programmes for the implementation of the Act including training and
capacity building of stakeholders;
research programmes on child protection;
(xvii) co-ordinate with State
Legal Services Authority and law schools; and
other function for the effective implementation of the Act and the rules made
(2) The Member-Secretary of the
State Child Protection Society shall be the Nodal Officer in the State for the
implementation of the Act and the rules.
Rule - 84A. [State Adoption Resource Agency.
(1) The State Government shall
set up a State Adoption Resource Agency for dealing with adoptions and related
matters in the State under the guidance of the Authority, as per the provisions
of Section 67 of the Act and the Adoption Regulations.
(2) The Governing Body of the
State Adoption Resource Agency shall be headed by the Principal Secretary or
the Secretary of the Department of the State Government.
(3) The Director of the
Department of the State Government dealing with adoption shall be the Member
Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of the State Adoption Resource Agency.][159]
Rule - 85.[District Magistrate and District Child Protection Unit][160].
(1) [161][The District Child
Protection Unit shall function under the supervision of the District Magistrate
and shall perform following functions, namely:]
report of quarterly information sent by the Board about children in conflict
with law produced before the Board and the quarterly report sent by the
for individual or group counselling and community service for children;
[162][(iia) make the social
investigation report and the individual care plan for each child as directed by
the Board or the Committee.]
follow up of the individual care plan prepared on the direction of the
Children's Court for children in the age group of sixteen to eighteen years
found to be in conflict with law for committing heinous offence;
review of the child placed in the place of safety every year and forward the
report to the Children's Court;
a list of persons who can be engaged as monitoring authorities and send the
list of such persons to the Children's Court along with bi-annual updates;
record of run-away children from Child Care Institutions;
families at risk and children in need of care and protection;
the number of children in difficult circumstances and create district-specific
databases to monitor trends and patterns of children in difficult
and regular mapping of all child related services at district for creating a
resource directory and making the information available to the Committees and
Boards from time to time;
the implementation of non-institutional programmes including sponsorship,
foster care and after care as per the orders of the Board or the Committee or
the Children's Court;
transfer of children at all levels for their restoration to their families;
inter-departmental coordination and liaise with the relevant departments of the
State Government and State Child Protection Society of the State and other
District Child Protection Units in the State;
and coordinate with civil society organisations working under the Act;
into, seek reports and take action in cases of death or suicide in child care
institutions and under other institutional care and submit the reports to the
State Child Protection Society;
into the complaints and suggestions of the children as contained in the
children's suggestion box and take appropriate action;
represented on the Management Committees within the Child Care Institutions;
(xvii) maintain a district level
database of missing children in institutional care and uploading the same on
designated portal and of children availing the facility of Open Shelter and of
children placed in foster care;
a database of child care institutions, specialised adoption agencies, open
shelter, fit persons and fit facilities, registered foster parents, after care
organisations and institutions etc. at the district level and forward the same
to the Boards, the Committees, the Children's Courts and the State Child
Protection Society, as the case may be;
a database of medical and counselling centres, de-addiction centres, hospitals,
open schools, education facilities, apprenticeship and vocational training
programmes and centres, recreational facilities such as performing arts, fine
arts and facilities for children with special needs and other such facilities
at the district level and forward the same to the Boards, the Committees, the
Children's Courts and the State Child Protection Society;
a database of special educators, mental health experts, translators,
interpreters, counsellors, psychologists or psycho-social workers or other
experts who have experience of working with children in difficult circumstances
at the district level and forward the same to the Boards and the Committees and
the Children's Court and the State Child Protection Society;
awareness and organise and conduct programmes for the implementation of the Act
including training and capacity building of stakeholders under the Act;
(xxii) organise quarterly meeting
with all stakeholders at district level to review the progress and implementation
of the Act;
a monthly report to the State Child Protection Society [163][and
the District Magistrate];
the State Government about a vacancy in the Board or the Committee six months
before such vacancy arises;
(xxv) review reports submitted by
Inspection Committees and resolve the issues raised through coordination among
the stakeholders;
secretarial staff to the Committees and the Boards;
other functions necessary for effective implementation of the Act including
liaising with community and corporates for improving the functioning of Child
Care Institutions;
[164][(xxviii) maintain a panel
of social workers for assigning the work to be done by social workers under the
[165][(xxix) ensure that rights
of the child are displayed in schools, hospitals, government buildings and
other such places which are frequented by children.]
[166][(2) The District
Magistrate shall be the Nodal Officer in the district for the implementation of
the Act and the rules, and may designate any Additional District Magistrate of
the District to discharge the duties under the Act.]
[167][(3) The District
Magistrate shall hold quarterly review meetings with relevant stakeholders
including the Police Department, the Education Department, the Health
Department, the District Legal Services Authority, to discuss issues related to
children in the district.]
Rule - 86. Special Juvenile Police Unit.
(1) The State Government shall
constitute a Special Juvenile Police Unit in each district and city to
co-ordinate all functions of police related to children.
(2) The Central Government
shall constitute a Special Juvenile Police Unit for the Railway Protection
Force or Government Railway Police at every railway station as per requirement
and where a Special Juvenile Police Unit cannot be set up, at least one Railway
Protection Force or Government Railway Police Officer shall be designated as
the Child Welfare Police Officer.
(3) The Child Welfare Police
Officers and other police officers of the Special Juvenile Police Unit shall be
given, appropriate training and orientation to deal with matters concerning
(4) The transfer and posting of
the designated Child Welfare Police Officers may be within the Special Juvenile
Police Units of other police stations or the district unit.
(5) The police officer
interacting with children shall be as far as possible in plain clothes and not
in uniform and for dealing with girl child, woman police personnel shall be
(6) The Child Welfare Police
Officer or any other police officer shall speak in polite and soft manner and
shall maintain dignity and self-esteem of the child.
(7) Where questions that may
lead to discomfort of the child are to be asked, such questions shall be asked
in tactful manner.
(8) When an FIR is registered
for offence against a child, a copy of the FIR shall be handed over to the
complainant or child victim and subsequent to the completion of investigation,
copy of report of investigation and other relevant documents shall be handed
over to the complainant or any person authorised to act on his behalf.
(9) No accused or suspected
accused shall be brought in contact with the child and where the victim and the
person in conflict with law are both children, they shall not be brought in
contact with each other.
(10) The Special Juvenile Police
Unit shall have a list of:
Board and Child Welfare Committee in its due jurisdiction, their place of
sitting, hours of sitting, names and contact details of Principal Magistrate
and members of the Board, names and contact details of Chairperson and members
of the Committee and the procedures to be followed before the Board and the
Committee; and
details of the Child Care Institutions and fit facilities in its due
(11) The names and contact
details of the Special Juvenile Police Unit or Child Welfare Police Officer
shall be placed at a conspicuous part at the police stations, Child Care
Institutions, Committees, Boards and the Children's Courts.
(12) The Special Juvenile Police
Unit shall work in close co-ordination with the District Child Protection Unit,
the Board and the Committee in the matters concerning the welfare of children
within its jurisdiction.
(13) The Special Juvenile Police
Unit may coordinate with the District Legal Services Authority to provide legal
aid to children.
Rule - 87. Selection Committee and its composition.
(1) The State Government shall
constitute a Selection Committee for a period of three years by notification in
the Official Gazette consisting of the following members, namely:
retired judge of High Court as the Chairperson to be appointed in consultation
with the Chief Justice of the High Court concerned;
representative from the Department implementing the Act not below the rank of
Director as the ex-officio Member Secretary;
representatives from two different reputed non-governmental organisations
respectively working in the area of child development or child protection for a
minimum period of seven years but not running or managing any children's
representatives from academic bodies or Universities preferably from the
faculty of social work, psychology, sociology, child development, health,
education, law, and with special knowledge or experience of working on
children's issues for a minimum period of seven years; and
representative of the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
(2) The Committee shall
continue for a maximum period of three months after the completion of its
tenure by which time new Committee shall be constituted.
(3) If a vacancy arises in the
Selection Committee, the Member Secretary shall intimate the Secretary of the
Department implementing the Act who shall take steps to fill the vacancy for
the remaining period at the earliest.
(4) The quorum for the meeting
of the Selection Committee shall be not less than four Members, including the
Chairperson and the Member Secretary.
(5) The Member Secretary of the
Selection Committee shall convene the meetings of the Selection Committee at
such times as may be necessary for facilitating and carrying out the functions
of the Selection Committee.
(6) The Member Secretary shall
maintain the minutes of the selection process and all other meetings of the
Selection Committee.
(7) The Chairperson and
non-official members of the Selection Committee shall be paid such sitting fees
and travel allowances as may be fixed by the State Government from time to
(8) All communications relating
to the working and discharge of the functions of the Selection Committee shall
be addressed to the Office of the Member Secretary, who shall place the same
before the Selection Committee.
(9) All records relating to
selection shall be placed on the website of the State Government Department
Rule - 88. Selection of Chairperson and Members of the Committee or Board.
(1) The Member Secretary of the
Selection Committee shall initiate the process of filling up a vacancy six
months prior to the incumbent demitting office:
Provided that if a vacancy
arises on account of resignation or death of the Chairperson of the Committee
or a Member of the Board or Committee the Member Secretary of the Selection
Committee shall immediately initiate the process for filling up such vacancy.
(2) For selection of members of
the Board or Chairperson and members of the Committee, the State Government
through the Member Secretary of the Selection Committee shall call for
applications through public advertisement in the local and national newspapers
and official website of the Department implementing the Act.
(3) The Member Secretary shall
screen all the applications received and place the applications which fulfil
the basic eligibility requirements before the Selection Committee.
(4) The Selection Committee
shall evaluate the candidates on the basis of qualifications, experience of
working with children and personal interaction with the candidate.
(5) A member selected by the
Selection Committee should not:
holding such full-time occupation that may not allow the person to give
necessary time and attention to the work of the Board or the Committee as per
the Act and rules;
associated with any Child Care Institution, directly or indirectly, during his
tenure as a member of the Board or Committee or have any other conflict of
any office in any political party during his tenure, or
(6) Where the Selection
Committee is required to consider an application for renewal of tenure of
Members of the Board [168][*
* *], it shall evaluate the application on the basis of the following criteria,
performance appraisals of the Member carried out by the District Judge or District
Magistrate quarterly as per a specified format, a copy of which shall be made
available to the Chairperson and Members of the Selection Committee by the
Member Secretary;
if any, received and addressed by the Selection Committee against the person
seeking an extension of tenure; and
with such applicant.
(7) The Selection Committee
shall, on the basis of the evaluation procedure and criteria, select and
recommend a panel of names in order of merit to the State Government for appointment
as Members of the Board or Chairperson or Members of the Committee as the case
may be.
(8) In recommending a panel of
names, the Selection Committee shall prepare separate panels for the position
of Chairperson of the Committee, Members of the Committee and Members of the
Board respectively.
(9) The Selection Committee
shall prepare a three member panel for each position, which shall be vaild for
a period of one year.
(10) The list of finalised names
shall be duly signed by all members of the Selection Committee present at the
time of selection and the Member Secretary of the Selection Committee shall
forward the finalised list to the State Government for appointment. The State
Government shall constitute one or more Boards or Committees, as the case may be,
in each district through notification in Official Gazette within a period of
two months of receipt of recommendations of Selection Committee.
(11) Names on the panel shall be
valid for consideration for a period of one year which may be extended by six
months where a new panel has not yet been constituted, in order to fill in
vacancies which may arise during such period either due to non-reporting of the
selected persons within a stipulated time from the date of appointment, or
otherwise during the tenure of the Board or Committee.
(12) If a vacancy in the Board
or Committee arises, the District Child Protection Unit shall inform the State
Government for filling up such vacancy.
(13) The State Government shall
fill the vacancies on the basis of the panel of names recommended by the
Selection Committee within a period of three months from receiving such
information from the District Child Protection Unit.
(14) [169][* * *]
(15) [170][* * *]
(16) [171][* * *]
Rule - 89. Training of Personnel Dealing with Children.
(1) The State Government shall provide
for training of personnel appointed under the Act and the rules and each
category of staff, keeping in view with their statutory responsibilities and
specific jobs requirements.
(2) The training programme
shall include:
of the Act and the rules made thereunder;
on child welfare, care, protection and child rights;
training of the newly recruited personnel;
training courses and skill enhancement programmes, documentation and sharing of
good practices; and
seminars and workshops.
(3) The following categories of
personnel shall have to undergo training for minimum period of fifteen days,
Sl. No. |
Personnel |
1. |
Staff of Children's Court and Principal
Magistrates of Juvenile Justice Boards |
2. |
Members of Juvenile Justice Boards |
3. |
Chairpersons and Members of Child Welfare
Committees |
4. |
Child Welfare Police Officers and other police
officers of Special Juvenile Police Units |
5. |
Programme Managers and Programme Officers of
State Child Protection Societies and State Adoption Resource Agency |
6. |
Staff of State Adoption Resource Agency |
7. |
Legal-cum-Probation Officers under District Child
Protection Units and Probation Officers in Child Care Institutions |
8. |
Staff of District Child Protection Units and
State Child Protection Society |
9. |
Persons-in-charge of Child Care Institutions
(including Open Shelters) |
(4) The State Government [172][or
the District Administration] shall also provide training to other personnel
such as social workers, Child Welfare Officers, Case Workers, rehabilitation
cum placement Officers, care givers, house fathers and house mothers of Child
Care Institutions, security personnel and other staff of Child Care
Institutions, Frontline Workers, bridge course educators, outreach workers and
community volunteers, Social Workers of Specialised Adoption Agencies,
Directors or Incharge of Specialised Adoption Agencies, chief functionaries of
organisations granted registration for running Child Care Institutions under
the Act, mental health practitioners, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric
social workers, legal services lawyers, members of Committees or societies
constituted under the Act and the rules thereunder.
(5) The State Governments,
while organising training programmes for the stakeholders at State or District
level, shall ensure that training modules and training manuals to be developed
by State Child Protection Society are in consultation with National Institute
of Public Cooperation and Child Development or Institutions having requisite
expertise in order to maintain uniformity in the training process throughout
the country.
(6) The Judicial Academy in
States may develop training module and training manual for the training of
Principal Magistrates including on child psychology, use of child friendly
procedures and ensuring child friendly environment, care, protection and
rehabilitation of children and organise such training programmes at the State
(7) The Police Academy in
States may develop training module and training manual in consultation with
National Police Academy for the training of police and Child Welfare Police
Officers including on child psychology, use of child friendly procedures and
ensuring child friendly environment, care, protection and rehabilitation of children
and organise such training programmes at the State level.
(8) The State Legal Services
Authority shall organise training programme for legal service lawyers and para
legal volunteers.
(9) The State Child Protection
Society in consultation with institutions with requisite expertise shall
organise training programme for Probation Officers.
(10) The Central Adoption
Resource Authority, may develop appropriate training modules and manuals for
Specialised Adoption Agencies and staff of State Adoption Resource Agency and
organise training programmes.
Rule - 90. Pending Cases.
(1) No child shall be denied
the benefits of the Act and the rules made thereunder.
(2) The benefits referred to in
sub-rule (1) shall be made available to all persons who were children at the
time of the commission of the offence, even if they ceased to be children
during the pendency of the inquiry or trial.
(3) While computing the period
of detention or stay or sentence of a child in conflict with law, all such
period which the child had already spent in custody, detention, stay or
sentence of imprisonment shall be counted as a part of the period of stay or
detention or sentence of imprisonment contained in the final order of the court
or the Board.
Rule - 91. Monitoring by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights.
(1) In addition to the
functions specified under the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act,
2005 (4 of 2006), the National Commission or the State Commissions may perform
following functions in consultation with the Central and State Government,
setting up of institutions created under the Act;
[173][(ia) inspect the Child
Care Institutions including the Specialised Adoption Agencies and maintain a
record of inspections conducted by the authorities;]
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material on child rights and
gender sensitivity;
protocols for reformation and rehabilitation of children;
awareness about identification and reporting of crimes against children such as
drug abuse, trafficking, child sexual abuse and exploitation including child
marriage, and other aspects of violence against children;
sensitisation workshops for panchayati raj institutions and municipal
corporations on crimes against children including identification and reporting
of crimes for enhanced protection;
information material detailing the rights of the child victims or witnesses and
their families, and containing useful information in local languages, which may
be provided to the victim and her/his family;
training module for stake holders along with the State Child Protection
Societies and National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development
Rule - 92. Inquiry in case of a Missing Child.
(1) A missing child is a child,
whose whereabouts are not known to the parents, legal guardian or any other
person or institution legally entrusted with the custody of the child, whatever
may be the circumstances or causes of disappearance, and shall be considered
missing and in need of care and protection until located or his safety and
well-being established.
(2) When a complaint is
received about a child who is missing, the police shall register a First
Information Report forthwith.
(3) The police shall inform the
Child Welfare Police Officer and forward the FIR to the Special Juvenile Police
Unit for immediate action for tracing the child.
(4) The police shall:
a recent photograph of the missing child and make copies for District Missing
Persons Unit, Missing Persons Squad, National Crime Records Bureau/Media etc.;
the form on the designated portal;
the specific designed ‘Missing Persons Information Form’ and immediately send
to Missing Persons Squad, District Missing Persons Unit, National Crime Record
Bureau, State Crime Records Bureau, Central Bureau of Investigation, and other
related institutions;
the copy of the First Information Report by post/email to the office of the
nearest Legal Services Authority along with addresses and contact phone numbers
of parents or guardian of the missing child or the Child Care Institution,
after uploading the relevant information onto the designated portal;
sufficient number of Hue and Cry notices containing photograph and physical
description of the missing child to be sent for publication.
wide publicity by publishing or telecasting the photographs and the description
of the missing child, as feasible in (a) leading newspapers (b)
Television/electronic media (c) local cable television network and social media
and thereafter submit for ratification by the Board or the Committee or the
Children's Court, as the case may be.
wide publicity in the surrounding area through the use of loud speakers and the
distribution and affixture of Hue and Cry notice at prominent places. Social
networking portals, Short Message Service alerts and slides in cinema halls can
be used to reach out to the masses;
Hue and Cry notice at all the outlets of the city or town, that is, railway
stations, bus stands, airports, regional passport offices and other prominent
areas and spots of interest such as movie theatres, shopping malls, parks,
amusement parks, games parlours and areas where missing or run away children
frequent should be identified and watched;
the recordings of the Closed Circuit Television Cameras installed in the
vicinity of the area from where the child was reported missing and on all
possible routes and transit destination points like bus stands, railway
stations, and other places;
from under construction sites, unused buildings, hospitals, and clinics, [174][*
* *], and other local outreach workers, railway police, and other places;
of missing children should be sent to the District Crime Record Bureaus of the
neighbouring States and Station House Officers (SHOs) of the bordering police
stations including in-charge of all police posts in their jurisdiction and
shall conduct regular interaction with the concerned so that follow up action
is ensured.
(5) Where a child cannot be
traced within a period of four months, the investigation of the case shall be
transferred to the Anti Human Trafficking Unit in the District which shall make
reports every three months to the District Legal Services Authority regarding
the progress made in the investigation.
(6) When a child is traced:
shall be produced before the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court, as
the case may be, for appropriate directions;
police shall send a report to the District Legal Services Authority which shall
provide counselling and support services to the child and the family; and
police shall conduct an inquiry whether the child has been subjected to any
offence under the Act or any other law and if so, proceed accordingly.
(7) The Central Government or
the State Government may [175][issue]
appropriate Standard Operating Procedures for the manner of inquiry in cases of
missing children to give effect to these rules.
Rule - 93. Non-Compliance of the Act and the Rules.
Any officer/institution,
statutory body etc., who fails to comply with the provisions of the Act and the
Rules framed thereunder, the State Government may take action against such
officer/institution, statutory body etc. after due inquiry and simultaneously
make alternative arrangements for discharge of functions for effective
implementation of the Act.
Rule - 94. Repeal.
The Juvenile Justice (Care
and Protection of Children) Rules, 2007 notified vide G.S.R. 679(E) dated 26th
October, 2007 and as amended vide GSR 903(E) dated 26th December 2011, are
hereby repealed:
Provided that any action
taken or order issued under the provisions of the Rules of 2007 prior to the
notification of these rules shall, in so far it is not inconsistent with the
provisions of these rules, be deemed to have been taken or issued under the
provisions of these rules.
Form 1
8(1), 8(5)]
FIR/DD No ………………………………………
U/Sections ……………………………………….
Police Station
Date & Time
Name of I.O.
Name of CWPO
(1) Name
(2) Father/Mother/Guardian's
(3) Age/Date of birth
(4) Address………………………………………………………………………………..
(5) Religion
Hindu (OC/BC/SC/ST)
(pl. specify)
(6) Whether the child is
differently abled:
(please specify)
(7) Family Details:
Sl. No. |
Name and Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
Education |
Occupation |
Income |
Health status |
History of Mental Illness (if any) |
Addictions (if any) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
(8) Reasons for leaving home
(9) Whether there is a history
of involvement of family members in offences, if any
(10) Habits of the child
A |
B |
Yes |
No |
(i) Smoking |
(i) Watching TV/movies |
(ii) Alcohol consumption |
(ii) Playing indoor/outdoor games |
(iii) Drug use (specify) |
(iii) Reading books |
(iv) Gambling |
(iv) Drawing/painting/acting/singing |
(v) Begging |
(v) Any other |
(vi) Any other |
(11) Employment Details, if
(12) Details of income
(i) Sent to family to meet family
need |
Yes |
No |
(ii) Used by self for: |
Yes |
No |
(a) For dress materials |
Yes/No |
(b) For gambling |
Yes/No |
(c) For alcohol |
Yes/No |
(d) For drug |
Yes/No |
(e) For smoking |
Yes/No |
(f) Savings |
Yes/No |
(13) The details of education of
the child:
up to V Standard
above V Standard but below VIII Standard
above VIII Standard but below X Standard
above X Standard
(14) The reason for leaving
in the class last studied
of interest in the school activities
attitude of the teachers
group influence
earn and support the family
demise of parents
in school
school atmosphere
followed by running away from school
age appropriate school nearby
in school
in school
of instruction
(pl. specify)
(15) The details of the school
in which studied last:
Welfare School/BC Welfare School
under NCLP
(16) Vocational training, if any
(17) Majority of the friends are
same age group
in age
in age
criminal background
(18) Whether the child has been
subjected to any form of
abuse: Yes/No
Sl. No. |
Type of Abuse |
Remarks |
1. |
Verbal abuse − parents/siblings/employers/others,
(pl. specify) |
2. |
Physical abuse(pl. specify) |
3. |
Sexual abuse parents/siblings/Employers/others
(pl. specify) |
4. |
Others (pl. specify) |
(19) Whether the child is a
victim of any
offence: Yes No
(20) Whether the child is used
by any gangs or adults or group of adults or has been used for drug
peddling: Yes No
(21) Reason for alleged offence
such as parental neglect or over protection, peer group influence etc.
(22) Circumstances in which the
child was apprehended ……………………………..
(23) Details of articles
recovered from the child: ……………………………………….
(24) Alleged role of the child
in the offence:……………………………………………..
(25) Suggestions of Child
Welfare Police Officer……………………………………….
Signed by
Child Welfare Police Officer
Form 2
Whereas I, ………….………… (Name)
resident of House no…….……. Street ………..…… Village/Town……………………….
District……………….. State……………..do hereby declare that I am willing to take charge
of (name of the child)…………………….. aged……………. under the orders of the
Board……………………. subject to the following terms and conditions:
(1) That I have annexed true,
correct and authentic identification and address proof of myself.
(2) That I undertake to produce
him/her before the Board as and when required.
(3) That I shall do my best for
the welfare and education of the child as long as he/she remains in my charge
and shall make proper provision for his/her maintenance.
(4) That in the event of
his/her illness, he/she shall have proper medical attention in the nearest
hospital and a report of it followed by a fitness certificate shall be
submitted before the Board.
(5) That I shall do my best to
ensure that the child will not be subjected to any form of abuse/neglect or
(6) That if his/her conduct
requires further supervision or care and protection, I shall at once inform the
(7) That if the child goes out
of my charge or control, I shall immediately inform the Board.
Date this ……………………..day of
Signature of person
executing the Undertaking/Bond
(Signed before me)
Juvenile Justice Board
Form 3
When the child is placed
under the care of a fit person/fit institution/Probation Officer pending
inquiry FIR/DD No. ………… of………… 20………. PS……………
Whereas …………………. (name of
the child) is alleged to have committed an offence and is placed under the care
of (Name)…………………………….. (address)…………………………………… on executing a bond by the said
…………………………………. and the Board is satisfied that it is expedient to deal with the
said child by making an order placing him/her under supervision.
It is hereby ordered that
the said child be placed under the supervision of ………………………for a period
of……………subject to the following conditions:
(1) That the child shall reside
at………………… for a period of…………..and shall be produced before the Board as and
when directed.
(2) That the child shall not be
allowed to quit the district jurisdiction of …………..without the permission of
the Board.
(3) That the child shall not be
allowed to associate with such person who shall negatively influence the child.
(4) That the person under whose
care the child is placed shall arrange for the proper care, education and
welfare of the child.
(5) That the preventive
measures will be taken by the person under whose care the child is placed to
see that the child does not commit any offence punishable by any law in India.
(6) That the child shall be
prevented from taking narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or any other
intoxicants. The person under whose supervision the child is placed shall
report any such act of the child to the Board.
Dated this…………….day
of……………………………. 20……………
Principal Magistrate/Member
Justice Board
Note: Additional, conditions,
if any may be inserted by the Juvenile Justice Board.
Form 4
The Officer in charge
Whereas on the…………day
of…………..20……., ………….(Name of the child), son/daughter
residing at ………………………………… alleged to be involved in FIR/DD No. ………………… PS
……………………is ordered by the Juvenile Justice Board to be kept in the Child Care
Institution (Observation Home/Place of Safety) namely ………… for a period of
This is to authorize and
require you to receive the said child into your charge, and to keep him in the
Child Care Institution (Observation Home/Place of Safety)……………………………….. and to
produce the child as and when directed by the Board, for the aforesaid order to
be carried into execution according to law.
Next date of
Given under my hand and the
seal of Juvenile Justice Board
This ………………….. day of
……………….. 20……………
Principal Magistrate/Member
Juvenile Justice Board
Form 5
FIR No………………………………
Probation Officer/Person
in-charge of Voluntary or Non-Governmental Organisation.
Whereas ………………(Name of the
Child), son/daughter of………………. age ……….residing at………………………………., has been
produced before the Board.
You are hereby directed to
enquire into the social antecedents, family background and circumstances of the
alleged offence by the said child and submit your social investigation report
on or before ……………….or within such time as allowed to you by the Board.
You are also hereby
directed to consult an expert in child psychology, psychiatric treatment or
counselling or any other expert for their expert opinion if necessary and
submit such report along with your Social Investigation Report.
Dated this ………….day of
Principal Magistrate/Member
Juvenile Justice Board
Form 6
10(9), 11(2), 64(1), 64(3)(i)]
Sl. No………….
Submitted to the Juvenile
Justice Board………………………. (address).
Officer/Voluntary/Non-Governmental Organisation………….. (Name of the person)
FIR No………………………………
Under sections………………………
Police Station………………………..
Nature of offence alleged:
Petty Serious Heinous
(1) Name………………………………………………………………………………
(2) Age/Date/Year of
(3) Sex…………………………………
(4) Caste………………………………
(5) Religion………………………….
(6) Father's
(7) Mother's Name ……………………………………………………………………
(8) Guardian's
(9) Permanent
(10) Landmark of the
(11) Address of last
(12) Contact no. of
father/mother/family member…………………………………….
(13) Whether the child is
abled: Yes/No
(please specify)
(14) Family Details:
Sl. No |
Name and Relationship |
Age |
Sex |
Education |
Occupation |
Income |
Health status |
History of Mental Illness (if any) |
Addictions (if any) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
(15) If the child or person is
married, name, age and details of spouse and children:
(16) Relationship among the
family members:
i. Father & mother |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
ii. Father & child |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
iii. Mother & child |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
iv. Father & siblings |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
v. Mother & siblings |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
vi. Child & siblings |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
vii. Child & grandparents (paternal/maternal) |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
(17) History of involvement of
family members in offences, if any:
Sl. No. |
Relationship |
Nature of Crime |
Legal status of the case |
Arrest if any made |
Period of confinement |
Punishment awarded |
1. |
Father |
2. |
Step father |
3. |
Mother |
4 |
Step mother |
5. |
Brother |
6. |
Sister |
7. |
Others (uncle/aunty/grandparents) |
(18) Attitude towards religion
of child and family………………………………………….
(19) Present living conditions
(20) Other factors of importance
if any…………………………………………………….
(21) (i) Habits of the child
(Tick as applicable)
A |
B |
(a) Smoking |
(g) Watching TV/movies |
(b) Alcohol consumption |
(h) Playing indoor/outdoor games |
(c) Drug use (specify) |
(i) Reading books |
(d) Gambling |
(j) Religious activities |
(e) Begging |
(k) Drawing/painting/acting/singing |
(f) Any other |
(1) Any other |
(ii) Extra-curricular
(iii) Outstanding
characteristics and personality traits…………………………………
(22) Child's opinion/reaction
towards discipline in the home……………………………..
(23) Employment Details of the
child, if any…………………………………………………
(24) Details of income
utilization and manner of income utilization………………………
(25) Work record (reasons for
leaving vocational interests, attitude towards job or employers)………
(26) The details of education of
the child:
up to V Standard
above V Standard but below VIII Standard
above VIII Standard but below X Standard
above X Standard
(27) Attitude of class mates
towards the child………………………………………………
(28) Attitude of teachers and
classmates towards the child………………………………
(29) The reason for leaving
School (tick Yes/No as applicable)
in the class last studied
of interest in the school activities
attitude of the teachers
group influence
earn and support the family
demise of parents
(vii) Bullying in school
school atmosphere
followed by running away from school
is no age appropriate school nearby
in school
(xii) Humiliation in school
of instruction
(xv) Others (pl. specify)
(30) The details of the school
in which studied last:
Welfare School/BC Welfare School
under NCLP
(31) Vocational training, if
(32) Majority of the friends are
same age group
in age
in age
criminal background
(33) Attitude of the child
towards friends…………………………………………………
(34) Attitude of friends towards
the child…………………………………………………
(35) Observations of neighbours
towards the child……………………………………..
(36) Observations about
neighborhood (to assess the influence of neighborhood on the child)…….
(37) Whether the child has been
subjected to any form of abuse, if applicable:
Sl. No. |
Type of Abuse |
Remarks |
1. |
Verbal abuse − parents/siblings/employers/others,
(pl. specify) |
2. |
Physical abuse(pl. specify) |
3. |
Sexual abuse parents/siblings/Employers/others
(pl. specify) |
4. |
Others (pl. specify) |
(38) Whether the child is a
victim of any
offence: Yes/No
(39) Whether the child is used
by any gangs or adults or group of adults or has been used for drug
peddling: Yes/No
(40) Does the child has tendency
to run away from home, give details if
any: Yes/No
(41) Circumstances of
apprehension of the child………………………………………….
(42) Alleged role of the child
in the offence……………………………………………….
(43) Reason for alleged offence:
criminal behaviour
influence (negative)
group influence
habits (to buy drugs/alcohol)
(pl. specify)
(44) Whether the child has been
apprehended earlier for any offence, if yes give details including stay in a
child care
institution Yes/ No
(45) Previous institutional/case
history and individual care plan, if any:
(46) Physical appearance of the
(47) Health condition of the
child (including medical examination report, if applicable)
(48) Mental condition of the
(49) Any other remark
(1) Emotional factors
(2) Physical condition
(3) Intelligence
(4) Social and economic factors………………………………………………………..
(5) Suggestive causes of the
(6) Analysis of the case,
including reasons/contributing factors for the offence
(7) Opinion of experts
(8) Recommendation regarding
rehabilitation by Probation Officer/Child Welfare Officer………….
Signature of the Probation
Officer/Child Welfare Officer/Social Worker
Stamp and Seal where
[176][Form 7
11(3), 13(7)(vi), 13(8)(ii), 19(4), 19(17), 62(6)(vii), 62(6)(x) and 691(3)]
in Conflict with Law or Child in Need of Care and Protection
whichever is applicable)
Name of Case Worker/Child
Welfare Officer/Probation Officer…………….
Date of preparing the
Individual Care Plan…………………………………………
Case/Profile No……………of 20………………
………… …
Under Sections (Type of
offence), applicable in case of Children in Conflict with Law……
Address of the Board or the
Admission No. (If child is
in an institution) …..………………….…….
Date of Admission (if child
is in an institution …………………………………….
Stay of the child (Fill as
(i) |
Short term (up to six months) |
(ii) |
Medium Term (six months to one year) |
(iii) |
Long term (more than 1 year) |
For Both Categories of
Children who are placed in Institutional or Non-Institutional Care
(1) Personal details (to be
provided by child/parent/both on admission of the child in the institution)
(a) Name of the
(b) Age/Date of
(c) Sex: Male/Female
(d) Father's
(e) Mother's
(f) Nationality………………………………………….
(g) Religion…………………………………………….
(h) Caste…………………………………………………
(i) Language spoken…………………………………..
(2) Level of
(3) Details of Savings Account
of the child, if any…………………….……..
(4) Details of awards/rewards
received by the child, if any…………………
(5) Details of child's
belongings, if any………………………..………
(6) Details of child's parents'
property, if any-
(7) Details of child's parents
bank accounts, if any-
(8) Details of child's
insurance policy, if any-
(9) Details of child's parents'
insurance policy, if any-
(10) Details of child's parents
job compensation, pension if any-
(11) Details of child's fixed deposits,
savings, financial policy, mutual funds if any-
(12) Details of parent's loans,
Mortgages, other financial liabilities, if any-
(13) Details of property to be
inherited, if any-
(14) Whether succession
certificate issued or not?- a. yes b. no
(15) Details of succession
(16) Whether legal heir
certificate issued or not?- a. yes b. no
(17) Details of legal heir
(18) Whether the child is
(19) Based on the results of
Case History, Social Investigation report and interaction with the child, give
details on following areas of concern and interventions required, if any- (This
is for both categories of children who are placed in institutional or
non-institutional care)
Sl. No |
Category |
Areas of concern |
Proposed Interventions |
1 |
Child's expectation from care and protection |
2 |
Health and nutrition needs |
3 |
Emotional and psychological support needed |
4 |
Educational and training needs |
5 |
Leisure, creativity and play |
6 |
Attachments and inter-personal relationships |
7 |
Self-care and life skill training for protection
from all kinds of abuse, neglect and maltreatment |
8 |
Independent living skills |
9 |
Any other significant experiences which may have
impacted the development of the child, like trafficking, domestic violence,
parental neglect, bullying in school, etc. (Please specify) |
(20) Whether the child has any
siblings? Yes/No
(21) Whether the child and
his/her sibling are being placed together? A. Yes B. No
(22) Whether the child and
his/her siblings are being surrendered by the single parent/Guardian? A. Yes b.
No C. Not Applicable
(23) Case/Profile No. of the
(24) In case the child is with
disability or special needs or is terminally ill
(This may be relevant for
both child in conflict with law and child in need of care and protection, as
the case may be)
the child who is suffering from disabilities have been provided with disability
certificate. Yes/No. If Yes, please state the disability certificate no
such child has been provided with medical equipment like hearing aid, crutches
etc. Yes/No. If Yes, please specify……………………
the child has been provided for compensation/relief for his/her disability.
Yes/No. If yes, please specify……………………………
requirements of the child…………………………………..
other special needs of the child……………………………….
other recommendation………………………………………
(25) If the child belongs to
Children in Street Situations/Trafficked/Involved in Drug Peddling/Child Labour
(This may be relevant for both child in conflict with law and child in need of
care and protection, as the case may be)
the child belongs to Children in Street Situation: Yes/No.
the child is a victim of child trafficking: Yes/No. If yes,
the child was involved in drug-peddling: Yes/No.
the child is a victim of child labour. Yes/No. If yes,
the child who has been a victim of Child-Labour has been provided compensation
under the Child Labour Rehabilitation-cum-Welfare Fund or any other scheme. Please
such child who have been victim of child labour/child trafficking/drug
peddling/or is a children in street situation provided with counselling? Yes/No
the child has been provided any compensation? Yes/No. — If yes, please
(26) If the child is a victim of
abuse including sexual abuse: (This may be relevant for both child in conflict
with law and child in need of care and protection, as the case may be)
the child has been provided counselling? ……………………….
any action has been taken against such offender/perpetrator? If Yes, Please
the child who has been a victim of sexual assault has been provided
compensation as per the compensation scheme under the Protection of Children
from Sexual Offences Act, 2012……………………………….
other compensation or relief provided to the child? ………………….
other observations……………………………………
For Children Placed in
Institutional Care
(27) Progress report of the
child (to be prepared every fortnight for first three months and thereafter to
be prepared once a month)
[Note: Use different sheet
for Progress Report]
(1) Name of the Probation
Officer/Case Worker/Child Welfare Officer………….
(2) Period of the
(3) Admission
(4) Board or Committee details
……. …………………………………………………
(5) Profile
(6) Name of the
(7) Place of interview
(8) General conduct and progress
of the child during the period of the report
…………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………
(9) Progress made with regard
to proposed interventions as mentioned in point 19 of Part A of this form.
Sl. No. |
Category |
Proposed Interventions |
Progress of the Child |
1. |
Child's expectation from care and protection |
2. |
Health and nutrition needs |
3. |
Emotional and psychological support needed |
4. |
Educational and training needs |
5. |
Leisure, creativity and play |
6. |
Attachments and inter-personal relationships |
7. |
Self-care and life skill training for protection
from all kinds of abuse, neglect and maltreatment |
8. |
Independent living skills |
9. |
Any other significant experiences which may have
impacted the development of the child, like trafficking, domestic violence,
parental neglect, bullying in school, etc. (Please specify) |
(10) Any proceeding held before
the committee or Board or Children's Court, details:—
(11) Variation of conditions of
bond: ………………………………….
(12) Change of residence of the
child: ……………………………….
(13) Other matters, if any:
(14) Period of supervision
completed. Details:…………………………………
(15) Result of supervision with
remarks (if any):………………………………….
(16) Name and Addresses of the
parent or guardian or fit person under whose care the child is to live after
the supervision is over:……………………………
Date of report:…………………
Signature of the Probation
(28) Pre-release report (to be
prepared 15 days prior to release):
(1) Details of place of
transfer and authority concerned responsible in the place of transfer/release:
(2) Details of placement of the
child in different institutions/family: ……………
(3) Training undergone and
skills acquired: ………………………………………………..
(4) Last progress report of the
child (to be attached, refer Part B)
(5) Rehabilitation and
restoration plan of the child (to be prepared with reference to progress
reports of the child.
Sl. No. |
Category |
Rehabilitation and Restoration plan of the child |
1. |
Child's expectation from care and protection |
2. |
Health and nutrition |
3. |
Emotional and psychological |
4. |
Educational and Training |
5. |
Leisure, creativity and play |
6. |
Attachments and Inter-personal Relationships |
8. |
Self-care and life skill training for Protection
from all kinds of abuse, neglect and maltreatment |
9. |
Independent living skills |
10. |
Any other |
(6) Date of
(7) Requisition for escort if
(8) Identification Proof of
escort such as driving license, Aadhaar Card, etc:……
(9) Recommended rehabilitation
plan including possible placements/sponsorships…
(10) Details of Probation
Officer/Non-Governmental Organisation for post-release follow
(11) Memorandum of Understanding
with Non-Governmental Organisation identified for post-release follow-up
(Attach a copy)
(12) Details of sponsorship
agency/individual sponsor, if any:…………………
(13) Memorandum of Understanding
between the sponsoring agency and individual sponsor (Attach a copy):…………………………
(14) Medical examination report
before release:……………………………………
(15) Any other
(29) Post-release/restoration
report of the child:
(1) Status of Bank Account:
(2) Earnings and belongings of
the child: handed over to the child or his parents/guardians - Yes/No
(3) First interaction report of
the Probation Officer/Child Welfare Officer/Case Worker/social
worker/Non-Governmental Organisation identified for follow-up with the child
(4) Progress made with
reference to Rehabilitation and Restoration Plan:………
(5) Family's behaviour/attitude
towards the child:……………………….
(6) Social milieu of the child,
particularly attitude of neighbours'/community:……….
(7) How is the child using the
skills acquired:……………………………………
(8) Whether the child has been
admitted to a school or vocation? Give date and name of the
school/institute/any other agency Yes/No ……….
(9) Report of second and third
follow-up interaction with the child after two months and six months
(10) Efforts towards social
mainstreaming and child's opinion/views about it:..……
(11) Identity Cards and
Present status (Please tick whichever Applicable) |
Yes |
No |
Action taken |
Birth Certificate |
School certificate |
Caste certificate |
Below Poverty Line Card |
Disability Certificate |
Immunisation card |
Ration Card |
Adhaar Card |
Received compensation from Government |
[Instruction: Please verify
with the physical document]
(30) Adoption
the child has been declared legally free for adoption?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not Applicable
(If not applicable, then
subsequent questions do not apply)
the child has been placed in a Specialised Adoption Agency or Child Care
A. Specialised Adoption
Agency B. Child
Care Institution
Investigation Report by Child Welfare Officer/Case worker/social worker, as the
case may be submitted?
A. Yes
B. No
of surrender executed by the parents/guardian before the Committee?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not Applicable
submitted by District Child Protection Unit and Child Care Institution or
Specialised Adoption Agency that all restoration efforts have been made for the
A. Yes
B. No
has approached District Child Protection Unit and Child Care Institution or
Specialised Adoption Agency for claiming the child as biological parents or
legal guardians
A. Yes B.
timelines under Section 38 of the Act have been adhered to before declaring the
child legally free for adoption
A. Yes
B. No
For Children Placed in
Non-Institutional Care (Except Adoption)
(1) Guardian's name (if
(2) Parents/Guardian's
(3) Parents/Guardian's
(4) Child's nationality-
(5) Details of Adhaar
card/voter Identity Card/pan card of the child…………………..
(6) Details of Adhaar
card/voter Identity Card/pan card of the child's parents………
(7) Caste…………………………………………………
(8) Language
(9) Level of
(10) Whether the child has been
provided compensation/relief under various schemes of Government………..
(11) Where is the child being
(a) guardian (b)
foster care (c)
sponsorship (d)
single parent
(12) Whether the child is being
surrendered by the single parent/Guardian?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not Applicable
(13) If yes, then whether the
surrender deed has been made?
A. Yes
B. No
(14) Education- (Yes/No/Not
applicable) If yes, then
the child has been enrolled in school or a special training center? ……
child is enrolled in school, then
(a) Name of the school……
(b) Government/Private ……
(c) Class ………………..
District Information System for Education Code of the said school……………………….
child is enrolled in special training centre then,
(a) Center is Residential or
(b) Duration of enrollment
the child has been enrolled in school under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of
Section 12 of the Right to Education Act, 2009? Yes/No/NA
Child Welfare Committee has recommended for continuing of education of the
child in the same school as the child was studying in? Yes/No
the basis of the recommendation, whether the child is continuing education in
the same school as he was studying in? Yes/No
Child Welfare Committee has recommended for transfer of school for the child?
(a) If yes, then what are the
reasons given by the Child Welfare Committee for recommending transfer of
school? ……………………………………………….
the child has been admitted to/transferred to a new school? Yes/No
of new school along with its Unified District Information System for Education Code………………….
and Contact Details……………………………………………….
in which admission/transfer taken place……………………………….
in which the child was transferred from previous school…………
the basis of the recommendations of Child Welfare Committee, whether the school
in which the child is studying in is giving the benefit under clause (c) of
sub-section (1) of Section 12(1)(c) of the Right to Education Act, 2009 to the
child? Yes/No
the child is being given free education by the appropriate Government? Yes/No
the child availing any scholarship? Yes/No
(a) If yes, name of the
scholarship ………………………………..
(b) Amount of scholarship
(xvii) Any other observation and
recommendation made by the Child Welfare Committee for education of the child………………………………………….
(15) Sponsorship
child has been recommended for sponsorship by the Child Welfare Committee?
A. Yes
B. No (If no, then
subsequent questions do not apply)
sponsorship for the child has been approved by a Committee headed by District
A. Yes
B. No
of sponsorship: i. Government ……… ii. Private ……………
of sponsorship
(a) Individual to Individual
(b) Group Sponsorship
(c) Community or organisation
(d) Support to families through
(e) Support to children homes
and special homes
(f) Sponsorship through:
(i) Institutions,
(ii) Companies
(iii) Corporations either public
or private
(g) Any other
child has started receiving money under the sponsorship program-
A. Yes
B. No
duration of sponsorship: ……………………………….
other information: ………………………………….
(16) Restoration of the child:
(i) Whether the child is being
restored to:—
Single Parent/Biological
(ii) Name of the person to whom
the child is being restored to……………..
(iii) Address and contact details
of person where the child is being restored to……
(iv) If the child is being
restored to Guardian/relative, then-
(v) Relationship of the child
with the guardian/relative-
(vi) Does the guardian/relative
have children of their own?
A. yes
B. No
(vii) If yes, Details of
guardian/relatives' children-
(viii) Social and financial
condition of the guardian/relative-
(ix) Whether the child will be
staying in the same State where the child was found? Yes/No
(x) Whether the child needs to
be transferred to another State for restoration? Yes/No. If yes:
(a) Name of the State where the
child is restored to-
(b) An escort is required for
transfer of the child to another State?
A. Yes
B. No.
If yes: Identification
Proof of escort such as driving license, Aadhar Card, etc…………
(c) Whether District Child
Protection Unit/Child Welfare Committee of the concerned district of the State
where the child is being transferred to has been informed about the transfer
orders? Yes/No
(d) Whether the child's documents/Social
Investigation Report/Individual Care Plan/Orders of Child Welfare Committee
have been transferred to the concerned CWC of the State? Yes/No
(e) Details of Child Welfare
Committee where the case is transferred……………
(xi) Child Welfare Committee has
recommended follow-up of the child post restoration: Yes/No
(xii) Status of bank accounts of
the child……………………
(xiii) The belongings of the child
are handed over to the child/parent/guardian: Yes/No
(xiv) Identity Cards and
Present status (Please tick whichever is
applicable) |
Yes |
No |
Action taken |
Birth Certificate |
School certificate |
Caste certificate |
Below Poverty Line Card |
Disability Certificate |
Immunisation card |
Ration Card |
Adhaar Card |
Received compensation from Government |
of the Child
(i) Whether the child needs to
be repatriated. Yes/No
(ii) If yes, whether such
repatriation is: (tick whichever is applicable)
□ inter-district
□ inter-state
□ inter-country
(iii) Whether information about
repatriation of the child has been informed to the—
□ District Magistrate
□ State Government
□ Central Government
(iv) Has the process of
repatriation of the child been initiated? Yes/No. Details: ……..
(v) Whether the details of the
child to be repatriated has been informed to National or State Commission for
Protection of Child Rights, as the case may be?
(vi) Any other
Signature of the Probation
Child Welfare
Officer/District Child Protection Unit
Stamp and Seal where
Form 8
Whereas I, ……………………. being
the parent, guardian, relative or fit person under whose care………………………..(name
of the child) has been ordered to be placed by the Juvenile Justice
Board………………………… having been directed by the said Board to execute an
undertaking/bond with surety in the sum of Rs……….. (Rupees……………………………………) or
without surety, I hereby bind myself to be responsible for the good behavior
and well-being of the said ………………….and to observe the following conditions for
a period of ………………… years with effect from ……………………………
(1) That I shall not change my
place of residence without giving previous intimation in writing to the
Juvenile Justice Board through the Probation Officer;
(2) That I shall not remove the
said child from the limits of the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Justice Board
without previously obtaining the written permission of the Board;
(3) That I shall send the said
child daily to school/to such vocation as is approved by the Board unless
prevented from so doing by circumstances beyond control;
(4) That I shall sincerely give
effect to the Individual Care Plan with the help of the Probation Officer;
(5) That I shall report
immediately to the Board whenever so required by it and also produce the child
before the Board as and when directed to do so;
(6) That I shall produce the
said child in my care before the Board, if he/she does not follow the orders of
Board or his/her behavior is beyond my control;
(7) That I shall report to the
Board if the child goes out of my control or charge;
(8) That I shall render all
necessary assistance to the Probation Officer to enable him to carry out the
duties of supervision;
In the event of my making
default herein, I undertake to appear before the Board and bind myself to pay
to Government the sum of Rs ……………….. (Rupees…………………………….).
Dated this ………………..day of
Signature of person
executing the Undertaking/Bond.
(Signed before me)
Principal Magistrate/Member
Juvenile Justice Board
Additional conditions, if
any, by the Juvenile Justice Board may be entered numbering them properly;
(Where a bond with sureties
is to executed add)
I/We …………………………..of ………………………(place
of residence with full particulars) hereby declare myself/ourselves as
surety/sureties for the aforesaid ……………….. (name of the person executing the
undertaking/bond) to adhere to the terms and conditions of this
undertaking/bond. In case of ………………….(name of the person executing the bond)
making fault therein, I/We hereby bind myself/ourselves jointly or severally to
forfeit to government the sum of Rs……………… (Rupees…………………………….) dated this
the……….. day of …………….20…………..in the presence of …………………………
Signature of Surety(ties)
(Signed before me)
Magistrate/Member, Juvenile Justice Board
Form 9
Whereas I,
……………………inhabitant of……………………..(give full particulars such as house number,
road, village/town, tehsil, district, state) have been ordered to be sent
back/restored by the Juvenile Justice Board …………………..under section ……….. of the
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 on my entering
into a personal bond to observe the conditions mentioned herein below. Now,
therefore, I do solemnly promise to abide by these conditions during the
I hereby bind myself as
(1) That during the
period………….. I shall not ordinarily leave the village/town/district to which I
am sent and shall not ordinarily return to…………………….or go anywhere else beyond
the said district without the prior permission of the Board;
(2) That during the said period
I shall attend school/vocational training in the village/town or in the said
district to which I am sent;
(3) That in case of my
attending school/vocational training at any other place in the said district I
shall keep the Board informed of my ordinary place of residence.
I hereby acknowledge that I
am aware of the above conditions which have been read over/explained to me and
that I accept the same.
or thumb impression of the child)
Certified that the
conditions specified in the above order have been read over/explained to (Name
of child) ……………………..and that he has accepted them as the conditions upon
non-compliance of which he/she may be placed in safe custody.
Certified accordingly that
the said child has been released/relieved on (date) ………………….
Juvenile Justice Board
Form 10
11(9) and 64(3)(xiii)]
FIR No……………. Police Station
In the matter of………………..
Whereas (name of the child)
………………….., age…………, has on……. (date) been found to be a child in conflict with
law, and has been placed under the care of ……………… (parent/guardian/fit
person/fit facility) and under the supervision of …………………(name of Probation
Reg. No.:— |
Age (approximately):— |
Sex:— Male/Female/ |
Name:— |
Fathers Name:— |
Religion:— |
Education: — |
Vocational Training, if any |
Language(s) known:— |
Next court date:— |
Employment, if any |
Date of admission (in case of fit person/fit
facility) |
details and summary
(1) Preliminary details:
(i) Visit Date:
(ii) Name of
(iii) Names of Other Adults
Living in the Home and with whom the Probation Officer interacted:
(2) Observations:
(i) Child's
(ii) Physical and mental health
status/needs of child and family…………………….
(iii) Inter-personal relationship
of the child with the family…………………………….
(iv) Inter-personal relationship
with friends……………………………………………..
(v) Safety and supervision in
the family…………………………………………………
(vi) Difficulties faced by the
(vii) Difficulties faced by the
(viii) Changes in the
(ix) Vocational training, if any
being undertaken by the child……………………….
(x) Engagement of child in any
anti-social activities or harmful activities (Examples could be exhibiting
bullying behaviour, violent outbursts, destructions, self-harm, lying,
defiance, impulsiveness, lack of empathy, sexually deviant actions etc.)…………
(xi) Time elapsed since last
engagement in any anti-social behavior or harmful activities………………….
(3) Visit to school/vocational
training centre
(i) Name of the
(ii) Name of the
Teacher/Principal met…………………………………………….
(iii) Any unusual behavior
(iv) Feedback received on the
progress of the child………………………………….
(v) Attitude of the peers
towards the child…………………………………………..
(vi) Attitude of the child
towards the peers…………………………………………..
(4) Visit to place of
(i) Nature of
(ii) Working
(iii) Attitude of the child
towards work………………………………………..
(iv) Violation of any labour
laws, Low wages or wages being withheld, if observed and action taken against
(5) Did you spend time speaking
privately with the
child Yes No
If no, give
(6) Progress made as per
Rehabilitation and Restoration Plan under the Individual Care Plan (refer point
14 of form 7)…………………………………………………………
(7) Recommendations for
modifications in Rehabilitation and Restoration Plan under the Individual Care
Plan, if any:
Prepared by:
(Probation Officer
…../.…./.… (date)
Plan: Date of next visit: ……………………
Action point if any:
(Probation Officer)
Form 11
Sheet may be used in case there are more than one child)
Juvenile Justice Board,
Case No.
Case Name:
Police Station ……………………………… |
Date………………………………… |
U/S……………………………………. |
FIR/GD/DD No. ………………………… |
Name of Probation Officer…………………. |
Name of IO ………………………………. |
Name of Lawyer ……………………………… (If not represented provide Legal Aid
Lawyer) |
Name of Child Welfare Police
Officer…… |
NATURE OF OFFENCE PETTY (maximum punishment upto three years) SERIOUS (maximum punishment between three to seven years) HEINOUS (minimum punishment for seven years or more) |
Name |
Parents/Guardian with Contact No. |
Present address |
Permanent address |
CR.P.C. |
Age on the Date of offence Date of age Determination Time taken for age determination |
Determination by |
Board |
Court |
Evidence Relied: |
Documents |
Medical |
In Observation Home/Place of Safety |
Date of grant of bail |
Sent under supervision (Name of Institution) |
From………………..to……………………. |
schedule for disposal of the case to be fixed on the first day of hearing)
Steps to be taken |
Scheduled Date |
Actual Date |
Day 1: Social Background Report by Police (in
Form No. 1) |
Dated…….. |
Day 1: Consideration of Bail |
Dated…….. |
Day 2: Age determination |
Dated……… |
Day 2: SIR (Form No. 6) by Probation Officer |
Dated………. |
Day 2: Section 173 CrPC Final Report by Police on
completion of Investigation |
Dated………. |
Day 3: Submission of Report on Provisions of
further investigation, if any |
Dated………… |
Day 3: Section 251 CrPC Notice |
Dated…………. |
Day 4-6: Prosecution Evidence (From……… to…….) |
Dated…….. Dated…….. |
Depending on the number of witnesses continuous
dates may be fixed) |
Dated…….. |
Day 7: Statement of child under Section 281 CrPC |
Dated………… |
Day 8: Defence Evidence |
Dated……….. |
Day 8: Individual Care Plan (In case of child in
institutional care Individual Care Plan should be prepared within one month
of admittance |
Dated…………. |
Day 9: Final Arguments |
Dated………… |
Day 10: Dispositional (Final) Order |
Dated……….. |
Day 11: Post Dispositional Review Dated………… |
signed by
Juvenile Justice Board
Form 12
Quarterly Report for the
period: From…………… to…………..
Details of JJB
Sl. No. |
Details |
Date of Appointment |
Training attended |
1. |
Principal Magistrate |
2. |
Member 1 |
3. |
Member 2 |
4. |
Member 3 |
Visit to Homes by Principal Magistrate Date of visit: Name and Address of Home: Remark: |
Visit to Jails by Principal Magistrate Date of Visit: Whether any children found: Action taken: |
Cases Instituted During the Quarter: |
Petty |
Serious |
Heinous |
Total |
Number cases |
Number of Children |
Children granted bail |
Children sent to Observation Home |
Number of cases where preliminary reports were
submitted in stipulated time |
Nature of case |
Old cases |
New cases |
Disposal |
Current pendency |
Less than 4 months |
4 months to 6 months |
6 months to 1 year |
More than 1 year |
Petty |
Serious |
Heinous |
Total |
Final Order Total number of final orders passed |
Discharged |
Transfer to other JJB |
Abated on Death |
Repatriated to Foreign Country |
Transferred to Children's Court |
Declared Compounded & file consigned |
Terminated under rule ……. (postproduction
process) |
Acquitted/Finding of commission in offence |
Nature of Dispositional Orders where child has
committed Offence (mention the No. of orders) |
Complaint/Suggestion, if any, Received and Action
Taken ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ |
Remark/Suggestion by Board a. Principal Magistrate _________________________________________________________ b. Member : 1
________________________________________________________________ c. Member: 2
________________________________________________________________ |
Principal Magistrate |
Member —1 |
Member —2 |
Form 13
review of a child in place of Safety
FIR No………………………………..
In the matter of ………………………
vs. …………………………..
Whereas (name of the child)
………………….., age……….., has on ………………(date) been found to be a child in conflict
with law, and has been placed in………………………………………….. (Name of place of safety)
Date of admission to place
of safety—
Period of Review:
From……………… to……………..
Name of the
Date of admission……………………………………………………………
Next date of
(1) Case details and summary
(2) Individual Care Plan
(Attach a copy)
(3) Fortnightly progress made
as per Individual Care Plan
(4) Development of new
(5) Psycho-social progress made
by the child: (to be prepared with the help of a psycho-social
Status Evaluation
(a) Appearance (Observed) —
Possible descriptors: • posture, clothes, grooming.
(b) Behavior (Observed) —
Possible descriptors: • Mannerisms, gestures, psychomotor activity, expression,
eye contact, ability to follow commands/requests, compulsions
II. Attitude (Observed) —
Possible descriptors: • Cooperative, hostile, open, secretive, evasive,
suspicious, apathetic, easily distracted, focused, defensive.
III. Level of Consciousness
(Observed) — Possible descriptors: • Vigilant, alert, drowsy, lethargic,
stuporous, asleep, comatose, confused, fluctuating.
IV. Orientation (Inquired) —
Possible questions: • “What is your full name?” • “Where are we at (floor,
building, city, county, and state)?” • “What is the full date today (date,
month, year, day of the week, and season of the year)?” • “How would you
describe the situation we are in?”
and Language (Observed) A. Quantity — Possible descriptors: • Talkative,
spontaneous, quiet B. Rate — Possible descriptors: • Fast, slow, normal,
pressured. C. Volume (Tone).
VI. Mood (Inquired): A
sustained state of inner feeling — Possible questions: • “How are you feeling?”
• “Have you been discouraged/depressed/low?” • “Have you been
energized/elated/high/out of control lately?” • “Have you been angry/irritable?”
VII. Affect (Observed): An
observed expression of inner feeling.
VIII. Thought Processes or
Thought Form (Inquired/Observed): logic, relevance, organisation, flow and
coherence of thought in response to general questioning during the interview. —
Possible descriptors: goal-directed, circumstantial, loose associations,
incoherent, evasive, perseveration.
IX. Thought Content
and Homicidality — Assessment
XI. Insight (Inquired/Observed)
XII. Attention
(Inquired/Observed) —
XIII. Feelings of guilt/remorse:
(6) Status of Current
Educational/Vocational Rehabilitation Programme
• Motivation for the
• Level of
• Quality of work/performance………………………………………………………
(7) Impact of
institutionalization on the person……………………………………….
(8) Approach to
evaluation/periodic follow ups………………………………………
Willingness/ability to
participate in treatment and rehabilitation in programs/facilities, consistent
with public safety.
Recommendations (including
whether the person may be released or released on conditions or requires
further institutionalization with justification)
Date : //
Place :
Name :
Designation :
Signature :
Prepared by:
(Probation Officer
…../.…./.… (date)
Form 14
7(1)(ii), 13(8)(iv)(C)(cd), 17(vi), 19(20), 65(3)(viii), 69E(2), 69 I (4),
69J(1), 69J(3)]
FIR No./Case No.
Nature of Offence: heinous,
serious or petty (in case of child in conflict with law)
Name of Probation
Officer/Child Welfare Officer/Rehabilitation cum Placement Officer:
Name of the child:
Father's name:
Mother's name:
Admission No.
Date of Admission:
Date of Provisional
Services availed under
Individual Care Plan —
Indicators |
Child's expectation from care and protection |
First Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Second Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Third Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Fourth Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Health and Nutrition |
First Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Second Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Third Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Fourth Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Emotional and psychological support needed |
First Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Second Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Third Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Fourth Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Education and Training |
First Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Second Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Third Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Fourth Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Leisure, creativity and play |
First Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Second Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Third Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Fourth Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Attachments and Inter-personal Relationships |
First Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Second Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Third Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Fourth Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Self Care and Life Skill Training for Protection
from all kinds of abuse, neglect and maltreatment |
First Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Second Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Third Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Fourth Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Independent living skills |
First Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Second Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Third Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Fourth Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Any other such as significant experiences which
may have impacted the development of the child like trafficking, domestic
violence, parental neglect, bullying in school etc. |
First Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Second Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Third Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Fourth Month |
Plan: Outcome: |
Other services provided to
the child, including compensation, other benefits etc.
Report of the detailed
psychiatric assessment done by certified psychiatrist to be attached along with
Rehabilitation card
Date of report and reason
for conducting the said assessment (Provisional Release/Release/Any other)
(1) Overall progress shown by
the child on the above mentioned aspects of the Individual Care Plan
(2) Child's acceptance and
understanding of his actions and its consequences
(3) Child's willingness to reform
(4) Child's behavior and
(5) Offence committed by the
child, if any reported by family or neighbourhood, in case of a child in
conflict with law who is not placed in a Child Care Institution
Signed by
Form 15
summary maintained by the Child Welfare Committee
Case No……………………………
In Re…………………………………..
Case Record……………………..
(1) Name of the
(2) Father's/Mother's/Guardian's
name (if available)………………….
(3) Date of production of the
(4) Name of person producing
the child………………………………
(5) A list of all follow up
dates (of the child, before the Committee)…………………
(6) Orders passed by the CWC
(tick as applicable)
(i) Declaration that child is
in need of care and protection.
(ii) Finding on age of child
(iii) Medical Examination
(iv) Interim custody
(v) Undertaking (by parent,
guardian or fit person, if applicable)
(vi) Order appointing Case
Worker & NGO etc.
(vii) Order for
compensation/recovery of wages (if applicable)
(viii) Transfer order
(ix) Final Order (concluding
(x) Any other order.
(7) Medical Records including
but not limited to age verification………………….
(8) Social Investigation Report
under Form 22………………………………………
(9) Individual Care Plan under
Form 7……………………………………………..
(10) Rehabilitation Card in Form
(11) Case History Form
(12) All details, documents and
records with regards to Sponsorship/Foster Care/Adoption services (if
Child Welfare Committee
[177][Form 16
17(1)(v), 17(1)(va), and 20(2)]
Report by Child Welfare Committee
Quarterly Report for the
period: From……………to…………..
Details of Child Welfare
Sl. No. |
Details |
Date of Appointment |
Training attended |
1. |
Chairperson |
2. |
Member 1 |
3. |
Member 2 |
4. |
Member 3 |
5. |
Member 4 |
Details of Cases with Child
Welfare Committee:
Sl. No. |
Number of cases at the beginning of quarter |
Number of Cases received during the quarter |
Number of cases disposed of during the quarter |
Number of cases pending at the end of quarter |
Reasons for pendency |
Final Order |
Total number of final orders passed during the
quarter |
Released to parent/guardian/fit person/fit
institution |
Transfer To other Child Welfare Committee |
Ordered to stay in Child Care Institution |
Repatriated To Foreign Country |
Declared Legally free for adoption |
Ordered for Foster care/sponsorshi p/Aftercare |
Recommen ded to the Juvenile Justice Board For
filing FIR |
Initiated Process of compensati on to child, if
eligible |
Details of the case regarding
Restored children by Child Welfare Committee:
Sl. No. |
No. of children Restored |
No. of children restored with parents |
No. of children restored with fit person |
No. of children restored and recommended for
follow up |
Same District |
Different District |
Different State |
guardian |
relatives |
Details of the cases of
Death of Child in Child Care Institution:
Sl. No. |
Name of the deceased child |
Cause of death |
Name of Child Care Institution the child was
placed |
Period of stay in Child Care Institution |
Details of the cases of
Runaway children:
Sl. No. |
Name of the runaway child |
Name of Child Care Institution, the child was
placed |
FIR No. |
Background of the child |
Date of visit: …………………………………..
Name and Address of Home
visited: ………………………….
Remarks/Suggestions of the
Signature of Chairperson
[178][Form 16A
43(2) and (3)]
Report by Child Welfare Committee
Monthly Report for the
period: From……………to…………..
Details of the Case
Pertaining to Legally Free for Adoption
Break-up of Pendency before Child Welfare
Committee |
Orphan |
Abandoned |
Surrendered |
Total |
Children for 0-2 |
Children > 2 years and <18 years |
Children for 0-2 |
Children > 2 years and <18 years |
Children 0-18 years |
Pending for > 2 months |
Pending for > 4 months |
Pending for > 2 months |
Pending for > 4 months |
Pending for > 2 months |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
Signature of Chairperson
Form 17
18(2), 19(25)]
to be submitted at time of productionof child before the Committee
Case No……………………….
Produced before the Child
Welfare Committee……………………………………….
Date of production………………………
Time of production……………………..
Place of production…………………………………
(1) Details of person who is
producing the child:
(i) Name of the person
(ii) Age………………………..
(iii) Sex…………………………
(iv) Address …………………
(v) Contact number…………………
(vi) Occupation/designation………………..
(vii) Name of the
organisation/CCI/SAA ………………….
(2) The child who is being
(i) Name (if any)………………………..
(ii) Age (stated age/age based
on appearance) ……………
(iii) Sex …………
(iv) Identity
(v) Language used by the
(3) Details of
parents/guardians (if available):
(i) Name …………………………………
(ii) Age…………………………………..
(iii) Address……………………………….
(iv) Contact number……………………….
(v) Occupation…………………………………
(4) Place where the child was
(5) The details of the person
(if any) with whom the child was found:
(i) Name ………………………
(ii) Age…………………………….
(iii) Address……………………………….
(iv) Contact number…………………………
(v) Occupation……………………….
(6) Circumstances under which
the child was found……………………….
(7) Allegation by the child of
any offence/abuse committed on the child in any manner………………………
(8) Physical condition of the
(9) Belongings of the child at
the time of production……………………………..
(10) Date and Time at which the
child came to the CCI/SAA………………………….
(11) Immediate efforts made to
trace family of the child ……………………………..
(12) Medical treatment, if
provided to the child ……………………………..
(13) Whether police has been
informed …………………………………………….
Signature/Thumb impression
of the child
Signature/Thumb impression
of the person who produced the child
Police-Local Police/Special
Juvenile Police Unit/designated child welfare police officer/Railway
Police/Probation Officers/any public servant/Social Welfare Organisation/Social
Worker/Person in-charge CCI/SAA/any citizen/Child himself/herself (fill as
Form 18
18(5), 18(9) and 19(26)]
of placement of a child in an Institution
Home/Fit Facility/SAA)
Case No………………………………
The Officer-in-Charge,
Whereas on the ………………day of
……….20 …. (name of the child) ……………., son/daughter of ………………. aged
………..residing at …………………. being in care and protection under the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2015 is ordered by the Child Welfare
Committee …………………, to be kept in the Children's Home/SAA/Fit
Facility……………………..for a period of …………………
This is to authorize and
require you to receive the said child in your charge, and to keep him/her in
the Children's Home/Fit Facility/SAA……………….. for the aforesaid order to be
carried into execution according to law. The concerned official shall upload
the details in case of an orphan or abandoned child in the Track Child/relevant
Web Portal.
Given under my hand and the
seal of Child Welfare Committee.
This ……………. day of
Child Welfare Committee
Copy of the orders,
particulars of home and previous record, case history and individual care plan,
as applicable:
Form 19
for placement of child under the care of a Parent, Guardian or Fit Person
Pending Inquiry
Case No. …….of
In Re…………………
Whereas (name of the child)
…………………… has on …………….(date) been found to be in need of care and protection,
and is placed under the care and supervision of
(name)……………………..(address)…………………..on executing a bond by the said ………………….. and
the Committee is satisfied that it is expedient to deal with the said child by
making an order placing him/her under supervision.
Reason for the child being
produced before the CWC……………………………………
It is hereby ordered that
the said child be placed under the supervision of (name)………………………..
(address)……………………………… for a period of ……………………………………….. This shall be subject
to the following conditions that:
(1) the child along with the
copies of the order and the bond, if any, executed by the said…………………………. shall
be produced before the Committee as and when required by the person executing
the bond
(2) the child shall reside at
……………………….. for a period of ………………….
(3) the child shall not be
allowed to quit the district jurisdiction of …………………without the permission of
the Committee.
(4) the child shall go to school/vocational
training centre regularly. The child shall attend ……………….(name of)
school/vocational training centre (if already identified) at ………………….(address
of school/vocational training centre).
(5) the person under whose care
the child is placed shall arrange for the proper care, education and welfare of
the child.
(6) the child shall not be
allowed to associate with undesirable characters and shall be prevented from
coming in conflict with law.
(7) the child shall be
prevented from taking narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or any other
(8) the directions given by the
Committee from time to time, for the due observance of the conditions mentioned
above, shall be carried out.
Dated this…………………..day of
Child Welfare Committee
• Additional conditions, if
any may be inserted by the Child Welfare Committee
Form 20
18(8) and 19(7)]
by the parent or guardian or ‘Fit Person’
I …………………….resident of
House no………………Street …………….. Village/Town…………. District ……………… State ………………..do
hereby declare that I am willing to take charge of (name of the child) ……………..
Aged……. under the orders of the Child Welfare Committee…………………. subject to the
following terms and conditions:
(1) If his conduct is unsatisfactory
I shall at once inform the Committee.
(2) I shall do my best for the
welfare and education of the said child as long as he remains in my charge and
shall make proper provision for his maintenance.
(3) In the event of his/her
illness, he shall have proper medical attention in the nearest hospital.
(4) I agree to adhere to the
conditions that may be imposed by the Committee from time to time and also to
keep the Committee informed about the compliance with the conditions.
(5) I undertake to produce
him/her before the Committee as and when required.
(6) I shall inform the
Committee immediately if the child goes out of my charge or control.
Date this ………………day of
Signed before Child Welfare
Form 21
for Social Investigation Report of child in need of Care and Protection
Child Welfare
Officer/Social Worker/Case Worker/Person in-charge of Home/representative of
Non-Governmental Organisation Whereas a report under Section 31(2) of the
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 has been received
from …………………. in respect of (name of the child)……………, aged (approximate)………,
son/daughter of …………………………residing at……………………, who has been produced before the
Committee under Section 31 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Act, 2015.
You are hereby directed to
conduct Social Investigation as per Form 22 for the above child. You are
directed to enquire into socio economic and family background of the said
You are directed to submit
the Social Investigation Report on or before …………….. (date).
Dated this ………….day of
Child Welfare Committee
[179][Form 22
Investigation Report for Child in Need of Care and Protection
whichever is applicable)
(1) Sl. No.……………………….
(2) Produced before the Child
Welfare Committee…………………..
(3) Case No………………………………………
(4) Social Investigation Report
Prepared by: District Child Protection Unit/Social Worker/Case Worker/Person in
charge of Home/representative of Non-Governmental Organisation
(5) Details of child in need of
care and protection:
(i) Name…………………………………………………….
(ii) Age……………………………….. DD/MM/YY
(iii) Gender…………………………………………………………….
(iv) Caste: (tick as applicable)
□ General
□ Scheduled Caste
□ Scheduled Tribe
□ Other Backward Class
□ Others, specify…………
□ Not Known …………
(v) Religion……………………………………………………………
(vi) Father's
(vii) Mother's Name
(viii) Guardian's
(ix) Permanent Address……………………………………….
(x) Landmark of the
(xi) Address of last residence
(xii) Contact information
father/mother/family member/guardian…………
(xiii) Whether the child needs an
interpreter/translator: Yes/No
(xiv) Whether the child
(xv) Previous institutional/case
history and individual care plan, if any………………
(xvi) Family Details: (YES/NO) If
yes, then:
Sl. No. |
Name and Relations hip |
Age |
Sex |
Educati on |
Occupation |
Income |
Health Status |
History of Mental Illness |
Addiction |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
(xvii) Relationship among
family members:
Father and mother |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
Father and child |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
Mother and child |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
Father and siblings |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
Mother and siblings |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
Child and siblings |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
Child and relative |
Cordial/Non cordial/Not known |
(6) With whom was the child
staying prior to production before the Committee: (tick as applicable)
□ Parent(s) - Mother / Father / Both
□ Siblings/Blood relative
□ Guardian(s) - Relationship
□ Friends
□ On the street
□ Night shelter
□ Orphanages / Hostels/ Similar Homes
□ Child Care Institution:
□ Children's home
□ Shelter home
□ Specialised Adoption Agency
□ Fit Facility
□ Other (please specify)………………………………
(7) In case of orphan and
abandoned child—
was the child found? ……………………………….
steps are being taken to trace the biological parents/relatives of the child?
Please specify….
the biological roots of the child are known, reasons for death of both parents
of the child…………………………..
(8) Whether the child needs to
be repatriated: Yes/No. If yes:
□ Inter-district repatriation
□ Inter-state repatriation
□ Inter-country repatriation
(9) Whether child is eligible
for the benefit of sponsorship: Yes/No
(10) Whether the child is
eligible for any scheme or entitlement. Yes/No (If Yes, lease specify) …………………
(11) Whether child has received
any kind of compensation in regard to the demise of any parent: Yes/No; Please
(12) Whether child should get
benefit under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section of Section 12 of the
Right to Education Act, 2009: Yes/No
(13) Financial support
recommended for the child:
the child's parents had any property/FD/Cash/Insurance/bank accounts prior to
their sudden demise: Yes/No; Details thereof……………
the child's parents have any loans, mortgages, financial liabilities?
A. Yes
B. No.
Details thereof……………………………………………
the child's parents have any collateral against that mortgage?
A. Yes
B. No.
the child's parents have any family business?
A. yes
B. No.
Details thereof….
the child has acquired any right/share in the property
(self-acquired/ancestral) from the deceased parent: Yes/No; Details
(14) Details of education of the
the child has received education: Yes/No
yes, specify education up to which class…………………
the child is enrolled in school, then name of the school-…………….
the school of the child is registered on Unified District Information System
for Education, if Yes, state Unified District Information System for Education
of school-Government/Private.
the child has been enrolled in special training centre. Yes/No. If Yes specify
duration of enrolment of child in Special Training center………………
the Special Training Center was Residential/Non-Residential
reason for leaving School (tick as applicable)
□ Failure in the class last studied
□ Lack of interest in the school activities
□ Indifferent attitude of the teachers
□ Peer group influence
□ To earn and support the family
□ Sudden demise of parents
□ Bullying in school
□ Rigid school atmosphere
□ Absenteeism followed by running away from
□ There is no appropriate level of school
□ Abuse in school
□ Humiliation in school
□ Corporal punishment
□ Medium of instruction
□ Others (please specify)…………………………
of class mates towards the child (If applicable) ………………
of teachers and classmates towards the child (If Applicable) ………
Training (if any)…………………………………….
(15) Other factors of importance
if any………………………………………….
(16) Habits of the child: (tick
as applicable)
□ Watching TV/movies
□ Playing indoor/outdoor games
□ Reading books
□ Drawing/painting/acting/singing
□ Religious activities
□ Begging
□ Gambling
□ Alcohol consumption
□ Smoking
□ Drug use, if yes, specify…………………………
□ Any other, please specify…………………………
(17) Extra-curricular
(18) Outstanding characteristics
and personality traits…………………………….
(19) Majority of the friends are
(tick as applicable)
□ Educated
□ The same age group
□ Older in age
□ Younger in age
□ Male
□ Female
□ Addicts
□ Children in conflict with law
(20) If child is friends with
adults, please specify…………………………
(21) Attitude of the child
towards friends………………………………………..
(22) Attitude of friends towards
the child………………………………………….
(23) Observation about
neighbourhood (to assess the influence of neighbourhood on the child)…………
(24) Whether the child has any
addiction- YES/NO, if yes, specify……………..
(25) In case the child is with
disability or special needs or is terminally ill (If Yes, Specify):
(A) Health status of the child
(i) Respiratory disorders -
present/not known/absent
(ii) Hearing impairment -
present/not known/absent
(iii) Eye
diseases-present/not known/absent
(iv) Dental
disease-present/not known/absent
(v) Cardiac
diseases-present/not known/absent
(vi) Skin
disease-present/not known/absent
(vii) Sexually transmitted
diseases-present/not known/absent
(viii) Neurological
disorders-present/not known/absent
(ix) Mental
handicap-present/not known/absent
(x) Physical handicap-present/not
(xi) Urinary tract
infections-present/not known/absent
(xii) Others (please
(B) B. Whether the child is
differently abled-Yes or No, if yes, specify—
(a) Hearing Impairment
(b) Speech Impairment
(c) Physical disability
(d) Mental disability
(e) Locomotive disability
(f) Others (please
(C) Whether the child has a
valid disability certificate. (If Yes, provide details)
(D) Mental condition of the
child: (Present and past)…………………….
(E) Physical condition of the
child: (Present and past)………………
(F) Whether the child needs
special education-Yes/No. If yes, specify:
(G) Special education already
included in the current school curriculum: Yes/No/Not Applicable
(H) Whether the Child requires
or has been using any medical equipment. (If yes, please specify) ……
(I) Previous institutional/case
history and individual care plan, if any……
(J) Whether the child is
receiving any pension under disability schemes. Yes/No (If yes then specify)
(K) Any other
(26) In case the child belongs
to Children in Street Situations/Trafficked/Involved in Drug Peddling/Child
(A) Whether the child belongs
to any of the category under Children in Street Situations: Yes/No. If yes,
without support living on the streets all alone
stay on the streets in the day and are back home in the night with their
families who reside in a nearby slum/hutments.
living on the streets with their families:
(B) With whom was the child
staying prior to production before the Committee:
- Mother/Father/Both
– Relationship
the street
(please specify)……………………………
(C) If there is
history/tendency of the child to run away from home.
Yes/No. If yes: ……………………
is the parents' attitude towards discipline in the home and child's reaction…….
for leaving the family:
(a) Abuse by
parent(s)/guardian(s)/step parents(s)
(b) In search of employment
(c) Peer group influence
(d) Incapacitation of parents
(e) Criminal record of parents
(f) Separation of Parents
(g) Demise of parents
(h) Poverty
(i) Others (please
(D) Where was the child found,
please specify ……….
(E) Whether the child has been
used for begging: Yes/No
(F) Whether the child has been
involved in rag-picking: Yes/No
(G) Whether the child is used
by any gangs or adults or group of adults or has been used for drug peddling:
(H) Whether the child has been
bought or sold or procured or trafficked for any purpose: Yes/No, if yes:
(I) Whether the child was
trafficked with knowledge of parents: Yes/No
(J) Whether the child was sold
by the parents/relatives: Yes/No
If yes, then whether any
action has been taken against the parents/relative: Yes/No
(K) Whether the child was employed
as a labour: Yes/No, if yes:
in which the child was employed…………………….
the child has faced exploitation at work: Yes/No
(a) Extracted work without
(b) Little or low wages with
longer duration of work
(c) Others (Please
of income utilisation…………………..
occupational hazard faced by the child: Yes/No. If yes, specify………….
case filed against employer: Yes/No. If yes, specify case detail……….
provided to the child:
(a) Interim
(b) Final
(c) Child Labour Rehabilitation
cum Welfare Fund
(L) Previous institutional/case
history and individual care plan, if any…………
(M) Whether temporary shelter
has been provided to child: Yes/No
(N) Has any plan been made for
rehabilitation of the child, specify……………….
(O) Any other
(27) In case the child has faced
any kind of abuse, including sexual abuse, or has been a victim of any offence:
(A) Whether the child is a
victim of any offence: Yes/No
(B) Types of abuse faced by the
(a) Verbal
abuse-parents/siblings/employers/others (please specify)…….…
(b) Physical
abuse-parents/siblings/Employers/others (please specify)…….…
(c) Sexual abuse by- (tick as
□ relatives through blood
□ relatives through adoption
□ relatives through marriage
□ relatives through guardianship
□ persons in foster care
□ person living in the same or shared
□ any person in the ownership, or management,
or staff, of any institution providing services to a child
□ any person in position of trust or authority
□ Others (please specify)
(d) Others-parents/siblings/employers/others
(please specify)…………
(C) Types of ill-treatment met
by the child:
of food-parents/siblings employers/other (please specify)…….
mercilessly-parents/Siblings/employers/other (please specify)
injury-parents/siblings/employers/other (please specify)……
(please specify)…………
other (please specify)………………..
(D) In case of sexual abuse:
with the perpetrator……………………
of the perpetrator……………………
of the perpetrator……………..
the child came in contact with the perpetrator……………
other child from the same place who is abused/harassed/taken/sent by the
any other person/s were involved in the offence…………………
any compensation has been recommended to the child under the Protection of
Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012: Yes/No.
If any other, please
(E) Case/FIR registered by the
police: Yes/No. If yes, specify Case No./FIR No.……….……………..
(F) Whether the child has been
a victim of cyber-bullying: Yes/No. If yes:
bullied while using internet system at home
bullied while using internet system in school
while attending school classes from home
(G) Has the child been
counselled: Yes/No, if yes, provide details…………….
(H) Any other
(I) Previous institutional/case
history and individual care plan, if any………………
(28) In case the child is victim
of child marriage or is married:
(A) Name of the
(B) Age of the
(C) Date of marriage
(D) Place of marriage……………………..
(E) Reasons for conducting
marriage of the child…………………….
(F) People who were involved in
getting the marriage of the child conducted—
(i) Parents
(ii) Relatives
(iii) Others.
(G) If others, please
(H) Whether any case has been
registered by police: Yes/No.
If yes, provide details…………………………..
(I) If any action taken,
details thereof………………………
(J) Any other remarks/observation…………………………..
(29) Whether the child needs to
be repatriated: Yes/No. If yes: (tick as applicable)
(i) Inter-district repatriation
(ii) Inter-state repatriation
(iii) Inter-country repatriation
Observations of Inquiry
(30) Emotional
(31) Physical
(32) Social and economic
(33) Suggestive causes of the
(34) Analysis of the case,
including reasons/contributing factors for the offence…
(35) Reasons for child's need
for care and protection………………………..
(36) Opinion of experts
(37) Mental Health Expert
(38) Risk analysis for the child
to be restored to the surviving parent/relatives/guardian……………….
(39) Previous institutional/case
history and individual care plan, if any………
(40) Recommendation of District
Child Protection Unit/Case Worker/Social Worker regarding psychological
support, rehabilitation and reintegration of the child and suggested
(of the person assigned)
Form 23
for Surrender of Child
Date ……….
Child Welfare Committee,
I/We………………(name of the
applicant/s) …………….(relation with the child) of……………….(name of the child), aged
about……….years, intend to surrender…………………..name of child) before this Child
Welfare Committee as……………………………………………………….(reason/s for surrender).
I/we am/are fully conscious
and making this application before this Child Welfare Committee. I have not
been forced or unduly influenced by any one to take this decision of
surrendering……………………. (name of child). I shall have no objection if the child
is given in adoption. I am fully aware of the consequences of surrendering the
Full signature of the
Thumb impression (if the
CWC deems appropriate)
Name and address.
(Signature of the
Before whom such
application is submitted)
Committee member/s
Form 24
of Surrender
by Person surrendering the child or children
Case No…………..
In Re………………….
(i) I/We, the
undersigned………………Family name/First name(s)………residing at, surrender the child
(named)………. Aged………having date of birth…………………for the reason:……………………
(ii) I/we are surrendering
my/our child or children on our own and without any coercion, compulsion,
threat, payment, consideration, compensation of any kind;
(iii) I/we have been counselled
and informed about the implication that I/we can withdraw our consent until
60th day of this surrender deed after which my/our consent will be irrevocable
and I/we shall have no claim over the child or children.
(iv) I/we have been made aware
of the implications of surrender and are conscious of the fact that after the
60th day from date of the surrender deed, the legal parent-child relationship
between my/our child or children and me/us will be terminated.
(v) I/we understand that my/our
child may be adopted by person(s) residing in India or abroad and give my/our
consent for this purpose.
(vi) I/we understand that the
adoption of my/our child will create a permanent parent-child relationship with
the adoptive parent(s) and then cannot claim back the child.
(vii) I/we wish/do not wish
(please tick whichever is applicable) my/our identity and address to be
disclosed to my/our child when he/she returns for root search.
(viii) I/we declare that I/We have
read the above statements carefully and have fully understood the same.
Done at ……………. on …………..
[Signature or Thumb
Impression of surrendering person(s)]
2. Declaration by Witnesses
We the undersigned have
witnessed the above surrender.
(a) Signature, Name and Address
of the first witness
(b) Signature, Name and Address
of the second witness
3. Certification of child
welfare committee
We hereby certify that the
person and the witness(es) named or identified above appeared before me this
date and signed this document in our presence.
Done at ……………. on…………..
Signature & Seal of
Child Welfare Committee
Form 25
declaring the Child Legally Free for Adoption
(1) In exercise of the powers
vested in the Child Welfare Committee………………….under Section 38 of the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, child…………… date of
birth……………placed in the care of the Specialized Adoption Agency/Child Care
Institution (name & address) vide order no…………….dated……………………. of this Committee,
is hereby declared legally free for adoption on the basis of the following:
• Inquiry report of the
Probation Officer/Child Welfare Officer/Social Worker/Case Worker/any other (as
the case may be);
• Deed of surrender
executed by the biological parent(s) or the legal guardian of the child before
this Committee on (date);
• Declaration submitted by
District Child Protection Unit and the Child Care Institution or Specialized
Adoption Agency concerned to the effect that they have made restoration efforts
as required under Section 40(1) of the Act, the Rules and Adoption Regulations,
but, nobody has approached them for claiming the child as biological parents or
legal guardian as on date of the said declaration.
(2) This is to certify that:
The biological parent(s)/legal
guardian, wherever available, has/have been counselled and duly informed of the
effects of their consent including the placement of the child or children in
adoption which would result in the termination of the legal relationship
between the child and his or her family of origin;
The biological
parents/legal guardian have given their consent freely, in the required legal
form, and the consents have not been induced by payment or compensation of any
kind and the consent of the mother (where applicable), has been given only
after the birth of the child.
The Specialized Adoption
Agency/Child Care Institution to which the aforesaid child is entrusted shall
post the photograph and other essential details of the child in the CARINGS and
shall place such child in adoption as per the procedure laid down in the Act
and Adoption Regulations.
Chairperson and Members of
the Committee
(Seal of the Child Welfare
To: Child Care
Institution/Specialized Adoption Agency/District Child Protection Unit
Concerned—for information and necessary action.
(Signature: & Seal)
Form 26
Monitoring Sheet for Committee
Case Monitoring Sheet
(Separate Sheet may be used
in case there are more than one child)
Child Welfare Committee,
Case No.
Case Name:
Police Station ……………………………… |
Date………………………………… |
U/S……………………………………. |
FIR/GD/DD No. …………………………… |
Name of Probation Officer………………. |
Name of IO …………………………. |
Particulars of Child |
Name |
Parents/Guardian with Contact No. |
Present address |
Permanent address |
Date and Time Child Produced before the Committee Date and Time of First Production |
Date of Medical Examination under Section 54
Cr.P.C. (if any) |
Age Determination Age on the Date of offence Date of age Determination Time taken for age determination |
Determination by |
Committee |
Evidence Relied: |
Documents |
Medical |
Placement of the Child |
In Children's Home |
Sent under supervision (Name of Institution) |
From………………..to……………………. |
of Enquiry
schedule for disposal of the case to be fixed on the first day of hearing)
Steps to be taken |
Scheduled Date |
Actual Date |
Age determination |
Dated…….. |
Social Investigation Report (Form No. 22) |
Dated…… |
Submission of Report on Provisions of further
investigation, if any |
Dated……. |
Statement of Child |
Dated…… |
Individual Care Plan (In case of child in
institutional care Individual Care Plan should be prepared within one month
of admittance |
Dated……. |
Dispositional (Final) Order |
Dated……. |
Post Dispositional Review |
Dated…… |
Signed by
Child Welfare Committee
Form 27
21(2) and 22(2)]
for Registration of Child Care Institution under the Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act, 2015
(1) Detail of
Applicant/Institution which proposes to run the Child Care Institution:
of Institution ………………………………….
of the Institution/Organisation………………………
number and date of Registration of the Institution/Organisation under the
relevant Act (Annex-Relevant documents of registration and bye-laws, memorandum
of association)…………………………………………
[180][(iiia) Darpan ID No. …………]
of validity to run the Institution/Organisation……………………….
address of the Applicant/Institution/Organisation…………………
code/Telephone No…………………………………………………………
code/Fax No……………………………………………………………………
the Organisation is of all India character, if yes, give address of its
branches, in other states…………………………………..
the Institution/Organisation had been denied registration earlier Yes/No
No. of application which resulted in denial of registration as CCI
(a) Date of denial……………………
(b) Which department has denied
the registration………….
for denial of registration as CCI…………………………………………..
(2) Details of the proposed
Child Care Institution
of the proposed Child Care Institution……………………….
of Child Care Institution………………………..
address/location of proposed child Care Institution or Organisation
code/Telephone No…………………………….
code/Fax No………………………….
(3) Connectivity (Name and
Distance from the proposed Child Care Institution):
(4) Infrastructure
of Rooms (Mention with measurement)………………
of toilets (mention with measurement)……………….
of Kitchen (mention with measurement) …………………..
of sick room………………………….
of blue print of the building (authentic sketch plan of building)…
to deal with unforeseen disaster also mention the kind of arrangement made:
other arrangement
of Drinking water
to maintain sanitation and hygiene:
other arrangement
agreement/building maintenance estimate (whichever is applicable) (Annex-copy
of Rent agreement)
(5) Capacity of the
of children (0-6 years) present in the home, (if any)
of children (6-10 years) present in the home, (if any)
of children (11-15 years) present in the home, (if any)
of children (16-18 years) present in the home, (if any)
of persons (18-21 years) present in the home, (if any)
(6) Whether the Child Welfare
Committee/Juvenile Justice Board has been informed about the children being
housed in the Institution Yes/No
(7) Facilities Available
Checkup arrangement, frequency of checkup, type of checkups proposed to be
other facility that shall impact on the overall development of the child
(8) Staffing
staff list…………………………………………………
and Experience of the staff ………………………………
of partner Organisations
of the chief functionary of the Organisation
(9) Background of the Applicant
activities of the Organisation in last two years
(a) (Annex copy of Annual
updated list of members of the management committee/governing body in the
enclosed format (Annex-resolution of the annual meeting)
of assets/infrastructure of the Organisation
the Organisation registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act,
1976 (Annex —certificate of registration)
of foreign contribution received during the last two years (Annex-relevant
of other sources of grant-in — aid funding (if any) with the name of the
scheme/project, purpose amount, etc. (separately)
of existing bank account of the agency indicating branch code account no.
the agency agree to open a separate bank account for the grant proposed
of Accounts of last three years:
i. Auditors report ii. Income and expenditure account iii. Receipt and payment account iv. Balance sheet of the Organisation. |
I have read and understood
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and the
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2016.
I declare that no person
associated with the Organisation has been previously convicted or has been
involved in any immoral act or in any act of child abuse or employment of child
labour and that the Organisation has not been blacklisted by the Central or the
State Government at any point of time.
………………………….(Name of the
Organisation/Institution) has complied with all the requirements to be granted
registration as a Child Care Institution under the Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection
of Children) Rules, 2016.
I undertake to abide by all
the conditions laid down by the Central/State Act, Rules, Guidelines and
Notifications in this regard.
Signature of the authorised
signatory: ……………………………..
Office stamp:
Signature of:
Witness no. 1:
Witness no. 2:
Form 28
21(3) and 22(4)]
of Registration
Section 41 the JJ Act)
After perusal of the
documents submitted as per Form 27 is granted registration No………….as a Child
Care Institution under Section 41(1) of the Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act, 2015 with effect from….. for a period of ….years.
The Institution which has
the capacity of…………. Children shall remain bound to follow the Juvenile Justice
(Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, the Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Rules, 2016 and regulations framed by the Central/State
Government from time to time.
Dated this …………….. day of
…………….. 20 ……………………
Name and Designation
Form 29
Report Submitted by open Shelter to DCPU
(1) Name of the Open
(2) Name of the In charge
(3) Registration No………………………….
(4) Address of the
(5) Period of the
(6) Details of children
available on
Sl. No |
Name of the child |
Father's name |
Address of the Child, if available |
Date of admission |
Reason for admission |
Duration of stay |
Facilities availed |
Produced before CWC (Yes/No) |
Remarks, if any |
(7) Total number of children
admitted during the month…………………………
(8) Total number of children in
the Open Shelter on the last day of the month…….
(9) Total number of children
who availed the facilities of the Open Shelter during the
(10) Out of these the number of
children who availed the services only during the day in the month:
In charge of the Open
Shelter Home
Form 30
study report for prospective foster Parents
Date of Registration—
Aadhar Card No. of PFP—
Name of the Social Worker—
Date of Home Visit—
Part-I of the format shall
be filled up by the prospective Foster parents and Part-II of the template
shall be filled up by the Social Worker to submit an assessment report along
with his/her observation about suitability of the prospective adoptive/foster
Part-I : Self
(A) Information about the
prospective foster parents and their family background
Particulars of the foster parents |
Full Name |
Date of birth & age |
Place of birth |
Complete Address with e-mail ID (Present &
Permanent Address) |
Identity Proof |
Religion |
Language(s) |
Date of Marriage |
Present Educational Qualification |
Employment/occupation |
Name & Address of the present
Employer/Business concern |
Annual Income |
Health Status |
(B) Family background
(1) Give a short description of
social status and background of the prospective foster parents along with the
following information.
Details about Parents of the Applicants |
Father |
Mother |
Name in full |
Age |
Nationality/Citizenship |
Occupation |
Previous occupation |
Presently residing with |
(2) Please complete the
following table with the names of each of your respective children (adopted and
biological), their sex, educational status (kindergarten, elementary, etc.) and
dates of birth.
Name of the Child |
Sex |
Date of Birth |
Educational Status |
(3) If there are other members
residing, please furnish the following information in respect of them.
Name |
Nature of Relationship |
Age |
Gender |
Occupation |
(4) Please describe how you believe
the foster care would affect the family members (grand parents, children,
relatives and others).
(C) Professional/Employment
Details (Professional career details for last 5 years):
Foster Father |
Organisation |
Employer Details (Name & Address) |
Job Title |
From |
To |
Foster Father |
Organisation |
Employer Details (Name & Address) |
Job Title |
From |
To |
(D) Financial Position: (Give a
short description of your income from all sources such as savings, investments,
expenditures and liabilities and debts along with supporting documents)……………………
(E) Description of Home and
Neighbourhood: (Describe the accommodation details and neighbourhood
(1) How many rooms do you have
in your home and describe the play area available for the child……………………………
(2) Please describe the
neighbourhood in which you reside, including any aspect that you believe makes
it child-friendly……………………
(F) Attitude and Motivation for
foster care:
(1) Please circle the term
which best describes the reason why you wish to take a child in foster care,
you may circle more than one option, if applicable:
(a) Provide a companion to your
other children;
(b) Provide a child with a
happy home;
(c) Other, please specify
(2) Please circle the statement
which describes how you think the foster care arrangement will improve the
lives of your other children, you may circle more than one, if applicable:
(a) They will be less lonely;
(b) They will learn to be more
(c) They will become more
(d) Not applicable as I have no
other children;
(e) Other, please specify
(G) Attitude of
grandparents/extended family members, other relatives and significant others
towards the foster care: (Give a short description about the opinion of other
important persons towards foster care who would have impact in the child
rearing process)……………………………………………
(H) Anticipated Plans of the
prospective foster parents for the child and rearing in the Family:
(1) Please describe how you
will manage caring for the child and other life commitments such as work.
(2) Who will be responsible for
caring for the child when you are at work, or absent from the familial home
(domestic help, grandparents, spouse).
(3) Please describe your
disciplinary approach to parenting.
(4) In case the foster child
demonstrates adjustment difficulties, please describe the steps that you plan
to take to ease his/her transition into the family?
(5) Would you be prepared to
utilise family counselling if the child continues to have difficulties
(a) Yes
(b) No
(6) Would you be willing to
support financially higher professional studies of the foster child
(a) Yes
(b) No
(I) Preparation and Training:
(Give details about the counselling sessions the prospective foster parent(s)
have undergone on foster care, child care, handling of needs of children, etc.
and their capacity, training and/or experiences in parenting children with
their special need, if any)
(J) Health Status (Emotional
and Physical): (Give details of the state of emotional and physical health
status of the applicant(s), if any. If a family member suffers from a
particular disease, condition or syndrome, describe how the family copes with
it and how this might affect any proposed foster care.)
(1) Do you or your spouse
suffer from any medical condition? If so, would you please provide details?
(2) Are you or your spouse
currently being treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist?
(3) Are you currently taking
any prescribed medication?
(4) Are there currently any
child/ren in your house being treated for a medical condition?
(5) Does your family have
health and hospitalization insurance coverage for all family members?
Signature of the
Prospective Foster Parents
Part-II: Assessment
Report of the Social Worker
be used by the Social Worker to prepare the assessment report)
information/facts filled in the template shall be kept confidential by the agencies/authorities.)
(1) Factual Assessment
you verified the contents of the facts mentioned in Part I of the template?
you satisfied about the facts mentioned in the documents vis-à-vis observation
during interviews and visits?
(2) Psychosocial Assessment:
2.1 Interaction with the
prospective foster parents
you interacted with the prospective foster parents individually and jointly?
the prospective foster parents well prepared for fostering the child?
2.2 Home visit findings
did you visit the home of the prospective foster parents? Who were the members
present during your visit?
did you interact during the home visit?
you met any neighbour/relative? Give a detailed description about the
the home environment is conducive for the child?
the prospective foster parents well prepared for foster care?
the prospective foster parents have any doubt about parenting issues or any
other issues? Have you cleared their doubts?
2.3 Interaction with the
family members
you interacted with other family members of the prospective foster parents?
What is their opinion about the proposed foster care? Are they positive about
the foster care arrangement?
there any other family member(s) whom you could not interact but they might
have a larger role in the proposed foster care? If so, how did you interact?
Would you plan to take their views?
you interacted with older child/ren present in the home of the prospective
foster parents? If yes, please give details.
you noticed any adverse remarks from the family members? If so, how far those
remarks may have an impact on the foster care process?
2.4 Financial capacity
is your opinion about the financial status of the prospective foster parents?
Are they financially sound to welcome another member into their family?
you observed any financial situation which is hidden in the template?
you recommend any financial assistance to them?
2.5 Physical and emotional
the prospective foster parents in a good physical and emotional state to take
care of a child?
you observed any physical or psychological issues with the prospective foster
parents or any other family members that is going to affect the life of the
upcoming child? If so, give details.
the prospective foster parents emotionally equipped enough to take care of a
(3) Recommendation for Foster
3.1 Do you recommend the
prospective foster parents for foster care? Put your views and rationale for
recommending the prospective foster parents for foster care.
3.2 In case, you do not
recommend the prospective foster parents for foster care, cite appropriate
reasons for taking such decision.
Signature, name,
designation and official seal
Form 31
Study Report
Sl. No. |
Item |
Response |
1 |
Date of Assessment |
2 |
Source of Referral |
3 |
Photograph of the Child to be refreshed
periodically |
Profile of the Child |
4 |
Name of the Child |
5 |
Date of Birth |
6 |
Place of Birth |
7 |
Age |
8 |
Nationality |
9 |
Religion |
10 |
Education |
11 |
Mother Tongue |
12 |
Present Address |
13 |
Aadhaar Card Number |
14 |
Contact Details a) Landline b) Mobile |
15 |
Placement history if the child is from
institution a) Date of Placement b) Name and Permanent details of the child c) Reason for leaving the family |
The child has not been placed in adoption |
16 |
Reason for placement if the child is from
community |
Mother or both parents in prison Parents are suffering from long term
illness Dysfunctional family (eg substance abuse,
domestic violence etc.) Parents in process of separation Parents in process of legal custody
dispute Natural disaster Others |
I ………………… Social Worker
hereby certify that the information given in this form about child…………………………is
Place: |
Name: |
Date: |
Designation: |
Form 32
of foster care placement with a Family
Foster Care
The child (name and
address) …………………approximate age……… d/o or s/o Mr………………… and Mrs…………………….is in
need of care and protection of a family. Mr………………… and Mrs……………resident of
(complete address and contact numbers) ……………………………………………are declared fit for
foster-care placement of the child after considering the Individual Care Plan,
Child Study Report and Home Study Report.
Child Care Institution
(Name and address)…………………………is declared fit for foster-care placement of the
child after considering the Individual Care Plan and Child Study Report.
The child (name)
…………………………….. is placed in foster care for a period of ……………………………… under the
supervision of the aforesaid Child Welfare Officer/Social Worker (name and
contact) …………………………………………………….
Child Welfare Committee
Form 33
by the Foster Family/Group Foster Care Organisation
I/We …………………resident(s) of
House no. ………Street ……………….. Village/Town ……… District ………State ……………/care
giver associated with foster care home run by ………………………….. Organisation at
…………(address), do hereby declare that I/We am/are willing to take charge of
(name of the child …………………………… Aged………under the orders of the Child Welfare
Committee………………………subject to the following terms and conditions:
the conduct of the child is unsatisfactory I/we shall at once inform the
shall do my/our best for the welfare and education of the said child as long as
he remains in my charge and shall make proper provision for his maintenance.
the event of his illness, he shall have proper medical attention in the nearest
hospital and a report of it followed by a fitness certificate shall be
submitted before the Committee.
shall inform the Committee about any change of address.
shall do my best to ensure that the child will not be subjected to any form of
agree to adhere to the conditions laid by the Committee.
undertake to produce him before the Committee as and when required.
undertake to inform the Committee immediately if the child goes out of my
charge or control.
Date this ………………day of
Signature and address of 2 witnesses |
Signature of
Applicant(s) (Signed before me) Chairperson/Member, Child Welfare
Committee |
Form 34
of a child in Foster Care
(a) Case no………
(b) Name of the Child……………………….
(c) Age……………………………………..
(d) Gender……………………………………………
(e) Name and address of the
Child Care Institution, if any from where the child has been given for foster
(f) Individual Care Plan
(g) Any other source of
(h) Details of the child placed
in foster care including Photograph of the child, foster care giver/parent,
biological parents, if available………………………..
(i) Details of the placement —
individual or group including date and period of placement
(j) Home Study Report of the
biological family, where applicable with photograph
(k) Home Study report of the
foster family-individual or group care, with photograph
(l) Child Study Report
(m) Address of the Child
Welfare Committee
(n) Particulars of the order of
the Committee placing the child in foster care
(o) Record (number and significant
details) of each visit with the child, foster family, Biological family, if
available and child's school
(p) Record of all reviews of
the placement including observations, extent and quality of compliance with
Care Plan, child's developmental milestones, child's academic progress, and any
changes in family environment
(q) In the case of extension or
termination of the placement, record of date and reason for termination
(r) Date of the child being
handed over to the foster family:
(s) Financial assistance provided,
if any
(t) Name of the Case Worker
Form 35
Inspection of Foster Families/Group Foster Care
(Fill as applicable) |
Date of Visit: |
(a) Name: |
(b) Date of Birth & Age: |
(Affix recent photo) |
(c) Gender |
(d) Date of Placement |
1. Details of Foster Parents |
(a) of Foster Parents |
(b) Address |
(c) Contact details |
(i) Landline |
(ii) Mobile: |
(d) Aadhaar Card Number: |
(e) Photograph of Parents |
(Affix recent photo) |
(Affix recent photo) |
3. Interaction with the
Foster Child
(a) |
Child's experience being part of the family (with
reference to whether the child isproperly cared for — physical, emotional and
health) describe (i) Health Indicators (a) Present Health Status (b) Any record of Illness (c) Any other treatment that the child is
undergoing (ii) Emotional |
and well-adjusted In
process of adjusting maladjusted |
(b) |
How is the child performing in his studies? (i) check in relation with the grades/marks the
child achieved in previous examinations, (ii) Foster parents have regular conversations
with the child regarding his/her studies, extra curriculal activities (iii) Do they attend PTA meetings? |
Yes No Sometimes Yes No Sometimes |
(c) |
(i) The amount of time parents (foster) spend
with the child either alone or together with their own children. (ii) How do they spend time together as a family
and for what? (iii) Does the foster child share with the foster
parent's problems he/she is facing either at home, school in the
neighbourhood or emotionally feeling not happy? |
conversations Dining Playing Watching
TV Going
to school Doing
homework together Others
(specify) Yes No Sometimes |
(d) |
Does the child get support from foster parents'
children? (do they mutually help each other) |
yes No Sometimes |
(e) |
Has there been any incident that made the foster
child feel discriminated against? |
(f) |
Has there been any incident/incidents that made you
uncomfortable? (i) The way a foster parent/older sibling/any
other member touched you. (ii) The conversations foster parents/older
siblings/any other member had with you (iii) Any materials-visuals, printed you were
made to watch or read (iv) Were you at any time sexually assaulted or
abused?* *if the answers are “yes” immediate steps should
be taken to remove the child and send to a place of safety and support the
child with medical and psycho-social therapy. ** Actions to be taken against the foster carers
or parents according to the procedures laid down. *** Is similar treatment being meted out to their
biological child also? Then the biological child should also be treated as a
child in need of care and protection and appropriate action may be taken. |
yes No yes No yes No yes No |
(g) |
Whether the child keeps in contact with his/her
family of origin (by telephone, letters, visits). Specify |
Yes No |
(h) |
Have you been beaten by the foster parent at any
time? |
Yes No |
(i) |
Have you been spoken to in a manner that you felt
humiliated? |
Yes No |
(j) |
Are you made to do household chores? |
Yes No |
(k) |
Do the biological children of the foster parents
made to do the same household chores? |
Yes No |
5. Interaction with Foster
(a) |
Parent's impressions about the behavior
(emotional well-being) of the child in the family |
and welladjusted In
process of adjusting Maladjusted |
(b) |
Perception about his/her adjustment with the
household and with other members in the family |
and welladjusted In
process of adjusting Maladjusted |
(c) |
How do you discipline the child? |
with the child Scolding,
Chastise Beat
the child Other
Methods (Specify) |
(d) |
What are the behavior traits that are of concern
and how do you as parents deal with them? |
of co-operation Lack
of Adjustment Introvert Aggressive Not
Communicative Any
Other |
(e) |
Do you spend time together with the foster child
and biological children? Describe. |
Yes No Sometimes |
(f) |
Views on the progress of Child's education and
other talents i) Child is faring well in school ii) If the child is not
faring well in school do you seek to find out the reasons a)from the child b)
the school teacher iii) Do you attend PTA meetings? |
Yes No Yes No Yes No Sometimes |
(g) |
Do the foster parents consult the child while
taking decisions on behalf of him/her? |
Yes No Sometimes |
(h) |
How does the child show his approval/disapproval
to the foster parent's decisions? |
the decision with happiness Accept
the decisions but unhappy Refuse
to accept the decision and shows aggressive behavior) |
(i) |
Are the foster parents aware of the social
networks of the child? |
Yes No |
(j) |
Views on child's social relationship with the
neighbors, school friends and teachers. |
and regular interaction Periodic
Interactions |
(k) |
What is their plan for the child?(To be noted
down) |
(1) |
Does the foster child maintain the contact with
his/her family of origin? (by telephone, letters, visits). Specify |
Yes No Sometimes |
(m) |
Who maintains the bank account of the foster
child as a parent? |
6. Interaction with
biological children of the Foster Parents:
(a) |
The things they do together with the foster child |
Dining Playing Watching
TV Going
to school Doing
homework together |
(b) |
Do they have quarrels or fights between
themselves and the foster child? If yes, how often, on what issues, and how
do they resolve it. Please note down. |
Yes No Sometimes |
(c) |
How do you feel when your parents show love,
affection and care to the foster child? |
Happy Unhappy Angry Jealous |
7. Interaction with the
School Teachers:
(a) |
Information about the academic performance of the
child in the school (verify with progress cards to see if the child has shown
any progress) |
Good Fair Satisfactory Poor |
(b) |
Teacher's observation: if the child has adjusted
to his/her foster parents |
and welladjusted In
process of adjusting Maladjusted |
(c) |
Do the foster parents attend parent-teacher
meetings? |
Yes No Sometimes |
(d) |
Do they seem interested in the child's studies?
(by enquiring of his academic achievements, his relationship with teachers
and classmates) |
yes No Indifferent |
(e) |
Observation on child's behavior in the school
(his relationship with teachers, classmates) |
and welladjusted In
process of adjusting Maladjusted |
(f) |
Any concerns of the child in the school. If yes,
give details |
8. Interaction with Parents
of Origin
(a) |
Have the parents of origin maintained contact
with their child (by telephone calls, letters, and visits? How frequently? |
Yes No Sometimes |
(b) |
Was the child happy to meet them? |
Yes No Upset
while meeting them |
(c) |
Did the child raise any issues with regard to his
or her foster carers/parents/family with them? |
Yes No |
(d) |
Do they have any interaction with the foster
family regarding the wellbeing of the child? |
Yes No Sometimes |
(e) |
The family's status to receive back the child |
is interested and in a position to receive back the child. Family
is interested but not in a position to receive back the child. Family
is not interested to receive back the child. |
(f) |
Received any support from the government or any
other agency in helping them to receive back the child from the foster carers
(If Yes, give details) |
Yes No |
9. Interaction with
(a) |
Knowledge about the neighbor fostering a child. |
Yes No |
(b) |
Information about the attitude and behavior of
the foster family towards the child. |
and Happy Indifferent
Attitude Negative
Attitude Misbehavior
towards foster children |
(c) |
Observed any quarrel or issues between the family
members and foster child or between neighborhood and the foster child (if
yes, give detail) |
Yes No |
Prepared by
Form 36
of Sponsorship Placement
The child (name and
address) …………………..age…………… d/o or s/o Mr…………………… and/or Mrs………………. has been
identified as a child needing sponsorship support for
education/health/nutrition/other developmental needs ……………………(please specify).
The District Child Protection Unit is hereby directed to release Rs……………per
month/Rs…………. as one time sponsorship support to the said child for a period of
…………… (days/month) and carryout necessary follow up and for the said purpose
shall open a bank account in the name of the child……………….. to be operated by
Children's Court/Principal
Magistrate, Juvenile Justice Board/
Chairperson/Member, Child
Welfare Committee
Form 37
of after Care Placement
The child (name) ……………….
d/o or s/o ………………… has/will be completing 18 years of age on (date)………………….
She/he is still in need of care and protection for the purpose of
rehabilitation and reintegration and specifically for …….. (specify the
purpose). She/he is placed in (name of Organisation) ……………. for providing
aftercare. The In-charge of the Organisation is directed to admit the child and
provide all possible opportunities for her/his rehabilitation and reintegration
in its truest sense. The person shall be provided all these opportunities
maximum till the age of 21 years only or till reintegration in the society,
whichever is earlier. The in-charge will send half yearly report on the status
of the child/youth to the Child Welfare Committee.
The State/District Child
Protection Unit is hereby directed to release Rs…………per month towards aftercare
support to the said person for a period of …………. (days/month) and carryout
necessary follow up and for the said purpose shall open a bank account in the
name of the person………………..
Children's Court/Principal
Magistrate, Juvenile Justice Board/
Chairperson/Member, Child
Welfare Committee
Copy to: State/District Child
Protection Unit or concerned Department of the State Government.
Form 38
1. |
Detail of Institution/Agency/Organisation which
seeks recognition as fit facility |
1.a |
Name of the Institution/Agency/Organisation |
1.b |
Registration number and date of Registration of
the Institution/Organisation under the relevant Act (Annex-Relevant documents of registration,
bye-laws, memorandum of association) |
1.c |
Complete address of the Applicant/Institution/Organisation |
1.d |
STD code/Telephone No. |
1.e |
STD code Fax No. |
1.f |
E-mail address |
1.g |
Whether the Organisation is of all India
character, if yes, give address of its branches, in other states |
1.h |
If the Institution had been denied recognition
earlier? If yes |
i. Reference No. of application leading to denial
of recognition |
ii. Date of denial |
iii. Who had denied the recognition |
iv. Reason for denial of recognition |
2. |
Details of the proposed fit facility: |
2.a |
Complete address/location of proposed Fit
Facility |
2.b |
STD code/telephone no |
2.c |
STD code fax no |
2.d |
E-mail |
3. |
Connectivity (Name and Distance from the proposed
Fit Facility): |
3.a |
Main Road |
3.b |
Bus —stand |
3.c |
Railway Station |
3.d |
Any landmark |
4. |
Infrastructure: |
4.a |
No. of Rooms (Mention with measurement) |
4.b |
No. of toilets (mention with measurement) |
4.c |
No. of Kitchens (mention with measurement) |
4.d |
No. of sick room |
4.e |
Annex-Copy of blue print of the building
(authentic sketch plan of building) |
4.f |
Arrangement to deal with unforeseen disaster also
mention the kind of arrangement made: |
(i) Fire |
(ii) Earth quake |
(iii) Any other arrangement |
4.g |
Arrangement of Drinking water Annex-Certified
from public health engineering (PHE) Department. |
4.h |
Arrangement to maintain sanitation and hygiene: |
i. Pest Control |
ii. Waste disposal |
iii. Storage area |
iv. Any other arrangement |
4.i |
Rent agreement/building maintenance estimate
(whichever is applicable)(Annex-copy of Rent agreement) |
5. |
Capacity of the Fit Facility |
6. |
Facilities Available (would depend on the purpose
for which recognition as fit facility is to be given) |
6.c |
Any other facility that shall impact on the
overall development of the child |
7. |
Staffing |
7.a |
Detailed staff list |
7.b |
Name of partner Organisations |
8. |
Background of the Applicant |
8.a |
Major activities of the Organisation in last two
years |
8.b |
An updated list of members of the management
committee/governing body in the enclosed format (Annex-resolution of the
annual meeting) |
8.c |
List of assets/infrastructure of the Organisation |
8.d |
If the Organisation is registered under the
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 (Annex — certificate of
registration) |
8.e |
Details of foreign contribution received last two
years (Annex relevant documents) |
8.f |
List of other sources of grant-in — aid funding
(if any) with the name of the scheme/project, purpose amount, etc.
(separately) |
8.g |
Details of existing bank account of the agency
indicating branch code account no. |
8.h |
Whether the agency agrees to open a separate bank
account for the grant proposed |
8.i |
Annex-Photocopy of Accounts of last three years: |
i. Auditors report |
ii. Income and expenditure account |
iii. Receipt and payment account |
iv. Balance sheet of the Organisation. |
I have read and understood
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children Act), 2015; and the
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2016.
………………………………..(Name of the
Organisation/Institution) has complied with all the requirements to be granted
recognition as a Fit Facility under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection
of Children) Act, 2015 and the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Rules, 2016.
I declare that no person
associated with the Organisation has been previously convicted or has been
involved in any immoral act or in any act of child abuse or employment of child
labour or an offence involving moral turpitude and that the Organisation has
not been blacklisted by the Central or the State Government at any point of
I undertake to abide by all
the conditions laid down by the Central/State Act, Rules, Guidelines and
Notifications in this regard.
I undertake to abide by the
orders passed by the Juvenile Justice Board or the Child Welfare Committee from
time to time.
Signature of the authorised
signatory: ……………………………
Office stamp:
Signature of:
Witness no. 1: …………………………….
Witness no. 2: ………………………………
Form 39
of recognition of fit facility [181][*
* *]
After perusal of the
documents and on the basis of an inspection of the Institution conducted on…….
the…………………… (Name of the Institution) is recognized as a Fit Facility under
Section 51 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
with effect from….. for a period of …..years.
The Facility shall remain
bound to follow the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act,
2015, the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2016 and
regulations framed by the appropriate Government from time to time.
The Facility shall remain
bound to comply with the orders passed by the Juvenile Justice Board or the
Child Welfare Committee from time to time.
Dated this……………………day of
……………………20 …………………….
Dated this ……………….day of
Chairperson, Child Welfare Committee/Principal
Magistrate, Juvenile Justice Board
Form 40
of children submitted by CCI to board or Committee Weekly
Details of the Child Care
Sl. No. |
Name of Child |
FIR/DD/Case No. |
PS |
Date of Next Production |
Total Number of Children
admitted during the week………………………………………
Total Number of Children
released during the week……………………………………
Total Number of Children in
the Institution as on………………………………………
Person-in-charge of the CCI
Form 41
Custody Card
1. Name of the child |
: |
2. Age of the child |
: |
3. Mother's Name |
: |
4. Father's Name |
: |
5. Address of parent/guardians |
: |
6. Date of receiving by
Organisation/Institution |
: |
7. Name & contact details of the
person producing child: |
: |
8. Date of Inquiry |
: |
This is to authorize and
direct you to receive the above named child in your Child Care Institution and
keep her/him in your charge for protective custody under the J.J. Act, 2015.
And to produce the child on
Next Date of hearing……………..
Juvenile Justice Board
Form 42
Protective Stay
Whereas (name of the child)
…………………………….has this day been apprehended/found to be in need of overnight
protective stay at the ………………………………………………. (Name of the Institution).
The said child has been
produced by …………………… (Name of the child welfare police officer, from
………………Police station, ……………). The child has been brought along with the
required application seeking protective stay, medical report stating the
general health condition of the child which has been duly perused by the person
in-charge of the Institution.
The said child has been
brought to the Institution at ………………. (time) and shall be handed over on the
following day to the concerned jurisdiction of the child welfare police officer
on or before ………………(mention time).
The personal belongings of
the child have been thoroughly searched and the following articles
……………………………………………. (if any) have been handed over to the concerned child
welfare police officer.
In case the concerned child
welfare police officer fails to report in due time to take custody of the
child, such child shall be produced before the Juvenile Justice Board/Child
Welfare Committee by the Officer in charge of the Institution at the earliest.
Copy to:
(1) Child Welfare Police
(2) Board/Committee
(3) The Person in charge of the
Dated this ……………………………day
of ……………………………20…………….
(Signature) |
(Signature) |
The Person-in-charge of the
Institution |
Child Welfare Police Officer |
Form 43
History of the Child
Child Care Institution)
Case/Profile No…………………. |
Affix a latest Photograph here |
Date & Time………………………. |
(1) Name…………………………………………………………………………………
(2) Male/Female (tick the
appropriate category) …………………………………..
(3) Age at the time of
(4) Present age…………………………………
(5) Category (tick as
from family
of exploitation and violence (give detail)
(6) Religion
(pl. specify)
(7) Native District &
(8) Description of the Housing:
bedroom/two bedroom/one bedroom/no separate bedroom
(9) By whom the child was
brought before the Child Welfare Committee/Juvenile Justice Board (tick as
Police/Special Juvenile Police Unit/designated Child Welfare Police
Officer/Railway Police/Women Police
Welfare Organisation
(please Specify the relationship)
public servant
public spirited citizen
(10) Reasons for leaving the
by parent(s)/guardian(s)/step parents(s)
search of employment
group influence
of Parents
behaviour of Parents
of Parents
of Parents
(please specify)
(11) Types of abuse met by the
abuse — parents/siblings/employers/others (pl. specify)
abuse parents/siblings/Employers/others(Pl. specify)
— parents/siblings/employers/others (pl. Specify)
(12) Types of ill-treatment met
by the child.
of food —parents/siblings employers/other (pl. specify)
mercilessly-parents/Siblings/employers/other (pl. specify)
injury — parents/siblings/employers/other (pl. specify)
— parents/siblings/employers/other (pl. specify)
(please Specify)
(13) Exploitation faced by the
work without payment
(low) wages with longer duration of work
(pl. specify)
(14) Health status of the child
before admission.
(i) |
Respiratory disorders |
- present/not known/absent |
(ii) |
Hearing impairment |
- present/not known/absent |
(iii) |
Eye diseases |
- present/not known/absent |
(iv) |
Dental disease |
- present/not known/absent |
(v) |
Cardiac diseases |
- present/not known/absent |
(vi) |
Skin disease |
- present/not known/absent |
(vii) |
Sexually transmitted diseases |
- present/not known/absent |
(viii) |
Neurological disorders |
- present/not known/absent |
(ix) |
Mental handicap |
- present/not known/absent |
(x) |
Physical handicap |
- present/not known/absent |
(xi) |
Urinary tract infections |
- present/not known/absent |
(xii) |
Others (pl. specify) |
- present/not known/absent |
(15) With whom the child was
staying prior to admission
— Mother/Father/Both
— Relationship
the street
(pl. specify)
(16) Visit of the parents to
meet the child
Prior to
After institutionalization-Frequently/Occasionally/Rarely/Never
(17) Visit of the Child to his
Prior to
institutionalization-Frequently/Occasionally/Rarely/During festival
times/During summer holidays/Whenever fallen sick/Never
institutionalization——Frequently/Occasionally/Rarely/During festival
times/During summer holidays/Whenever fallen sick/Never
(18) Correspondence with parents
Prior to
institutionalization — Frequently/Occasionally/Rarely/During festival
times/During summer holidays/Whenever fallen sick/Never
After institutionalization
— Frequently/Occasionally/Rarely/During festival times/During summer
holidays/Whenever fallen sick/Never
(19) Details of disability
(20) Type Family: Family/joint
family/broken family/single parent
(21) Relationship among the
family members:
(i) |
Father & mother |
Cordial/Non-cordial/Not known |
(ii) |
Father & child |
Cordial/Non-cordial/Not known |
(iii) |
Mother & child |
Cordial/Non-cordial/Not known |
(iv) |
Father & siblings |
Cordial/Non-cordial/Not known |
(v) |
Mother & siblings |
Cordial/Non-cordial/Not known |
(vi) |
Child & siblings |
Cordial/Non-cordial/Not known |
(vii) |
Child & relative |
Cordial/Non-cordial/Not known |
(22) History of crime committed
by family members, if any:
Sl. No. |
Relationship Nature of Crime |
Legal status of the case |
Arrest if any Made |
Period of confinement |
Punishment Awarded |
1. |
Father |
2. |
Step father |
3. |
Mother |
4. |
Step mother |
5. |
Brother |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
6. |
Sister |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
7. |
Child |
8. |
Others (uncle/aunty/grandparents) |
(23) Properties owned by the
properties (pl. specify the area)
wheeler/three wheeler/four wheeler
(please specify)
(24) Marriage details of family
Parents Arranged/Special
Brothers Arranged/Special
Sisters Arranged/Special
(25) Social activities of family
in social and religious functions
in cultural activities
not participate in social and religious functions
(26) Parental care towards child
before admission:
HISTORY (Between 12 and 18 years)
(27) At what age did the child
attain puberty?
(28) Details of delinquent
behaviour if any
of the above
(please specify)
(29) Reason for delinquent
criminal behavior
influence (negative)
group influence — To buy drugs/alcohol
(pl. specify)
(30) Habits
A |
B |
(i) Smoking |
(i) Watching TV/movies |
(ii) Alcohol consumption |
(ii) Playing indoor/outdoor games |
(iii) Drug use (specify) |
(iii) Reading books |
(iv) Gambling |
(iv) Religious activities |
(v) Begging |
(v) Drawing/painting/acting/singing |
(vi) Any other |
(vi) Any other |
(31) Employment details of the
child prior to entry into the Home:
Sl. No. |
Details of employment |
Timing and Duration |
Wages earned |
(i) |
Cooly |
(ii) |
Rag picking |
(iii) |
Mechanic |
(iv) |
Hotel work |
(v) |
Tea shop work |
(vi) |
Shoe polish |
(vii) |
Household works |
(viii) |
Others (pl specify) |
(32) Details of income
Sent to family to meet
family need
dress materials
(33) Details of savings
(pl. specify)
(34) Duration of working hours
than six hours
six and eight hours
than eight hours
(35) The details of education of
the child prior to the admission to Children's Home
up to V Standard
above V Std but below VIII Standard
above VIII Std but below X Standard
above X Standard
(36) The reason for leaving the
(a) Failure in the class last
(b) Lack of interest in the
school activities
(c) Indifferent attitude of the
(d) Peer group influence
(e) To earn and support the
(f) Sudden demise of parents
(g) Rigid school atmosphere
(h) Absenteeism followed by
running away from school
(i) There is no age appropriate
school nearby
(j) Others (pl. specify)
(37) The details of the school
in which studied last:
Welfare School/BC Welfare School
(38) Medium instruction:
language (please specify)
(39) After admission to
Children's Home, the educational attainment from the date of admission till
No. of years |
Class studied |
Promoted/detained |
(40) Vocational training
undergone form the date of admission into Children's Home till date.
No. of years
Name of Vocational Trade
Proficiency Attained
Details of certification?
(41) Extra-curricular activities
developed form the date of admission into the Children's Home till date
(please specify)
(please specify)
(pl. specify)
(42) Height and weight at the
time of admission:
(43) Physical condition:
(44) Medical history of child
(45) Medical history of
parent/guardian (gist):
(46) Present health status of
the child:
Sl. No. |
Annual Observation |
1st Quarter |
2nd Quarter |
3rd Quarter |
4th Quarter |
Date of Review |
Height |
Weight |
Nutritious diet given |
Stress |
Dental |
Eye |
(47) Height and Weight Chart
Date, Month and Year |
Height |
Admissible Weight |
Actual Weight |
(48) Details of friendship prior
to admission into Children's Home:
(pl. specify)
(49) Majority of the friends are
same age group
in age
in age
(50) Details of membership in
group (please specify details)
with cine fans association
with religious group
with arts and sports club
with gangs
with voluntary social service league
(please specify)
(51) The position of the child
in the groups/league
level leader
level functionary
(52) Purpose of taking
membership in the group:
social service activities
leisure time spending
pleasure seeking activities
deviant activities
(please specify)
(53) Attitude of the
the social norms and follow the rules
in violating the norms
in violating the rules
(54) The location/meeting point
of the groups
at fixed place
are changed frequently
specific places
point is fixed conveniently
(55) The reaction of the society
when the child first came out of the family
(56) The reaction of the police
towards children
and abusive
(57) The response of the general
public towards the child ………………………….
curricular activities
Suggestion of Child Welfare
Officer/Probation Officer after orientation to child and the response towards
Follow up by Child Welfare
Officer/Probation Officer/Case Worker/Social Worker Quarterly Review of Case
History by Management Committee
Person in
charge/Superintendent/ChildWelfare Officer/Probation Officer
Form 44
(Name of the
Child)……………son/daughter of……………………… residence………………….. Case No./Profile
Number……………….. who was ordered to be placed in an observation home/place of
safety/special home/Children's Home/by the Juvenile Justice Board/Children's
Court/Child Welfare Committee ………………….under section…………….. of the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, for a term of……………… on the
………………..day of……………..20…………….and who is now in the …………………. Institution,
at…………………..is directed to be released from the said………Institution and
supervision and the authority of…………….. during the remaining period of stay
as…………………………..reason for discharge).
This order is granted
subject to the conditions hereon, upon the breach of any of which it shall be
liable to be revoked.
Dated ………….
Juvenile Justice
Board/Children's Court/Child Welfare Committee
(1) The discharged person shall
proceed to………………. and live under the supervision and authority of…………………… until
the expiry of the period of his stay in Children's Homes or fit
facility/detention in observation home/special homes/place of safety unless the
remission is sooner cancelled.
(2) He shall not, without the
consent of the………………..remove himself from that place or any other place, which
may be named by the said …………………
(3) He shall obey such
instruction as he may receive from the said ………………………………with regard to punctual
and regular attendance at school/vocation or otherwise.
(4) He shall not get involved
in any offence and shall lead a sober and industrious life to the satisfaction
(5) In the event of his
committing a breach of any of the above conditions the remission of the period
of stay in the Institution hereby granted shall be liable to be cancelled and
on such cancellation he/she shall be dealt with under Section 97 of the
Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2015.
I hereby acknowledge that I
am aware of the above conditions which have been read over/explained to me and
that I accept the same.
or mark of the released child)
Certified that the
conditions specified in the above order have been read over/explained to (Name
of child)……………………..and that he/she has accepted them as the conditions upon
which his/her release may be revoked.
Certified accordingly that
the said child has been discharged on the………………….
Signature and Designation
of the certifying authority
i.e. Person-in-charge of
the institution
Form 45
Case No……………. |
In the matter of Boy/Girl Child |
………………………………. |
Aged about…………year taken |
The Parents of the boy/girl
child are reported to be residing at………………………..
He/She therefore be sent
under supervision of a proper police/recognized non governmental Organisation
escort to the………………………………………………
For tracing and for handing
over to the parents or close relatives of the said Boy Child/Girl Child
residing at the aforesaid address or at other Place which may be shown by the
Child, if no such parents or relative are traced or if traced but they are
unwilling to take charge of the boy/girl be kept in the custody of the
Superintendent…………………………………….. Children's Home/Place of Safety/Observation
Homes of the said district and the said Boy/Girl child be produced before the
concerned Child Welfare Committee/Juvenile Justice Board for further orders.
Pending Escort, the said
Boy/Girl Child shall remain in Children's Home/Place of Safety/Observation
Homes, residing at present at…………………….. The State/District Child Protection
Unit, or Police Department and recognized Non-governmental
Organisation/Childline shall positively make immediate arrangement not less
than 15 days from the date of receipt of this order by him and send the said
Boy Child/Girl Child at his/her aforesaid place of residence.
Dated this…………………..day
Child Welfare Committee
Juvenile Justice Board
CC to:
(1) The Person in charge, Child
Care Institution.
(2) The District Child
Protection Unit or non-governmental Organisation or Childline
Ref.: 1. Order of admission
of minor……………born on……….. Profile No……………
[182][Form 46
21(10), 41(3) and 41(9)]
as applicable)
Date and time of visit:
Name of the officials
inspecting the Home:
1. ………….
2. ………….
3. ……………
Name and address of
Type of Facility:
_____________________ (Children Home/Observation Home/Special Home/Place of
Safety/Open Shelter/Specialised Adoption Agency/Fit Facility)
If aided/supported: by
State Government, Name of Department:………………
If run by
Name of Person-in-charge:
Contact No. ………………….
E-mail ID: ……………………….
Indicator |
Status (Yes or No) |
Remarks (In case of No Compliance or Partial
Compliance) |
Acts/Rules |
Registration of the Parent Organisation under the
Societies Registration Act, 1860/The Indian Trusts Act, 1882/The Companies
Act, 2013 |
Section 41/Rule 21: Registration of the Child
Care Institutions |
Registration No. of the Parent Organisation under
the Societies Registration Act, 1860/The Indian Trusts Act, 1882/The
Companies Act, 2013 |
Registration of the Parent Organisation under the
Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection) Act, 2015 |
Registration No. of the Parent Organisation under
the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection) Act, 2015 |
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010,
Registration (if any) |
Sanctioned capacity (in numbers) |
Total number of Children placed in the
Institution |
Rules 18 and 19: Production before a Committee
and Inquiry |
Number of Children living in the Home without the
order of the Child Welfare Committee/Juvenile Justice Board |
Are there children in the age group of 0-5 years
staying there? (Specify number) |
Are there children above 18 years staying there?
(Specify number) |
No. of new admissions in the current month
(Specify number) |
No. of children who have moved out/released
(Specify number) |
No. of children referred by Child Welfare
Committee/Juvenile Justice Board during the month. (Specify number) |
No. of children produced before Child Welfare
Committee/Juvenile Justice Board during the month. (Specify number) |
No. of children as on last day of the previous
month. (Specify number) |
No. of children with special needs, if yes, give
details. (Specify number) |
Total number of children present in the
Institution are less than its capacity or as per its capacity |
Section 41: Registration of Child Care Institutions |
Number of children residing for more than 04
months |
Observation Home/Special Home/Place of Safety |
Management Committee |
Rule 39: Management Committee |
Average Number of meetings conducted in a year
(Specify number) |
Children's Committees constituted |
Rule 40: |
Average Number of meetings conducted in a year
(Specify number) |
Children's Committees |
Adoption Committee constituted |
Section 65: Specialised Adoption Agency |
Average Number of meetings conducted in a year (Specify
number) |
Open Shelter/Shelter Home has any other activity
apart from psycho-social rehabilitation of children for a short period of
time |
Open Shelter |
Information regarding the children is uploaded on
a portal, as specified by the Central Government. |
Building (Rented or owned) |
Rule 29: Physical Infrastructure |
Sign board displayed indicating name, type of
Child Care Institution, contact details |
Education (Class room) |
Dormitories |
Kitchen |
Counseling |
Recreation with television |
Sick room |
Library |
Visitors' room |
Vocational training |
Dining hall |
Store |
Record room |
Office room |
Staff Residence |
Bathrooms |
Toilets |
Computer with internet |
Boundary wall/fencing |
Separate living area for children below 10 years |
Records stored safely |
Rule 26: Management and Monitoring of Child Care
Institutions |
Essential Details including-Emergency Numbers |
Duty Chart |
Menu Chart |
Attendance Status |
Weekly Programme Schedule |
Safe transport facility for children attaining
education outside the campus |
Separate facilities for children from staff and
management |
Facilities and support (equipment, staff,
teaching and learning materials/aids) for children with special needs |
Visual needs |
Intellectual needs |
Hearing needs |
Rooms and dormitories being free of unstable
heavy equipment, furniture, or other items that children could pull down on
themselves |
Good condition of ceilings walls, floor
coverings, draperies, curtains, blinds, furniture, fixtures, and equipment |
Clear guidelines regarding access of
staff/visitors in identified areas especially in children's
dormitories/toilets |
Walls and compound painted with attractive
paints/cartoons/pictures etc. |
Specialised Adoption Agency |
A cradle has been placed near the outside gate or
not |
Infants, toddlers and older children are
segregated or not |
Restrictions on entry in the infants and toddler
areas |
Freedom of movement of mobile infants and
toddlers in a safe area |
Privacy maintained in toilets and bathing areas
or not |
Rule 67: Security Measures |
Basic emergency medical care equipment available
or not |
Special emergency medical care equipment
available or not |
Child friendly bathrooms/bathing areas (1:10)
available exclusively for children or not. (Specify number) |
Rule 31: Sanitation and Hygiene |
Child friendly toilets (1:7) available
exclusively for children or not (Specify number) |
Safe and purified drinking water storage is
available or not |
Safe and purified drinking water is provided to
all children or not |
Proper drainage and garbage disposal facilities
available or not |
One Person-in-Charge |
Rule 26: Management and Monitoring of Child Care
Institutions |
Two Counselor |
Three Child Welfare Officer/probation
officer/Case workers |
Four House Mother/House Father |
One Medical Officer (Physician) |
One Para medical staff |
One Store keeper cum accountant |
One (part time) Art and Craft cum music teacher |
One (part time) PT instructor cum Yoga Trainer |
One Driver |
Two Cook |
Two Helper |
Two House Keeping |
Security Guard |
Any Other |
Whether personal files of each staff are
available including-Records of Recruitment |
Reference Check |
Work Profile |
Performance Appraisal |
Female Superintendent/Manager/In-Charge available
for girls' unit |
Training organised for the staff viz.: Social
Workers |
Rule 89: Training of Personnel Dealing with
Children |
Child Welfare Officers |
Case Workers |
rehabilitation cum placement Officers |
care givers |
House Fathers and House Mothers |
Security personnel and other staff |
The staff of the Child Care Institution has been
given refresher trainings or not |
Rehabilitation-cum-Placement Officer |
Rule 65: Rehabilitation-cum-Placement Officer |
Superintendent/Manager/In-charge stay on the
campus |
Rule 61: Duties of the Officer-in-charge of a
Child Care Institution |
Enough/safe toys are available and accessible to
children or not |
Rule 38: Recreational Facilities |
Enough suitably equipped outdoor space for play
is available and accessible to children or not |
Availability of Baby Care Unit with special
emergency medical care equipment (MCE) or not |
Availability of safe toys for infants and
toddlers to stimulate their healthy development or not |
Individual beds are available and provided to
children or not |
Rule 29: Physical Infrastructure |
Children segregated according to age group for
stay and activities or not |
Children segregated according to gender for stay
and activities or not |
Activities are conducted under staff supervision
to minimise the risk of injury to children or respond as promptly as possible
or not |
Rule 34/35: Medical Care and Mental Health |
Active supervision of children in emotional
distress (due to fear, trauma, or illness) or not |
Standard operating procedure for child protection |
Rule 76: Abuse and Exploitation of the child |
Standard operating procedure is adhered to by
staff and Management |
Functional and accessible complaint and grievance
redressal mechanism including for abuse prevention is in place, such
as-Suggestion Box |
Child helpline |
CCTV Cameras |
Children Committees |
Regular Staff-Children Interface |
Training and Orientation of children |
Any complaint found in the Suggestion or
Complaint Book |
Daily routine of activity is followed |
Rule 32: Daily Routine |
Daily routine is drawn up in consultation with
the children's committee or as per the need |
Daily routine is on public display at prominent
places in the institution |
Staff is aware of the nutritional requirement of
children at varying stages of development |
Rule 33: Nutrition and Diet Scale |
Meals are planned in consultation with children |
Meals are provided in accordance with prescribed
norms/diet scale |
Birthdays of children are celebrated |
Special meal is provided during
festivals/occasions |
Special diet is provided to sick/special health
children, as per advice of Doctor |
Home receives sponsored cooked/uncooked food
items, lunch, dinner etc. from donors |
Cooked food if sponsored is tasted/checked by
care giver before serving |
Ayah/caretakers are supervised by other staff
while babies are fed |
All children are provided individual, clean,
seasonal and age appropriate clothes, articles and toiletries as per norms |
Rule 30: Clothing, Bedding, Toiletries and other
articles |
All children are provided individual, clean,
seasonally appropriate mats and sleeping materials as per norms |
Sleeping material is cleaned/sanitised regularly
or before reuse as needed |
Rule 31: Sanitation and Hygiene |
Rooms are regularly fumigated, disinfected and
material provided to each child for prevention of infection and disease |
Each child has been allocated a secured space to
store personal belongings |
Old articles like clothes, bed sheets, mats,
bedding, etc. if donated, are cleaned/disinfected before use |
Whether following facilities available in Home
for children: Fans |
Coolers |
Air Conditioner |
Heaters for Winter |
Every child undergoes a health check-up on
admission |
Rule 34/35: Medical Care/Mental Health |
Every child has regular health checkups |
Every child has health card and the records/files
are maintained and updated |
Nurse/paramedical staff is available in the home
at night |
Medicines are administered to the child by a
staff/nurse |
Staff is trained to provide First Aid |
Mandatory Immunisation is done of children up to
6 years of age |
Educational assessment is conducted and need of
every child addressed |
Rule 36/69: Education/Institutional Management of
Children |
All children are provided with age appropriate
formal education |
Enough emphasis on stimulating infants to learn
through a play way learning process |
Age appropriate, feasible and market oriented
vocational training is provided |
Rule 37: Vocational Training |
Children are consulted in selecting vocational
training being provided to them |
Age appropriate life skill education is provided |
Indoor recreation facilities are available for
children |
Rule 38: Recreational Facilities |
Outdoor recreation facilities are available for
children |
Staff engage with children in such recreation
activities |
Any innovative activities to develop
cooperation/participation, resilience, etc. are harnessed |
All children admitted to the Home are produced
before the Child Welfare Committee within the prescribed time limit |
Section 31/Rule 18: Production before Committee |
All children in the Home are housed in compliance
with the Child Welfare Committee orders |
All children admitted to the Home are produced
before the Juvenile Justice Board within the prescribed limit |
Section 10/Rule 9: Production before a Board |
All children in the Observation Home Special
Home/Place of Safety are housed in compliance with the Juvenile Justice Board
Orders |
Every child is restored through the Child Welfare
Committee or the Juvenile Justice Board |
The case history of each child is submitted
before the Child Welfare Committee within the stipulated time period as
directed |
Rule 19/69: Inquiry/Institutional Management of
Children |
The Home has made efforts to trace the biological
family/guardian of the child |
Home submits any report of its own efforts to
trace biological families to the Child Welfare Committee |
Individual Care Plan is prepared for every Child |
If yes, Individual Care Plan is prepared for
every child is being implemented |
A professional Social Worker or experienced
personal has prepared the Individual Care Plan (ICP) for every child |
ICP has been prepared for children in the Home
within 30 days of admission of the child |
Home maintains a master admission register |
Rule 77: Maintenance of Registers |
Home updates the master admission register in
Track Child |
Home updates the master admission register in
centralised database and portal |
relating to children and prospective adoptive
parents for the purpose of adoption |
Number of children present tallies with the attendance
register as on date |
Monthly data about children is sent to State
Adoption Resource Agency/District Child Protection Unit as the case may be |
Rule 22: Open Shelter |
Documentary proof of restoration-parent/guardian
letter with identity proof regarding the same is available |
Whether details of legally free children for
adoption is maintained by the institution |
The Child Care Institution maintains all the
relevant information of the child i.e.— |
Individual case file with individual care plan |
Case History |
Inquiry report |
Child Welfare Committee Orders |
Medical Examination Report (MER) |
Child Study Report (CSR) |
Home Study Report (HSR) |
Birth Certificate |
Court order |
Quarterly Progress Report |
Health report |
Report of counselor or social worker, social
history/case history of each child is available in the personal file |
Rule 77: Maintenance of Registers |
Initial reports of interaction with the child are
on record |
Master Admission and discharge register |
Supervision register |
Case file of each child |
Medical File and Medical Report |
Attendance register of children and staff |
Order Book |
Inquiry report file |
Children's suggestion book/file |
Voucher, Cash Book, Ledger, Journal and Annual
Accounts |
Grant utilisation register |
Stock register |
Record of minutes of meetings of-Management
Committee |
Complaints Committee |
Staff-Children interaction |
Staff-Meetings |
Nutrition/diet register |
Budget statement register |
Visitors' book |
Staff movement register |
Personal belonging register |
Children's movement register |
There is a professional social worker/experienced
personnel available in the agency for preparing Child Study Report |
Formal Child Study Report of each child is
prepared after the child is declared free for adoption by the Child Welfare
Committee |
There is a professional social worker/experienced
personnel available in the agency for preparing Home Study Report |
Medical Examination Report of each child is
prepared after the child is declared free for adoption by the Child Welfare
Committee by a pediatrician |
There was pendency of completion of Home Study
Report |
There was pendency of completion of Child Study
Report |
There was pendency of completion of Medical
Examination Report |
All the reports are uploaded on centralised
database and portal relating to children and prospective adoptive parents for
the purpose of adoption |
The agency expeditiously uploads Child Study
Report, Medical Examination Report, as soon as children become legally free
for adoption |
Specialised Adoption Agency |
The decision for referral and matching of each
child is taken by the Adoption Committee |
The agency prepares every adoptable child
psychologically for his or her assimilation with the adoptive family and the new
surroundings |
The agency has developed
leaflets/pamphlets/literature/any other publicity materials depicting the
process of adoption |
Adoption register is maintained and complete
adoption file of each child placed in adoption is available |
Regular follow-ups of children placed in adoption |
The agency receives/maintains post placement
progress reports in respect of children placed in in-country adoption and
inter-country adoption |
All post-adoption records are kept in a manner, which
prevents accessibility of larger public |
The agency kept all the information and documents
as well as belongings of the child in safe custody |
There has been a plan how to preserve the
information and how to disseminate in case the child comes for searching the
root |
There has been any disruption occurred in case of
children placed in in-country adoption |
There has been any disruption occurred in case of
children placed in inter-country adoption |
The agency completes the Home Study Report of all
Prospective Adoptive Parents registered, expeditiously and within stipulated
time frame |
The agency places a child in pre-adoption Foster
Care on completion of assigning and referral processes and after observing
necessary formalities as laid down in the Guidelines |
The agency receives Adoption fees as per the
Norms |
The agency obtains appropriate information from
birth parent(s) before surrender of the child |
The agency gets the surrender deed executed only in
the presence of the Child Welfare Committee |
The agency explains the implications of
surrendering their child to the parents including the possibility of adoption
of the child by foreigners and of no further contact with him or her |
The agency informs the parent(s) that from the
date of surrender they would get a reconsideration period of sixty days
during which period they can take back the child |
The agency maintains the confidentiality of the
unwed mother and the biological parents |
The agency restores the child to the biological
parents after the reconsideration period is over, if claimed by the parents |
The agency provides counselling to Prospective
Adoptive Parents and children as and when required by them |
The agency provides counselling to Prospective
Adoptive Parents before the Home Study Report is prepared |
The agency advices/encourages Prospective
Adoptive Parents to contact Adoptive Parents Associations, adoptive families
and older adoptees to understand the entire process of adoption |
The agency counsels the adoptive parents, not to
change the name of an older child so as to help the child keep his or her
identity |
Details of information about the sources of
funding and that of the organisation as whole or separately available |
Sources of Funding-Govt. aid/grant |
National Donors |
International Donors (FCRA) |
Corporate Donors |
Own sources |
Others |
Details of project wise Bank Account(s) maintained
by it with A/c No, purpose, amount received including FCRA Account available |
Accounts and Audit |
The Home submits a copy of audited accounts of
Organisation with its audit report and Annual Report within six months from
date of closing of financial year, to State Government |
The accounts are audited annually by an
authorised Chartered Accountant |
The Home has provided copies of Audited Statement
of Accounts and Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010, Returns for last
2 years to the competent authority |
Grants are released as per norm and time taken
for |
The agency has provided information about the
details of child wise adoption charges received during last two years for
in-country and inter-country separately |
Specialised Adoption Agency |
The agency receives adoption charges over and
above the prescribed norms |
The agency maintains financial records including
receiving and utilisation of adoption fee |
The Home submits a copy of audited accounts of Organisation
with its audit report and Annual Report within six months from date of
closing of financial year, to State Government |
The Adoption Agency utilises funds available in
the form of Adoption fee in accordance with the specified norms |
The accounts are audited annually by an
authorised Chartered Accountant |
The Home has been inspected by the Inspection
Committee |
Rule 41: Inspection |
Feedback was provided on the inspection by the
Inspection Committee |
The feedback report is positive |
The Home has been inspected by the Child Welfare
Committee |
Section 30: Functions and Responsibilities of
Committee |
Feedback was provided on the inspection by the
Child Welfare Committee |
The feedback report is positive |
The Home has been inspected by the Juvenile
Justice Committee of the High Court |
Inspections conducted by JJ Committee and
Department of WCD |
Feedback was provided on the inspection by the
Juvenile Justice Committee of the High Court |
The feedback report is positive |
The Home has been inspected by the appropriate
authority of Department of Women and Child Development |
Feedback was provided on the inspection by
appropriate authority of Department of Women and Child Development |
The feedback report is positive |
The Home has been inspected by the National
Commissions for Protection of Child rights |
Rule 91: Monitoring by National/State Commission
for Protection of Child Rights |
Feedback was provided on the inspection by the
National Commissions for Protection of Child rights |
The feedback report is positive |
The Home has been inspected by the State
Commissions for Protection of Child rights |
Feedback was provided on the inspection by State Commissions
for Protection of Child rights |
The feedback report is positive |
Previously, Social audit has been conducted of
the Home and the report has been positive |
The Home has a copy of the inspection
recommendations and record of action thereof |
Rule 41: Inspection |
Any improvement has taken place based on the
Inspection Reports |
Medical care and Mental health services for
children |
Rule 34: Medical Care |
Education |
Rule 36: Education |
Vocational training |
Rule 37: Vocational Training |
Life Skills, Art and Dance and Drama therapy and
Occupational therapy and other issue-based workshops |
Rule 38: Recreational Facilities |
Recreational activities including sports |
Hobby classes |
Health including speech/physiotherapy |
Rule 35: Mental Health |
Legal aid services |
Rule 39: Management Committee |
De-addiction services |
Rule 27: Fit Facility |
With appropriate authorities for birth
registration, identity proof and reserved/special category certificate |
The Home has established linkages with other
Child Care Institution for rehabilitation of children with special needs |
Restoration and Rehabilitation of children and
their linkage established with-Child Welfare Committee |
Juvenile Justice Board |
Child Helpline |
District Child Protection Unit |
District Sponsorship & Foster Care Approval
Committee |
Details of adoptable children have been uploaded
on centralised database and portal relating to children and prospective
adoptive parents for the purpose of adoption |
Section 65: Specialised Adoption Agency |
Specialised Adoption Agency is located in the
same premises |
With appropriate authorities for birth
registration, identity proof and reserved/special category certificate |
Any other Institution is also located in the same
premises |
(1) Violation of the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and the Rules
(2) (a) Violation of Protection
of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.
(b) If yes, whether Section
19 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 was followed?
(3) Any other
Violation/Observation/Remarks: None.
Interaction with Children
During the Inspection,
informal interaction with the children may be held with a group of children of
appropriate age group in an open friendly environment to find out about their
safety, security and protection from offence in the Institution. The
interaction may focus on education, skilling, sports, co-curricular activities.
The confidentiality of the children also needs to be ensured.
(1) General Principles to
Conduct the Interaction
The following General
Principles has to be followed throughout the conduct of Interaction:—
Keep the questions simple
and general. Show that you are genuinely interested in the child/children.
(2) Rapport Building and
generic Conversation— Begin the discussion with a general, open-ended question
about the topic such as asking about the views about the Home that the children
are staying in. The inspecting team/officials can ask the children about the
positives and negatives of the Home.
(3) Discussing general issues—
The inspecting team/officials should ask general questions to the children to
gain their trust and confidence. The general questions can be focussed on
issues with the administration and staff, issues faced by children while staying
in the Home, how helpful are the staff of the Home, measures for reporting a
complaint and information about child protection policy in the Home.
(4) Observations on the
(5) If any case of child abuse
is observed/suspected, then it should be immediately reported as per provisions
of Section 19 of the POCSO Act.
Name of inspection
Committee member:
Name of inspection
Committee member:
Name of inspection
Committee member:
Name of inspection
Committee member:
[183][Form 46A
41(3) and 41(9)]
Name of Institution:
Educational facility:
Type of Facility:
………………………… (Children Home/Observation Home/Special Home/Place of Safety/Open
Shelter/Specialised Adoption Agency/Fit Facility)
Name and address of the
Institution: …………………………
Acts/Rules |
Indicator |
Status (Yes or No) |
Remarks (In case of No Compliance or Partial
Compliance) |
Registration of the Child Care Institutions |
Registration of the Parent Organisation under the
Societies Registration Act, 1860/The Indian Trusts Act, 1882/The Companies
Act, 2013 |
Registration No. of the Parent Organisation under
the Societies Registration Act, 1860/The Indian Trusts Act, 1882/The
Companies Act, 2013 |
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010,
Registration (if any) |
Sign board displayed indicating name, type of
CCI, contact details |
Rule 29: Physical Infrastructure |
Boundary wall/fencing |
Classroom |
Dormitories |
Kitchen |
Counseling |
Recreation |
Sick room |
Library |
Visitors' room |
Vocational training |
Dining hall |
Store |
Record room |
Office room |
Staff Residence |
Bathrooms |
Toilets |
Good condition of ceilings walls, floor
coverings, draperies, curtains, blinds, furniture, fixtures, and equipment |
Rule 31: Sanitation and Hygiene |
Child friendly bathrooms/bathing areas (1:10)
available exclusively for children |
Child friendly toilets (1:7) available
exclusively for children |
Safe and purified drinking water storage is
available |
Safe and purified drinking water is provided to
all children |
Proper drainage and garbage disposal facilities
available |
Clear guidelines regarding access of
staff/visitors in identified areas especially in children's
dormitories/toilets |
Rule 26: Management and Monitoring of Child Care
Institutions |
1 Person in Charge |
2 Counselor |
3 Child Welfare Officer/probation officer/Case
workers |
4 House Mother/House Father |
1 Medical Officer (Physician) |
1 Para medical staff |
1 Store keeper cum accountant |
1 (part time) Art and Craft cum music teacher |
1 (part time) PT instructor cum Yoga Trainer |
1 Driver |
2 Cook |
2 Helper |
2 House Keeping |
Security Guard |
Any Other |
Female Superintendent/Manager/In-Charge available
for girls' unit |
Rule 89: Training of Personnel Dealing with
Children |
Training organised for the staff on - Child
Rights Protection |
Care Giving |
Rehabilitation |
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Act, 2015 |
Mission Vatsalya |
Rule 76: Abuse and Exploitation of the child |
Training and Orientation of care givers |
Training and Orientation of children |
Rule 65: Rehabilitation-cum-Placement Officer |
Rehabilitation-cum-Placement Officer |
Rule 61: Duties of the Person-in-charge of a
Child Care Institution |
Superintendent/Manager/In-charge stay on the
campus |
Rule 29: Physical Infrastructure |
Computer with internet accessibility |
Records stored safely |
Essential Details including-Emergency Numbers |
Duty Chart |
Menu Chart |
Attendance Status |
Weekly Programme Schedule |
Safe transport facility for children attaining
education outside the campus |
Separate facilities for children from staff and
management |
Facilities and support (equipment, staff,
teaching and learning materials/aids) for children with special needs |
visual needs |
Intellectual needs |
hearing needs |
others |
Rooms and dormitories is free of unstable heavy
equipment, furniture, or other items that children could pull down on
themselves |
Rule 67: Security Measures |
Privacy maintained in toilets and bathing areas |
Basic emergency medical care equipment available |
Special emergency medical care equipment
available |
Rule 76: Abuse and Exploitation of the child |
Standard operating procedure for child protection |
Functional and accessible complaint and grievance
redressal mechanism including for abuse prevention is in place, such
as-Suggestion Box |
Child Helpline |
CCTV Cameras |
Children Committees |
Regular Staff-Children Interface |
Rule 32: Daily Routine |
Daily routine is drawn up in consultation with
the children's committee and/or with children's participation or as per the
need |
Daily routine is on public display at prominent
places in the institution |
Rule 38: Recreational Facilities |
Enough/safe toys are available and accessible to
children |
Enough suitably equipped outdoor space for play
is available and accessible to children |
Rule 33: Nutrition and Diet Scale |
Staff is aware of the nutritional requirement of
children at varying stages of development |
Rule 38: Recreational Facilities |
Indoor recreation facilities are available for
children |
Outdoor recreation facilities are available for
children |
Any innovative activities to develop
cooperation/participation, resilience, etc. are harnessed |
Rule 30: Clothing, Bedding, Toiletries and other
articles |
clean, seasonal and age appropriate clothes,
articles and toiletries as per norms are available |
clean, seasonally appropriate mats and sleeping
materials as per norms are available |
Rule 31: Sanitation and Hygiene |
Sleeping material is cleaned/sanitised regularly
or before reuse as needed |
Rooms are regularly fumigated, disinfected and
material provided to each child for prevention of infection and disease |
secured space to store personal belongings is
available for each child |
Whether following facilities available in Home
for children: |
Fans |
Coolers |
Air Conditioner |
Heaters for Winter |
Rule 34/35: Medical Care/Mental Health |
Nurse/paramedical staff is available in the Home
at night |
Staff is trained to provide First Aid |
Rule 36/69: Education |
To provide age appropriate education option is
available |
Rule 37: Vocational Training |
Option for age appropriate, feasible and market
oriented is available |
Rule 77: Maintenance of Registers |
Master Admission and discharge register |
Supervision register |
Medical File and Medical Report |
Attendance register of children and staff |
Order Book |
Inquiry report file |
Children's suggestion book/file |
Voucher, Cash Book, Ledger, Journal and Annual
Accounts |
Grant utilisation register |
Stock register |
Nutrition/diet register |
Budget statement register |
Visitors' book |
Staff movement register |
Personal belonging register |
Children's movement register |
Details of information about the sources of
funding and that of the organisation as whole/separately available |
Sources of Funding-Government aid/grant |
National Donors |
International Donors under the Foreign
Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 |
Corporate Donors |
Own sources |
Others |
Rule 53: Accounts and audit of the Authority |
Details of project wise Bank Account(s)
maintained by it with A/c No., purpose, amount received including FCRA
Account available |
(1) Details of violations or
discrepancies or not as per norms observed:—
(2) The district already has
………… No. of Child Care Institutions (viz., ……… Children Home, …………… Observation
Home, …………… Shelter Home, ……………… Special Home, ……… Special Adoption Agency) and
………… Juvenile Justice Boards, ……… Child Welfare Committees, ………… District
Inspection Committees and has/does not have (tick as applicable) a
requirement for additional Child Care Institution.
(3) In view of the above, the
said Child Care Institution is recommended for consideration for
registration/renewal of registration.
In view of the above, the
said Child Care Institution is not recommended for consideration for
registration/renewal of registration. (whichever is applicable)
Sign and Stamp
District Magistrate
District ……………
State ………………
Date ………………
[184][Form 47
21A(5), (8) and (9)]
as applicable)
Date and time of visit:
Name and designation of the
officials inspecting the Home:
2. ………….
Name and address of Group
Foster Care:
Name of Foster Parents:
Contact No. ………………….
E-mail ID: ……………………….
Indicator |
Status (Yes or No) |
Remarks (In case of No Compliance or Partial
Compliance) |
Previous registration of the facility as a Group
Foster Care |
Rule 21A: Registration of the Child Care
Institutions |
Duration of previous registration |
Whether the registration of Group Foster Care was
cancelled at any time |
If yes, specify reason |
Mandatory police verification of each of the
individuals has been done or not |
Sanction capacity (in numbers) |
Total number of Children placed in Institution |
Number of biological children |
Number of children placed under foster care by
the Child Welfare Committee |
Number of children placed under foster care
without the orders of the Child Welfare Committee |
Number of siblings placed in the foster care |
Are there children in the age group of 0-5 years
staying there? (Specify number) |
No. of new placements in the current month |
No. of children who have moved out in the current
month, including: |
No. of children restored to family |
No. of children moved in CCI |
No. of children given in adoption |
Number of children with special needs placed in
the foster care |
Building (Rented or owned) |
Rule 29: Physical Infrastructure |
Number of rooms are sufficient for sanctioned
capacity of children |
Kitchen, available or not |
Recreation with television |
Number of Bathrooms are sufficient for sanctioned
capacity of children |
Individual beds are available and provided to
children |
Children segregated according to age group for
stay |
Children segregated according to gender for stay |
Whether rooms are free of unstable heavy
equipment, furniture, or other items that could harm children, or not |
Rule 26: Management and Monitoring of Child Care
Institutions |
Whether good condition of ceilings walls, floor
coverings, draperies, curtains, blinds, furniture, fixtures, and equipment |
Privacy maintained in toilets and bathing areas
or not |
Rule 67: Security Measures |
Basic emergency medical care equipment available
or not |
Special emergency medical care equipment
available or not |
Enough/safe toys are available and accessible to
children or not |
Rule 38: Recreational Facilities |
Enough suitably equipped outdoor space for play
is available and accessible to children or not |
Whether Standard operating procedure for child
protection is in place or not |
Rule 23: Foster Care |
Whether restricting/restraining children's
movements by binding, tying or any other form, is practiced or not |
Whether food, rest or toilet is witheld or not |
Whether any previous cases of child abuse,
neglect, cruelty etc. reported against the foster family or not (Give
Details) |
Whether Foster Family is aware of the nutritional
requirement of children at varying stages of development or not |
Rule 33: Nutrition and Diet Scale |
Whether meals are planned in consultation with
children or not |
Whether all children are provided individual,
clean, seasonal and age appropriate clothes, articles and toiletries as per
norms or not |
Rule 30: Clothing, Bedding, Toiletries and other
articles |
Whether sleeping material is cleaned/sanitised
regularly or before reuse as needed or not |
Rule 31: Sanitation and Hygiene |
Rooms are regularly cleaned |
Whether each child has been allocated a secured
space to store personal belongings or not |
Whether Foster Family is trained to provide First
Aid or not |
Whether Foster Family is aware of basic medicines
which would be required to be administered to children in case of sickness,
emergencies or not |
Whether all children are provided with age
appropriate formal education or not |
Whether all children are admitted in school or
not |
Whether all children are attending and going to
school regularly or not |
Whether Foster Family is able to help the
children with their education like homework, projects, presentations or not |
Whether indoor recreation facilities are available
for children or note |
Rule 38: Recreational Facilities |
Whether outdoor recreation facilities are
available for children or not |
Group Foster Care maintains all the relevant
information of the child i.e.— |
Individual case file |
Social Investigation Report |
Individual Care Plan |
Case History |
CWC Orders |
Child Study Report (CSR) |
Home Study Report (HSR) |
Birth Certificate |
Quarterly Progress Report |
Health report |
Details of information about the sources of
income of Foster Family is available |
Foster Family has sufficient income to provide
for sanctioned capacity of foster children |
Other sources of funding (Government/Private) |
IT returns record of each of the individuals for
the last three years |
The Home has been inspected by the Inspection
Committee |
Rule 44: Inspection |
Feedback was provided on the inspection by the
Inspection Committee |
The feedback report is positive |
The Home is being inspected by the Child Welfare
Committee every month |
The Home has been inspected by the National
Commissions for Protection of Child rights/State Commissions for Protection
of Child Rights |
Section 109/Rule 91: Monitoring by National/State
Commission for Protection of Child Rights |
Feedback was provided on the inspection by the
National Commissions for Protection of Child rights/State Commissions for
Protection of Child rights |
The feedback report is positive |
Any improvement has taken place based on the
Inspection Reports |
(a) Violation of Protection of
Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.
If yes, whether Section 19
of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 was followed:
(b) Any Other
(4) In view of the above, it is
recommended that the said Group Foster Care is fit for providing registration/renewal
of registration and if not the case - not fit to provide registration/renewal
of registration.
Sign and Stamp
District Magistrate
District ……………
State ………………
Date ………………
Form 48
After perusal of the
documents and on the basis of an inspection of the facility conducted on
(date) ………… the facility is recognized as a Group Foster Care under the
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Model Rules, 2016 with effect from
….. for a period of ….. years.
The Group Foster Care shall
remain bound to follow the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
Act, 2015, the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2016
and regulations framed by the appropriate Government from time to time.
Dated this …………………… day of
…………………… 20 …………………….
Name and
Form 49
(1) I ……………………… applying for
the position of Chairperson/Member of Child Welfare Committee………………………………….,
hereby certify that I am not barred by any of the conditions laid down in
Section 27(4A) of the Act, i.e.,
do not have any past record of violation of human rights or child rights,
have not been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude, and such
conviction has not been reversed or has not been granted full pardon in respect
of such offence,
I have
not been removed or dismissed from service of the Government of India or State
Government or an undertaking or corporation owned or controlled by the
Government of India or State Government,
have never indulged in child abuse or employment of child labour or immoral act
or any other violation of human rights or immoral acts, or
am not part of management of a child care institution in a District.;
(2) If found otherwise by the
State Government, I shall be liable for punitive action.
(Signature of the person)
Name and other particulars
Form 50
21A (2)]
(1) I/we ……………………… applying for
the Group Foster care hereby certify that:
do not have any previous conviction record.
are not involved in any immoral act or in any act of child abuse or employment
of child labour.
have not been black listed by the Central or State Government.
(2) If found otherwise by the
State Government, I shall be liable for punitive action and immediate
(Signature of
persons/foster family)
Name and other particulars]
[1] Ministry of Women and
Child Development, Noti. No. G.S.R. 898(E). dated September 21, 2016 published
in the Gazette of India, Extra., Part II, Section 3(i), dated 21st September,
2016, pp. 176-339.
[2] Omitted by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to omission it read as:
“Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System” means an online
system for facilitating and monitoring the adoption programme;”
[3] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[4] Subs. for “(f)
restoration and follow up;” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[5] Subs. for “(g) social
mainstreaming;” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[6] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
“Person-in-charge” means a person appointed for the control and management of
the Child Care Institution;”
[7] Subs. for “designated
in every” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[8] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
graduate with minimum seven years of experience in child education and
[9] Subs. for “under the
Act or these rules” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[10] Subs. for “this
definition, it is clarified that” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f.
[11] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[12] The words “which shall not
be continuous” omitted by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f.
[13] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[14] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[15] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[16] Subs. for
“un-connected with the case remains” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f.
[17] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[18] Subs. for “to the
District Child Protection Unit” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f.
[19] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
maintain a suggestion box or grievance redressal box in the premises of the
Board at a prominent place to encourage inputs from children and adults alike
which shall be operated by the nominee of the Principal Magistrate;”
[20] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[21] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
review the Children's suggestion book at least once in a month;”
[22] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[23] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[24] The words “and Childline
Services” omitted by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[25] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[26] Subs. for “Section
83” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[27] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[28] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[29] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[30] Subs. for “the
Selection Committee constituted under Rule 87 of these rules” by G.S.R. 678(E),
dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[31] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The Chairperson and the members shall be above the age of thirty-five years and
shall have a minimum of seven years of experience of working with children in
the field of education, health, or welfare activities, or should be a
practicing professional with a degree in child psychology or psychiatry or
social work or sociology or human development or in the field of law or a
retired judicial officer.”
[32] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[33] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[34] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[35] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[36] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[37] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[38] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[39] Subs. for
“un-connected with the case remains” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f.
[40] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[41] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
review the Children's Suggestion Book at least once a month;”
[42] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[43] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[44] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[45] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[46] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[47] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[48] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[49] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[50] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[51] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The Committee shall direct the person or organisation concerned to develop an
individual care plan in Form 7 including a suitable rehabilitation plan. The
individual care plan prepared for every child in the institutional care shall
be developed with the ultimate aim of the child being rehabilitated and
re-integrated based on the case history, circumstances and individual needs of
the child.”
[52] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[53] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[54] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[55] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[56] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
Selection Committee constituted under Rule 87 of these rules”
[57] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[58] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
“21. Manner
of Registration of Child Care Institutions.—(1) All institutions running
institutional care services for children in need of care and protection or
children in conflict with law, whether run by the government or voluntary
organisation, shall be registered under sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the
Act, irrespective of being registered or licensed under any other Act for the
time being in force.
All such institutions shall make an application in Form 27 together with a copy
each of rules, byelaws, memorandum of association, list of governing body,
office bearers, list of trustees, balance sheet of preceding three years,
statement of past record of social or public service provided by the
institution to the State Government and a declaration from the person or the
organisation regarding any previous conviction record or involvement in any
immoral act or in an act of child abuse or employment of child labour or that
it has not been black listed by the Central or State Government.
The State Government shall after verifying that provisions exist in the
institution for the care and protection of children, health, education,
boarding and lodging facilities, vocational facilities and rehabilitation as
per the Act and the rules, may issue a registration certification to such
institution under sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the Act in Form 28.
The State Government, may not grant provisional registration where adequate
facilities do not exist in the institution applying for registration and the State
Government shall issue an order before the expiry of one month from the date of
receipt of the application that the institution is not entitled for even
provisional registration.
The State Government, while taking a decision on the application for
registration, may consider the following namely:
registration of the organisation under any law for the time being in force;
details of physical infrastructure, water and electricity facilities,
sanitation and hygiene, recreation facilities;
financial position of the Organisation and maintenance of documents along with
audited statement of accounts for the previous three years;
resolution of the Governing Body to run the institution or an open shelter;
plan to provide services for children such as medical, vocational, educational,
counselling, etc., in case of new applicants and details of such services
provided in case of existing institutions;
arrangements of safety, security and transportation;
details of other support services run by the organisation;
details of linkages and networking with other governmental, non-governmental,
corporate and other community based agencies on providing need-based services
to children;
details of existing staff with their qualification and experience;
details of registration under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act and funds
available, if any;
a declaration from the person or the organisation regarding any previous
conviction record or involvement in any immoral act or in an act of child abuse
or employment of child labour;
any other criteria as prescribed by the State Government.
The State Government shall conduct a detailed inspection where provisional
registration has been granted or review annually after registration under
sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the Act, of the facilities, staff,
infrastructure and compliance with the standards of care, protection,
rehabilitation and reintegration services and management of the institution or
the organisation as laid down under the Act and the rules.
If the inspection or the annual review reveals that there is unsatisfactory
compliance with the standards of care, protection, rehabilitation and
reintegration services and management of the institution as laid down under the
Act and the rules or the facilities are inadequate, the State Government may,
at any time, serve notice on the management of the institution and after giving
an opportunity of being heard, declare within a period of sixty days from the
date of the detailed inspection or annual review as the case may be, that the
registration of the institution or organisation, shall stand withdrawn or
cancelled from a date specified in the notice and from the said date, the
institution shall cease to be an institution registered under sub-section (1)
of Section 41 of the Act.
When an institution ceases to be an institution registered under the Act or has
failed to apply for registration within the time frame laid down in the said
provision or has not been granted provisional registration, the said
institution shall be managed by the State Government or the children placed
therein shall be transferred by the order of the Board or the Committee, to
some other institution, registered under sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the
All institutions shall be bound to seek renewal of registration three months
prior to the expiry of the period of registration and in case of their failure
to seek renewal of registration before the expiry of the period of registration
of the institution, the institution shall cease to be an institution registered
under sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the Act and provisions of sub-rule (8)
of this rule shall apply.
An application for renewal of registration of an institution shall be disposed
of within sixty days from the date of receipt of application.
The decision on renewal of registration shall be based on the annual review
done in the year in which the renewal is sought.
The Central Government shall facilitate developing a model online system for
receipt and processing of applications and grant or cancellation of
registration and in the interim the systems existing in the States and Union
Territories shall continue.”
[59] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[60] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[61] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[62] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[63] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The number of children placed under group foster care shall not exceed eight
children in one unit including biological children of the foster caregiver.”
[64] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The District Child Protection Unit, while selecting Group foster care setting
shall consider the following illustrative criteria:
registration of the group setting under the Act;
recognition as a fit facility by Committee;
existence of child protection policy; and
sufficient space and proper amenities for children.”
[65] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The process for selection of Foster family or Group foster setting shall be
notified by the State Government.”
[66] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[67] Subs. for “(iii)
community sponsorship;” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[68] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[69] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The sponsorship programme shall be implemented by the District Child Protection
Unit which shall provide a panel of persons or families or organisations
interested in sponsoring a child.”
[70] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[71] Subs. by G.S.R. 678(E),
dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The District Child Protection Unit shall forward the panel to the Board or the
Committee or the Children's Court.”
[72] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The Board or the Committee or the Children's Court may suo motu, or on an
application received in that behalf, consider the placement of a child under
sponsorship for which purpose it shall verify from the panel whether a sponsor
is available to support such child and pass an order for placement of the child
under sponsorship in Form 36.”
[73] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The District Child Protection Unit, in case of individual sponsorship, shall
open an account in the name of the child to be operated preferably by the
mother. The money shall be transferred directly from the bank account of the
District Child Protection Unit to the bank account of the child.”
[74] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[75] Subs. for “The State
Government shall” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[76] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[77] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[78] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[79] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
be sent to the Children's Court, Special Juvenile Police Unit and District
Child Protection Unit”
[80] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
Children's Court, Special Juvenile Police Unit, the District Child Protection
Unit and the State Child Protection Society”
[81] The words “group foster
care.” omitted by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[82] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
be sent to the Children's Court, Special Juvenile Police Unit and District
Child Protection Unit”
[83] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
sent to the Special Juvenile Police Unit, the District Child Protection Unit
and the State Child Protection Society”
[84] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[85] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[86] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[87] Subs. for “The State
Government through the District Child Protection Unit of the District” by
G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[88] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[89] Subs. for “shall
participate in facilitating” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[90] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
therapy is a specialised process and each institution shall make provisions for
it as a critical mental health intervention.”
[91] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[92] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[93] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[94] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[95] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The State Government shall constitute State and district level inspection
[96] Subs. for “shall
forward the same to the State Child Protection Society or the District Child
Protection Unit” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[97] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[98] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[99] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The District Inspection Committee shall comprise of following members:
Member of the Board or the Committee;
District Child Protection Officer as the Member Secretary;
Medical Officer;
one member of the civil society working in the area of child rights, care,
protection and welfare;
one mental health expert who has experience of working with children.”
[100] Subs. for “to the
District Child Protection Unit” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f.
[101] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The District Child Protection Unit shall take necessary follow up action on the
report of the District Inspection Committee.”
[102] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[103] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[104] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[105] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[106] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
If adoptable children between the age of 6 to 8 years do not get a family
either in in-country adoption or in inter-country adoption within a period of
two years after they are declared legally free for adoption by Child Welfare
Committee, such children to be eligible to be placed in family foster care or
group foster care, as the case may be, by the Committee on the recommendation
of District Child Protection Unit or Specialised Adoption Agency.”
[107] Omitted by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to omission it read as:
Children in the age group of 8 to 18 years, who are legally free for adoption
but have not been selected by any Prospective Adoptive Parent (PAP) for one
year to be eligible to be placed in family foster care or group foster care, as
the case may be, by the Committee on the recommendation of District Child
Protection Unit or Specialised Adoption Agency.”
[108] Omitted by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to omission it read as:
Children with special needs, irrespective of the age, who do not get a family
either in in-country adoption or in inter-country adoption within a period of
one year after they are declared legally free for adoption by Child Welfare
Committee, such children to be eligible to be placed in family foster care or
group foster care, as the case may be, by the Committee on the recommendation
of District Child Protection Unit or Specialised Adoption Agency, provided the
Home Study Report of the foster family supports their fitness and group setting
has facilities for care of such children.”
[109] Subs. for “a minimum
of five years” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[110] Subs. for “after
registering in Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System” by
G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[111] Subs. for “Procedure
before the Court” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[112] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The procedure for obtaining an Adoption Order from the court concerned would be
as provided in Adoption Regulations.”
[113] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The Court, for the purpose of an application for adoption order, shall not be
bound by the procedure laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of
1908) and Evidence Act, 1872. The procedure, as laid down in the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and Adoption Regulations
shall be followed.”
[114] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[115] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The Court shall dispose of an application for making an adoption order within a
period of two months from the date of filing of the application, as provided
under sub-section (2) of Section 61 of the Act and where the judge of the court
concerned ordinarily exercising jurisdiction in such matters is not available
for a period of more than one month, the applications shall be disposed of
within stipulated time by other senior most judge.”
[116] Subs. for “No
information or Court order” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[117] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[118] Subs. for “State
Governments and the State Adoption Resource Agencies,” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt.
1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[119] The words “and child care
institutions” omitted by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f.
[120] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
maintain a comprehensive centralised database relating to children and
prospective adoptive parents for the purpose of adoption in Child Adoption
Resource Information and Guidance System;”
[121] Subs. for “the Child
Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt.
1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[122] Subs. for “from the
National Legal Services Authority.” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f.
[123] Subs. for “sitting
fee of Rs 1000 per sitting,” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[124] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[125] The words “childline
services” omitted by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[126] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[127] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[128] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[129] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[130] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[131] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[132] Subs. for “The
Committee shall recommend” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[133] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[134] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[135] Subs. for “the State
Government” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[136] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[137] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[138] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[139] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[140] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[141] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[142] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[143] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[144] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[145] Subs. for “Children's
Suggestion Book” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[146] The words
“girl” omitted by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[147] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[148] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[149] Subs. for “Transfer
of Child” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[150] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
Where the child is a national of another country, the Board or the Committee shall
inform the State Government immediately on the production of the child before
the Board or the Committee which may initiate the process for repatriation of
the child immediately in consultation with Ministry of Home Affairs and
Ministry of External Affairs, as the case may be.”
[151] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[152] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[153] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[154] Subs. for Rule 82 by
G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read
“82. Restoration
and Follow-up.—(1) The Board or the Committee or the Children's Court may make
an order in Form 44 for the release of the child placed in a Child Care
Institution after hearing the child and his parents or guardian, and after
satisfying itself as to the identity of the persons claiming to be the parents
or the guardian.
While passing an order for restoration of the child, the Board or the Committee
or the Children's Court shall take into account the reports of the Probation
Officer, social worker or Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker or
non-governmental organisation, including report of a home study prepared on the
direction of the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court in appropriate
cases, and any other relevant document or report brought before the Board or
the Committee or the Children's Court.
The order of restoration shall include an individual care plan prepared by the
Probation Officer or the social worker or the Child Welfare Officer or Case
Worker or non-governmental organisation.
The Board or the Committee or the Children's Court, while directing restoration
of the child, may pass order for an escort in Form 45, where necessary.
Besides police, the Board or the Committee may seek collaboration with
non-governmental organisations to accompany the child back to the family for
In case of girls, the child shall necessarily be accompanied by female escorts.
The copy of the restoration order along with a copy of the order for escort
shall be forwarded by the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court to the
District Child Protection Unit which shall provide funds for the restoration of
the child, including travel and other incidental expenses.
When a child expresses his unwillingness to be restored back to the family, the
Board or the Committee or the Children's Court shall interact with the child to
find out the reasons for the same and record the same and the child shall not
be coerced or persuaded to go back to the family. The child may also not be
restored back to the family where the social investigation report prepared by
the Child Welfare Officer or the social worker or the Case Worker or the
non-governmental organisation establishes that restoration to family may not be
in the interest of the child. The child would also not be restored back to the
family where the parents or guardians refuse to accept the child back. In all
such cases, the Board or the Committee or the Children's Court may provide
alternative means for rehabilitation.
A follow-up plan shall be prepared as part of the individual care plan by the
Probation Officer or the Child Welfare Officer or the Case Worker or the social
worker or the non-governmental organisation.
The follow-up report shall state the situation of the child post restoration
and the measures necessary in order to reduce further vulnerability of the
[155] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[156] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[157] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[158] Subs. for “received
from various District Child Protection Units” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022
(w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[159] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[160] Subs. for “District
Child Protection Unit” by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[161] Subs. for “The
District Child Protection Unit shall perform following functions, namely” by
G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[162] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[163] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[164] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[165] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[166] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to substitution it read as:
The District Child Protection Officer shall be the Nodal Officer in the
district for the implementation of the Act and the rules.”
[167] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[168] The words “or Committee as
the case may be” omitted by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f.
[169] Omitted by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to omission it read as:
If any complaint is made against a member of the Board or Committee, the State
Government shall hold necessary inquiry except in respect of judicial officers;
complaints against judicial officers shall be forwarded to the Registrar of the
High Court for action.”
[170] Omitted by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to omission it read as:
The State Government shall complete the inquiry within a period of one month
and take appropriate action within two months.”
[171] Omitted by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022). Prior to omission it read as:
If a criminal case is registered against the person concerned, Government may
suspend the appointment for such term as appropriate after due inquiry.”
[172] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[173] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[174] The words “childline
services” omitted by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[175] Subs. for “develop”
by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[176] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[177] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[178] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[179] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[180] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[181] The words “including Group
Foster Care” omitted by G.S.R. 678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f.
[182] Subs. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[183] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).
[184] Ins. by G.S.R.
678(E), dt. 1-9-2022 (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).